MTL - Of All the Transmigrations, Why Am I a Prisoner?-Chapter 19 Learn from your big watermelon

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Yan Shu looked at Li Changtian, and saw that his head was still covered with fishy egg liquid and eggshell, and there were some rotten green stalks. Obviously, he looked embarrassed and pitiful, but Li Changtian smiled and looked like he was enjoying himself.

Yan Shu murmured for a while, but didn't say a word.

After the county magistrate on the side persuaded the people to leave, he turned his head and saw that Yan Shu's sleeves were full of stains, and quickly said: "Oh, my lord, go into the room and change into clean clothes, and wash them well."

Yan Shu nodded, and asked the servant to bring two pots of hot water, and Li Changtian and Li Changtian cleaned up and took care of themselves in the wing.

Li Changtian cleaned his hair, washed his face, and suddenly heard Yan Shu say, "Since you are innocent, you should argue instead of being angry."

Li Changtian smiled and said, "Forget it, who would believe it."

Yan Shu said, "I will explain it for you."

"There are so many people in the town, can you explain the past from house to house? You don't think it's troublesome, but I think you're a burden! And now the real culprit has not been caught, so I can't give you an explanation." Li Changtian shook his head. Shaking his head, he put the towel in his hand into the hot water and rubbed it.

Yan Shu suddenly said coldly, "The fact that the prisoner was not caught doesn't mean that the innocent can be wronged."

Obviously angry, he stared at the water basin in front of him through gritted teeth.

Li Changtian was a little puzzled. He didn't understand where Yan Shu's nameless anger came from. He thought about it for a while and smiled, "Then trouble the adults to find the real culprit, and give me my innocence."

"Okay." Yan Shu's answer was eloquent.

After the two finished cleaning up the stains, Yan Shu led Li Changtian to see the county magistrate, and explained to him in detail why Li Changtian was not a prisoner.

It's rare for Yan Shu to be eloquent. Although he has tried to be as concise as possible, compared with his usual coldness, Yan Shu at this moment makes the county magistrate feel that he is going to finish speaking for half his life.

"So he is not a prisoner." Yan Shu ended with this sentence.

"Ah!" The county magistrate suddenly came back to his senses and bowed his hands. "Your Excellency is really discerning, wise and martial, extremely intelligent, exquisite in seven orifices, beautiful in outside wisdom, deep! Ming! Great! Righteousness! Ah!"

Yan Shu: "…"

Li Changtian: "Is the idiom dictionary refined?"

"That's right." Yan Shu suddenly remembered something, took out the fish-shaped jade pendant, and handed it to the county magistrate, "Please take a look, do you agree?"

The county magistrate took the jade pendant, narrowed his eyes and saw that the jade pendant was exquisitely crafted and of great value, with the word 'money' engraved on the front, and then suddenly realized, "Ah!"

"What's wrong? Do you recognize it?" Li Changtian asked eagerly.

"There is only one family surnamed Qian in the town, but...hey." The county magistrate shook his head, "It's not easy to mess with, Lord Qian is our biggest landlord. You also know that Tian and grain are the common people. The life of the landlord, so no one dared to provoke the landlord, for fear that he would not have any crops, so he could only starve to death. This Qian, who is usually domineering, raises a bunch of thugs, and saves face for himself, he is our local snake. ."

"So?" Yan Shu said coldly.

The county magistrate paused: "It''s not easy to deal with. If your lord has something to ask this Lord Qian, Xiaguan will go to Qian's house with your lord, and he should give Xiaguan a little face."

"Face?" Yan Shu's eyes were cold, "Where is the mansion?"

"East side of the town, eh! Lord, listen to me, all the thugs raised by this Lord Qian are fierce and vicious masters! They are not good people! Before this Lord Qian often beat people and committed crimes, I called the yamen to arrest them. As a result, they all came back with bruised noses and swollen faces, and it took a long time to recover from their injuries, oh my!" The magistrate stopped Yan Shu who was about to get up and leave.

"Don't worry, please go to the yamen to wait." Yan Shu sideways flashed past the magistrate and strode out.

"Hehe! I'll go with you, I can help!" Li Changtian trotted, trying to keep up with Yanshu, "I'll cover the street, and no one will recognize me."

Yan Shu's footsteps stopped suddenly, and Li Changtian almost bumped into him.

Yan Shu turned around and said to Li Changtian, "Rest here, you are hurt."

Li Changtian waved his hand indifferently: "It's alright, no death or disability is a minor injury! Look at how I am alive and kicking now!"

Yan Shu: "You are injured."

Li Changtian: "When I was in the grass hut before, although I was injured, I couldn't hold you back."

Yan Shu: "You are injured."

Li Changtian: "Yesterday you gave me medicine, and I had a good night's rest. I'm really fine!"

Yan Shu: "On you..."

Li Changtian collapsed: "Ahhh, brother, can you say something else?!"

Yan Shu said, "Wait for me to come back."

After speaking, Yan Shu leaped into the air, passing the willow tree and the eaves in the courtyard, and in an instant, no one was there.

"Hey, you... ugh..." Li Changtian stretched out his hand and shouted twice in vain.

Afterwards, Li Changtian turned to look at the county magistrate who was beside him, pointed in the direction where Yan Shu disappeared, and asked, "Can you do it? I want to learn."

County magistrate: "..."

I will be a broom, I will, if you want to learn a watermelon, you learn it.

A quarter of an hour later, the bully Qian Ye woke up because of the noise of the fight outside the door. He put on his clothes and got up, scolding: "What dog disturbs people's dreams early in the morning, courting death!!"

As soon as Master Qian opened the door of the wing room, a family of servants hurried over: "Master! Someone came from outside and forced his way through the door, and asked him why he broke through, but he didn't answer, just one sentence, asking where are you!"

"Breaking hard?" Lord Qian snorted coldly, as if he had heard a joke, picked up the nine-ring machete placed on the iron frame in the house, and asked, "How many people? I'll let them go back and forth!"

"All alone!" said the servant.

"What's the matter? Alone? Let Niu San and the others stop him! Usually, everyone eats and drinks like an uncle, but where are they all dead now?" Qianye said angrily.

"Master, they all went, but...but..." The servant wiped his cold sweat.

"They can't stop it."

The cold voice picked up the servant's words.

Qian Ye was stunned for a moment, looked up, and saw a young man in white standing in front of the wing for some time, his expression was indifferent, his eyes were thin and cold, one hand fell to his side, and the other was on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

"Ah!" The servant was startled and shivered by the sudden appearance of Yan Shu.

"Go away." Master Qian knew that something had happened and asked the servant to leave.

The domestic servants ran away crawling and crawling.

"This little brother, I don't know why he came to visit suddenly, why?" Master Qian clasped his fists, intending to bow first and then soldiers. "You are very skilled. I admire you. There are some things that we don't necessarily have to do, right?"

Yan Shu nodded: "Yes, follow me to the yamen."

"That's unfortunate, I don't have time today." Master Qian sneered.

Yan Shu said, "I can't help you."

"Ho! What a big breath!" Qianye said, his eyes were round, and he rushed towards Yan Shu, holding the silver-glowing nine-ring machete in his right hand and slashed towards Yan Shu's shoulder.

Yan Shu stood still, staring at the right hand of Master Qian holding the knife.

Qian Ye was startled and puzzled, and was about to withdraw his strength. He only intended to scare Yan Shu, and did not want his life.

However, just as Qian Ye was about to release his force and withdraw the knife, Yan Shu suddenly moved.

Qian Ye felt pain, relaxed, and the big knife slammed into the ground.

At the same time, Yan Shu stepped on Qian Ye's calf, causing him to stagger forward and kneel heavily on his knees.

Lord Qian was about to struggle when Yan Shu took down the saber from his waist and used the scabbard to firmly hold Lord Qian's fragile neck.

Qian Ye stopped moving, he knew he couldn't win.

Because of Yan Shu, not only did he subdue him with one move, but Yan Shu's sword was not even unsheathed.