MTL - Necromancers Are Frantically Stationing Troops In the Apocalypse-Chapter 352 , explosive potential

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Chapter 352, Explosive Potential

Wu Heng frowned.

 Good guy, are you trying to get justice?

 Isn’t this provoking trouble?

The captain named "Babuqi" has suppressed his anger and plans to endure this matter.

How can anyone bear it when you say this?

Especially since they are all a group of fierce pirates, it would be strange not to fight.

The next two pirate groups will definitely not be able to cooperate.

“You are not involved, right?” Wu Heng continued to ask.

“Don’t worry, I won’t help you on either side,” said Philippa.

Wu Heng was speechless, is that what I meant?

 But it can be heard that Philippa's side is developing pretty well.

 Moreover, he gradually integrated into the pirates.

“Why do you still remember going to sea with pirates?”

Philippa replied, "Doesn't this give you a clue? When we go to sea, I will tell you the route so that we can catch them."

 It turned out to be for my own sake.

 It seems that he has not forgotten his responsibilities.

Wu Heng said directly: "There are some changes here on Treasure Island. You don't need to take risks to collect information. I will inform you when I can continue to collect information."

Philippa ate something in his mouth and muttered: "The two of them may have to fight for a while. I'm not in a hurry. By the way, if I kill the pirate, can it be considered as meritorious service?"

“You can easily expose your identity by killing pirates. If you bring back the pirate’s body, I will reward you with the reward.”

“Okay, I’m not short of money now anyway.”

Wu Heng thought for a moment and asked again: "Besides the internal strife between the two pirates, is there any other information?"

Philippa thought for a moment and then said: "I asked about the blank envelope. They said that this kind of envelope may not appear anytime. At first, the others were quite scared, but later they found that the information provided was very accurate. , and also provided nearby information based on the location of each pirate group, and the pirate groups made a lot of money.”

 “Have you received them all?”

“Most pirate groups should have received it. There is also a saying among pirates that the pirate king cannot bear the pirates being driven away like mice, so he is helping everyone.”

 “Pirate King?”

Other than in comics, this was the first time Wu Heng had heard of this name.

 Among pirates, there really is a pirate king!

"It was also said a long time ago that the Pirate King has the power to control the sea and the right to dominate the sea. People in the coastal areas have heard this story." Philippa explained.

Wu Heng kept this incident in his mind and would look into the matter of the Pirate King when he had the chance.

 Then he asked: "In terms of life and personal safety, do you have any problems over there?"

Philippa said directly: "It's all good. When I have a chance to go back, you can get me some more money. It's almost spent. I also want to recruit a few more powerful crew members."

Wu Heng reminded: "The money I gave you last time was enough for a large business group to make several round trips."

Philippa said: "You don't know how expensive it is to be a pirate from the outside. The ship needs to be repaired, the sailors need to spend money, and there are all kinds of weapons and equipment. You don't want me to be in any danger!"

Wu Heng had no choice but to say, "Okay, I'll wait until the next time we meet!"

"Thank you." Philippa changed the subject and continued to ask: "How is my mother's side?"

Wu Heng said directly: "I just came back from your mother's tavern this morning. The tavern is running pretty well."

“You really opened a tavern? You won’t be bullied.”

"Your mother is not as weak as you said. I will arrange some help for her in a while and also protect his safety." Wu Heng said directly.

 Both mother and daughter are collecting information for themselves.

 They can also be considered as their own subordinates.

 Some basic needs still need to be met.

"Thank you! Please help me take care of her more, and I will collect information about the pirates for you."

"Well, I've been a little busy here recently, so you should pay more attention to yourself." Wu Heng asked.


“Okay, let’s do this for now, and tell me if you have anything.”


 Hang up the communication, Wu Heng walked out of the room directly.

 Philippa looks pretty good, that kind of personality is really suitable for a pirate.

Furthermore, Wu Heng even doubted whether it would be more appropriate for her to change her profession to a bard.

Just a few words can make two pirate groups fight.

 In line with the characteristics of the bard's language sound that affects people's emotions.

 Go out of the room and continue to the fourth floor.


 Minnie is changing new sheets in the bedroom.

Wu Heng took a look directly and went directly to the alchemy laboratory.

Several alchemy skeletons are still busy with their own affairs.

 On the cabinet shelf next to it, there are already several bottles of finished medicine.

Wu Heng walked over and his eyes lit up instantly.

  【Strengthening Potion】…【Highly Effective Strengthening Potion】.

 In addition to several common therapeutic and mental medicines.

There are also six bottles of first-level corpse core potions and three bottles of second-level corpse core potions placed on it.

It is all during this period of time, market exchange, or corpse cores obtained from killing zombies.

 In the past few days, it was all produced.

Wu Heng put away the medicine and went directly to the study.

 Take out three bottles of the second-level corpse core potion and place them on the desk.

 This incident still brought a certain amount of pressure to him. Especially, it is still unclear what the other party’s purpose is.

Now that the second-level corpse core potion is produced, it can also be used to improve one's physical attributes.

 With improved attributes, it can reduce the threat posed by enemies to a great extent.

 After thinking about it, open a bottle of medicine and drink it.

 The sourness flows into the abdomen, and the heat spreads throughout the body, followed by the pain of stretching the bones and sore muscles.

This kind of pain is not a side effect of the virus.

Rather, the medicine forcibly improves the discomfort caused by the body.

 Even so, it was still very painful.

The pain gradually disappears, and system prompts appear immediately.

  【Strength +3, Constitution +2. 】

 Still an increase of five points.

 In terms of level, it has been improved by 5 and a half levels.

 The effect is still significant.

 Sit on a chair and rest for a while, waiting for the sweat on your body to disappear.

 Continue to take the second bottle.

It is still the tearing feeling of bones and muscles being forcibly pulled away.

Hand gritted your teeth and listened, the prompt appeared.

  【Strength +2, Constitution +2, Agility +1. 】

  【Unlock ability: Explosive potential. 】

Hearing this prompt, Wu Heng's eyes widened instantly.

 Finally awakened the skill.

 【Explosive potential】: Explosive enhancement of the body, improving physical condition, and reducing pain and negative effects on oneself.

Wu Heng looked at the skill introduction.

 His brows wrinkled again.

 This ability...have you seen it somewhere?

I carefully recalled that in the zombie world, when I killed ‘Chen Jinlong’ in prison, he seemed to have such a skill in his attributes.

 After being released, the whole body turns red, and the power explodes several times beyond the normal level.

It's okay to jump directly from the fourth floor. You can still escape far away.

 “The same ability has actually been awakened!”

 “It seems like even a mage like me is of no use!”

 A mage himself, standing behind a skeleton, probably wouldn’t be of much use.

 “Whatever, it’s better than nothing!”

 Sitting on the chair and resting for a while, he took out the third bottle and drank it again.

  【Strength +1, Constitution +2, Agility +1.】

“Only four points more? The effect of the second-level medicine has begun to decrease.”

 According to the experience of the first-level corpse core medicine, the effect of the medicine will gradually decrease after taking a certain amount.

 Now the second level corpse core is also in this situation.


 Open the attribute panel and take a look at your attribute values.

 【Attributes: Strength 40, Agility 30, Constitution 43, Intelligence 37, Perception 24, Charisma 28.】

 Good guy, my strength and physique have surpassed my intelligence again.

 Close the panel, go to the mirror, lift up your shirt and take a look.

Muscles are more angular.

  It is the kind of muscular feeling full of power.

 Recovered a bit.

Wu Heng stood in front of the window and shouted: "Minnie, Weier, come in."

 “Coming!” After a burst of running footsteps.

Minnie and Anderweil opened the door and walked in.

 “What’s wrong, Master!” Minnie asked directly.

Wu Heng took out a few bottles of medicine and said, "There are several bottles of medicine. Each of you has three bottles. Drink them first."

 “So many!” Minnie said in surprise.

Anderweil also looked a little surprised.

 “Yeah.” Wu Heng nodded.

 “Thank you, master.”

 The two women each picked up three bottles and started taking them.


 Outside the courtyard gate.

Hold a rapier and wear a cloak, standing in a dark corner, staring at the building in the distance.

Not long after, a translucent bird flew back from a distance.

 Plunging headlong into the scroll the man had opened.

The next second, a picture appeared in the blank center of the scroll, including a four-story building, a flowerbed and a swimming pool, and skeleton guards arranged in a row.

“Hmph! With so many skeleton attendants, it’s really not that easy to be the deputy deacon.”

 (End of this chapter)