MTL - Omni-Magician-v8 Chapter 667 See you are so weak, let’s have a roast loin.

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Suddenly a green tentacle-like rattan stretched out of the cave, piercing the body of Legolas, throwing Legolas aside, and then Illidan’s hoarse voice came out of the cave: "Stupid son, Legolas, you are too disappointed!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Dang immediately snorted, son? Illidan, the sealed fallen elf, was originally the father of Legolas, the Elf king of the Dark Elves?

Then, a series of messages quickly emerged in Ye's mind.

He thought of the origin of the Godu animal husbandry, which was originally the area of ​​the dark forest. It was the Emperor who forced the Dark Elf King to cede this area to the Terran, and the Emperor also singled out the Elven Parliament, which is said to have injured the Dark Elf King. Let the dark elf king almost want to [elf reincarnation]... After that, the dark elf family began to lie in the world, and the dark elf king never showed up again.

At this time, Illidan’s words undoubtedly revealed that Illidan was the dark elf king who was injured by the emperor. I don’t know if it was because of the injury that the emperor had caused him, and even made him fall into what it is. .

"It turned out that this thing is completely inseparable from the Emperor." Ye Ding’s heart flashed through this thought. He realized that his fate with the demon was really entangled. It seems that later If you encounter something, you can find the Devil's back pot directly. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it!

These thoughts took less than a fraction of a second in the heart of Ye Ding. He glanced at the rattan tentacle that was shaking like a horrible serpent, and the body flashed in the body of Thrall. Next, Li, who had been held in his arms by Thrall, was in his arms. He knew that Illidan’s goal was Lil, so the first thing to guard against was the safety of Lill.

Immediately after the leaves hang down the left hand, there are black electro-optic **** around the palms. The electro-optic **** are flashing through the interconnected lightnings, making a squeaking sound. The positions of those **** are still changing. The beating is condensing the power of dark lightning.

The vine rushed to the front of the sag, and then only heard a bang, a black lightning bolt condensed on the electro-optical balls, like an electric snake entwined on the rattan, followed by This cane like a tentacle instantly turns into pieces of ashes.

The black photoelectric snake condensed by the leaf hang did not stop there. It directly shot into the hole in the underground. "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" The underground world seems to be very broad, and the surrounding ground constantly occurs. The sound of the explosion, after half a minute, the power of the black photoelectric snake released by the leaves was exhausted, and the sound of the explosion stopped.

At the same time, with the help of this magic feedback, Ye Ding also roughly figured out what the underground looks like -

"The underground was originally a palace... It was the royal palace of the Grey Valley Elves?" Ye said in his heart, his spiritual power spread in all directions, confirming that no vine tentacles appeared, as if Illidan had completely quieted down.

However, when thinking in Yeh’s heart, he suddenly felt that Ril, who was being held in his arms, was a little strange. He looked down and saw that Lill was looking up at him, but Rilna. Zhang Xiaoqiao's cute little face, this time it reveals a smile of evil charm, a pair of original green eyes, has become a blood red...

She suddenly opened her mouth and showed two sharp teeth in her mouth. She bit her foot on the neck of the leaf. Then, a huge sense of weakness quickly swept his body and made him involuntarily paralyzed. Under the body.

- Illidan's previous rattan tentacle attack was just a blind eye. His real purpose was Lil, and now he seems to have completely controlled Lille's body!

Licking the leaves, Lil's body instantly jumped from the arms of the leaves. Several dexterous tumblings fell in front of the cave. Her small body was suspended in the air, and her eyes swept over the card that was showing her vigilance. LaSalle also had Goliath, and the seriously injured Legolas, and when she saw Legolas, her little face snorted, and Illidan said with the voice of Lil: "How can I have you?" A **** son?" Then she looked at the leaf hanging again. "The body of this royal elf, [elf reincarnation] is only a year or two, with the most pure blood of the royal family, the Almighty Magician, thank you for her. Sent to my side, hahaha..."

"Let's let go of Lier!" Ye Ding felt that the strength of the body seemed to be hollowed out. He waved his left hand and tried his best to condense a large hand with a wind element, trying to hold Lier in his hand.

However, Lill just arbitrarily put his arms on his arm, and the big hand that condenses the leaves hangs completely disappeared. She laughs wildly in her mouth: "Haha... just absorbed your trace of life and brought it to me. With such a powerful force, the life of the Almighty Magician is really extraordinary. You have also been baptized by dragon blood. The body has exceeded the limits of humanity. Haha... I am completely in control of the body of this royal elf, the Almighty Wizard, you will It is the perfect sacrifice for my Illidan re-emergence!"


Above the sky, Longbao swooped down. It always looked down at the picture above the sky, and saw that Lier was weakened by the control of the leaf, and immediately rushed down to rescue.

"Dragon? Hey, it's just a dragon that hasn't fully evolved yet. Even the golden dragon and the black dragon can't help me!" I saw a wave in the hands of Lier, and suddenly grew up on the ground next to it. The huge green vine plant, like a living creature, instantly entangles the dragon treasure that rushes down.

Longbao is vigorously stunned, but he is completely unable to break free.

The Orc Sal followed him and screamed, waving the Doomhammer in his hand, and jumped up and slammed into Lear.

"Stupid orc, I will wipe out the world from the world, and the next one to destroy is you!" Rilna shouted with a two-channel voice, a small hand with a random wave, and grew again under the ground. A huge rattan preyed like a giant snake, and he reached the body of Thrall, and firmly tied Thrall.

"Drink!" Gloria shouted in her mouth at this time, and her small fist volleyed to Lil.

However... nothing happened.

Lill’s little face looked at Gloria.

"..." Gloria's face subconsciously showed a smug expression of fear, continued to volley to Lil waving a small fist, a mouthful of shouting in the mouth, but she will not be able to activate her own Titan power for a while.

"Nervous disease..."

The two-channel sound said so, and then Lil's body flashed into the cave.


The giant girl stayed a little, then thought of Ye Ding, and rushed to Ye Hang's side with a look of concern: "Mr. Hammer, you... how are you?"

"I'm fine..." Ye Ding felt a strong negative thought appearing in his heart. Lier took a bite and absorbed his breath of life, which made his body weaker in an instant, but this weakness It is not lasting, and the body that is now hanged can be recovered quickly. He sits cross-legged on the ground and lets himself recover as soon as possible.

He knew in his heart that the orcs in the Ashenvale Forest became weak and negative, and that the trees here were dry as if the winter was coming, and it should be because of Illidan's breath of life.

Previously, Ye Wei had been guarding the surrounding, but he did not guard against Lier in his arms, so that Illidan had found an opportunity. It seems that Illidan had already lurked in the spiritual world of Lil before entering the Ashenvale Forest. It was his carelessness that he didn’t realize it.

However, since Illidan is the king of the Dark Elves, he is also a royal elf. He must have lurked in Lier's body by using some kind of royal elves. The area of ​​the Godu animal is originally a dark elf. The king should be able to cast some special secrets here.

Here, the leaf sag quickly regained its strength. On the other hand, Longbao and Thrall finally broke away from the shackles of the green vine, both of whom came to the side of Ye hang, and Saar’s war was full: "The boss, we went in and recovered." Lil!"

"Wait for me to recover, my life breath has been sucked up by Lil." Ye Chen reached out and touched his neck. The wound that Lier had bitten had healed, but the place was still burning. Lier’s mouth is really embarrassing, I am now very weak...”

At this time, Grom Hellscream suddenly took a tray and walked to the side of Ye Ding: "Look at you so weak, come to a roast waist, this is my unique craft, which most people can't eat."

Ye Ding: " go away!"

"Is Lil controlled by that Illidan? Mr. Hammerhead, what do we do now?" Driven away from Grom, who is chasing the chef's dream, Gloria asked Ye Li with a look of concern.

"The little girl really is a royal elf!" At this time, the seriously injured Legolas went pale in front of Ye Ding. "I was doubtful when the Queen of Poetry was enthroned. She really was a royal family. Elf... There is an agreement within the Elf family. No one of the royal elves can set foot on the Godu animal, and as long as they set foot here, they will be spotted by Illidan. He can use the blood of the royal family of the royal family to resurrect... While the royal elves appeared in the Godu pasture, the royal elves were destined to escape the clutches of Illidan!"

Then, Legolas looked at Ye Hang with a look of anxiety: "The most terrible demon on this continent is about to be resurrected..." (To be continued.)