MTL - Never Fade Skull Flag-Chapter 597 Asdrick Manor

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Demer Town is a relatively prosperous town in the southern part of the Eagle Empire, because not far to the southwest of the town is the notorious Viking Harbor of the Eagle Empire, the largest pirate port along the coast of the Stormwind Sea.

Because of its proximity to the pirate port, the town of Demer has been inhabited by a group of black-hearted businessmen who specialize in selling stolen goods, and several manors and farms outside the town are not worried about the way out for their products.

Cheese, beef and sheep, fruit...

These are the favorites of pirates, and the manor owner can buy the cheapest slaves in the pirate port, which also leads to a deformed prosperity in the town of Demer.

Not long ago, there were several serious pirate looting incidents in the town of Demer. After that, a large number of businessmen left the town of Demer. The manor spent a lot of gold coins to train private soldiers to defend against Viking Harbor. pirates.

Viking Harbor also ushered in a downturn. It was not until Ken appeared, that a branch of the Pirate Alliance was established in Viking Harbor to restrain pirates and signed treaties with surrounding towns, which made Viking Harbor more and more. Prosperity, and the surrounding towns also ushered in a long and deformed prosperity.

Outside the town of Demer, Asdrick Fruit Manor.

The owner of the manor is a strange person. He has never appeared in the town of Demer, but according to the servants he hired, the owner of the manor is like a lunatic and a puppet manipulated by others.

His voice was hoarse and terrifying, and his actions were veneer and deliberate, like a puppet.

However, his slaves are very afraid of him. It is said that those slaves who dared to be lazy or complain have disappeared without a sound. No one dares to resist him. Greed for gold coins.

It seemed to hide the darkness, making people feel chills when they approached.

If it weren't for the cheaper fruits in the manor, many businessmen would not be willing to come here.

So, when Andy and Charles asked which manor was more special, everyone gave the same answer, Asdrick Manor!

Like the name Peter gave him, it looks like the guy really didn't lie to him.

Andy smiled with satisfaction, and walked to Asdrick Manor with Charles.

Asdrick Manor, under the castle, in the dark basement.

There are special runes inscribed on the weathered and frosted walls, and several strange oil paintings are hung on the walls, one of which is the one used for sacrifice by the captain of the Blue Nose. The demon with horns was burned by fire. girl.

The flame of the candle was beating continuously, reflecting a gloomy shadow on the wall.

"Why! Why did it fail again!?"

Augustine's frantic voice echoed in the basement of the castle, and several mice were frightened and screamed in the cage.

On the laboratory table, the liquid in several crystal bottles was bubbling, and in a fish tank, a rotten sea beast had turned its stomach and floated on the water, looking dead.

That sea beast is a little strange. It has eight soft feet similar to an octopus, each of which is a sea snake, and the head of this sea beast is a shark head full of sharp teeth.

This is Augustine stitched together with the corpses of many sea beasts, some of which he spent a lot of gold, bought from other alchemists or pirates, and some were killed by his sea beasts.

For this experiment, for several years, Augustine has spent countless gold coins, but so far, he has not succeeded once.

"No! I don't believe it! There must be something wrong! I can definitely create a powerful and invincible sea beast!"

Augustine looked at the things on the table, and a flash of madness flashed in his eyes. For some reason, he always had a very bad feeling tonight, not because the experiment failed, but some other feeling.

"Is it really something happened to Peter?"

Augustine sensed that a sea beast created by him was killed yesterday, but at that time, his new experiment was at a critical time, so he didn't think much about it, just thought that Peter might have encountered a more powerful sea beast or a storm. .

After all, in the Sea of ​​Storms, in addition to the navy, the enemy of pirates also has frequent storms.

When a storm occurs, it is a good idea to use sea beasts to help stabilize the sailboat, but if it is a severe storm, the waves and waves that are set off can easily crush the sea beasts made with witchcraft.

After all, they are not real sea beasts. While they have far more attack power than ordinary sea beasts, their defense is also much weaker than ordinary sea beasts.

However, Augustine's faint sense of unease today made him suspicious. What if it wasn't the storm, but Peter encountered a truly powerful enemy?

You must know that Augustine is not the only enemy of Andy. He is known as the most powerful wizard in the Eagle Empire. Some people fear him, and naturally some people are jealous of him, coveting his dark sea beasts to make witchcraft.

Therefore, Suspicious Augustine naturally suspected that someone might want to plot against him.

Augustine raised his head, looked at the mural on the wall, and showed a sinister smile. Over the years, there have been many guys who have tried to trouble him, but the end of those people is very miserable!

Augustine walked to the corner of the basement. The rats in the cage were screeching. Through their dirty and messy hair, the half-rotten body under the hair could be vaguely seen.

The eyes of those mice were glowing red, and black gas flashed from time to time in their bodies, exuding a frightening aura. If Andy saw these mice, he would definitely be able to see that they were carrying Curse of the Black Death!

Andy's Black Fantasy, stolen from Augustine.

And the Book of Plague and Death is in the Black Fantasy!

Augustine was able to combine the plague with his sea This has proved that his research and harvest of plague and death witchcraft are no worse than Andy!

"Come on! I want to see, who is the lifeless guy who wants to try my curse, Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

In the basement, the flames of the candles flickered rapidly, pulling Augustine's shadow longer and longer.


"It's here, and I can smell the bad smell on that guy from far away."

The excitement of chasing the prey flashed in Andy's eyes, he lowered his voice, pointed to the castle not far ahead, and said to Charles.

Sure enough, as those people said, there is a dark smell in this castle, which is the influence of Augustine's experiments in the basement of the castle all the year round.

"Boss, there are many people in the manor."