MTL - Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World-Chapter 17 Pet collar? !

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The sacred manor has a small manor in the emperor. It is located on a suspended mountain. The suspended mountain is not too big. It is only the only manor in Sangha. Sangha is in the military for most of the time, and rarely has time to come. Living, but there is a robot butler, able to manage the well-organized, so that when you come to the emperor, you can live at any time.

The manor is a very beautiful manor, the landscape is the same, the grass is green, just...

Just coming down from the suspension car, Rong Xiaobao looked up at the house built on the top of the towering mountain, and there was a word in his head.

In this case, why did they come down from the suspension car, isn’t it necessary to drive the suspension car directly?

Just when the little leopard was puzzled, the shackles that held him suddenly changed into black dragons. The huge dragon claws were close to the little beasts that looked very small. They flapped their wings and swept the towering peaks and landed on the top of the mountain. Above the manored terrace.

At the moment of landing, the Black Dragon adults instantly turned into adults, and in the way of the robot butler salute, walked into the living room with long legs.

Rong Xiaobao: "..."

It feels so much like the vampire count who preyed back, suddenly changed into something.

The Black Dragon said as he walked, "Take the customized light brain."

After a small leopard sat down in the living room, the robot butler handed over a miniature light brain, and Zangjia stretched out his hand. For the convenience of the little leopard, the light brain of the customary was made into a collar.

Seeing that Sangha will reach out and put him in his neck, the little leopard will smash out from the arms of Sangha.

However, this little action, in the eyes of the Black Dragon adults, is not a matter of the roots, and it is easy to catch the little leopard that has to flee.

"Hey! Hey!"


The struggle of a little leopard is struggling, and the meaning of rejection is obvious.

Such a thing like a pet collar, he definitely should not wear it!

Zangjia played with the light brain in his hand, looking down at the little leopard who was struggling to get up and frowning, raising his eyebrows slightly. "Really not wearing?"

Rong Xiaobao nodded and was very firm.

"Good." Sangha agreed very calmly, let go of the hand, let the little leopard drill out of his hand, jumped off the sofa, and hid far away... behind the robot butler.

When I escaped the glory of the claws, I don’t know how, I feel that the robotic housekeeper of the Jiajia family is particularly secure.

Zang Jia looked at the little leopard who was hiding behind the robot butler, showing half of his head and observing it in the dark, slightly touching the lower corner of his mouth.

Slightly fiddled with the light brain of the collar, the eye flashed a stream of light, not only for the little leopard.

Then, under the gaze of Rong Xiaobao, the collar in the hands of the Sangha narrowed down and became a bracelet!


So, just this black dragon is deliberate? !

And a robot butler who blocked the shape of the little leopard, trembled invisibly, as if he had seen the black dragon playing a little leopard and was excited. The voltage was unstable for a moment, but it was very quiet. As if nothing happened.

Sui Jia's **** are holding the bracelet. "Can this be accepted?"

Rong Xiaobao moved his claws out and tempted him near the shackles.

Zangjia stretched out his hand to pick up the little leopard on the ground, resting it on his lap, and lifting the thick leopard's thick claws.

This time, Rong Ming’s honest squatting on the person’s lap, carrying a small head and looking at the black dragon’s close-knit face, inexplicably feeling the movement of Sangha, some serious and serious, as if doing something very solemn.

Um... This is an inexplicable familiarity. Rong Xiaobao participated in the cousin’s wedding...

Rong Xiaobaozi quickly smashed his head, and his body was tired. He couldn’t experience any big or small, especially the life of the cockroach, and he said that the doctor let him die for life... So don’t say marriage, he even his girlfriend I haven't talked about it, and the ones that he can treat with deep affection are the ones he has done with his time.

This little leopard is so distracted.

A black dragon sighed in a faint sigh, holding a leopard paw wearing a light brain, reaching out and knocking on the head of the little leopard. When the little leopard looked at him with doubt, he began to teach the little leopard how to use the light. brain.

Since it is a light brain that can be used by the three-year-old beast of the orc empire, its operation procedure is very simple, and the lion small leopard quickly grasps it, and then some can't wait to board the so-called Empire Star Network, to browse those who have long been curious in their hearts. Broken things.

For example, the role of energy stone in orc mania, the professional attributes of the engraver, what is the perception, etc., etc., there is such a small little leopard resting on the bottom, for fear of being seen by Suga. The general entry, what the Imperial Marshal is doing...

Zang Jia looked at the various interfaces that appeared in front of him, and laughed. The little leopard couldn’t talk. This is how many problems he gave.

However, no matter how much curiosity this little leopard has, this time is not too late, or eat something to sleep first.

Zangjia ordered the robot butler to arrange dinner, and then picked up the little leopard who was dedicated and went to the restaurant with a variety of open interfaces.

Rong Xiaobaozi concentrates on...

When eating, Suga did not stop the little leopard, but was interested in feeding the nutritious meal directly into the mouth of the little leopard.

Suddenly there was something more in this mouth. When Rong Ming suddenly reacted, the leopard paws moved, all the interfaces were closed, and then I saw a black dragon who was feeding him with a spoon.

This is known as the First Marshal of the Empire on the Star Network. It has experienced countless wars and has established countless battles for the cold-faced Black Dragon.

On the star network, only one of his marshal dress images was awarded. This single image attracted a large number of imperial orcs.

Nai Helong Marshal Marshal, very few appearances, this time the royal banquet, how many people look forward to, I did not expect the Marshal adult once again regretted due to official entanglement.

The so-called black dragon marshal who can't even participate in the official banquet, at this time, the natural look is very gentle and stretched his hand to feed him...

The inexplicable little leopard's face burned up. When I saw the image of the first Marshal's dress in Suga, I had some secret jumping hearts, and I jumped fast.

When Rong Ming doubted, was this sudden that he suddenly knew that Sangha was so powerful and excited? Just like the leader of Guo Jia, who can only be seen from TV in the past, suddenly stood in front of himself.

No matter what, this meal is definitely not allowed to feed, what it looks like!

Although Rong Ming grew up under the excessive protection of his grandfather, the minimum etiquette still had to be observed. Therefore, he stretched his paws and pushed the arm of Zangjia. He stood up and kneels at the table and bows his head. Eat nutrients.

This mouth swallowed, the face of Rong Xiaobao’s face was wrinkled together, and it was a familiar and unpalatable taste...

Moreover, I was familiar with the kind of and the star of the wilderness, and the taste of the nutrient left by his robot butler was extremely similar.

Before the one that he had been feeding, he probably walked away too much and didn't notice.

See the little leopard come back again, and Gaga raised his eyebrows. "I still want to feed?"

When Rong Ming immediately shook his head, he went to eat hard.

Looking at the little leopard's hairy ears, he looked at the gods slightly, raised his hand and put the nutrients fed to the little leopard into his mouth. The mouthfeel and taste of the entrance made his eyebrows wrinkle, then he reached out to stop The little leopard, which was difficult to swallow, turned to the robot butler to adjust the taste.

When Rong Ming looked at the robot butler who slipped over and took the nutrient agent away, it seemed that the housekeeper’s face, which seemed to be very formalized, flashed some vague doubts.