MTL - NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System-Chapter 815 Is the world after death

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In the next moment of smashing the samurai, the evolutionary version of the sacred body can not support it, collapses on its own, and breaks away. m

It is the creation of the Qing dynasty that forcibly transforms the power of the evil spirits, that is, the hard rushing of other people's energy into a spirit, which is quite chaotic. It is already a successful activity instead of an in-situ explosion. Fortunately.

Thanks to it, breaking the samurai defense to achieve anti-killing, but this is not over.

The collapse of the samurai body disappeared, followed by the gathering of demon fog, to reshape the human form and form a new body!

"City Magic Clock"! !

Qing Shi released the golden bell in time and suppressed the black flame long knife suspended in the air to prevent the evil fog.

This long knife is the body.

He saw it on the way to the battle, and he also got the hint of White Sakura. It is not the end of defeating the samurai. It is necessary to completely suppress this knife!

The demon fog is surging, and it is necessary to break free of repression, but the Qingshi successively suppresses the spells and let the partners help.

In the summer night, others follow the instructions, and the joint attack attacks the mist that is surging, and does not give it a chance to form a condensed shape! !

The demon fog is getting more and more violent, and even brings a sharp whistling sound, like a monster screaming in a mad scream, stinging the eardrums of everyone.

The members of the group vaguely felt that the existence of a huge horror was anxiously watching this side, bringing cold meaning that seemed to be deep into the bone marrow.

If it wasn't for the presence of the Qingshi, I am afraid that this invisible pressure will make them start to shake.

There is nothing wrong with it, that is the white evil.

The evil spirit is extremely powerful, but there is also the help of the gods.

With the support of the White Sakura God, the Qingshi seals the knife of the evil **** a little bit!

Although the white cherry **** is much weaker than the evil spirit, it is a home game, and it is not a problem to suppress a knife.

The problem lies in the medium of output of divine power.

It won't last long, and it must speed up the seal.

However, the accelerated seal has a loophole and the risk of being broken by the evil knife.

This is a dilemma, but with the ability of the company, you can try.

"I will increase my efforts and try to seal it as soon as possible, but there may be danger in the process. You must be careful!" After saving the file, he said to everyone.

"Understand!" Summer night and other people responded.

After confirming that the partners were all prepared, Qingsi took a deep breath and then quickly and continuously printed the hands, and the blazing golden light broke out.

"The town of magic"! !

The large five-pointed star map suddenly unfolds, each star angle rises up and the light beam is connected, and the top end emits light to connect with each other, releasing numerous mysterious mantras.

"The magic of the world, the town..."

"The evil of this world, stop..."

"The Spirit of the Devil, the Evil..."

"In the name of God, with my ambition, the law of sealing..."

He solemnly recited the curse and applied the technique to increase the skill power to the maximum extent at the fastest speed.

"The law is forbidden! Guangyao Zhenyin!! The devil's evil magic blade, sealed!"

With the sound of the sound, the huge golden-white mask appeared, shining the sacred brilliance, covering most of the demon fog, with numerous white petals flying.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah," as if whistling and sounding like a roaring sound inside the mask, like a giant beast struggling inside.

I hope that the consciousness of the rain will be fine.

It is really difficult to keep a hand against the evil gods, and the Qingsi can only pray in the heart.

Suddenly a black light broke through the reticle and shot at someone with great speed!

Even the time to shout "careful" is not there. Qingshi’s line of sight tracks the black light, and the direction in which it is directed is

Hey! !

Cautiously guarded by the summer night and other people, the defensive technique is used to resist the black light, but all are penetrated!

Leah was also smashed in front of her, and she saw that black light was coming to her body. However, at the last moment her figure suddenly disappeared and the black light fell through.

It is Zi Ji.

She shot the spider's silk at an alarming rate and pulled it away, avoiding the blow.

But still not finished, black light shot a dozen meters after a sudden volley hover, and then back at a very fast speed!

bump! !

Xing Xiu shot the light arrow and slammed it into black light.

Followed by the light bombs of the buds and the singers and the singer, and the slashing of the slashing of the singer, the singer of the singer, the singer of the singer, the singer of the singer The worms and the ghosts of the heart... all the staff slammed into the black light! This just stopped its momentum.

Then there is continuous attack.

All the members surrounded the black light and continually attacked until it was completely destroyed.

Upon seeing it, Qing Shi put down his heart.

The danger did appear, but the partners managed to resist it, very good.

He continued to concentrate on suppressing the magic knife.

In the end, the demon fog completely dissipated and the seal was completed.

After the Qingsi convergence method, everyone saw a long knife on the ground.

Qingsi feels that this knife is a bit familiar. Although it is not very sure, it should be the knife that was used during the **** wine ceremony.

In the next second, the long knife becomes blurred, then melts into a gray shape, and then gradually becomes adult.

Qing Si went over.

"Heavenly rain, wake up!"

no response.

Qingsi called again.

Still no response.

Qingsi looked at the gray human figure on the ground for a few seconds, walked closer, crouched down, stretched out his fingers, condensed a small white lotus knives, and then poked at the head of the human figure.

Poke ah poke ~ poke ah poke ~

Bystanders: "........."

After not knowing how many times, the gray human figure finally moved, and the figure slowly became clear.

However, it is still vague to see the face, only to see that it is a boy wearing a military uniform.

He slowly sat up and turned his head, as if to observe the surroundings.

"...who?" asked aloud, his voice awkward.

"Before asking who else is, you should first say who you are, but we saved you." Qingsi said.

The human figure was silent.

"I am raining in heaven."

Sure enough, you.

"I have met again... although this may not be a 'meeting', Mr. Tiandao." Qing Si Dunton, "I am Chuntian Qingsi."

Although there are also choices to hide the name, he feels that he still speaks better.

"Springfield Qingsi...Sir." Rain looked at each other. "Where is this place?"

"It is the world after death." Qing Si suddenly made a joke and said.

The rain was silent again.

"It turns out that I am already dead." He said indifferently that there was no joke or resistance in the words, but rather a complete look.

"Don't accept it so easily!" Qingsi could not help but spit.

"Is Mr. Springfield also dead?"

"Nothing! You are still not dead, I am only joking."

Rain: "........."

Seeing that the other side was silent again, Qingsi suddenly had a sense of guilt, as if he had deceived the honest man.

It’s just a joke! So obvious jokes, let me see it.

"This joke is not funny." Rain said seriously.

"Sorry... I just want to be active." Under the pressure of the other party, Qingsi had to apologize.

"This is the spiritual world, we just played one game."

"I want to ask why you are here, what have you encountered, what happened... can you tell me?"