MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 31 It is necessary for business to blow each other

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  Chapter 31 It is necessary to brag about each other in business

  After returning to Konoha, Nagasawa asked Kakashi to help Hua Ling rent a room in the hotel as a temporary residence, and then he went straight to the Hokage Building with the mission materials.

   Walked to Hokage's office door familiarly, Yongze knocked on the office door.

  Speaking of which, since Minato became Hokage, he has been coming to Hokage's office almost every three days, and he is familiar with the way. You must know that he has never been in Hokage's office before.

   Minato, who was processing documents, heard a knock on the door and said politely, "Please come in."

  Yongze opened the door, walked in, put the information on Minato's desk, and said with a smile:

   "I did not disappoint your expectations. The mission was successfully completed. There are not only the information of the three Kusanagi we captured, but also the information of the Kusanagi who was killed by me."

  A gleam of joy flashed across Minato's face, but he didn't rush to open the file bag, but smiled: "Nongze, as expected of you, you came back so soon, it's only been close to two weeks.

  If the time spent on the road is excluded, the real time spent may be at most a week. Inviting you to Anbu is definitely one of the most correct things I have done in my life. "

  Nagaze smiled, and joked: "Minato, after you became Hokage, your speaking skills have improved a lot. Is this trying to win people's hearts?"

   "I won't praise you twice, I'm afraid you'll get tired and quit. After all, you're an ordinary Chunin." Minato also joked back with a smile.

  Yongze didn't care either, and said with a smile: "It seems that Minato understands me."

  Who doesn't like to be praised?

  Of course, it is also necessary to distinguish who the person is, if it is a passerby with little strength and no reputation, then he will not feel anything.

  But Minato is different. Well-known masters in the ninja world forced the hostile Ninja Village to issue an order that "there will be no punishment for abandoning the mission when encountering Namikaze Minato during the mission". It is still the Fourth Hokage.

  So of course Nagasawa will feel a sense of accomplishment and feel comfortable.

   "By the way, there is another unexpected harvest this time. I found a wandering Uzumaki clansman in Kusunin Village, and brought her to Konoha." Yongze remembered Hualing's matter, so he said.

   "The members of the Uzumaki clan... Kushina should be very happy." Listening to Nagasawa's words, Minato thought of Kushina.

  Although Kushina has been acting very sunny, in fact Minato also knows Kushina's difficulties.

  For a long time in the ninja school, because he was an outsider and had a rare red hair, he was isolated by many people and has always been a loner.

   Fortunately, with him and Yongze at that time, the situation was not too bad.

  But Kushina's circle has always been small, which has something to do with her later becoming Jinzhuriki.

   Fortunately, I met Uchiha Fugaku on the battlefield, and now the two families have a good relationship and often communicate.

  If there is another clansman who is also Uzumaki, Namikaze Minato thinks that Kushina should be happy.

   "Maybe, that person's name is Uzumaki Hana Ling, and she is very talented. I plan to have someone teach her for a while, and then let her become a ninja." Yongze thought for a while, and said his own arrangement.

   "Her perception ability is excellent, and her chakra is also very special. With a little exercise, she should be able to awaken the unique ability of the vortex such as Kagura's mind-eye diamond blockade."

  Minato thought for a while, and said: "Then let Kushina teach, Konoha probably has no one more suitable than her."

   "Very good, I just found something for Kushina to do, and you are so busy, I guess she will get moldy if she stays alone at home all day." Yong Ze agreed.

   After the two chatted about some things about Yongze in the mission, Minato said with a smile: "After a while, I'm afraid Yongze, you will no longer be able to call yourself an ordinary Chunin."

  Yongze thought for a while and asked, "Are you planning to promote me to Jonin?"

   Minato nodded and explained: "The position of the Chunin is still too low. If you serve as a high-level Chunin, it will cause criticism."

   "It doesn't matter, but is it okay? My mission resume is not very good-looking." Yongze asked casually.

  He doesn't care much about being promoted to Shinobi.

  I didn’t want to be promoted before, and kept hiding it because I was not strong enough, and I was afraid of dying in a dangerous war mission.

  But now that he has integrated the Whitebeard template, his strength can already stand up in today's ninja world, at least he doesn't have to worry about being seconded by the villain big boss who appears out of nowhere.

"It's all a small problem. When the Kusanagi problem is completely resolved, I can split the mission into multiple S-level missions, so that I can count a few more times, and then arrange you into the team negotiating with Kusanagi. It will be another comparison." Credit, it will be enough when the time comes." Minato smiled gently.

  Yongze couldn't help sighing, sure enough, there are people in the DPRK who are easy to handle. Others become Junin either because they have made great contributions in the war, or they have been accumulating.

   On the other hand, he had been fishing before entering Anbu, and after entering Anbu, he completed an S-level mission, which is almost a forbearance.

   "Then I will trouble you, by the way, what happened to the orphanage?"

  Before Kusanagi Village, Nagasawa mentioned this matter with Minato, saying that he wanted to support the orphanage in the village as an official Konoha orphanage.

   "It's been fixed, and the subsidy for this month will be distributed tomorrow." Minato nodded.

   Although Minato is a standard ninja, he will kill his enemies without hesitation.

   But Minato has a compassionate heart for people in his own country, and is willing to help those orphans who lost their families because of the war.

   "However, when we were doing this, we encountered a strange thing. Elder Shimura seemed to really not want to see the orphanage become officially supported, and he kept blocking it.

   Fortunately, other high-level executives are on my side and agree. Do you know what to do? "Minato looked at Yongze with some doubts in his eyes.

  Danzo's objection, Minato knew that there was definitely something wrong with this orphanage, it was not an ordinary orphanage.

   Supporting the orphanage does not require him to pay money from Danzo. He has no reason to object, but Danzo is surprisingly opposed. It seems that he is very unwilling to see that orphanage become an official Konoha orphanage.

   But because Yongze brought up this matter at the beginning, out of trust in Yongze, Minato didn't investigate it, and planned to ask him again when Yongze came back.

   "Because the director of the orphanage is a ninja who retired from the root, the orphanage has always been supported by the money she received from the root.

   It may be that Danzo wants to control the source of funds for the orphanage in order to force her to continue working for the roots. "Yongze said lightly.

   "The subordinate that Elder Shimura has been thinking about all the time..." Minato's eyes flickered, and an idea came to his mind.

  (end of this chapter)