MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 503 Jinchuriki and the Tailed Beast

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   "Isn't it?" Obito put down a middle-aged ninja in his hand and frowned.

   After determining a direction, Obito began a quick investigation.

  He investigated all the ninja organizations on the list of desired organizations except for the unnamed ninja organization, but he still couldn't find the organization he wanted to find.

  The strength of these organizations is generally not strong, and there is a special Jōnin-level existence that is very impressive, and Chunin is considered a master.

   Obviously not the ninja organization he was looking for. After all, Yongze said that if Kinoshita used forbidden techniques, even those of Kage level could be killed.

  Although it was not the organization he was looking for, Obito still had the mentality of purifying the ninja world and eliminated some of the organizations that trafficked people.

   After all, everyone has come, the atmosphere is here, and I feel uncomfortable without doing anything.

   Obito, who didn't get anything, used Kamui to leave with a look of disappointment, and returned to the base of the Hope Organization.

   "I hope they can gain something." Obito sighed.

   But the situation is obviously not as good as Obito thought, and the hope organization still hasn't found any news about the unnamed organization.

   "Maybe this ninja organization is really destroyed. It's normal for ninja organizations to start and end." Hayakawa Jue expressed his feelings.

   "Maybe, if it really perishes, then it's not the ninja organization I'm looking for." Obito said.

   After taking action for so long and still not getting any results, Obito began to wonder if there was a problem with the direction.

   Fortunately, today's Obito has experienced the baptism of that dark time, and now he has enough patience, and will not be impatient because there is no harvest for a period of time.

   "I will try to investigate from other directions, but you should pay more attention to the news of this unknown organization, and let me know if there is any." Obito said.

   "I will." Hayakawa nodded.


   "Investigate Kinoshita?" Ichishiki looked at the members of the organization in front of him and asked in doubt.

   "Master Cixian, yes, we found that the Hope Organization is currently investigating Lord Kinoshita." The member of the organization said half-kneeling.

   The organization established by Yishi was established earlier than the gold organization established by Yue Yechuan, even if Yishi did not intentionally grow.

   Relying on his strong and mysterious image, Yishi’s organization is actually not small in the country of Chuan.

  However, his organization doesn't do much, doesn't accept commissions, doesn't do business, and doesn't even have a name, so naturally, the sense of existence in the country of Sichuan is extremely low.

  So I hope that the investigation of the organization will be noticed by the Yishi organization. After all, Kinoshita is a cadre of the organization or the earliest cadre among the three current cadres.

"Hope for an organization? Tell me about this organization." Cixian's expression was indifferent, and he didn't have any emotional changes because of this information. Instead, he cut off a small piece of steak with a knife and fork, and then slowly brought it to his mouth. Chew finely.

   Ichishiki is a person who enjoys eating very much. Even if he has information, he will not stop eating, but listen while eating.

   "The Hope Organization is the largest supplier of ninja tools in the country of Sichuan. In fact, it was called the Gold Organization before. I don't know why it suddenly changed its name a few years ago.

   I hope that the organization is not weak. It is considered the strongest group of ninja organizations in Chuano Country. Many organizations that used to pay attention to it have all disappeared.

  The ninja tools they organize are of very good quality, and our organization also has many ninja tools produced by the Hope Organization. "The members of the organization respectfully reported.

  Yishi picked up the goblet, drank a sip of red wine, and fell into thinking.

  Why does this hope organization investigate Kinoshita? It stands to reason that they shouldn't know about Kinoshita.

  ‘Could it be Kinoshita who let Konoha know something? ’ Ichishiki thought that the Hope Organization might have something to do with Konoha.

   After all, Kinoshita lost contact in Konoha not long ago, and here is hoping to organize an investigation of Kinoshita. It is hard for people not to suspect that there is some connection.

   "Let the people in the organization not take any action, don't investigate the other party, and don't need to do anything." Shishi thought for a while and gave the order.

  Maybe when Yishiki wants to expand his organizational plan, he occasionally feels that he should start his actions earlier.

   But now, Yishi is thankful that he didn't make any movements, which means that others can't find anything at all.

  He doesn't have to worry about being discovered, if he keeps a low profile.

   And then to start his new plan, the shell organization will replace the current organization.

   And unlike the current organization, the Shell Organization will be a groundbreaking tech ninja organization in the eyes of outsiders.


   Gaara is very satisfied with her current life.

  Now he really feels what life is.

   A good day starts with the breakfast made by my uncle.

  Because of coming to Konoha, Yashamaru no longer has to go to Anbe to work, and spends all day with Gaara, which makes Gaara very happy.

   Then Naruto will come to play with him when he has time, which is what Gaara looks forward to the most.

  Of course, Gaara also attaches great importance to other new friends, but Naruto's status is a little bit more special.

Because Naruto is the first person of the same age to show such kindness to him, and both of them also have tailed beasts in their bodies, which makes Gaara feel that even though Naruto and Naruto are not real brothers, they are better than real brothers. .

   Before going to bed at night, you can also chat with the big civet cat, Shuhe.

  Although Shukaku's appearance is really a bit vicious, but Gaara feels that it's okay to see too much.

  Now I am sure I won’t be so scared that I can’t sleep because of Shou He, but sometimes I go to bed late because I listen to Shou He’s talk.

   In the afternoon, Gaara went to the training ground that Nagasawa mentioned according to the agreed time.

  Except for the first day, this was the first time Yongze took the initiative to ask him to go to the training ground.

  Yongze is a particular person, Gaara is so miserable, he will definitely not take Gaara to practice as soon as he comes.

   Let Gaara be happy for a while first.

   "Hey, Gaara, why are you here, are you going to practice with us?" Naruto asked enthusiastically when he saw Gaara coming.

  Because Yongze said before that they might practice together in the future.

   "I don't know." Gaara shook his head in a daze, and Yong Ze didn't tell him why he wanted to come here.

   "Ahem." Yongze coughed twice, signaling the three to be quiet.

   "Gara, do you want to be my disciple?" Yong Ze looked at Gaara and said.

   "I will teach you how to use the Shukaku in your body, and even make your own strength stronger than Shukaku."

  Although he felt that Gaara would not refuse, the process still had to go.

   "I think." Gaara said very simply, without any hesitation.

Yongze is also a person that Gaara has a crush on. He brought Gaara to Konoha. If Yongze hadn’t brought him to Konoha, he wouldn’t have met Naruto, and wouldn’t have made so many friends. friend.

   What's more, this is still practicing with Naruto and the others, of course Gaara will not refuse.

   "That's good. From now on, you will follow me to practice like Naruto and the others." Yongze nodded.

   "Don't be in a hurry to start practicing today, I will tell you something." Yongze sat down cross-legged, and then signaled the three children not to stand.

  Nagaze is going to tell Naruto and Gaara about the Tailed Beast in detail.

  As for Sasuke, since he doesn’t have a tailed beast on him, let’s expand his knowledge.

   "Naruto, Gaara, you should all know by now that there is a tailed beast sealed in your body." Yong Ze said.

  Both of them nodded, only Sasuke looked around, feeling that his existence was a little redundant.

   "In the ninja world, many people regard tailed beasts as powerful monsters and demonize them, as if they are born to do evil." Nagasawa said.

   Gaara has a deep understanding of this, not only the tailed beast is regarded as a monster, but he is also regarded as a monster as a Jinchuriki.

"But in fact, tailed beasts are not like this. They also have the same intelligence as humans and know how to think. You can even regard them as a special kind of psychic beast, so don't discriminate against tailed beasts." Yong Ze continued.

   Gaara and Naruto nodded obediently.

  Kyuubi in Naruto's body was deeply moved when he heard Yongze's words, and he immediately liked Yongze a lot.

  Their tail beasts have suffered too much criticism from the human side. It is obvious that humans forcibly arrested them, but they still look disgusted like this, whoever feels uncomfortable.

"You who have the tailed beast sealed in your body are called jinchuriki, and if jinchuriki wants to maximize your power, that is to communicate with the tailed beast and recognize each other, so that you can exert your greatest strength." Yong Ze Said.

   "But how can I see the tailed beast in my body, how can I connect with each other even if I can't see it." Naruto asked a question.

  Recalling the change of Gaara that day, Naruto actually really wanted to see the Nine-Tails in his body.

   "Gara, can you see it?" Naruto asked.

   "Yes." Gaara nodded.

   "Ah, Gaara, can you actually see it? How did you do it? Tell me." Naruto looked at Gaara in surprise.

   Gaara thought for a while and said, "Close your eyes, and you will be able to see when you want to sleep."

   "That's it?" Naruto looked at Gaara suspiciously, if this is all right, then why didn't he see it when he was sleeping.

   "Yeah." Gaara nodded, anyway he is like this.

  Naruto closed his eyes with the mentality of giving it a try, and waited left and right, but it was still pitch black, and no monsters appeared.

   Immediately Naruto opened his eyes and said, "Gara, did you miss something? Why didn't I see it?"

  The Kyuubi inside Naruto was speechless, as if his jinchuriki was a bit unintelligent.

   Shukaku in Gaara's body laughed wildly, even Gaara could hear it.

   "This stinky fox's Jinchuriki is really stupid, but it just fits him." Yiwei laughed wildly.

  Yongze couldn't stand it anymore, he came out and said: "Your situation is different, of course you can't use the same method."

   "So that's the case, so what should I do?" Naruto asked.

   "Naruto, you can cover your ears, and call Nyubi with all your heart." Yong Ze said with a smile.

  Naruto really wanted to see the tail beast in his body, and after hearing what Yong Ze said, Naruto did so.

  He covered his ears tightly with his hands, and then he didn't care about anything, calling out to Nine Tails in his heart.

  ‘Nine Tails, Nine Tails, come out quickly. '

  Kyuubi shivered unwillingly in the space of consciousness, not bothering to pay attention to Naruto.

  Even if it doesn't take the initiative to respond, if Renzhuli's willingness is too strong, he can still reach it.

   After all, the tailed beast was imprisoned on Jinchuriki's body, so how could it be that Jinchuriki couldn't help but see the tailed beast.

   "Kyuubi, quickly respond to Naruto, otherwise..." Yong Ze suddenly said to Naruto, and raised his fist.

  Nine Tails:…

   Kyuubi once again recalled the horror of being dominated by Nagasawa that night.

   Then Naruto arrived from the endless darkness to a gray space.

   "Where is this place?" Naruto was a little confused when he came to the consciousness space for the first time.

   Immediately, a low and hoarse figure came into his ears.

   "Don't you want to see me, turn around."

  Naruto turned around directly, and then saw an orange fox with a huge body like a hill opening its mouth wide open towards him.

  Based on Naruto's rough calculations, he might not have a problem eating ten of them in one bite.

   Naruto stayed where he was.

   "Hehe, kid, don't you want to see me, are you afraid?" Kyuubi showed a wicked expression, obviously deliberately scaring Naruto.

   Kushina beat it with King Kong blockade, Minato used spiral pellets to paste it, Nagasawa beat it violently with his fist, and it charged interest for scaring Naruto.

  But Naruto has experience after going through Shukaku Rampage last time, and Shukaku Rampage is still in reality, this is only in his consciousness space.

  Naruto came back to his senses quickly, put his hands on his hips and said, "I'm not afraid of you."

   "Really, then come closer." Nine Tails opened its mouth wide, showing its sharp teeth, and at the same time raised a claw with sharp bone spurs.

   Seeing Kyuubi's malicious look, Naruto would definitely not go there. As expected, Kyuubi suddenly slammed his claws hard towards the iron railing in front of it.

   "Hey, this is my body, you bastard, don't mess around." Naruto froze for a moment and then said dissatisfied.

  Kyuubi was slightly startled by Naruto's words, this kid was not afraid of this, and even yelled at him.

   But Naruto's audacity is much more than that.

"You have been living in my body for three years, and you haven't paid the rent. Why don't you pay it together this time? Do you have any special abilities, such as controlling sand, controlling water and controlling wood?" Naruto Trying to ask Kyuubi for rent.

   "Hahaha..." Kyuubi suddenly laughed.

  He has experienced several Renzhuli, but this is the first time that Renzhuli asked him for rent openly.

   "I didn't live here voluntarily, let me out if you have the ability." Kyuubi said.

   "Get out? Okay, what should I do?" Naruto readily agreed.

   "Eh..." Kyuubi was dumbfounded, and it just said hi, there is Yongze outside, so it is not happy to let it go out.