MTL - Necromancers Are Frantically Stationing Troops In the Apocalypse-Chapter 7 , skeleton dog

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Chapter 7, Skeleton Dog

  【Skeleton Hound】

˜ [Level: 5 (0/1500)]

 【Attributes: Constitution 12, Strength 14, Agility 16, Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Charisma 4.】

  【Characteristics: Hollow skeleton, basic soul fire. 】

  【Basic Soul Fire: This undead unit possesses basic soul fire and can understand and execute relatively simple instructions. 】

From the skeleton alone, you can’t tell that this is a teddy, especially since its size is close to that of a lion.

 Skeleton dogs have higher attributes, strength and agility.

 On the contrary, he seems to be in lower physical condition.

 In terms of characteristics, a new basic soul fire has been added.

  The description explains that it allows the skeleton to possess soul fire and be able to understand and execute simple commands.

 This point is actually quite good.

Although the Skeleton Warrior is easy to use, it is too rigid. You have to watch from the side to execute the command. More complex commands are difficult to understand.

Now that you have Soul Fire, you can understand more commands.

I just don’t know how this soul fire was generated.

Special undead?

 You can get it only if you reach a certain level.

 I can’t figure it out, so I can only put it aside.

 After checking the attributes, when he was about to take the skeleton soldiers to search the room, his eyes suddenly fell on the minced meat on the floor.

 “Brain flower?”

 A milky white fleshy substance was left where the head of the original corpse was.

 The reason why you can spot it at a glance is that it is particularly obvious in minced meat.

 With the blessing of the bone-slaking technique, the flesh and blood of the summoned creature melted all over the place like hot wax, whether it was the skin or the internal organs.

But this special 'meat quality' still retains a very good texture, which can be seen at a glance.

 “Teddy has a tumor?”

Hold the iron spear to pick out the pieces of meat, pick them up and hold them in your hand for inspection.

 The size of beads, the texture is somewhat elastic, like holding a piece of jelly.


  rang rang rang rang rang rang~!

Just as Wu Heng was studying the piece of meat in his hand, the iron fence began to shake again, making him tremble in fright.

Looking up, I saw the skeleton Teddy, holding the stair railing with his forelimbs and starting to move his hips crazily.

His hip bones clanged against the iron railing.

While the sound echoed through the entire corridor, the sound of zombies pounding on the door was also heard outside the door.

"Depend on!"

Wu Heng felt a little speechless.

 You skeleton, you don’t even have that thing anymore, why are you still doing this?

 “Stop!” Wu Heng said immediately.

Skeleton Teddy subconsciously swayed his waist twice more, then looked up.

 In the empty eye sockets, you can see the flickering soul fire.

 “Stand where you are.” Wu Heng ordered again.

 Skeleton Teddy squatted on the spot and stopped making strange movements.

With this interruption, he had no intention of continuing his research. He put the pieces of meat into a plastic bag and walked downstairs with the skeletons.

 After confirming that the door is closed tightly and there is no risk of opening it.

  Start to turn the zombies killed by Zombie Teddy into skeletons in the corridor, and then start searching from house to house.

 Everything that could be used by oneself or sold in Blackstone Town was put into the backpack and taken out together.

After processing, he walked out of the corridor and returned to Blackstone Town.


 Back in Blackstone Town, Wu Heng went directly to the Antler Shop.

 The boss is very enthusiastic.

 It seems that the resin sold to him last time made a lot of money.

“Mr. Wu Heng, are there anything for sale today?” The boss smiled and looked forward to it.

 “Come and buy some things.”

 The boss’s smile did not change and he continued to ask: “What do you need?”

“Is there any medicine to treat injuries?” Wu Heng asked.

 I didn’t feel much during the battle, but after it was over, I felt pain all over my body.

 Although there were no obvious wounds, there were purple marks on the shoulders and arms.

"Yes." The boss bent down, took out two glass medicine bottles from the counter, and said, "Depending on what kind of injury you have, the medicine you need will be different."

Wu Heng rolled up his sleeves and let the other party take a look, "This kind of thing was dropped." "That trace amount of medicine will do the trick," the boss continued.

 “Okay, how much is it.”

“1 silver 30 copper.”

 The pharmacy science in this world is very developed. Even if you have never used it, you have heard about it.

Wu Heng paid and took the potion.

  【Micro-dose therapeutic agents】

  (Description: A potion that can heal injuries.)

Without much hesitation, he raised his head and drank it.

 After the medicine enters the stomach, one can only feel a warmth flowing to every part of the body.

 The pain in my body has indeed eased.

It takes effect as soon as you drink it, which is really miraculous.

 After buying a few more bottles of healing potions and psychotropic potions from the boss.

 Suddenly, I thought of the pieces of meat that fell from killing zombies.

 Opened the backpack and took a look, frowning slightly.

  【Distorted Corpse Core】

  (Description: The energy crystal of an aberrant creature can improve its own physique and has a chance of being contaminated by toxins.)

 Attributes are out.

There is no change in the zombie world, but here the attributes are revealed.

Your own system prompts should be related to this other world. Only when you are related to this world will the corresponding prompts appear.

  Just like the attributes of oneself and the skeleton, they also appear after becoming a necromancer.

 Although it is a guess, it should be accurate.

"Is there any problem? The potion bottle is relatively sturdy and generally won't break easily." The boss saw his head stuck in his backpack and said.

Wu Heng raised his head and continued to ask: "Boss, let me ask you something. I have a friend who obtained the flesh of a living creature. I feel that this flesh has some effects on changing the body, but I am afraid that it is poisonous. What should I do?"

"You are talking about biological materials. Materials decomposed from living things are a kind of raw material for alchemy potions. I don't recommend that your friend research it by himself. It is best to send it to an alchemist for identification. If you are not worried, you can also go there. The Professionals Association issued a commission. Although it costs a little money, the focus is safety," the boss said while clearing the counter.

 A type of alchemical material?

 Publish a commission….

Wu Heng thought about it and felt that this suggestion was good.

Seeing that many more customers entered the store, Wu Heng did not stay any longer.

 Said hello and left the store.

Standing at the door and thinking for a moment, he walked towards the central area.


 Professional Association, established about 500 years ago.

 At first, it was just an operational base established by a group of closely related adventurers as a place for cooperative adventures and exchange of information.

  But as time goes by, the reputation and influence accumulated by the adventurer base have spread all over the world, covering all races and kingdoms.

 As the number of members increases, the influence becomes greater and greater.

 The adventurer base was officially renamed to the Professionals Association.

 Establish branches in various places to provide help to professionals and also have a supervisory role.

 Wu Heng's Necron Job Transfer Certificate was obtained through the association.

 The professional hall is built very spacious and magnificent.

 There are many professionals gathered here.

 There were strong men with well-developed muscles and shiny skin, as well as warriors wearing silver armor and carrying giant swords on their backs.

 Or, a slim female archer wearing tight leather armor.

  It was like entering a large-scale cosplay scene, except that the female professionals wore tight leather armor and did not have bikini-style armor.

 “Not **** at all.” Wu Heng muttered.

 The front is the counter, with tellers handling various issues of professionals.

 There is a display board on the side, with some bounties posted on it, including bounties on wanted criminals, monster hunting, intelligence gathering, etc.

 Complete the released commissions to get rewards of coins and props.

 Coins are normal rewards, and prop rewards are not just props, they can also be skill books, notes from sages, magic props or weapons and armor.

 The Professional Association is spread across all races and has terrifying materials and resources. There is no shortage of what you need here.

Wu Heng just looked at it and was not interested in these.

Catching wanted criminals and hunting monsters is nothing safe.

 As a rookie who has just changed jobs, I cannot participate at all.

Coming to the counter, the female teller smiled and said, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

 “I want to issue a commission.”

 (End of this chapter)