MTL - Necromancer and Super Cemetery-Chapter 792 798? Uninvited guest

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   Chapter 792 798 Uninvited guests

"God! This... what's going on?" Princess Mulesina had already determined that the six-meter-high behemoth in front of her was actually a powerful undead creature of the Holy Spirit level, and it seemed to obey Green, which made her doubt herself. Are you dreaming.

   Holy Spirit-level powerful undead creature, what is this concept!

   Princess Mulesina looked at Green with incredible eyes, and little stars almost appeared in her eyes.

   "You didn't dream, it's all true." Green guessed Princess Mulesina's thoughts and smiled slightly: "This is my skeleton lord, you've seen it before."

Princess Mulesina nodded unconsciously, and had not recovered from the shock. It was not until Green finished speaking that she came back to her senses and was even more shocked: "What did you say? It, it is the Skeleton Lord, but...but... how can that be?"

   The giant in front of him couldn't see the original appearance of the Skeleton Lord at all, he was a complete ancient giant at all.

   After a while, Green smiled and followed Princess Moulesina to the study: "How is it? What do you think now?"

   Princess Mulesina has calmed down. Although her mood is still agitated, she is at least superficially able to control her emotions.

   took a deep breath, and Princess Mulesina had a good time: "Don't betray me, what do I need to pay for you to help me transform such an undead creature."

   Princess Mulesina is very smart, she knows that Green will not call her for no reason, and reveal such an important secret.

  Green first took out a magic contract and handed it over.

   Princess Mulesina quickly read it, and without any hesitation, signed her own name.

   This kind of non-disclosure agreement is a very normal situation. When Green showed the brand new Skeleton Lord just now, Princess Mulesina knew that a non-disclosure agreement must be signed.

   "Very good." Green retracted the contract: "You have seen it just now. It is my latest achievement. As the most loyal ally and friend, I decided to share it with you, Your Royal Highness..."

   Hearing Greene vaguely explain the situation of upgrading the Skeleton Lord.

   Princess Mulesina was lost in thought.

   She understands that no matter who it is, it is impossible to contribute such an important technology casually. Now that Glinken can help her obtain the finished product, it has already done his best.

   And now facing the threat of God's War, improving the combat effectiveness is the top priority.

   In the end, Princess Mulesina chose to have Green help her upgrade Mahabam.

  This skull dragon is also the most loyal, powerful and potential undead creature under her subordinates...

   Meanwhile, in the city of Lorraine.

   Most of the people did not take Princess Mulesina's visit to heart. For them, whether it is a grand duke or a princess, it is an unreachable symbol that has nothing to do with their own lives.

   But some people who were staring at Green in secret could smell something unusual.

As an upstart in the Kingdom of Lorenzo, there are many unreliable rumors about Green, such as the illegitimate son of Duke Mora, or the underground lover of Princess Moulesina, and the concubine of Queen Silabel. …

   But no one can deny that the strength of the Grand Duke Green is the strongest existence in the entire Lorenzo Kingdom after the Grand Duke Mora.

   Together with the previous rumors, it is more than enough to illustrate the influence of Green on the Kingdom of Lorenzo.

   Under the current situation, the Kingdom of Lorenzo has become the second echelon of power after the Church of the Holy Light and the Condor Empire, and it is a force worthy of winning in the next battle of gods.

   Therefore, some clues in the Kingdom of Lorenzo are more worthy of many people's attention.

   Just after Princess Mulesina entered the castle aboard the bone dragon Mahabam.

   In a small hotel opposite the Grand Duke's Castle Square, two young people who seemed to be young couples showed expressions of interest.

   These two people appear to be from the West Thorne Kingdom, but they are actually spies of the Condor Empire. They have been staring at Green's Grand Duke Castle for a day or two.

  It’s a pity that they haven’t had any notable intelligence here. As more senior intelligence officers, they both knew very well that if they didn’t gain anything, their intelligence point would probably be cancelled.

   This is not good news for the two of them.

   You must know that establishing an intelligence point requires a lot of funds, and these funds are allocated and allocated directly by themselves, which is a considerable amount of oil and water.

  If the information point is cancelled, their benefit will be gone.

  So, both of them are eagerly hoping to get some explosive news in a short time.

   And at this time, Princess Moulesina suddenly visited, so there is a lot of room to dig deeper.

The two intelligence officers looked at each other, and both saw cunning and greed in each other's eyes. It was impossible for them to explore the real purpose of Princess Mulesina's coming here. They couldn't do it, and they wouldn't take the risk .

   Then the only way to get valuable information is... make it up yourself!

   In fact, they had already made up their minds, but they never had an opportunity.

   Now, it will come!

   The next day, various versions of information about Princess Moulesina's visit to the Grand Duke's Castle in Grimm were circulated.

   Almost every country or a larger force has received relevant news.

   It's just that most people don't take it seriously at all. Maybe Green and Princess Mulesina have a certain say in matters related to the Kingdom of Lorenzo, but rising to the scope of the entire void, they are still only small people.

   But there are also a lot of concerns, such as the death council.

   North of Lorraine City, in a huge aristocratic mansion.

  In the daytime, in the room with the curtains drawn, several people shrouded in haze gathered here.

"It has been confirmed that the Grand Duke Green seems to have mastered a certain method to enhance the combat power of undead creatures." A bald old man with a hoarse voice said slowly: "It is not yet certain, how effective this method will be, but it can make Moulay Princess Xina comes over in person, so the effect will not be too bad."

"Green, the Speaker once mentioned this person, saying that his potential is very great, I didn't believe it at the time..." Another old man who was covered in black energy said with emotion: "I can't believe that he has developed into such a short time. To this extent."

   "Lord Heinli, do you need to send someone to penetrate them in order to get more accurate information? Or simply send an invitation to let them join the council?" A slightly younger necromancer asked the bald old man.

The bald-headed old man shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's unusual now, the battle of gods is about to begin. Although they are all necromancers, they have nothing to do with our dark council. Under this situation, it is impossible to risk joining us. ."

"Although I say that, we can also try to get in touch." The bald old man continued: "I am very interested in the method of improving undead creatures. If he is willing to contribute, I can also pay some price, it is fair. , isn't it?"

   The few people present rolled their eyes. They already knew very well the temperament of this leader, and there was no fairness in him at all.

   It's just that this guy is powerful, and he has been favored by the Lord of Death. He is the second powerhouse in the Death Council to be promoted to the Holy Spirit level besides the Speaker.

  The Lord of Death is another **** who has mastered part of the priesthood of death in addition to the **** of death.

  Because the Titan Protoss failed and Hades fell asleep, the entire Death God system collapsed, and now that Death God has fallen at a critical time, there is no effective inheritance in the death priesthood.

  Although the God of Death was later resurrected and inherited most of the priesthood of death, before his resurrection, the Lord of Death divided part of the priesthood of death.

   So if you count Hades, the resurrected Hades, and Anubis, who was controlled by Green.

   Currently in the void, there are actually four gods related to the death priesthood!

   Right now, this strong man who has been favored by the Lord of Death has regarded Greene as a fat sheep that can be attacked.

   Although I feel that this is a bit inappropriate, after all, Archduke Mora just killed the King of Giants not long ago.

   Although they have the Lord of Death behind their Death Council, the Grand Duke Mora is not easy to mess with.

   It is now rumored that Green is the illegitimate son of Duke Mora, or the son-in-law of Duke Mora. Anyway, no matter what the relationship is, he is not too deceiving.

   It's just that the bald old man is a Holy Spirit-level powerhouse. Since he has already expressed his position, they dare not persuade him, and simply acquiesce.

   Maybe it was because he accidentally obtained the favor of the Lord of Death, which made the old necromancer who had been suppressed for more than a few years a little overwhelmed.

  On that night, he swaggered into Green's Grand Duke's Castle...

  In the castle, after signing the contract, Green transformed the bone dragon Mahabam.

   But unfortunately, Mahabam did not directly advance to the Holy Spirit level like the Skeleton Lord.

   After the transformation, Mahabam, like the skeleton lord, has also become a special undead creature that is half-mechanical and half-flesh. His combat power has reached the peak of the natural disaster level, and he can only cross the threshold of the Holy Spirit level.

   But the essence of Mahabam is still too weak. Even if Green invested a unit of divinity and tried to strengthen its potential, he still did not buy that threshold.

   For this result, Green was a little disappointed.

   On the contrary, Princess Mulesina was very satisfied. Before, she was desperately studying the natural disaster virus, and the purpose of the heavy attack was to promote the natural disaster high-level.

And now Mahabam has not only reached the high level of natural disasters, but also the combat power has directly reached the peak of natural disasters. Although it is still not as good as Archduke Mora and Emperor Cromway before the promotion, but today's Mahabam is also different. Not too far.

   Moreover, Mahabam still has a chance to reach the Holy Spirit level in the next step.

  Like the Skeleton Lord, after transforming into a half-mechanical half-flesh undead creature, Mahabam can also equip a set of bone dragon mecha…

   (end of this chapter)

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