MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 580 itchy matkay

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  Chapter 580 The Itchy Hand

"Since the Grim Reaper Chakra mode is not an all-round crushing Immortal mode, and the two are also used in different fields of Chakra, is it possible to use the Grim Reaper Chakra mode and the Immortal mode at the same time?" Yong Ze thought with a big brain A way to let his strength skyrocket.

   In a sense, this is not impossible.

  Naruto can use Nine-Tails Chakra Mode and Sage Mode at the same time.

  Although using Sage Mode and Nine-Tails Chakra Mode at the same time is not completely equivalent, Yongze thinks it is still very useful for reference.

  For example, Naruto can be so aggressive because there is a nine-tailed body that is tirelessly supplying Naruto with tailed beast chakra and senjutsu chakra.

  There is no tailed beast in Yongze, but Xianju Chakra can be stored.

  Yongze saves a wave of sage chakra on weekdays, and then enters the death chakra mode first during the battle, and then uses the stored sage chakra to enter the sage mode. This is not a successful set.

  Although this method can improve strength, Yongze thinks that it should not cause a qualitative change in his strength. Such a simple and rough doll, the final effect will be that one plus one is less than two but greater than one.

  After all, the sage mode plus the nine-tailed chakra mode, and Naruto has never seen six-level strength directly, and he has to be killed by six.

  But since Yongze thinks that this way can make his strength skyrocket, it is not just a simple and rude nesting doll.

Yongze also has an even more mind-blowing idea. On the basis of Xianshu Chakra, it can be fused with spiritual power to enter Death Chakra Mode 2, or even combine Xianju Chakra and Death Chakra to enter Xian-Death Chakra. Chakra mode.

If he can really achieve this vision, Yongze feels that his strength will definitely undergo a qualitative change. At that time, his strength will be enough to crush the ordinary six-level. If he shoots with all his strength, he may only need one skill to fight the lowest six-level such as six-way belt soil. .

  The reason why Nagasawa had this brain hole was because he always believed that Chakra had infinite possibilities.

  Although everyone’s Chakra is collectively referred to as Chakra, in fact, if you really want to take a closer look, everyone’s Chakra is different, which is why you can use Chakra to confirm your identity.

  As for why chakra is so likely, there is no chakra mode comparable to the sage mode in the ninja world.

  Yongze can only be attributed to the limitation of conditions. Perhaps in the current ninja world, the natural energy of the ninja world is most suitable for combining with chakra.

  After all, he was able to create the Death Chakra mode because he has the terrifying spiritual pressure of the captain, and he can also open the system.

   Relying on a deep understanding of the two major world repair systems of Reaper and Naruto, coupled with a little help from the system, the Reaper Chakra Mode was successfully developed.

  However, in this death chakra mode, Yongze is not going to let other people practice with his meaning and immortal mode at the same time.

Immortal mode is not an easy thing to cultivate, let alone Reaper Chakra Mode is even more difficult than Immortal Mode, and now even the Konoha ninja who started to practice Reaper system has only practiced Reaper system for two years , or a zero-based situation.

  Nagaze intends to let those who have practiced the Shinigami system well and have not practiced the sage mode practice the Shinigami Chakra mode, such as Shishui.

  Shishui was one of the first ninjas that Yongze taught the Shinigami training system, and he was also the one who made the fastest progress.

   After only two years of practice, judging from the experience of the chief captain template, he already has a vice-captain-level spiritual pressure.

   In terms of the Shinigami system, Zhishui is currently the first person besides Yongze, even in the world of Shinigami, he is considered a genius.

  Before, because Zhishui still had a lot of things to dig out, and he hadn't fully understood it yet, Yongze didn't pass on the fairy mode to Zhishui, and planned to wait for Zhishui to digest his own things before passing it on.

   Now it seems that there is no need for the immortal mode, and directly practice the death chakra mode.


"Hey, Kakashi, I didn't expect to meet by such a coincidence. Could it be that this is the bond between close friends? Do you want to have a passionate battle full of youth?" On the way, Maitekai launched a battle with Kakashi invite.

   "What bondage, didn't you deliberately wait for me on the way home..." Kakashi looked at Kai speechlessly.

   Didn't anyone tell Kai that his expression was unnatural when he lied to others?

   And with Kai's undisguised aura, Kakashi could feel the fighting spirit from a few kilometers away.

   "Forget about fighting, Hualing and Baihehua are still waiting for me to have dinner at home." Kakashi rejected Kai's invitation to the battle, and played an emotional card.

  When he was single before, Kakashi would occasionally have a little desire to win and lose, and would have the will to fight.

   Now that Kakashi is married, I really don’t want to fight. If Kai surpasses him, he should surpass him. Kai works so hard, and his strength should surpass him.

  With this time, Kakashi prefers to spend time with his family.

  When he was a child, he didn’t feel much love from his parents due to various reasons, and he couldn’t let his children be the same as before.

   "Ah, if it's a family member, there's really nothing I can do." Kai scratched his head, a little anxious, but he couldn't get anxious anymore.

  Before Kai thought that such a war that swept the entire ninja world should have many powerful opponents.

   As a result, he and Kakashi went to support Iwagakure, and the opponents were all weak, none of them could fight. Let alone using the phoenix fruit ability to open the seven doors, it was a pleasure, opening five doors at random would be easy and violent.

   This disappointed Maitekai a bit. He was ready to fight, but in the end, none of them could fight.

  Especially the leader of Kusanagi, Maitekai thought he was the leader of the army and should be very strong. As a result, Kai only had five warm-ups.

  That's why Kai, who had itchy hands, came to meet Kakashi by chance, and wanted to have a youthful battle with his best friend.

   "Well, let's see if there is time on the rest day. If you have time, you can come to one." Kakashi said with a smile.

  Hearing what Kakashi said behind, Kai burst into tears instantly, feeling that Kakashi is indeed his best friend, even if he is busy with work and family, he will not forget their battle.

  ‘Don’t worry, Kakashi, I will definitely show my best and strongest state to fight you, and I will never let down the bond between us! ’ Kay said inwardly.

   "Actually, Kai, if you want to verify your cultivation results, you don't have to fight. You can also find a suitable disciple and prove your cultivation in the professor." Kakashi said.

  He felt that Matt Kay still had too much energy and needed to find something for him to do.

  Kakashi thinks teaching people is a very troublesome thing.

  It is not difficult to treat a teacher as a profession, a post that earns a living, but it is very troublesome to be a dedicated teacher.

   As for what kind of teacher Kai will be, based on Kakashi's familiarity with Kai, it is undoubtedly the latter.

  However, due to Kai's own limitations, there will be very few people who are suitable for him to be his disciples.

  However, Kakashi did not fool anyone. In the process of teaching, the teacher can also gain something.

   "Looking for a disciple to teach?" Kai showed a serious expression.

  (end of this chapter)