MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 292 Civilization "suture monster"

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A long time ago, when the universe was first born—note that it must be explained that the "universe" here is not the universe in the concept of human beings, but a more primitive and ancient analog of the universe.

In short, after the "universe" was born, countless civilizations have evolved.

One of the civilizations developed the fastest and first began to explore the surrounding area. Perhaps the plundering nature is engraved in the genes of its civilization, so that it lived by plundering and devouring from the very beginning; perhaps it tasted the sweetness of plundering in the process of development, and gradually deteriorated...

The too long past has long been buried by time and space. People only know that what was left in the universe at that time was a distorted, chaotic and predatory civilization "suture monster".

Why is it called "The Stitcher"?

Because it is unhealthy.

Swallowing a little in the east and swallowing a little in the west, this civilization has forcibly stitched together the technologies and characteristics of many conquered civilizations, but excessive devouring makes it indigestible, and just by its own development and purification ability, it has been completely indigested, and cannot be digested. All these devoured civilizations have completely turned into the nutrients of their own civilization, so that it has become distorted and chaotic, so that from the perspective of Shang Yinhe, the "Eye from afar", which is the symbol of this civilization, also appears so turbid and strange.

But it is more powerful.

The "suture monster" of this civilization became the overlord of that era by fighting, plundering, and destroying. Its technology is developing faster and faster, its plunder is more and more ferocious, and its ambition is more and more inflated.

In the end, it is no longer satisfied with its current dominance, it wants to dominate forever, it wants to suppress all dissatisfaction.

Perhaps, it is because it has witnessed the end of civilization that has been conquered and plundered by itself, that it is particularly afraid of its possible weakening or extinction.

How can there be an eternal overlord in the world?

The suture monster civilization, which has witnessed the ups and downs of many civilization hegemons, decided to do something that **** money from the bottom of the pot - it forcibly transformed the "universe" at that time.

At first, the practice of stitching monsters in civilization was very crude, almost killing the possibility of the emergence of other civilizations. In this way, it is not at ease, and it monitors every corner of the universe and is always vigilant.

After the transformation was completed, this civilization stitching monster spent a good time contentedly. During this time, no other civilization could develop. At most, there was a sign of the birth of life, and it was wiped out and killed. Got a clean one.

The Civilized Stitching Monster thought that he could live a leisurely life.

However, the more beautiful a thing looks, the more terrifying its backlash is.

The civilization stitching monster slowly discovered that it was sick.

A civilization that lives by plundering cannot stop plundering.

Taking the civilization on earth as an example, the Qin Empire is based on the military merit system. War can bring land, population, wealth, and promotion channels. Once the war is stopped, this huge empire begins to crumble, especially in Qin Shi Huang. Immediately after death, it is torn apart.

At this time, what civilization needs to do is to transform, from military civilization, plunder civilization, to self-development civilization, just like the Han Dynasty succeeded the Qin Dynasty.

However, this civilization suture monster cannot achieve transformation.

First, it has been in the plundering phase for so long—a length of time unimaginable for a human with only a thousand-year-old civilization—so that the essence of plunder is deeply imprinted at the bottom of civilization, its institutions, its culture, and even its Including the underlying genes of its people, the word "plunder" is deeply imprinted;

Secondly, in the past, it plundered "indigestion", and it could not completely turn all these swallowed civilizations into the nutrients of its own civilization, and its undigested civilization residues were constantly eating back at it;

In the end, in such a long time, it has come so easily by plundering the development of other civilizations that it has lost the ability to develop its own civilization, and it cannot even achieve a slight transformation of civilization.

It's like after smoking D, the whole person's way of thinking, way of life and even part of the body structure have changed, and you can't go back to before you sucked D; it seems that after dabbling in Du Bo, your eyes are full of people who make quick money and come back again. The idea of ​​​​returning to the original one and the next will never return to the normal track.

This civilization stitch monster needs to continue to plunder, and it must continue to plunder.

To plunder, it needs to develop to a certain level of civilization, and this civilization also has its own characteristics, which can provide it with some - even if only some - fuel for development, such as species with planetary characteristics, such as due to different development environments. And each has its own characteristics, such as intelligent life that can be enslaved and entertained, such as different scientific research and development ideas of various civilizations.

As a result, the Civilization Stitching Monster once again transformed the universe and made deliberate plans.

It uses its own technological level to distort the original concept of "universe" and divides the original "universe" into fragments. It changes the laws of nature and makes the universe divided into fragments have different natural laws;

It enforces the speed of light, making the energy required to exceed the speed of light tend to infinity, which makes the information transmission and position movement in the universe have insurmountable limits;

It makes the universe expand infinitely, making the universe expand much faster than the speed of light, so even if emerging civilizations emerge in an endless stream, they will never contact each other, form alliances, exchange technology and culture with each other, and collide with each other to inspire the explosion of civilization;

Using the expanding universe to separate emerging civilizations, and using the speed of light to set up barriers, on this basis, it is unlikely that civilizations can communicate with each other, because there is no real-time and effective communication between civilizations, which makes any civilization. No other civilization can be trusted.

- This is a "plan" that still makes the rest of the civilization feel desperate, even if they don't know these "plans".

Civilization Stitches relax the level of surveillance, allowing civilization to develop for a period of time until it has a certain value to be plundered.

As a result, later civilizations such as the earth began to develop slowly, but at the lowest and most essential level, they lost the possibility of rising and challenging their status.

Civilizations that lack communication can only develop slowly in silence. In a universe where physical constants and physical laws are distorted, they try to rely on themselves to improve the height of technology, and then, after reaching a certain level, they are completely swallowed up.

Civilized Stitching Monsters put their minds at ease and began to enjoy their "predatory development", or more accurately, "breeding development".

In essence, it has transformed from a predatory civilization to a "breeding" civilization, taking farming civilization-devouring civilization as its own path, and living its hegemony life leisurely.

However, to repeat, the more beautiful a thing looks, the more terrifying its backlash is.

"She was too young at that time to know all the gifts from fate, and she had already marked the price in secret." - Zweig, "The Queen of the Dead".