MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha-Chapter 811 I have something else to do

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Chapter 811 I still have something to do

It’s autumn again, the autumn wind sweeps, and the branches and leaves fall.

But Konoha is still bustling with life like spring, with luxuriant branches and leaves.

There is no way, the nutrition is too sufficient, and it has evolved into a completely new species.

Only in the dense wood leaf forest outside the city can one feel a hint of the cold autumn air.

The fiery red leaves spread all over the mountain, extending continuously, forming a sea of ​​​​flaming trees, which looks like burning flames from a distance.

Just like, where the leaves are flying, the fire is endless.

The fire will continue to illuminate the village and cause new leaves to sprout.

It has been less than half a year since the end of the Third Ninja World War. Konoha calmed down the entire Ninja World with the force of thunder and the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

Long-lasting peace has arrived, and everyone can clearly feel this peaceful daily life.

The calm and ordinary daily life is full of miraculous meanings, and there is something extraordinary in the ordinary.

"Tie, stop." He stuttered suddenly, his face full of reservations and nervousness. Seeing the gentle smile in front of him, the young red-haired girl blushed and stammered: "Get married!?"

"Yes." The blond man replied.

Kneel down on one knee and take out the ring.

Minato and Pepper.

"Suddenly, what are you talking about?"

"We are not young anymore." Minato said, "I have to give you an answer, right."

"Yes." Suddenly she felt uncomfortable. The girl, who had always been a fiery girl, looked down with a shy look on her face and her eyes were full of affection. She stretched out her hand and said, "Then, put it on for me."

What will happen to love that goes both ways?

At this time, young people are full of sweet longing for a happy life in the future.

The same is true for Konoha at this time.

"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Thousand Hands are all idiots! I'm so blind! Why did I fall in love with you!"

"Still talking about me! You Uchiha's bad temper! It's not much better! Help! I'm beating someone! I want a divorce!"

"I'm warning you! Just do it! Don't take the knife!"

"Leave, leave! There's no way we can get through this! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

A house under construction heard the sound of a couple fighting. The neighbor next door felt something was wrong and kindly called the police.

The security team rushed to the scene in a hurry.

They took away the couple with their heads covered in blood, their noses bruised and their faces swollen.

"On this festive day, let's forget it and take a step back."

"Think about it carefully. What's the big deal? I just said the soup was too salty."

"Haven't you ever loved me?"

After patient and gentle persuasion, the young couple cried bitterly in the police station and reciprocated a painful kiss.

Konoha is as peaceful as ever today.

The unique music is floating in the air, and the air is full of peace of mind and happiness.

It’s the time of celebration again, and the temple fairs are crowded with people. It’s never important what festival it is. What’s important is that we have such a joyful moment of gathering, leaving forever beautiful memories.

In an old-style meatball shop, there is a little one on the left, and another little one on the right. A boy and a girl look like golden boys, and the eldest brother in the middle has a bold look on his face.

"Itachi, Izumi, feel free to eat today, I'll pay for everything!"

As a teenage kid, I have limited financial resources. I worked hard for a year after graduation, but I still have some savings.

So, thank you very quickly, Brother Shisui.

Itachi didn't want to talk, he concentrated on chewing the meatballs and stuffed them into his mouth one by one.

It was Quan who smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you, brother Zhisui."

"Hey" Hehe giggled for a while, and Zhisui said: "You're welcome, Quan."

In the barbecue restaurant next door, the three people from AA swallowed their saliva watching the barbecue.

"Kakashi, remember, you only have so much meat."

Obito protected the plate, divided the meat, turned his head, and looked at Lin with a flattering expression.

"This is yours Lin."

"Why are there so many?" Lin frowned simply because she couldn't eat any more.

"Don't worry, I bought it with my money. I'll share it with you." Obito said.

What should I say? Kakashi covered his forehead with a headache.

This guy's methods are so desperate that it's hard to watch.

Another day, let’s introduce him to this secret of winning love.

"Let me do it, Obito." She grabbed the plate and divided the meat into three equal portions calmly. Lin nodded with satisfaction.

This is AA.

"Lin!" Obito was anxious.

"Obito! Kakashi also gave me money!" Lin said with a straight face.

Immediately frightened, Obito opened his mouth several times.

The crux of the problem is that Kakashi didn't give any money at all. I dragged him here, and I gave him his share!

Now that it has been divided, Kakashi accepts it unceremoniously.

Seeing this guy deflate is too much.

That's why I'm willing to come.

Kakashi glanced at Lin, Lin was really a bit too powerful.

Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend.

"What are you looking at, Kakashi." Lin smiled.

"Nothing." Kakashi turned his head and accidentally saw a familiar green figure.

He was not alone, but with a man who looked like his father. He was eating enthusiastically with his arms outstretched.

"Kai! You're still growing! You need to eat more!"

That's true, but the movements in his hands are not slow.

Although, he is no longer as poor as before, and the economy is also very prosperous. Not only has he passed the chuunin exam, his income has increased significantly, and he has a stable job, so he doesn't seem to be short of money.

However, it is not alarmist to say that if you are used to being poor, you will kill me if you are a grown-up.

Especially, the son is Kai.

The practice of physical arts is very expensive.

You have to keep up with nutrition, as well as money spent on medicine.

"Okay! Dad!"

Kai said in a straight voice, and put the roasted meat and rice into his stomach.

Looking at this scene, Kakashi was a little envious.

This kid has a cool dad. His dad is a bit too strict and they can't play together at all.

"Ah, that's right!" White Teeth rubbed his nose and sat at home, looking like a weathered old man, and moved his buttocks.

"What's wrong?" The gentle and virtuous wife squatted down, put down the fruit plate, poured a pot of tea, and said, "Sakumo."

"Maybe someone is talking about me behind my back." Bai Ya looked at his wife gently and said, "Don't be busy. Why don't you go out for a walk during the festival?"

The wife smiled implicitly and shook her head.

Where can I go when you are at home? Do you finally dislike me?

I knew there was someone in your heart, and I had to watch you.

Feeling a little uncomfortable being stared at, White Fang looked at the book in his hand.

The book cover is a serious book cover, but the book itself inside is hard to tell.

Jiraiya's latest masterpiece is still as powerful and compelling as ever, and every word is full of grandeur and generosity.

It just mainly writes about a silly boy ninja named Naruto, which is such a waste of writing power.

You've completely missed the point, this kid.

If it weren't for the limited amount of review that makes it difficult to control and define borderline and sound content, I would have rushed to my grandma's house and banned it from the shelves.



"I feel a little lonely."

This guy doesn’t even look at me when he’s reading. Am I old?


White Fang raised his head.

"I'm retired," White Fang said, "I have plenty of time to spend with you, don't worry."

Although he has not yet reached the age, his immediate superiors have run away, but White Fang still has this bit of discernment, and all the work at hand has been handed over to the Hokage's subordinates. The handover was only completed recently, and he cannot leave as simply as Miki.

I am a Mei Ji person, this label is difficult to tear off.

The main thing is that even if he said no, he wouldn't believe it.

Tsunade didn't mind and wanted to keep him.

But after working overtime until he was bald, White Fang was indeed a little tired.

It’s all my fault that I was too young and believed in Mei Ji’s evil deeds.

Good guy, treat me like a beast.


"I want another one."

"Why do you want another one?" White Fang wondered.

"Boy or girl." The wife smiled softly, without stopping the movement of her hands.

Only then did White Fang notice that his wife was adding something to the tea cup.

"What is this?" asked White Fang.

"Wolfberry." The wife smiled.

"Well." White Fang stood up and said, "I remember, I have something else to do."

I'm tired! real! Don't mess with me!

Want to run.

After grabbing White Fang's hand, his wife's expression changed, she was as gentle as a ghost, and she said in a cold voice: "Let's go! Follow me into the house!"

He was so scared that he laughed out loud and said, "No more."

"Go! Go inside!"

"I'm not an animal! Stop it!"

"Let's go! Don't be shameless!"