MTL - North American Detective: I Am Proficient In All Kinds of American IAI-Chapter 183 If you love him, just 'crazy' him!

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  Chapter 183 If you love him, just 'crazy' him!

  Merck came across the state to hunt down the ogre.

  Although Yuko Yamaguchi is not an ogre, her previous operations show that she has contacted with the ogre, and may have even met and communicated with it.

   So she's going to go through some different procedures.

  For example, the FBI interrogation.

  The most suitable location is undoubtedly the interrogation room of the Fourth Squadron.

Ten p.m.

  Merke and his young partner, escorted by several patrolmen, brought a petite girl with a melancholy face to the interrogation floor where the Fourth Squadron belonged.

  Out of curiosity, Dean gave up the choice of choosing a residence today and stayed.

  He has no interest in Yuko Yamaguchi, a young pervert.

   Ogre is different.

  That guy might be worth a lot of experience points.

   Dean was interested in it.

   To his surprise.

   In addition to Merck et al.

  Beside Yuko Yamaguchi, there was someone Dean knew.


  Dean stepped forward, greeted Merck warmly, walked up to the woman, and stretched out his hand: "Podolia?"

   "Good evening, Inspector Dean."

  The woman is petite, but has a very attractive figure. It is the widow that Dean met in the No. 1 Squadron before-Podoria.

  Dean shrugged: "Don't tell me, Yuko Yamaguchi is your relative."

She elegantly rolled her hair, bringing a scent unique to mature women, and said helplessly: "But the truth is, I am Yuko's cousin, and the Yamaguchi family was shocked and very shocked by what happened to her." I am worried that she will be treated unfairly, so please ask me to accompany her."

   "Sorry, Ms. Podolia, our greatest tolerance is that you can watch outside me, but you are not allowed to intervene in our interrogation, otherwise we will expel you!"

  Merke didn't give Podolia face and interrupted her chat with Dean.

  Podolia's eyes flashed coldly, but his face showed apology: "I will pay attention, Agent Merck."

  Merck nodded, motioned to Dean, continued to lead Yuko Yamaguchi, and got on the elevator leading to the interrogation room floor.

  Because there are too many people.

  Pordolia took the initiative to stay and took the next elevator with Dean.

   After all, we know each other.

   Podolia is also very good-looking.

  Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Dean raised the topic: "Podolia, what are you up to lately? I heard from Harry that the No. 1 Squadron has been very busy recently."

   "Yes, because many cases before Christmas are now being prosecuted, so we need to prepare a lot of materials. The case I am in charge of now is very strange."


"This is a very speechless theft. A 43-year-old woman stole a two-meter-long Christmas tree from Wal-Mart. She took the Christmas tree into the toilet and tried to hide the tree in the 'tree-lined path'." .”

   Dean: "???"

  He thought Podolia was joking with himself.

   People with a little IQ can't do such a thing!

  Bodolia smiled helplessly when he saw his strange expression:

   "When someone found her, the other party had already passed out due to heavy bleeding. The police who rushed over thought she was violated by a pervert, but after checking the surveillance, they found that she brought the Christmas tree in by herself. The key is"

   Podolia looked strange: "The point is, she actually stuffed the top of the tree in about 24 inches"

  24 inches, about sixty centimeters.

  This level is one step to the stomach for the petite Podolia.

  So it is difficult for her to understand the exaggerated flexibility of North American women.

  Dean, however, saw through micro-expressions that this woman, Podolia, was a little...envious of that female thief.

   I can only say that she is worthy of being Yuko Yamaguchi's cousin.

  He licked his dry lips due to the dry and cold weather: "And then, did the woman come back from the rescue?"

   "The rescue came back.

   Upon inquiry.

  The woman said that she often used this method to steal.

   She was on drugs that day, that's why she did such a thing that shattered people's three views.

  We have filed a theft charge against her, and it is estimated that there will be a lot of media interest in this case by then. "

  Dean can only sigh with emotion for this kind of case. If the novel dares to write like this, it will definitely be sprayed by readers as a shivering little pitiful.

   But fiction needs logic, reality does not.

   During the conversation.

  The two took the second elevator and came to the interrogation room.

  Yuko Yamaguchi has been brought into the interrogation room by the two of Merck.

  Dean and Podolia can only observe the situation inside through the observation glass and answering equipment outside the interrogation room.

   It may be because of Podolia's presence.

  Merck's interrogation, directly into the topic.

  He turned on the lights, and his low voice echoed in the dimly lit interrogation room: "Ms. Yuko Yamaguchi, you will be charged with murder, desecration of corpses, and crimes against humanity."

   Face his threats.

  Yuko Yamaguchi supported her small head, her eyes were slack, and her baby-fat face showed a warm smile, her thoughts went to nowhere.

   See it!

  Merck knocked on the table in dissatisfaction: "Ms. Yuko Yamaguchi, I must remind you that there is the death penalty in Los Angeles. If all these charges come into effect, with our promotion, you will not have much time left!"

  Yuko Yamaguchi rolled her eyes and looked at the two of Merck under the converging lights, with a naive look on her face: "Then after I die, can I be buried with my cousin Ichiro Yamaguchi?"

  The young companion next to Merck let out a heavy breath from his nasal cavity, pulled off the tie on his chest, and was about to take out the box under his feet, and let this perverted woman try the tenderness of the FBI.

  Merck stopped him, turned his head and followed Yuko Yamaguchi's words: "It's difficult, but if you cooperate with us, we will satisfy you with this request."


   "What do you want to know?"

   "When did you know about ogre demons and began to 'touch' human flesh?"

   "Six months ago."

  Yuko Yamaguchi bit her index finger, lost in memory:

   "At that time, my cousin wanted to break off the relationship with me because of the birth of his own child.

  He is cruel.

   gave me fantasy, but in the end I shattered it with my own hands.

  I am cowardly and can only bear the pain of losing my lover alone.

   But I love my cousin too much.

   It's him who opens and closes his eyes. In the end, he can only hope to alleviate this pain with the help of the Internet.

  In a chat room, I poured out my pain to some people who had the same experience.

  A netizen among them finally sent me a link.

   That was also my first contact with ogre demons.

   He is so graceful, powerful, and admirable.

  I am overwhelmed by his philosophy.

   The ogre is right.

  The reason why people are cowardly comes from the choice of consciousness.

  We are born with more noble genes.

   But when you let go of all moral shackles and embrace that part of your genes, you will no longer be cowardly!

  In order to get back my cousin.

  I accepted the advice of the ogre demon, became his true believer, and tricked a hapless guy as food to remove my cowardice! "

  Outside the interrogation room.

  Dean narrowed his eyes slightly.

  He has recently read a lot of miscellaneous books and read a report.

   According to modern medical research.

  A large number of human chromosome 20 genes are taboo genes: PRNOP gene, also known as prion antibody!

  Prions are not real viruses, but a dissimilated protein that can attack the central nervous system of the brain of the infected body, making the infected body unable to control their own behavior, and has a strong aggressiveness.

   Probably similar to zombies.

  The main route of transmission of prions is to eat the meat of infected individuals.

this means.

  A long time ago, the ancestors of many people had experienced the same kind of "truth" and survived in the end, so they passed the gene of antibody to prion to their offspring.

  This prevents their descendants from becoming zombies because of eating 'ren'.

  According to the information disclosed by Yuko Yamaguchi.

   The cannibal demon not only used online videos to find food delivered to the door, but also picked companions!

  Interrogation room.

  After listening to Yuko Yamaguchi's narration, Merck was silent for a moment, and continued: "Then why did you kill your cousin and pretend to be an ogre demon?"

  Yuko Yamaguchi put down her gnawed index finger, with regret on her face:

   "For my cousin, I am willing to give everything, including eating those disgusting things.

   But he is unfeeling.

  I begged him to spend one last night with me.

  He agreed.

   But don't know why.

  When we merged together, I felt that my cousin was very fragrant, so I came up with the idea of ​​really blending with my cousin.

  In this way, I don’t have to worry about my cousin leaving me, and he won’t change his mind again, but will be with me forever and always, always with me.

  As for why you want to blame the ogre?

   is very simple.

  The guy told me he was being targeted.

   The ogre knows I have money, so I hope I can help him hide in Los Angeles for a while.

   This is easy for me.

  I agreed.

   But unfortunately.

  Before he died, my cousin hoped that I would not hurt his family.

  I like my cousin so much.

   Naturally, he will not be disappointed.

  So I thought, let their family be reunited with my cousin in my stomach. In this way, I can be with my cousin forever, and my cousin will not be disappointed or sad.

   It will take a little time to do this.

  Besides, my cousin is the backbone of the family's business, so if he goes missing, it will also arouse suspicion.

  So I need someone to help me divert my vision and buy time for action.

   The ogre demon who happened to bump into him is the most suitable candidate. "


  Yuko Yamaguchi licked her lips, with some aftertaste:

   "Speaking of which, my cousin's taste is very good, it goes well with wasabi, and it is the best sashimi I have ever eaten in my life.

   The ogre is right.

   If you love him, you will be 'crazy' him! "

  The two of Merck in the interrogation room were completely silenced by the woman's deformed love.

  Outside the interrogation room.

  When Dean was lamenting that Xiaori's stupid play was very perverted, a scorching breath sprayed in his ears.

I saw Podolia standing on tiptoe with difficulty, raised her red lips, and whispered in Dean's ear: "Inspector Dean, this is a shocking scandal in our Yamaguchi family, can you keep this matter a secret? Our family will thank you then."

  The Yamaguchi family, through marriage, has attracted many native Americans.

   Many of them are public officials.

  Podolia is like this, and she met her husband.

   Once Yuko Yamaguchi's abnormal deeds were exposed.

  This will deal a devastating blow to the Yamaguchi family's plan to gain a foothold in the United States.

  Because no one is willing to combine with a family with deformed ethics and abnormal genes hidden in the blood, no matter how much money is given, it will not work!

  Dean sniffed the scent surging from the tip of his nose lightly, and nodded: "Thank you, no need, I'm not a talkative person."

  The two were outside the interrogation room, snuggling together ambiguously.

  Interrogation room.

  After Merck calmed down, he also asked the key point: "Ms. Yuko Yamaguchi, where is the ogre now?"

  Yuko Yamaguchi: "At my manor in the suburbs, No. 34, Bron Town.

  If you hadn't found me so quickly, I would have taken the initiative to expose his whereabouts to you when the time came, to buy time for my actions! "

   Get what you want.

  Merke stood up: "I am very glad to have prevented a human tragedy!"

  Yuko Yamaguchi smiled disdainfully: "But it also brought death to you and your companions."

  She raised her head, her voice was hollow and melodious: "Devils will never die."

  (end of this chapter)