MTL - Never Fade Skull Flag-Chapter 14 The coming storm (2)

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The turtle shells scattered irregularly, and the black feathers floated, but it seemed as if a gust of wind had blown from nowhere, blowing the black feathers into the air, unable to fall for a long time.

Andy was startled and hurriedly looked at the turtle shell.

I saw a drop of ink on the turtle shell, and the ink traveled along the veins, drawing a figure on the veins of the three turtle shells.

After a while, the black energy disappeared and the turtle shell returned to its original shape.

Andy stood up suddenly, thought for a while, and sat down with a strange expression.

"No, it's too reckless to go now."

Zach just told Andy to pay attention to the storm, he went to tell Zack, is there a problem?

Andy thought about it and decided to wait until tomorrow, or at night. After all, looking at the turtle shell just now, the storm will come three days later.

The dinner party is still a carnival, after all, it is one of the few pastimes for pirates.

After dinner, Andy came to the captain's room. He decided to tell Zach the news of the impending storm, so that the crew could prepare early.

After chatting with the crew these days, Andy has a certain idea of ​​the storm on the ocean.

When a big storm hits, the best way is to lower the sail, let it drift in the storm, everyone hides in the cabin, and then... Maybe praying silently is a good choice.

Never underestimate nature, the waves rolled up by the storm can reach more than ten meters high, and even some small sailboats with shallow drafts may be submerged in the deep sea with people, and the rising waves can easily knock a sailor on the deck. Rolled into the depths of the sea.

A lucky sailor can come up, and if he is lucky enough, he will be taken by the waves to a nearby island and swim to the island by water, but if there are no islands around, congratulations, after exhaustion you will sink into the cold sea ​​water, and then buried in the belly of the fish.

I heard that some people tried to tie themselves to the mast with a cable, but they fell into the sea together with the mast, and even couldn't even float up because they were tied.

Of course, if it is a small storm, the waves are not high, and the experienced captain will order to keep the sails up.

And Andy's divination result, if nothing else, was a big storm.

"Master Captain, I hope I didn't disturb you, but I have something very important to tell you."

"Come in."

After getting permission, Andy gently pushed open the wooden door and walked in.

The crystal lamp in the room gave off a dark yellow halo. Zach sat in front of his desk and put down the quill gently.

"Andy, what's the matter with me? Do you have a hunch?"

"Yes, Captain, although this is not good news, I still want to tell you."

Andy nodded and stepped forward.

"About two or three days later, there will be a big storm. My hunch is very strong. Even the Goddess of Despair will not easily get through it."

Hearing Andy's serious words, Zach's eyebrows were raised, and the only remaining eye showed a gleam.

"Then do you have any advice? Mr. Andy."

Zach looked at Andy quietly and asked softly, as if he had nothing to worry about.

"I think I need to look at the map to determine where we are now, okay?"

"Of course, a very reasonable request." Zach nodded, pointing to the nautical chart on the table, "We are now, probably at this position."

This is the sea area map of the Sea of ​​​​Storm, and there is another one next to it, which is the sea map of the Endless Sea. These two are not maps drawn by the Goddess of Despair over the years. After all, such maps are too precious to record the verification of the Goddess of Despair. The treasures from all over the ocean were put away by Zach alone.

Andy took a closer look and found that the outline displayed on the tortoise shell was very similar to the outline of an island not far from where Zach was pointing.

"It seems that the center of the storm should be on the island, so this is the best place to avoid the storm."

Andy smiled and said to Zach, "Master Captain, maybe we need to go to this island."


Zach frowned. There are indigenous tribes on that island, and pirates are more taboo about these indigenous tribes. Although they do not have muskets, they are agile, especially those who believe in gods or wizards. Mysterious power.

"Only go there?"

"I think yes, I have a strong premonition that this is the best place to avoid the storm. Of course, if the captain wants to sail in the storm, there is no problem, and even I am looking forward to it."

Andy smiled a little. He wanted to try what the legendary anger of the Sea of ​​​​Storm was like. How could he say that he was a pirate of the Sea of ​​Tempest without having experienced the baptism of violent storms?

However, after thinking about it, Zach decided to go to the island.

Although he was not afraid of storms, every storm would swept away their canvas, and sometimes the spray even broke the mast. It was too difficult to repair, and the spray from the storm would pour into the cabin, causing their food and gunpowder to be washed away. Soak, UU reading www.uukanshu. com That's a huge loss.

When the gunpowder is soaked and encounters merchant ships and other pirates, it loses the most powerful means of attack!

The most important thing is that there are always some blind sailors who think they can withstand the impact and want to compete with the ocean.

Zack is not worried about the old crew, but these newcomers are a problem, especially Andy in front of him. Seeing him eager to try, Zack knows that a storm is really coming, and Andy must not be able to hold his curiosity. Go on deck to experience it.

How could such a baby let him die in a storm?

Zach even suspected that if he hadn't said that Andy could not predict the storm and would be thrown into the sea, he might have concealed the news of the storm!

Indeed, Andy is now praying in his heart that Zac can choose to stay at the sea and fight the storm!

Lord Andy's first adventure to fight the storm is about to begin!

Just when Andy was so happy, he heard Zach say that he was going to change the course to the island, and a deep sense of disappointment lingered in his heart instantly.

In fact, if Zach didn't change course, then the position of the Despair Goddess should be on the east side of the island three days later, at the edge of the most violent storm!

Now that Zach had decided, Andy had to exit the captain's room, and then found the first mate Roger who was watching the stars on the deck.

"Hey, dear bearded, the captain asked you to come."

"it is good."

Roger didn't talk nonsense, he could probably guess because he just saw Andy entering the captain's room.

"Well, if you can, I think you can persuade the captain."


Roger stopped and looked at Andy.

"Just say, a real man must dare to face the storm!"