MTL - One Piece: Wudang Baiye, Deputy Captain of the Straw Hats-Chapter 367

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An unbelievable expression appeared on Wilb's face, he couldn't believe that the little man in front of him actually possessed such power.

He has been at sea for so long, even those big pirates who have been famous for a long time, can't do this in front of him.

But this guy, who wasn't even the captain, not only withstood his own attack, he didn't even take a step back.

"Heh, do you think you can kill me with one knife? Big man."

Sauron raised his head slightly, looked at Wilb with sharp eyes, and then said:

"If you only have this power, you're still far behind!"

After the words fell, Sauron's arms swelled instantly.

[One-Sword Style·Strength Slash! 】

The moment Sauron exerted force with his arms, the stalemate between the two was instantly broken.

wilb is not subject to

The controlled one was slowly pushed up by Sauron. With Sauron's strength again, Wilbur was also completely lifted up, and he retreated more than ten steps before stabilizing his figure.

Zoro, on the other hand, only moved his wrist briefly, and his whole body seemed very relaxed.

At the same time, Zoro also took advantage of this moment to turn his head to look at Sanji and Robin and said, "You guys come back first, I can't take care of you in the next battle."

After hearing this, Robin smiled and said, "It seems that my task is completed."

Sanji raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't be hacked to death, Chlorella."

Then, a burst of blue light radiated from their bodies at the same time.

In the light, the bodies of the two gradually shrank. Qianqian

After the light dissipated, the two dolls also floated towards Sauron, and were caught by the latter.

Looking at the two puppets, Sauron couldn't help but twitched at the corner of his mouth and said, "That guy Bai Ye actually engraved their personalities on it."

He squeezed the head of the Sanji doll, and said angrily: "Thinking of what this guy said just now, I can't help but want to use my strength."

Of course, after all, Sauron finally put the two dolls into his arms carefully.

Then, he turned around, pointing at Wilbur from a distance in his hands, grinning and said:

"Big man, you are Shichibukai appointed by the World Government, so—"

"You have to hold on for a while."

At the same time, the same scene happened on another battlefield.

"Then, I'll leave it to you~"

After Meili finished saying this, she turned into a doll and fell into Nami's hands.

Before him, Jinbe, Brooke, and Frank also turned into puppets.

This also means that among the people who were surrounded just now, only Nami, Usopp, and Chopper are left.

"Hahahaha, if it's just these opponents, I, who is offering a reward of 500 million, can handle it alone!"

At this time, Usopp put his hips on his hips, and said arrogantly, not caring that he and the others faced the most enemies.

"If that's the case, then you should do your best, Usopp."

Usopp's expression froze upon hearing this, and he turned his head to look.

Nami was standing far away, looking at him with a smile on her face.

It was just this smile, but Usopp could see the deep "maliciousness".

Chopper standing beside Nami raised his little hand and shouted at Usopp:

"Come on, sniper king Usopp!"

Chapter 457 The Golden Giant, Wald's Winning

"Those guys aren't real people?"

The sudden downsizing of the Straw Hats was naturally discovered by Tezolo.

It's just that he couldn't understand how those puppets became the same as himself anyway.

But at this time, he didn't have time to figure it out.

Because a figure that was steaming with steam rushed out of the golden ball that he poured.


The figure was naturally Luffy, he shouted Tezolo's name loudly, and he came to Tezolo in the blink of an eye.

Then there was a flying kick, which kicked Tezolo hard in the stomach.

With extreme speed and strength, Tezolo had no reaction time at all, and could only barely manipulate the gold into armor.

But this weak golden armor, facing Luffy's furious flying kick, could not be stopped for even a second before it was completely shattered.

Tezolo was kicked so that he arched his body, opened his mouth wide, and was kicked away without even crying out in pain.

Unlike Wilbur who quickly stood upright, Tezolo was like a ball, bouncing on the ground several times before slipping out a deep mark before being finally blocked by the cage.

The gravel splashed, and the thick smoke also buried his body.

"Although I don't know what happened."

Luffy stood up straight, straightened his straw hat and said slowly, "But now, I just want to beat you hard!"

Tezolo's voice did not resound in the smoke and dust, but the sound of gold flowing suddenly resounded.

At the same time, those who hadn't left the auditorium due to crowding found that the golden stands under their feet began to melt and surge towards the center of the battlefield.

Some people who failed to break free as soon as possible were swept away by the torrent.

Gold continued to gather in the direction of Tezolo.

A huge golden figure emerged from the smoke and dust.

At the same time, Tezolo's crazy voice sounded:

"Even if the plan is seen through, then I don't need to plan!"


With a loud noise, a huge golden palm slapped the ground, and the shock caused caused the whole ship to shake.

"Everything in this city is under my control. With money, I can decide everything!"


Another golden palm slapped the ground, and the golden giant got up slowly.

"The biggest entertainment is just beginning now

! ! "

Knowing this, the endless gold finally stopped surging, and the figure of the golden giant was completely revealed in front of everyone.

This is a giant with a similar appearance to Tezolo, with purple unknown lines on his body, and a huge golden five-pointed star printed on his back.

Just standing up straight, surpassed the tallest tower in the Golden City, revealing an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

Then, the golden giant took a step forward, and the ground trembled instantly, causing huge boulders to fly.

"Hahahahaha!" Tezolo, who was hiding in the golden giant, was laughing wildly:

"Got it? Straw Hat!"

"I am everything in this world, and you are the trash destined to accept domination!"

The golden giant showed off its majesty to its heart's content.

"This! It is the form of God!!"

At this time, Tezolo had completely lost his mind after being hit one after another.

He didn't have the patience to wait for cp0 to support him according to the plan.

He has only one thought now, and that is to completely crush Luffy in front of him.

And Luffy also had only one thought.

"Too long-winded."

Facing the golden giant whose instep is more than half his height, Luffy is not afraid.

He just put on his straw hat and stared at the golden giant with wide eyes.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy, the man who will become One Piece."

He kicked his legs on the ground, and the whole person jumped into the air, and then turned on the third gear, and an equally huge fist appeared.

Luffy punched Tezolo fiercely, and said his final declaration:

"I will not be dominated by anyone!!"

[Rubber Rubber Elephant Gun! ! 】

"Then try it, Straw Hat Luffy!!"

Facing Luffy's attack, Tezoro controlled the golden giant to throw his fist at Luffy as well.

At the same time as he punched, the golden giant's arm became bigger again, obviously Tezolo increased his strength.

Boom! !

The two equally huge fists clashed, and the air waves rolled up, destroying all the buildings in the entire high-level area.

It even affected other battlefields.

"Hehe, you are indeed the brat that even cp0 fears."

Wald looked at the other battlefields that had already started, with a hint of appreciation in his tone.

"Don't look down on anyone, just think

Just destroy it, this is a pirate. "

"Bai Ye, I'm starting to like you, hahahaha!"

Even though he knew that the plan had completely failed by this time, Wald still didn't care.

He was originally a lawless man, and at the same time, he was also someone who had absolute confidence in his own strength.

At this moment, he even took the initiative to extend an olive branch to Bai Ye:

"Follow me, Bai Ye."

"With your planning and ability, you don't have to follow those immature brats at all."

"You also want to destroy the world government, as long as you bear the banner of Lao Tzu, you can do whatever you want."

"Even that Newgate guy can't stop you."

Having said that, Wald changed the subject, and there was a hint of greed in his eyes:

"Speaking of Newgate, it was you who restored his strength."

Wald smiled grimly: "As long as you bring me back to my peak, I will make you the vice-captain!"

"How is it, boy Bai Ye?"

"Not good?" Bai Ye rejected Wald's proposal without hesitation.

Why are you the captain of Lao Tzu, who was beaten by Luffy who just learned to be domineering?

Do you think you are the main character?

After complaining a few words in his heart, Bai Ye raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile:

"What a coincidence, I am also very interested in your devil fruit."

"Why don't you hand over the fruits, and I can help you say a few good words in front of the Liaoyuan Army."

"Based on my relationship with the Liaoyuan Army, at least you can enjoy single room treatment in prison."