MTL - Of All the Transmigrations, Why Am I a Prisoner?-Chapter 131 and come back to life

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Outside the city of Shuofang, the sky is full of yellow sand, and the twilight is dark.

Li Changtian stood under the city gate of Shuofang City, looking at the head that was picked on the city gate, and remained silent for a long time.

After a long while, Li Changtian stood up, held the Bing Dilian jade pendant on his neck with one hand, rubbed it carefully, and walked slowly back to Shuofang City.

Shuofang City has lost the tranquility and comfort of the past.

When Qin Jueming led his troops to retreat from the frontier and stationed in Shuofang, he issued a military order, requiring no looting, no destruction, and no military intimidation to intimidate the people.

So even though tens of thousands of soldiers requisitioned some private houses as military camps, Shuofang was still as peaceful as ever.

But Bei Di's invasion only lasted for three days, and there were only scorched earth and broken walls left here.

Li Changtian walked quietly on the street, and from time to time, he could see several Beidi soldiers poking around in the ruins to see if there was anything missing.

Because of his face from the Central Plains, he was often stopped and provoked by Beidi people.

After all kinds of obstacles, Li Changtian finally came to the Beidi army tent. The Beidi soldiers here were burning bonfires, drinking and having fun. Now they have won the battle, from top to bottom, they are all celebrating.

However, at the exit of the city gate, there are still elite soldiers guarding it to prevent sneak attacks.

Li Changtian held his breath and restrained his words, avoiding his eyes, and quietly walked around to the hidden side of the tent.

There are inconspicuous piles of straw that he secretly put here for the past two days.

He felt the direction of the wind, looked up at the sky again, and quietly stuffed a fire stick into the straw.

The smoldering fire was crushed in the thick straw pile, waiting for the strong night wind to give it the power to blaze a prairie fire.

After doing these things, Li Changtian walked to the army's main commander's tent.

The Beidi Khan and the eight Beidi generals were already celebrating there. There were low tables in the tent with delicious wine and food.

Li Changtian entered the tent to pay his respects, and was given a low table in the corner of the tent and a pot of fine wine.

When the wine was hot, Beidi Khan called Li Changtian's name and asked him how he felt about beheading Qin Jueming.

Li Changtian described it calmly.

Beidi Khan laughed and mocked Qin Jueming, mocking that he was an incompetent man after all, so he could only end up with his corpse exposed in the wilderness.

Li Changtian picked up the wine cup on the low table and took a sip to himself.

The other Bei Di generals also talked about how the people of the Central Plains fled in panic a few days ago when their iron cavalry stepped on the city.

"Hey, people from the Central Plains." Suddenly one of the Bei Di generals shouted at Li Changtian with some contempt.

Although Li Changtian surrendered, he could still feel that many of the Bei Di generals were full of contempt and disgust for him.

Li Changtian was not annoyed, and looked up at him indifferently.

"In your Central Plains, do you have to kneel down and shout long live for the so-called emperor?" the Bei Di general asked.

"Not bad." Li Changtian nodded.

"Then you should kneel down on our khan? Huh? Do you think so?" the Bei Di general coaxed.

"Yes, yes." The other Bei Di soldiers echoed.

"That's right, kneel and show us, how did you kneel in the Central Plains?"

"Hey, why don't you talk?"

Seeing that Li Changtian didn't answer for a long time, Beidi Khan also said: "I also want to see and see, what is the gift to the emperor in your Zhongyuan mouth, and let us open our eyes, how?"

Li Changtian looked at Beidi Khan, suddenly smiled, and said, "I heard that the Khan can kill ten with one shot. He is brave and skillful in battle, has courage and strategy, and is shocked by the gods. I should do this when we salute, not open our eyes."

With that said, Li Changtian stood up with his left hand propped up on the low table. He filled his wine cup with wine, placed it on the table, and walked to the center of the tent. In front of Beidi Khan, he lifted his robe and knelt heavily on his knees.

The moment the knee hit the solid ground, it was obviously extremely painful.

Li Changtian's face did not show the slightest dew. He clasped his fists with both hands, lowered his eyes and shouted: "I wait for the humble minister, I wish to be a Khan, the eyebrows are boundless, the emperor is ten thousand years old, kowtow to the heart, long live, long live, long live."

After saying that, Li Changtian knelt down and fell to the ground with a sound.

The Bei Di soldiers around seemed to have seen something interesting, so they burst into laughter, clapping the table, belly-laughing, and even Bei Di Khan was panting with laughter.

Li Changtian maintained a humble posture for a long time, until Beidi Khan asked him to get up.

Li Changtian stood up calmly, picked up the wine cup on his low table, walked towards Beidi Khan, and asked, "Khan, I am waiting for my humble minister, can I give you a toast?"

Beidi Khan picked up his wine cup with one hand, raised it with a smile, and gave Li Changtian a false gesture, not paying attention.

Li Changtian held the wine cup in both hands, and took another step closer. He was already at the table of Beidi Khan. He smiled and raised his glass: "To the Khan."

After that, Li Changtian put the wine cup to his lips and drank it all.

Beidi Khan also served the wine, raised his head and took a gulp.

In an instant, the wine cup in someone's hand suddenly fell to the ground! Bronze knocking on the ground is like a blow to the building, and the sad song directly shakes people's hearts!

Killing intent burst out in an instant! Li Changtian suddenly pulled a dagger from his arms and plunged it into Beidi Khan's chest!

Since ancient times, the saying is not to deceive people, the moment of success or failure! !

All around exclaimed, there was a screeching noise on the table and the dishes fell to the ground, Li Changtian's eyes showed ruthlessness, as if he didn't feel enough, he pulled out his dagger, restrained Bei Di Khan's dying hand, and slashed his neck again!

Outside the tent, the wind was blowing, the wind and clouds were treacherous, and the sky was terribly gloomy.

In the direction of the military tent, an open flame was ignited somewhere. It was only a small fire, but the dry straw was extremely flammable, and when the wind blew, the sky was blazing!

At this time, outside the city of Shuofang, Li Zhanfeng and Changsun Bai were leading the soldiers to crawl in the deep ditch, waiting for a good opportunity.

It turned out that the previous evacuation of Shuofang was just a plan to delay the army!

The panic and flight are all disguised!

That day when Bei Di attacked Shuofang City, the eldest grandson Bai wanted to kill Yibo, but Li Zhanfeng thought of the secret passage he had found before, and suddenly had a plan.

They can pretend to abandon the city to escape first, and then use the secret passage. When the enemy relaxes their vigilance at night, they will come back with a carbine and kill them by surprise!

Coincidentally, today is their time for planning.

The two generals originally wanted to wait until the dead of night to sneak into the city, but who knew that smoke suddenly billowed in the city of Shuofang, and all the Bei Di soldiers who were guarding the city wall also retreated inexplicably.

Li Zhanfeng and Changsun Bai looked at each other.

"What's going on, is there any fraud?" Changsun Bai frowned, "Is this plan really feasible? That traitor Li Changtian may have already told the Beidi people about the secret way."

Li Zhanfeng pondered for a moment and said, "Let's go! Let's lead the troops in."

It was a mess, and the Shuofang City that night was in chaos.

The sound of fire fighting, the sound of fighting, the cries of Khan's accident, and the panicked sounds of people from the Central Plains calling back, all mixed together, wind and rain in all directions, and soldiers scrambling.

Li Changtian didn't know how he escaped.

After he assassinated Beidi Khan, the surrounding Beidi generals rushed up immediately. Li Changtian held a dagger and fought desperately, but he soon fell into a desperate situation.

Li Changtian thought that he would die under the chaos of the sword.

But apart from burning the army tent, it seems that something else happened in Shuofang City. The soldiers came to report in a panic, looking for Beidi Khan, and looking for Beidi generals. Hidden in a deserted mansion.

But he was also injured.

He had stab wounds and bruises on his arms and legs. He stumbled while walking. He raised his hands with pain from torn ligaments. He could only feel the blood soaking through his clothes, causing Li Changtian to sweat coldly.

Although Li Changtian escaped from the military tent, for a while, he didn't know where he could go.

Powerlessness and daze flooded into Li Changtian's heart.

He tore his sleeves into strips of cloth, and simply bandaged the wounds that could be treated. Then he hesitated for a while, and staggered toward the city gate.

Although Li Changtian tried his best to avoid people, he still met a few Beidi soldiers. After fighting for a while, he finally came to the city gate.

Li Changtian raised his head and looked at Qin Jueming's head hanging on the city gate. He burst into tears and burst into tears.

He held back his tears, stubbornly refused to let it fall, and then said in a trembling voice, "Master Qin, I have completed the task you gave me."

After all, Li Changtian climbed up to the gate of Shuofang City.

If you look into the distance from the city gate, you can see the fire in the city of Shuofang, and the soldiers are fighting against the people of Beidi.

But Li Changtian didn't care about looking into the distance at all. He found the place where Qin Jueming's head was hanging and wanted to take it down.

The head was picked on a long pole, and the long pole was embedded in the city wall, some distance from the crenel of the city wall.

Li Changtian supported the city wall with one hand, stretched out half of his body, leaned down as much as he could, trying to get the pole up.

When he bent down, the wound on his back was torn, and the clothes cut by the knife were tightly tied to the open flesh, Li Changtian shivered instinctively in pain.

But Li Changtian didn't give up. On the contrary, because he couldn't reach it, he kept going out.

Just when Li Changtian was about to reach the pole, his eyes suddenly darkened due to blood loss, and then he fell forward.

He just fell out of nowhere, falling off the city wall, like a broken paper kite with no roots and no support.

Xuanyue is above, the night is vast, the stars are hanging in the wilderness, and the sky is cold and frost.

Li Changtian closed his eyes resignedly.

Although he did not intend to walk out of the Beidi barracks alive.

It's just that if he really wants to die, he still hopes to die under the knife.

At least it's still more vigorous, not like it is now, falling alone.

Li Changtian suddenly regretted it.

I regret not telling Yan Shu that I love you.

He thought about it, and felt that it was okay to say no.

It's just a sentimental addition anyway.

When the whole body fell to the ground, it must be very painful.

The bones were cracked, and the five internal organs were shattered.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

Li Changtian was afraid of pain, and he hoped that when he fell to the ground, it would be less painful than he imagined.

However, what Li Changtian did not expect was.

He fell down.

But there is no hard earth, no bones are broken, no five internal organs are broken.

Just a warm embrace.

He was held firmly in his arms and rescued.

Li Changtian opened his eyes in surprise.

Plain white brocade clothes, phoenix eyes and sword eyes.

But at a glance, death is Sauvignon Blanc.

To be born, when to come back.

-------Thanks for the reward of the undead butterfly 々HM Mu Qingchen, the owner of the city of Winxiao Chenhua yesterday! !

Thank you, Ai Li, a very second-class person, for being urged to change the ticket by Tang Junmo, the descendant of the cute and dead little friend, the croissant ghost, Abald Meow! !

Thank you to a very second person yesterday Huang Taotutu Pudding White Tea ☆ I have nothing to do and rot a rot. Curious treasure is the monthly pass of my sybs, the descendant of the red and the red, the meow, and the shark!

ps: Li Changtian, physical resistance attribute ssssssssssssss+