MTL - On How Abusive Essays Become Sweet Essays-Chapter 132 kiss me (1)

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After rushing for a few days, they arrived in a neighboring country. Unlike the capital, the flowers were blooming, extravagant and luxurious, and the atmosphere of the neighboring country showed a simple atmosphere from the inside to the outside. , and the courtiers received them and led them to the residence.

, the Tao is to catch the wind and wash the dust for them.

Liang Yan sat next to him, and he turned his head to see the palace maid beside him who was pouring wine for him, with picturesque eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, like a blooming delicate flower, in one fell swoop Every move is a style.

He took a second glance, and Liang Yan realized that he was blocking the sideways, and the tall figure blocked the woman.

Chu Hao also covered his lips with the wine glass and couldn't help but chuckle.


It seems that the host of this neighboring country has thoroughly touched all of them and tried to please them.

The banquet played music, the women wore exotic veils, danced gracefully, the corners of their clothes fluttered, half-covered, the ministers talked with each other, and the scene was filled with a harmonious and lively atmosphere.

The **** who served Chu Haoyi winked. Seeing Chu Haoyi covering his forehead and closing his eyes, he leaned closer and asked in a warm voice, "Isn't the Marquis uncomfortable?"

His voice is thin, his soft voice doesn't sound so weird, his face is white and beardless, his eyebrows are beautiful, he looks simple and cute, and he is probably the type that many people who cut sleeves love.

Chu Hao also tilted his head: "Nothing."

The **** said: "If the prince is not feeling well, how about the servant take the prince down to rest?"

Chu Haoyi played with the wine glass with one hand, and looked at the dancing girls in the hall casually. The music in his ears was mixed with the voice of the courtiers. He put down the wine glass: "Well, then Take a break."

, light and hazy.


"What are you looking for?" the **** asked.

Chu Hao also said: "Jade pendant, such a big jade pendant."

He made a gesture, and the **** asked him to wait here for a while, not to walk around, and then walked back.

For a long time, another figure appeared here, and there was no sound underfoot.

The lotus leaves in the pond floated at night, the fish jumped out of the water and sank again.

Liang Yan stopped at the fork, looked left and right, and heard footsteps suddenly behind him, Liang Yan turned his head, felt his waist tighten, and was pulled aside After the rockery.

The strength of his arms, the warm body temperature, and the familiar smell kept him from struggling.

Chu Hao also pressed his shoulder and kissed his lips, "Follow me?"

"...No." Liang Yan's voice was hoarse.

He did not follow Chu Haoyi, but after he came out, he made an excuse to follow him.

When he saw Chu Haoyi walking unsteadily, he was still worried, but now he understood that he was pretending.

Chu Hao also put his arms around his waist, patted his back with his palm, and leaned on him, "How about being with a beautiful woman... how about it?"

His warm breath fell behind Liang Yan's ear, Liang Yan's breath sank, "Don't talk nonsense--"

The next second, he felt his earlobe pinched.

Chu Hao also rubbed his ears and chuckled: "Look, our King of Nanping is shy?"

He wrapped his hands around Liang Yan's waist tightly, and pulled him to the rockery. The roads here are intricate and the rockery is also realistically made, and some rockeries can even be drilled into.

Liang Yan thought of something, and when Chu Haoyi kissed his earlobe, he pulled his wrist and said in a low voice, "You drink too much."

The forehead kissed his lips, and then fell to his chin.

Liang Yan couldn't help tilting his head, breathing trembling.

At this moment, there were rapid footsteps outside, Liang Yan's loose eyes narrowed slightly, and he held back his heavy breathing for a while. .

His hands were caught by Chu Haoyi, he couldn't move, and he didn't dare to struggle. Still not drunk.

Chu Hao also suddenly let go of his hand, his body slipped down, Liang Yan was able to catch him, and Chu Hao also leaned against his chest, close to the place where his heart was beating.

People from outside were already in a hurry, calling "Master Hou", Liang Yan didn't delay much, he sorted out the two's clothes, and walked out with Chu Haoyi's arm.

The **** recognized Liang Yan, and he said, "King Nanping, the servant should send the prince to rest."

Liang Yan: "Lead the way."

The **** looked at Liang Yan and then at Chu Haoyi, who seemed to be unconscious, so he had to withdraw his hand and explained: "Master Hou said that the jade pendant was lost, so the servant went back to look for it, but he didn't find it. Jade..."

"Jade pendant?" Liang Yan tilted his head.

The **** described it, Liang Yan's eyes moved slightly, the jade pendant was the one he gave to Chu Haoyi, but he clearly saw that it was hanging well around Chu Haoyi's neck, could it be? Is he wrong?

He didn't blame the little eunuch. When he led them to the resting place, the **** hesitated, "Don't worry about the king of Nanping, the servant will definitely serve the prince well."

"I don't need you here, let's go." Liang Yan said.

Candlelight was lit in the wing room, which was poorly furnished and the bed was covered with quilts, which was not as comfortable as Chu Haoyi's mansion. He turned over a few times and was pushed back by Liang Yan. His eyes were half-closed, his eyes clear.

Liang Yan lowered his eyes and wiped his hands with a handkerchief, then looked at his neck, Chu Hao also stared at him with interest.

The shadow of the bed curtain covered most of Chu Haoyi's face. Liang Yan didn't notice whether he was awake or not.

The warm palm seemed to grab his heart directly, and Liang Yan's breathing stagnated.

"The King of Nanping is going to do something wrong to me?" Chu Hao's hoarse voice came.

Liang Yan suddenly felt hot, but when he thought of his handsome little eunuch, his heart was dull again. It will kill him.

The Adam's apple under the palm rolled, as if it was tickling, and hooked into Liang Yan's heart.

He rubbed the pulp of his thumb and said solemnly, "So what?"

Chu Hao also spread his hands: "I can't beat you, so I have to admit defeat, let you pick-"

His tail rises like a hook with bait in the water, and Liang Yan is that fish.

Liang Yan's dark eyes met Chu Haoyi's smiling eyes, as if he was joking, as if nothing in the world could get into his eyes, and Liang Yan broke in.

He used to live like a lone wolf, with no one behind him, and it was not uncommon, but now there is a rare person who has provoked his hand. If this person wants to abandon him in the future, he must do well Prepare to be bitten by a wolf.

Chu Hao seems to be unconscious.

Liang Yan squinted.

Chu Hao also grabbed his wrist and took it away from his neck, "King Nanping, don't look at me like that—"

Liang Yan sneered: "What? Lord Hou is still afraid of me?"

Chu Hao also licked the corners of his lips, his voice was low, and he had a sense of emptiness, his eyes were mixed, "You look at me like that, Ben Hou... but you can't bear it. Living."

Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, the anger in his eyes dissipated a little, he grabbed Chu Haoyi's wrist with his backhand, and asked, "Do you know what the eunuch's plan was?"

He was unaware of others approaching him, but others could see clearly what Chu Haoyi was thinking.

Chu Haoyi: "What's your idea?"

Liang Yan didn't believe it. He couldn't see it. The others were all palace maids, but he deliberately found the beautiful little **** for Chu Haoyi. He knew what he was doing.

Just like Chu Haoyi grabbed his hand before, he pressed Chu Haoyi's hands on the bed, "What's your idea?"

"How would I know if you don't tell me." Chu Hao's voice was also sloppy, not like someone who was caught. He slowly turned his head and kissed the wrist on the side of his face. Yan's hands loosened.

Liang Yan knew that he was going to pretend to be stupid to the end, but he had no other way to take him, and Chu Hao also always had a way to make him follow his rhythm.


Chu Hao also bent his knees, "King of Nanping, don't be fooled."

Liang Yan's mouth twitched.

Who is it?

While he was distracted, Chu Hao also wrapped his arms around his waist, turned over and pressed him under him, Liang Yan was already confused, and the motion of pushing and refusing was soft, as if he wanted to refuse Also welcome.

Have a good time, how about you?"

Liang Yan's eyes moved slightly, but he never realized what he meant.

It was late at night, the breeze was breezy, and the guards in the palace were still patrolling. He closed his eyes, frowned slightly, raised his chin slightly, revealing the smooth jawline, and his silhouette was reflected on the wall.

After a short breath, he gasped.

Chu Haoyi's shadow shrouded him, his voice hoarse and low laugh: "King Nanping now trusts the sincerity of Ben Hou?"

Liang Yan opened his eyes, and his eyes were still a little dazed. He raised his hand and wiped the corner of Chu Haoyi's lips, and suddenly stood up, and this time he bumped into Chu Haoyi's On his shoulders, he paused, rolled around on the bed with his arms around him, and turned over.

"King Nanping, you can't wipe it clean like this." Chu Haoyi said, he raised his finger and touched his lips, "use this."

Liang Yan pursed his lips, lowered his head and covered his lips, Chu Hao also inserted his fingertips into his loose ink hair.

The group stayed in the neighboring country for more than ten days, and the neighboring country failed to benefit from them. Chu Hao, who seemed to be the best to open up the relationship, was also the most difficult person to penetrate.

The beauty next to Chu Hao is also a beautiful scenery, a beautiful landscape, but Liang Yan is a harbor where he can stop and stability.

It was summer when we returned.

In the evening, they passed the guest house, stopped to rest, there was no one around, and it took half a day to enter the next town, so they decided to rest here.

The shopkeeper of the guest house came out to welcome the guests, and a group of people entered one after another.

Chu Hao also got off the horse, and the second came over to lead the horse: "This guest officer invites you, please, and the horse will be handed over to the little one, and the little one will be fine—"

He raised his head and looked at Chu Haoyi, his voice stopped abruptly.

Chu Hao also glanced at him because of his abnormality at this moment. His facial features were ordinary, there was nothing special, and his hands were rough, and he looked like he was used to rough work.

"You are very familiar." Chu Hao also hesitated, "Have we met?"

"How can you!" Xiao Er lowered his head, "The guest officer is so good-looking, like that fairy, he was stunned for a moment."

Liang Yan came over: "Go in."

Chu Hao also stopped paying attention to that little Er and followed Liang Yan into the guest house.

There is a table on the first floor. After they entered, the inside became lively in an instant. Chu Haoyi went to the inn on the second floor first and changed into clean clothes. The dust was flying, and they all seemed to have a layer of dust on them.

Chu Hao also changed his clothes and went downstairs: "Little Er."

Chu Hao also asked him to bring some dishes, and the second said "Okay", then turned around and went back to work.

Chu Hao was also lying in the room, faintly smelling a strange fragrance, very light, like his illusion, he subconsciously smelled it twice, and opened his eyes in the darkness.

This guest house is simple, why is there incense?

When Chu Hao also realized that something was wrong, his body was no longer able to exert himself, as if a heat wave was hitting layer by layer, his breath was scorching hot, he raised his hand and tugged at the front of his shirt, It's a little uncomfortable to turn around.

The door opened quietly, and a figure came in.

Chu Hao also used to put a dagger under the pillow for self-defense wherever he went, but he didn't expect to use it this time.

The figure walked to the bedside and let out a low and gloomy laugh, "I didn't expect it."

Chu Hao also heard this voice, it was the little second he met today.

The room was dimly lit, and there were only five fingers out of sight, only a faint outline could be seen, Chu Hao also opened his mouth, delaying time: "Why hurt me?"

His voice was hoarse, if it wasn't for the silence in the room, he would have missed it.

"Huh." Xiao Er laughed sarcastically, "It hurt you? It's clearly you who hurt me, Lord Hou, long time no see, dozens of my brothers joined because of you That cage that does not see the light of day, did the Hou Ye forget it?"

Chu Hao's mind was spinning rapidly.

"You made me run away and prevented me from entering the town, and now, I will avenge this!" The second said viciously.

Chu Hao also remembered it. After Xiaoer reminded him, he matched the number. He was not in a hurry and only asked: "Can you tell me what time is it now?"

Little Er sneered: "What? You still have to pick a good time to hit the road?"

He sneered: "If it weren't for the sweat medicine, I wouldn't use this aphrodisiac/medicine..."

Before he finished speaking, the door of the room was kicked open, and Liang Yan's figure appeared at the door.

Chu Hao was also in the dim environment, only to see Liang Yan striding in, Xiao Er retreated, Liang Yan grabbed the collar and kicked him out, Liang Yan also stopped by Take the door.

He could only hear a few screams outside, it was lively for a while, and when it was quiet again, Chu Hao also heard the adults who were with him ask Liang Yan: "This thief actually attacked at night , I wonder what happened to Lord Hou?"

"I'll go in and have a look." Liang Yan replied in a deep voice, "You arrest him first."

Then the door was pushed open and Liang Yan walked in. He first lit the candle in the room, then walked quickly to the bedside, Chu Haoyi was lying on the bed, cheeks flushed Red, eyes closed tightly, blue veins on the forehead faintly appearing, it seems to be an extremely difficult state.

Liang Yan probed his forehead, "Master Hou, Master Hou?"

Chu Hao also grabbed his hand and patted his face, and said weakly: "Stop patting."

Liang Yan's hand was wrapped in coolness, and when it fell on his cheek, he didn't let him cool down, and made him even more difficult.

"I'll go to the doctor." Liang Yan got up, his arm was pulled.

He turned his head.

Chu Hao also grabbed his hand: "It's alright, go get some cold water."

Liang Yan went to fetch cold water as he said, and soon came back, he put the water aside, soaked the handkerchief, and wiped the sweat on Chu Haoyi, Chu Haoyi laughed, Liang Yan wiped Take action.

"What's the matter?" He asked in a deep voice, with a nervous tone inadvertently.

Chu Hao also said: "Nothing."

His original intention was to let Liang Yan bring cold water and take a cold bath for him, but Liang Yan misunderstood what he meant.

Liang Yan thought he was wet with sweat and felt uncomfortable, so he wiped him carefully and said, "Don't worry, Lord Hou, I will definitely not let him go easily."

"Don't worry, you can handle things." Chu Hao also curled his lips and said slowly, "Do you know why he attacked at night?"

Liang Yan: "I just heard something outside the door."

Chu Haoyi: "Do you remember him?"

Liang Yan puzzled: "What do you mean by this, Lord Hou?"

Chu Hao also wanted to divert his attention like this. He exhaled a scorching breath and said, "In the field where he was fighting with beasts, he was the one who pulled the tiger onto the field."

It hasn't passed for too long, Chu Hao can barely remember, the other party has changed a little, that person was dressed in bright clothes at that time, and now he is gray and his face is gone The spring breeze is complacent, it seems that it is two people.

It is true that people rely on clothes and horses on saddles.

Liang Yan's fingertips brushed Chu Haoyi's earlobe inadvertently, he took a sharp breath and closed his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Liang Yan put aside the matter just now.

Liang Yan's heart tensed when he heard his weak tone, and he lowered his head.

Chu Hao also: "Kiss me."

Liang Yan's face was hot, he pursed his lips at a loss, clenched his hands into fists, and finally kissed it tenderly, his lips overlapped, and the breath on Chu Haoyi's lips was hot Very, Liang Yan's face was calm and calm, his heart was beating wildly, and he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

"Open your mouth." Chu Hao also pressed his lips, and the tip of his tongue traced his lips. Liang Yan felt a little itchy on his lips, and opened his lips a little.

When they were separated, Liang Yan's breathing was also disordered, the base of his tongue was numb, and the sound of light panting breathing in the room came one after another.

Chu Hao also chuckled softly, "Did you hear it just outside the door?"

"What?" Liang Yan asked. He heard a little, but he didn't know which sentence Chu Haoyi asked.

Chu Hao also said: "The incense he gave me has the effect of arousing love, do you understand?"

Liang Yan was silent for a moment: "...Understand."

The outside was quiet again, the candle in the room was not extinguished, Chu Haoyi's eyes seemed to be flickering, Liang Yan sat beside the bed, bent over and glanced at his eyebrows, his Adam's apple rolled : "How do I do this?"

Chu Hao also raised his hand, and he lowered his head, like a tamed wolf with sharp claws.

Chu Hao also had a laugh in his voice, as if teasing: "I'll teach you, you can listen."

Liang Yan's Adam's apple rolled again, "Okay."

With the necessary things in the accompanying luggage, Liang Yan took out the things and listened to Chu Haoyi's words, he did as he said, in Chu Haoyi Under his gaze, his breathing became heavier and heavier.

This is the first time for him to take control of such absurd behavior.

Send the man to the office.

When Liang Yan put on his clothes and came out of Chu Haoyi's room, everyone looked at him. He covered his neckline uncomfortably, saying that he took care of Hou Ye last night.

Everyone suddenly realized that the relationship between Prince Nanping and Lord Hou seems not as bad as rumored.

Chu Hao also came out from behind him, full of energy, and seemed to have slept very well. In contrast, Liang Yan's slightly haggard face was not visible at all. After Chu Hao also came out , there is a comparison.

Everyone lamented their close relationship.

When they arrived in the capital, they all breathed a sigh of relief. The long journey was really exhausting. They first sorted out the instruments before entering the palace to report the results of the trip. They dispersed again.

The matter is over, everyone can rest for a while, only Nanping Wang Liangyan was left in the palace by the emperor.

Liang Yan walked out of the palace gate and saw that there was a carriage over there that had not left, he recognized it at a glance as Chu Haoyi's carriage, he walked over, and the servants saluted , got out of the way, obviously meant to let him go up.

He opened the curtain of the carriage, Chu Hao leaned his head on the carriage, and the light came in, he opened his eyes, saw Liang Yan, and patted the seat next to him: "Come in Bar."

Liang Yan got into the carriage, Chu Hao also raised the curtains and ordered the people to go on the road, first to the Nanping Palace, the carriage soon moved.

"What did the emperor leave you to say?" Chu Hao also asked.

Liang Yan: "The matter of getting a wife."

Chu Hao also raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

Liang Yan: "I have explained to the emperor that I will not marry a wife in this life."

The emperor seems to have misunderstood that his beloved is no longer alive, so he did not say more.

Chu Hao also pulled the corner of his lips and smiled: "Today, the king of Nanping will go back and have a good rest."

"Will you not invite me to sit in your mansion?" Liang Yan tilted his head and asked.

Chu Hao also stopped and laughed, he opened the curtain and let the servants go directly to the house.

The backyard of Hou Mansion was much quieter. The people living in the backyard seemed to evaporate overnight and disappeared.

When they saw Chu Haoyi, they stopped and salute: "Master Hou."

Chu Hao also nodded, "Go on."

The maids went down with their things, and after a while, the servants brought refreshments.

"Do you want to go fishing?" Chu Hao also asked.

Liang Yan heard this and remembered that some time ago, Chu Haoyi was scratched on the foot, fishing every day, accompanied by beautiful women, he calmly drank a cup of tea, Said: "If you want to go, Lord Hou, then go."

So, they went to the pond, the servants brought fishing gear, and the two sat in the courtyard by the pond.

From spring to summer, the courtyard does not seem to have changed much, but the atmosphere is different.

"Why haven't we seen those people in the Hou Ye's backyard today?" Liang Yan asked casually.

"Who?" Chu Hao also asked knowingly.

Liang Yan heard the teasing in his words and pursed his lips.


"The King of Nanping never fished?" he asked.

Liang Yan: “…”

He never fishes, and if he wants to eat fish, he just goes into the water to catch it.

Chu Hao also held his hands: "Your hands are shaking like this, how can the fish be hooked?"

He curled his lips and chuckled, "The fish won't bite when the hook is put down, it must be because your fishing skills are too poor."

"Master Hou's fishing skills are very good." Liang Yan said calmly.

Chu Hao also naturally leaned on him: "How do you say this?"

Liang Yan turned his head sideways and saw a ray of sunlight falling on the tip of Chu Haoyi's hair. Yan was stunned, and pursed his lower lip.

Chu Hao also backed away, Liang Yan met Chu Haoyi's smiling eyes, his heart fluttered, and he turned his face away: "Marquis respect yourself."

He suddenly remembered that night, Chu Hao's low voice echoed in his ear, and he said the words of others who were blushing, and even those praises were hard to say.

Chu Hao also laughed when he heard what he said.

Liang Yan is serious, but he is really not serious.

It's a perfect match.

The two were leaning against each other, watching the waves in the water, the fish hook floating on the water, and no one to pull it, Chu Hao was also a little sleepy, so he leaned on the side, hazy , caressing his head with both hands.

Liang Yan let Chu Haoyi lie on his lap, he raised his hand and fiddled with Chu Haoyi's black hair, his fingertips slipped from his forehead, caressed the profile of his face, looked at him With a sleepy face, a smile appeared on his cold face.

How lucky I was to meet him at that time, everything seemed to be God's will, was him.

Yarn, every move is a style.

Today's Mid-Autumn Festival, several people from famous families in the capital are having fun here, and the most involved is Chu Haoyi. Chu Haoyi is very generous, and he rents the boat. style.

But sitting in the cabin is the most low-key one.

In the corner, he was leaning against the pillar, holding a wine glass in his hand, opposite Su Tingxuan with a handsome face.

"You really are with the King of Nanping..." He seemed to think that it was inappropriate to say so, he paused, and said in a low voice, "You know that you are acting like this is outrageous!"

The surrounding music overwhelmed their voices, and no one paid attention to what they were saying in the corner.

Chu Hao has not come out to play for a long time, he looked at Su Tingxuan, did not deny his words, only said: "So what?"

He twitched the corners of his mouth and chuckled: "I've always acted like this, but what opinion does Young Master Su have?"

"I...I'm just..." Su Tingxuan's voice weakened.

Chu Hao also lowered his eyes, the light from the outside fell on his face, making his eyes blurry, "I know what you are thinking - Su Tingxuan, what you dare not do, I dare."

No matter what Su Tingxuan thinks about him or Liang Yan, it's better now.

In that book, Su Tingxuan was hesitant and indecisive, and if he was detached, Chu Hao was different from him.

Su Tingxuan pursed his lips and looked behind him.


The voices of everyone in the cabin were lower.

After a while, everyone saw that Chu Haoyi got up, stroked his sleeves, and left behind Liang Yan, leaving them to look at each other.

"Why is the King of Nanping here?"

"The two of them have always been at odds, what happened just now?"

"Brother Zhang, you are behind the news."

"What do you say?"

"I tell you, I heard that the King of Nanping and the Marquis..." The man compared his hands, "Has a leg."

Beside the big boat, there was a small boat, Chu Haoyi and Liang Yan got off the boat together, and took the boat to the shore, "Why are you here suddenly?"

Liang Yan stepped on the shore, turned around and extended his hand to Chu Haoyi, he heard the words raised his eyes and glanced at him, his eyes were a little dark, he said: "I heard that you are here , here comes."

Chu Hao also coughed twice, took his hand to the shore, remembered the scene of fun in the cabin just now, and said, "I just come and have a look."

Liang Yan took out something from his arms and said, "I brought some cakes from the palace, you want to taste it."

Chu Hao also said to go back and try again.

When he was caught off guard, Liang Yan brought up the matter on the boat just now, "You told Su Tingxuan, why didn't you tell me?"

Chu Hao also smiled and touched his waist: "If you want to hear it, I will tell you."

Liang Yan's eyes darkened: "Will you come to my mansion today?"

Chu Haoyi: "Huh?"

He remembered something, smiled and said, "Okay."

At night, the Mid-Autumn Festival market was lively, a carriage quietly walked along the path to the front of Nanping Wangfu, the curtain was lifted, Chu Hao also came out, there were lanterns hanging at the entrance of Nanping Wangfu, it looked like Very festive.

The servants of Nanping Wangfu saw him and quickly bowed their heads to lead him.

Chu Hao has also been a frequent visitor to the Nanping palace, and the speculation about the relationship between the two people, the two or three things that have to be said have not caused any waste.

The servant led him to a place and said, "The prince is still bathing, please wait a moment."

Chu Haoyi, still holding the scroll in his hand, said, "Got it, let's go."

"Yes." The servant stepped back, and the figure gradually disappeared.

Chu Hao also swiped the pattern on the door with his fingertips, and the candlelight inside the door could be vaguely seen.

I'm taking a bath... That's very inconvenient to receive guests.

With a squeak, the door opened.

This place is very big, there is a bathtub behind the screen, Chu Haoyi took the picture scroll, turned around and closed the door, and walked over.

The people inside heard footsteps and asked "who" in a sharp voice.

Chu Hao also walked slowly, and his deliberately lowered voice was more casual at night: "King Nanping, guess what?"

The sound of the water stopped. After Chu Haoyi crossed the screen, a figure appeared in front of Liang Yan. Liang Yan's body was not in the water. The moment he saw Chu Haoyi, he turned his back. Said: "You go out and wait, I will be fine soon."

"This Marquis doesn't like to wait for others." Chu Hao also put the scroll aside, took off his shoes and socks, walked barefoot beside Liang Yan and sat down, asking with a tone of pure doubt , "Why don't you look at me?"

Liang Yan got up from the water, Chu Hao also bent down, leaned over to hold his face, covered his lips, Liang Yan stepped back, Chu Hao also lost his balance , fell into the water, Liang Yan bullied him up and wrapped his waist.

The kiss was inseparable, the water soaked Chu Haoyi's clothes, he buckled the back of Liang Yan's head, touched his wet hair, he kissed the corner of his lips , backed away a little, and said, "Turn over."

Liang Yan's breath fell on his lips, and his Adam's apple rolled up, "Let me look at you."

Chu Hao also took a step forward, and Liang Yan took a step back.

Chu Hao also raised his hand and stroked his eyebrows, leaned over for a kiss, his half-closed eyes seemed to be dotted with starlight: "Then you - you should be optimistic."

"Remember me."

"Ok...look at me."

Chu Haoyi's words were fierce, and Liang Yan couldn't resist. Every time Chu Haoyi said a word, he responded with a low voice.

The two get along more and more and never get bored.

The water waves are turbulent, the sound of high and low sounds, accompanied by the sound of water…

It took a long time to stop.

Liang Yan put on a piece of clothes, sat by the pool, and opened the picture scroll that Chu Haoyi brought. On the picture scroll is the appearance of a person, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, Liang Yan recognized this person at a glance .

He glanced.

Chu Hao also put his elbows on his legs and raised his upper body: "Do you like it?"

"You naturally like what you paint." Liang Yan said, he rolled up the scroll.

Chu Hao also said, "Then next time I'll paint it for you. Unfortunately, you were very busy when painting this painting, so I can only paint it according to memory."

Liang Yan lowered his head and kissed Chu Haoyi's forehead, "If you want to see me, come and see me."

Being with him for a long time, Liang Yan finally opened his mind and heard the hidden meaning of these words.

Chu Hao also chuckled: "Then next time you come in the middle of the night, don't leave in a hurry."

Liang Yan heard this and said in surprise: "How do you—"

He paused.

Chu Hao also couldn't help laughing, lying on his lap: "King Nanping thinks that he is quiet, and I don't know when he touches my face?"

Liang Yan: “…”

Chu Hao also took Liang Yan's hand and put it on his face.

Liang Yan's palms are cocooned, and when the finger pads touch his cheeks, they feel a bit rough, somewhat comfortable, making people drowsy, and when doing other things, this hand is also very Comfortable.

"If you want to touch it, I won't let you touch it." Chu Hao also raised his eyes and said, there seemed to be inextricable affection in his eyes, when he tilted his head and kissed his palm, It looks the most gentle.

Liang Yan's face remained calm, his earlobes stained with a thin red, he said, "I don't want to touch it."

Then touched his face again.

"You stay away from Su Tingxuan in the future." Liang Yan said solemnly, "He has bad intentions."

I want to sow discord among them and break them apart.

"Why should I listen to you?" Chu Hao also looked at him