MTL - Offered Into Marriage-Chapter 24 Catch you

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After posting the first Weibo, Yang Yang followed up with another long Weibo, describing his online dating process with the Duke of Doton, and his experience. Among them, the rewriting of "Da Ling took me away from zh's house" was rewritten.

The names on the long Weibo are replaced by abbreviations, but the waistcoat is very thin, it is the type that can automatically fall off with just a short tap.

After writing, Yang Yang also added the Duke of Doton's tag.

The oil rabbit user claims to have 50 billion, and the Duke of Doton has 20 billion under the topic, and the speed of the wheel screen in the topic is naturally high. But Yang Yang took a self-portrait with a serpent's face.

Only a few minutes after Weibo was posted, comments jumped.

And among these comments, the one that was top rated was the photo of the owner. !! !!

The second is where the new powder comes from. I wonder if it is illegal to abuse the aristocratic family crest? Reported, thank you.

The third one is amnesia, online dating, car accident, artificial conception, vegetative ... I am embarrassed to scold.

Yang Yang calmly flipped through the comments, and further down, there was only one point left for commenting on him.

What "If the owner does not send a photo, I can give you a coin ..."

What "O Lord looks strange and chic."

What "o has any misunderstanding of Duke Doton's aesthetic?"

Everyone is very civilized because of the Star Network Law, but the emphasis is still shifted to his looks.

Yang Yang looked at these comments and laughed happily.

Lott ...

Still so happy being scolded? ? ?

After reading the comments, Yang Yang poked into the Duke of Douton's topic. While watching the popular post, he said to Roth, "Roth, build a model for me according to this photo. I will post to this account later Photos, all look like this. "

Rott ... OK, master.

After two seconds, Rott didn't hold back, and asked the master, what are you going to do with this?

Yang Yang "leaves a trail for yourself."

Rott was puzzled.

Yang Yang explained, "Sooner or later, the Duke and I will divorce and break up. If I look like myself now, I'm afraid I won't be torn by his fans after the break up."

Oh I see!

Rott suddenly realized.

But then I felt that something was wrong.

Rott ... but the master doesn't need to use this face.

It can't stand it anymore.

Yang Yang withdrew from the Youtu account, with an upright face. "Only then can there be topicality, and with the topicality, it will be widely known that I broke off the relationship with Zhou Hua, and Zhou Hua cannot deny it."

Rott suddenly admired the host for his thoughtfulness!

Yang Yang raised an eyebrow. "Of course."

Lot, but didn't the host tell the Duke in advance? If it was cut and played, the Duke of Doton would know that he would be angry.

Yang Yang said excitedly, "Yeah, when you do, you must remember to take a picture of him being angry. A small video is even better."

Lott ...

Master, do you know the meaning of playing with fire and self-immolation?

Yang Yang didn't know, and even wanted to pour a barrel of oil into the fire.

So Yang Yang rubbed his hands and stood up again. "It's almost time for lunch. Let's go and go to the restaurant."

Lott ...

It has understood that this pleasant tone often foreshadows a moth.


In the restaurant.

Yang Yang glanced without seeing Archibald, he asked, "Aunt Gu and uncle, where is the Duke?"

He Shu and Gulita were still preparing lunch, and when they heard the words, they looked back, and suddenly hesitated.

Gulita was speechless. "What the **** is in your eyes?"

Yang Yang touched her eyes, the lace of the lace crochet was still firmly tied, because the cloth was white, so I saw people through the gap of the lace of the cloth, even if it was Gulita, I didn't look at it The horror of the nematode is visualized.

Yang Yang was proud of it. "I removed a piece of cloth on the small table and it worked well. I dare to see people."

He Shu also said, "The solution is very good, that is ..."

Yang Yang was born with some indescribable beauty. These days, some meat was brought back, but she still looked thin and white. Usually there is a feeling of illness and beauty.

Now he blindfolded his eyes and added a sense of cowardice. What was terrifying was his blindfolded things, lace crochet flowers, coiled flowers and vines running across his face, and a little bit of dark ink in his eyes.

how to say.

Gulita's blood hit him.

Yang Yang froze. He remembered things when he went out, so he pulled something away. I did not expect to have such an effect.

Yang Yang touched his face and grinned. "It looks good.-Where is the Duke?"

Gulita "I just went to the command cabin, and I'll be here after dinner. What do you want from him?"

Yang Yang "consult the script with him. I'll go find him first."

Gulita understood the meaning of "script", and smiled and said, "Go, discuss it and give me a spoiler."

Yang Yang responded, and then headed for the command cabin.

Yang Yang hasn't been to the command module these days, but fortunately, this starship is a home, the layout is simple, no matter how bad it is, there are many soldiers.

When Yang Yang was standing at the fork, when he was about to let Roth scan the map, he saw a little white man coming by. ——The one with white skin before.

Yang Yang hurriedly greeted "Comrade Xiaobai, do me a favor, where is the command cabin going?"

Guards "..."

Who is Xiaobai? ? ?

The guard approached, and looking at Yang Yang's blindfold again, he asked in a straightforward manner, "Are you injured?"

Yang Yang bowed her head shyly, twisted her body, and smiled sweetly. "No, the Duke likes me to dress like this."

Guards "..."

Seems to know something extraordinary.

Monta, who happened to come to hear this saying "..."


Monta coughed, indicating her existence.

The guards saluted quickly, and Yang Yang looked back and smiled. "You're here."

Jumping candy? ?

The guard looked at Monta in horror "..."

Monta "..."

He can understand Bird's mood now.

Monta looked at Yang Yang and looked at the guards, not sure which one to say first, and finally waved his hands to let the guards go first.

After the guards left, Monta looked at Yang Yang. "What are you doing here?"

Yang Yang was serious for a second. "I'm looking for the Duke."

Monta looked at his expression. He wanted to ask "jumping sugar" and got stuck. At last he just choked his tongue and said nothing, turned and led the way.

"Okay, come with me."

After a few steps, Monta stopped in front of a door. After knocking twice, she pushed the door and walked in.

This is a lounge. In the room, Archibald sat on a chair, a light screen half a meter away, and there was a man similar to Archibald.

Yang Yang recognizes that it is Ashby, Archibald's brother, and it also has a high popularity on the star network-well, since Archibald became a military star, the Dottons have been online. .

At the sound of the door opening, Archibald turned his head, and his eyes fell directly on Yang Yang's eyes.

Archibald "..."

Although I can guess what that piece of cloth is for, this shape ... forget it.

Archibald did not hang up the video and asked them "something?"

Yangyang Station didn't move the door, nodded "Yes, but you seem to be busy, I will come again?"

"This is Yang Yang."

As soon as Yang Yang had finished speaking, Ahibon began to speak.

Ahiborn's appearance is more like a beam, without the sharp edge of Achiborn, gentle and elegant, a smile will make people feel close.

He glanced at Yang Yang and wondered, "What's wrong with your eyes?"

Yang Yang did not run the train this time, and briefly explained his current situation.

Ashbern laughed after hearing it. "You are so lucky—forget it, I've talked to Bird almost, let's talk."

After that, Ashbourne's video was disconnected, the light screen quickly collapsed into a line, and then disappeared.

Immediately after the light screen disappeared, Yang Yang lost his good looks, and without Yakibod's greeting, he walked to the sofa and sat down.

Archibald "..."

Forget it, do you still expect him to report to you? nonexistent.

Yang Yang could not see Archibald's expression now, but just glanced over Archibald's tail, judging the Duke's current mood was calm. So Yang Yang went straight to the subject.

Yang Yang "I want to know to what extent you intend to have trouble with Zhou Hua."

Archibald raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Yang Yang's face was taken for granted, "I'm so good at scripting."

Archibald "..."

Two seconds later, Archibald asked, "What's your script like?"

Yang Yang "threw a look at Zhou Hua, made him unlucky, and made him scolded by the entire Internet."

Archibald didn't hesitate this time. "The kind of scolding on the entire Internet.-But don't spread to your aunt."

He was not soft-hearted, but he did not want to see his father feel uncomfortable.

Yang Yang nodded angrily, "OK."

Archibald looked at Yang Yang's expression, and knew that Zhou Hua had no good fruit to eat. Although Yang Yang was usually hateful when he was angry, seeing Yang Yang calculating others like this, I feel pretty good.

Archibald's face was silent, but the tip of his tail swayed slightly.

But Yang Yang didn't notice this either, because he saw Archibald's "cotton silk" floating.

Like a cobweb hanging on a branch, it was blown by the wind and became a full moon. One of them was unsupported, and was blown out, and dangled in the air in a melodious manner, all the way to Yang Yang's front.

Yang Yang looked down, and the ghost was terrible, and reached out and grabbed.

As soon as he grabbed the "cotton silk", Archibald suddenly bounced, and then Yang Yang saw all the "cotton silk" floating around and wrapped it back again. .

"what have you done!"

Archibald's tail scales exploded, and his voice was a little husky.

If Yang Yang could see Archibald's expression, he could see Archibald's ears were a little red, and his face was unnatural, and the light in his eyes seemed to eat people.

Yang Yang was bewildered and startled by the sudden change. "I, what am I doing?"

Archibald took a deep breath, and at last he did not continue to argue with Yang Yang, and then got up and strode out.

There is so little meaning to flee.

Yang Yang "???"

What are you doing?

Monta looked inexplicably at the same time, looked around, and finally decided to follow Archibald to set up a melon.

After they both left, Yang Yang was still aggressive, so he had to ask Rotterot, what happened?

Rott was silent for two seconds before speaking to the owner in a strange tone. I think that you may not be out of control of the dislocation soul power, but the soul cube is out of control.

Yang Yang?

The author has something to say that Monta always felt that Yang Yang had caught something extraordinary. (Hey hey jg)