MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 98

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Haibara Ai is very sensitive to the atmosphere of the organization. At the beginning, Edogawa Conan did not trust this. Until several times, even if Haibara Ai did not directly see the target, he could intuitively feel that there were members of the organization nearby—and it turned out that After realizing that there were indeed members of the organization, Edogawa Conan realized that Haibara Ai's familiarity with the organization's breath was not a lie.

After encountering the Matsuda police officer several times at the scene, and after Haibara Ai showed his fear, Edogawa Conan had to begin to doubt the true identity of the Matsuda police officer.

In particular, he thought of the thin calluses that normally should not have exploded on the officer's fingertips.

It's just that if possible, Edogawa Conan really doesn't want to doubt the other party very much - after all, after all, he is a policeman who has known him since middle school. It's just that when I didn't recognize it at first, I subconsciously had 100% doubt, which made it difficult to directly reduce this doubt when I recalled the identity of the other party.

But at this time, Officer Matsuda also said some words that were not a problem in normal times, but were very harsh and critical to him at these critical moments.

For example, the attention to Kudo Shinichi, the name of a drink, and the time when he asked Haibara Ai if he had a sister, the Hagiwara police officer beside him, the face... changed!

The previous new doctor was disguised by Belmode, so does it mean that the current police officer Matsuda, or police officer Hagihara, may not be himself?

There are more and more doubts, but none of them can directly become evidence.

Edogawa Conan can only temporarily put these details in the bottom of his heart, not letting go of any clues.

The organization can fail countless times without causing much damage to itself. But once Kudo Shinichi fails once and exposes his identity, then he will not have the chance to do it again.

Therefore, we must find out the true identity of Matsuda Jinping!

After Edogawa Conan had appeased Haibara Ai and asked Dr. Akasa to take her to rest in the car, the look on his face that belonged to that high school immediately turned into the childish simplicity of a primary school student. His eyes fell on Matsuda Jinping not far behind him, and he greeted with a cute smile: "Officer Matsuda, Mr. Midorikawa! How are you!"

Zhu Fu Jingguang squatted down with a smile, keeping his vision and the children in a level-headed state.

In order to hide the dangerous items on his body, Zhu Fu Jingguang also wore an opaque thin coat outside, even if he crouched down now, he would not hold the outline of the pistol. As long as he didn't know it in advance, almost no one would notice that he had a pistol hidden on his body.

"Conan, long time no see." Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled softly: "Are you out to play with friends today?"

"Mmmm!" Edogawa Conan blinked his big eyes with obvious childishness: "We came out with Dr. Agasa! We're going to have a picnic in the park!"

"Where's Mr. Midorikawa? Did you make an appointment with Officer Matsuda?"

No one takes a child's words as a temptation, nor is he too wary of a child. It was just the habit of being undercover that made Zhu Fu Jingguang instinctively not reveal his situation, so he said with a smile, "It just happened to happen. Speaking of which, the weather is really suitable for a picnic recently."

Although Zhu Fu Jingguang doesn't hate children, his current status is not very suitable for contacting them, so as long as there are two sentences of this kind of dialogue, Zhu Fu Jingguang can end the dialogue naturally.

If Edogawa Conan didn't say the next sentence: "Then Mr. Midorikawa and Officer Matsuda are coming together? It's almost time for lunch! We have prepared a lot of delicious snacks!"

Zhu Fu Jingguang was stunned for a moment, the words of subconscious refusal had not been uttered, and Matsuda Jinping, who had been standing on the other side and looked bored, said lazily: "Let's go, anyway, there is nothing to do."

"A picnic or something can also be used as a part of the material or something?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang paused for a while, always feeling that there was something in Matsuda's words... With this thought, the short-haired youth with a pair of clear cat eyes bent his eyes: "Since Conan invited... Does it matter to the other children?"

"Yeah! Haiyuan is not feeling well, so she went to rest for the time being. But she doesn't want to cancel the picnic that everyone has been looking forward to for so long because of her relationship, so let everyone have fun!" Edogawa Conan replied: "Everyone I like Mr. Midorikawa very much, and so does Mr. Matsuda - it's a pity for everyone that I didn't have a good communication with Mr. Matsuda last time!"

Zhu Fu Jingguang tilted his head slightly, exchanged glances with Matsuda Jinping, and said with a smile, "That's really great."

And Edogawa Conan got a little bit of information from the conversation between them, that is, between the two people, Matsuda Jinhei is the main one-this bit of information.

However, this information does not seem to be of much use. After all, normally, except for the good-natured Mr. Takagi police officer, in most cases, in daily communication, such people who are similar to police, teachers, and lawyers are always It is habitual to grasp the rhythm of the conversation, so that the eyes of the people around him are focused on him.

Seeing Edogawa Conan leading the two adults over, Yoshida Ayumi, who was worried about Haibara Ai, was a little surprised: "Conan? Police officer Matsuda, and Midorikawa brother!"

Zhu Fu Jingguang seemed to be quite good at dealing with children, and unconsciously brought smiles back to the faces of several children.

【Great! It's Jingguang Cat! 】

[I always feel that I haven't seen you in the same frame for a long time! 】

【Mazda! Who are we persecuting today! (bushi)]

[Look at Xiao Ke's little eyes, I really doubt that he really has no doubt that Hiro is Scotland hh]

[No way, who would have a small formation beside me~]

【and many more! Small array flat! Look behind you! ! Someone is going to kill! ! 】

Matsuda Jinplain's lazy and boring eyes suddenly sharpened, and he turned his head subconsciously.

Today's weather and temperature are indeed perfect for a picnic, so it's not just them, there are three or four groups of family or friends in the open space.

And not far behind him, there is indeed a group of four that should be college students, two men and two women, looking at the body movements, there is at least a couple.

But murder? Matsuda Jinping narrowed his eyes, and the barrage immediately explained.

【Just now! I don't know what the guy in the blue shirt put in that cup of tea just now! 】

[Xiao Jinping, hurry up and stop that girl from drinking that cup of tea! 】

Matsuda Jinping's sudden turn back was very obvious, and both Zhufu Jingguang and Edogawa Conan immediately set their eyes on him.

And no one expected that in the next second, Matsuda Jinhei simply stood up, walked to the same picnic group, stood behind a woman, the shadow was cast, and he bent down and took the plastic in her hand. cup.

Whether it was Zhu Fu Jingguang and others, or the three people sitting here, they all showed obvious surprise - and the young man in blue clothes flashed panic in his eyes: "Hey! What are you doing!"

Matsuda Jinpei, who was not completely sure before, can now confirm the answer.

"I suggest you don't drink this glass of water." Matsuda Jinping placed the cup in his hand condescendingly: "If you want to drink it, you can go to the police station or hospital to test what it contains."

The young man in blue was even more panicked, and the woman who subconsciously frowned because the cup was taken away, after raising her head to meet Matsuda Jinping's face, she blinked and said instinctively, "...Okay."

But after a short instinctive reaction, the woman immediately noticed the problem-perhaps there was some conflict between them, or for some other reason, the woman immediately turned her attention to the man in blue body.

The young man in blue immediately said in a panic, "Don't you believe that this inexplicable man still doesn't believe me! How could I possibly poison you!"

Zhu Fu Jingguang: ...Ah, it's completely self-destructing.

Edogawa Conan: It's self-destruction.

Matsuda Jinping raised his eyebrows: "I didn't say you were poisoned."

The man in blue: "...!"

The woman's eyes widened: "...You are! I thought it was just a prank at most...!"

At this time, the other two colleagues who had not responded also realized the current situation, and almost instinctively called the police.

Poisoning and pranking are completely two concepts.

Matsuda Jinhei also paid more attention to the situation of the woman who almost became a victim. There is a so-called destiny in this world. If you don't exchange your will, even if you escape this time, there will be a funny way to die next time.

But now, while waiting for the police to arrive for half an hour, the victim has not encountered that dangerous and dangerous danger again... That means, even if Matsuda Jinping hadn't stopped her, she would probably be lucky enough to escape. this fatal injury.

Matsuda Jinhei fixed his gaze on Edogawa Conan, who had been staring at him, as if realizing something, the corner of his mouth twitched.

If that fellow Zhufu hadn't spoken, he would have refused this invitation—or rather, without him, Zhufudu would not necessarily have come this way. So the only one with this kind of common sense on the scene is this kid.

The bandaged hand covered Edogawa Conan's head in a vain, "good job."

In fact, Edogawa Conan, who didn't have time to do anything this time: ?

It did not become a murder scene, so the children were not too nervous. After the police came and took them away, the police officer Matsuda Jin peacefully came over and said a few words, and helped Zhu Fu Jingguang avoid the police. side attention.

After dealing with this, Matsuda Jinping sat down again and picked up a rice ball with his fingers that were not bandaged: "Can I eat it directly?"

"Of course!" Yoshida Ayumi's eyes were bright: "Officer Matsuda is amazing! He was able to find out in advance!"

Matsuda Jinping took a bite of the rice ball and said vaguely, "I just noticed it."

Zhu Fu Jingguang said with a smile, "Do you need me to help?"

When I saw Hagihara so cautiously before, I thought how badly injured, but now it seems to be recovering...

Just when Zhu Fu Jingguang had such an idea, the rice ball in Matsuda Jinping's hand suddenly dropped from his hand and slipped all the way from his lap to the grass next to him.

Whether it was Matsuda Jinping or Zhu Fu Jingguang, the expressions on their faces were slightly dazed.

Matsuda Jinping stretched out his fingers uncertainly, but was sure that all five fingers were still within his control. He picked up the rice ball with some dirt and grass clippings on it, and said to several people, "Sorry, I didn't hold it firmly just now."

Yoshida Ayumi immediately waved: "It's okay, it's okay!"

Saying that, she handed over a new rice ball: "Officer Matsuda eat this!"

Matsuda Jinping nodded, this time the rice **** and hands were all safe.

Zhu Fu Jingguang did not take his eyes off Matsuda Jinping.

The curly-haired officer licked the remaining sauce on his fingertips, and picked up the teacup on the other side, but this time, the cup and water fell from his hand when he couldn't hold it firmly.

The consecutive mistakes could no longer be ignored, and Zhu Fu Jingguang immediately frowned and shouted, "Mr. Matsuda?"

Matsuda Jinping looked at his palm still wrapped in bandages, but he didn't worry too much in his heart, just raised the corner of his mouth: "...No wonder."

No wonder that guy Hagi didn't want him to do it himself, because he was worried that he would notice—that his hands would suddenly lose power uncontrollably?