MTL - Number One Player of Time and Space-Chapter 1183 I'd rather be a bully than a bully

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The operation of derivative skills has always been easier said than done.

Most of the time it's like the author's bacteria watching yoga pants beauty up at Xiaopo Station, the main fitness-brain: I can do it! Body: No, you can't! Mouth: Don't argue, why don't we eat something to have fun?

The three then reached an agreement.

Off topic.

Skill is a very mysterious thing, and it feels like a fixed program when using it. Although you can decide the timing, severity, and even temporary termination of use, it is difficult to change this program to a completely different appearance. .

It's like the "Secret Sword, Long Sword" that Luo Jie is trying to improve now.

The blade has additional flame, simple.

But let the flame push in one direction in the scabbard - sorry, no such function.

Even if the firepower output is increased, in addition to the special effect of burning the knife out of the lightsaber, it still cannot get the desired boosting effect.

This is so embarrassing.

To be honest, if the one in his hand is not the [Vanity Demon Blade], but the [Netherworld Flower Burial], Luo Jie may not be able to do this.

After all, [Netherworld Flower Burial] has a 40-meter flame jet "Infernal Burning Body" skill, which can completely make the flames spray out in one direction.

And [Vanity Magic Blade] can't simulate weapon skills, which means... Wait, why simulate weapon skills?

Luo Jiemeng jumped up from the ground, and he suddenly realized that he had fallen into a blind spot of thinking.

It is true that [Vanity Demon Blade] has no way to simulate the skills that come with the weapon, but it is not only "Infernal Burning Body" that has the flame jet effect!

Isn't it possible to directly simulate the flame jet?

That's right, according to the rules of the [Vanity Magic Blade], even if the skills that have never been used are simulated, it is only a product whose power has been severely reduced.

But don't forget, the main body of the attack is the "Secret Sword, Obscure Sword", and the flame jet only serves as a boost. Even if the thrust of "Infernal Burning Body" is 10, and the thrust of the like goods is 1, the final result will be The "Secret Sword · Obscure Sword" is still stronger than the original version!

Moreover, the appearance of the goods is just not enough for his rank, and it is not really as bad as the original 1/10.

Thinking of this, Luo Jie quickly put the knife back into its sheath, his eyes slowly closed, and the expected improved "Long Dao" was constantly sketched in his mind.

Correct, overturn, overturn, overturn...until it approaches the perfect state that can be achieved under current conditions.

After an unknown amount of time, Luo Jie's eyes opened wide.

The air around the blue-white scabbard was distorted by the heat, and the connection between the scabbard and the scabbard was faintly glowing with fire, and the momentum continued to rise like a volcano about to erupt.

With the crisp sound of the yellow card, the whistling sound of the flame overwhelmed the clear knife sound, and the half-moon-shaped knife light pierced the air and flew out, cutting out a strangely shaped sonic boom in front, with a thunderous roar The sound echoed repeatedly in the empty practice ground.

At the same time, the compressed flame in the scabbard spurted out radially, and the scorching flame licked the slashes opened by the sword light like the breath of a giant dragon. The terrifying high temperature burned the heat-resistant alloy plate red. .

done! Works!

Luo Jie was surprised and delighted. He suddenly realized that the [Vanity Demon Blade] in his hand was simply an artifact created to develop derivative skills!

Under normal circumstances, even if there is a development idea, dismantling and reorganizing the original fixed skills requires an extremely long practice process, and the risk of development failure is not ruled out.

The "false illusion" skill of [Vanity Magic Blade] is not essentially the actual application of the skill, but the actualization of the skill simulated in the brain - that is to say, as long as you can imagine the appearance, you can get the real thing without obstacles. , there is no risk of failure at all.

There are generally two difficulties in deriving skills - one is how to successfully complete the skills; the other is how to obtain the legal recognition of the system.

The most difficult of them is the first step, which requires talent and understanding.

The second step is just a matter of probability. Even if it is unsuccessful once, you can be patient and slowly grind it. Anyway, you don’t need krypton gold.

The bug of [Vanity Magic Blade] is that it can directly skip the first step and go to the second step, turning the perception of eating talent into a repetitive operation without skills.

No wonder this thing is marked as a plot item that cannot be brought out of this world. If it can be brought out as a common weapon, the value of this [Vanity Magic Blade] is inestimable!

Sitting on Baoshan but unable to truly belong to him, Luo Jie suddenly felt very distressed.

Fortunately, he has been a human being in two lives, and his heart is tempered enough to be tough enough. He quickly suppressed the negative emotions of worrying about gains and losses, and restored his mentality to normal.

Since it is impossible to take away this [Vanity Magic Blade] horizontally and vertically, the only thing that can be done is to maximize the benefits and strive to develop as many derivative skills as possible in the current world.

It's about the price of worrying about the devil's contract. In the next half month, although aaa has performed several low-level D disaster missions, "Xitong Ayano" has never borrowed the power of Luo Jie once. .

Luo Jie also just arrived at the critical moment to develop derivative skills. Except for occasionally completing the teaching and guidance work of the private Shenghua Women's College, the rest of the time is basically spent in the underground practice ground. The almost self-abuse-like probability of brushing skills hits, even "Dongyang" "Sato" and "Purple Palace Natsuka" started to play in the name of a business trip.

Of course, there are still precautions to be made.

In the name of protecting his family, Luo Jie had already applied for several female secret agents from "Xi Tong Ming Nai" to provide 7x24 hours of secret protection for "Dongyangli" and "Purple Palace Xiahua". The yellow-haired senior, the refreshing junior, the glasses boss, the greasy brawny, etc., have all received corresponding warnings.

Humph, I'd rather be a bully, a mother be a bully!

In terms of understanding, Luo Jie doesn't think he is very smart, but in terms of bursting liver, he has the magical skill of "death recast" and never fears anyone.

Under the almost sleepless practice of the whole half-month, [God's Dream One-knife Swordsmanship], [God of Fire Kagura] and their three subsidiary skills [Rising in the Sky], [Flaming Tiger], and [Cat Foot Love Wind] , and the three-piece set of the [Tianba] series of "Bawang Wan", plus you Ji Lao Kai Me... Well, it is [Zhan·Dragon God Sword], all of which have been successfully removed and preserved, and developed a number of Derivative skills.

And a bigger surprise is yet to come—perhaps developed based on the same concept at the same time, these derivative skills were actually recognized by the system as set skills.

In fact, there is no difference between set skills and single skills, but the set skills have a characteristic that is not a characteristic, that is, once the skills are strengthened from the outside, all the branch skills in the set will be strengthened at the same time, which can be said to maximize the price/performance ratio. .

[Unknown changes have been detected in multiple skills, and the skill effects are being changed. 】

[In view of the first appearance of this derivative skill in the system, the developer "Night Demon" has the right to name it, and this skill is automatically upgraded to the source version. 】

[Please confirm the official name of the skill within 10 minutes, the timeout system will randomly name it. 】

Another "Siyuan Edition"!

Having had the experience of [Siyuan·Arcane Spiral], Luo Jie naturally knows the benefits of the "Siyuan version".

The pressure accumulated by the dull and boring liver brushing skills for half a month was gone at this moment, replaced by the excitement and ecstasy that kept overflowing from the heart.

It wasn't until the system popped up the naming prompt again that Luo Jie forcibly suppressed it and regained some composure, and thought for a moment: "Iliu and the like are too uncharacteristic, so let's just name them by their code names - Night Demon Sword."

Well, he admitted that he had difficulty naming names. Anyway, this thing is a name that hangs in front of skills, so it's the end of it.

[The derivative skill "Night Demon Sword" has been named, and the skill held by the player "Night Demon" has been changed to the original version, with max level. 】

As a soft light flashed by, the unnamed derivative skills on the Luojie system page changed drastically in an instant.

【Siyuan·Night Demon Sword】

Type: Derived Sword Skill

Quality: ex

Level: lv.max

Skill 1: Jet Obscure Blade - A high-speed sword drawing technique that borrows the power of wind and fire, wind-based slash and scabbard flame secondary pursuit damage.

Skill 2: Wind and Fire Circle Dance—Basic combination of offense and defense, using the power of wind and fire to speed up the attack, it can also be used for defense.

Skill 3: Illusory Sun Remnant - Creates multiple afterimages, the body moves or attacks at high speed, and can be activated in the air.

Skill 4: Yantian Arc Moon - Wind and Fire dual-attribute anti-air skills, special attack on "flying" or "floating" targets.

Skill 5: Qiongqi - Shoots a beast-shaped wind and fire dual-attribute sword energy, causing a "floating bite" effect on the target. It can also be split into group attacks, the number of splits is not limited, but the cumulative damage is constant.

Skill 6: Desolate Slash of Yang Yan - A fierce and fierce sword slash with dual attributes of wind and fire. When the skill is activated, it will enter the "overlord" state, and there is a certain probability of destroying the slashing item. If indestructible, the target must take the same true damage.

Skill 7: Yan Lan·Dance of the Dragon God - A giant dragon-shaped sword with dual attributes of wind and fire, which automatically tracks and attacks the target before the energy is exhausted.

Special Skill: Secret Sword·Yanhui - Passive skill, continuously attacked by the same move or the same type of enemy, will increase the chance of "see through", and automatically activate "flash" depending on the chance, causing fatal damage to the target.

Introduction: The initial prototype of the [Night Demon Knife] skill developed by the player "Night Demon", which is specially strengthened by the system, and the skill quality is automatically anchored to the weapon held.