MTL - Never Fade Skull Flag-Chapter 575 West Spot Navy

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"What do you see?"

Andy knew that Olivia's divination was very strong. Since she said that, she must have seen something.

"I saw... the destruction of the Armada!"

"What did you say?"

Andy turned his head suddenly and looked at Olivia, his tone was full of surprise, with strong disbelief, maybe not just Andy, but anyone else would have such an expression.


The invincible fleet of the Xiban Empire across the ocean!

The Eagle Empire earned a lot of gold coins through the dirty slave trade, and built dozens of sailing battleships, but it was still an invincible fleet that could not compete with it!

That is the most powerful fleet in the world, even the legendary Pirate King would not dare to resist its edge!

But now, Olivia told him.

The Armada is about to be destroyed.

There are ten three-masted sailing ships in the Armada, with a total of 882 navy members, each of whom is immortal. They can transform into skeletons that harvest death at night. They can walk freely in the sea, and they can quickly Board any sailboat!

Even if someone chops off their head, they can still catch the head with their own hands and press it on their neck again!

The sea area of ​​the West Bank Empire has the fewest pirates among all the sea areas in the world.

Even Andler escaped from the Xiban Empire and went to the Eagle Empire to become a pirate.

Even some pirates who were closer to the Westban Empire, when they heard the name of the Armada, those pirates would take the initiative to lower the black pirate flag and raise the white sails to show their surrender.

Seeing the strong emotion in Andy's eyes, Olivia smiled slightly.

"I have seen countless sailboats with black sails appearing in the waters of the Xiban Empire, I have seen undead dancing under the moonlight and firelight, I have seen golden skeletons and gold coins thrown into the ocean..."

"The destruction of the Armada cannot be stopped, and the West Spot Empire will never have the prestige it once had."

Every time Olivia said a word, her aura became weaker. Although she would no longer worry about the loss of life due to the undead, the consumption of her soul was an unstoppable fact.

"Then what should we do?"

"Maybe you can go to the Xiban Empire to take a look. There are eight hundred and eighty-two cursed gold coins. The legendary pirate king can't ignore this temptation. You know, even if we only get twenty gold coins, even if there are only twenty, What it means to the Black Fantasy."

"On the way to the West Bank Empire, I will pass through the Sea of ​​​​Storm Wind. I still have some things to go to Augustine, but it seems that he can't delay my time for too long."

Andy made the goal clear. It seems that it is a good idea to go to the West Spot Empire to have a look. Once he can get the gold coins, the strength of the Black Fantasy will usher in a leap forward. He does not have the strength of the Blackbeard, nor the Blackbeard With luck, you can use the heart of the entire Devil Sea to turn hundreds of sailors into revival corpses.

However, in retrospect, the crew of the Armada seems to be no worse than Blackbeard's revived corpse.

"Sure enough, in the end, I still went around to Treasure Island."

Thinking of his plan, Andy chuckled, seeing Olivia looking at him suspiciously, he explained with a smile.

"When I left Skull Island, I heard some news. It is said that the ghosts near Treasure Island have changed. They did not enter the world of the dead as usual, but entered Treasure Island."

"They are all citizens of the Golden City, and they are the most primitive pirates in the sea area. The ghosts of the pirates have returned to their hometowns, and the legend of Treasure Island is about to be solved."

"The treasure of the mermaid's human skin will soon be in my hands, and if I can grab some gold coins in the West Spot Empire, the crew of the Black Fantasy will become skeleton undead, plus my once cursed , then... am I considered Captain Skeleton?"

Andy said, his eyes fell on the two crows on the mast of the Black Fantasy. To be honest, Andy admired these two things, they could stand still on the mast, as if they were dead.

"Maybe, I can't see through your fate, who knows what will happen in the future."

Olivia shrugged her shoulders and said softly, she still has confidence in Andy, as long as he doesn't anger those legendary pirate kings, with Andy and Charles and her own strength, it seems that there are very few Pirates can be a threat to him.

Although Andy only integrates the heart of the ocean in a small sea area, it is a complete one. In addition, Andy is also a very talented wizard, and because of the characteristics of the complete heart of the ocean, he has absorbed On the door of the curse, almost half of the power of the demon warlock.

Coupled with the guardian descend left by the world's most powerful head descender, Sao Feng, for Andy, using the corpse oil of the evil **** as a medium, it provided Andy with great power.

No one in the world can have this kind of luck, and no one can replicate this kind of Just as Andy and Olivia were talking, there was a loud noise in the woods. There was a sound, and then suddenly there were several exclamations and discussions.

Andy smiled, knowing that his crew was back.

Those few exclamations, maybe they saw the legendary mermaid.

However, just a few seconds later, Charles and Billy ran over. Charles' face was ugly, and Billy's eyes were full of anxiety and slight fear.

"Boss, something happened."

Charles glanced at Billy, lowered his voice and said to Andy.

"What's up?"

Andy looked at Billy, he knew that the bad news must be brought by Billy, otherwise, was it the mermaid Maria who told Charles?

"Boss, we're on the other side of the island, and we've found a boat, and there's a boat anchored there."

Billy took a deep breath, suppressed the panic in his heart, pointed his finger in one direction, and said anxiously.

"What ship?"

"Military ship! The naval ship of the Xiban Empire!"

Billy looked up at Andy's expression and continued.

"I asked Bagru to confirm that it was the naval ship that was chasing him. He said... there are at least ten marines on it, and they are the crew of the Armada!"

Andy's pupils shrank violently, showing a look of surprise and surprise. He looked at the woods and asked in a low voice.

"Do the crew know about this?"

"No, they just thought it was an ordinary naval ship, and no one knew that there were crew members of the Armada on it, boss, what should we do?"

Billy shook his head and said that he was still very smart, knowing that this incident would cause panic, so he hid the truth.

"What should I do? Of course I have to find a way to accept this unexpected gift!"

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