MTL - One Piece’s Strongest Ice Dragon-Chapter 30 Results announced!

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Time is fleeting,

Twenty-three days later, on the coast of the island.

The representative sounded a sound for a while, and the recruits slowly gathered by the coast.

They have more or less colors on their bodies, and some need support from others to stand firm, and they look like the defeated army.

The rumbled trumpet sound was still chanting, and one after another recruits came out of the forest.

"Hey, how many points did you get?"

"Unclear, I don't know many animals."

The assembled recruits talked while secretly looking at the front Loya.

The site where Loya fought with the Silverback Great Ape that day was discovered the next morning, and the news spread quickly and quickly. Some recruits learned the news and even gave up their targets, and went there to watch it.

The scratches of hundreds of meters left ugly scars on the forest. Everything around was frozen, obviously Xia Island, but it felt as cold as East Island. Countless animals and insects that had not had time to hide remained in their poses before their deaths and turned into ice sculptures. The scene was so beautiful and so scary.

Hanbing hell!

This is the only adjective that recruits can think of.

But! ...... Later, it became the camp for most recruits, and the recruits would return to camp and camp during meals and breaks.

Whether it was Long Wei, which was sent out after Loya ’s "initial solution," or the breath left by the silver-backed ape, the animals on the island did not dare to approach it, and could not even hear a worm.

不用 Don't worry about being attacked by beasts at night. Is there a better rest place in the forest than this?

Wu Mingming was a real-life assessment. As a result, most of the recruits did this, and they were just like outings in a group.

"So scary, are we really going to fight that guy?" Thinking of Zefa, the recruits always felt as if they were fooled. At that time, everyone was gloating and preparing to clean up Loya, but according to the strength shown by Loya at present, how can all be delivered?

"Probably ... okay? I heard that it is a one-on-one wheel battle, and the mill can also kill him." Someone explained, but he didn't believe himself much.

"No, I heard it was a collective war. If one-on-one, I'm afraid Loya can't hold it before he is tired. He is an animal-fruiting person."

新 The recruits who spoke before were speechless. This situation is indeed very likely.

Although on the sea, the fruits of the animal system are considered the weakest group. But it is undeniable that in terms of persistence, the other two departments could not keep up.

And look at Loya's performance in training, the recruit's top physical fitness is not blown out.

Uh ...

Luo Luo stood bored at the front of the team, thinking about her barbecue. The assembly number blew, and all the soldiers gathered immediately. He didn't dare to disobey the military order to continue his barbecue business. He had to hope that when he left, the foot successfully extinguished the fire, so as not to burn.

The Mole and other generals stood in front of him, and gave him surprise and friendliness.

They also went to see the battlefield. The scratches on the claws, the pits of each one, the stout trees, and the blood stains on the ice all proved how fierce the battle was.

Although Loya's movements were a little big, and even the bad assessment was forced to be suspended for a day, they had to admit that Loya had the strength to rival them.

Even from a destructive point of view, only the powerful lieutenants in the headquarters can catch up with the lieutenant generals present.

"It would be terrifying if he could stay that way at any time."

Many lieutenant generals thought in their hearts that they did not see the final battle between Loya and the Silverback Great Ape, but after this matter, a little inquiries, you know that Loya ’s explosive big move can greatly improve his strength And speed.

After all, Loya did not hide behind his back when he developed this trick. For example, several elite camp members who often practice in small squares even watched Luo Ya's success step by step.

I have the dragon fruit of the fantasy beast, plus this growth rate, as long as Loya does not collapse in the middle, commonly known as early death, it is appropriate to surpass them in the future.

No matter how bad it is, as long as the strength to fight with the Silverback Great Ape, a lieutenant general can't run.

With these conditions, the lieutenants will naturally show goodwill to Loya and will never treat the other party as a recruit.

OP world, you can be respected everywhere.

Uh ...

Soon, half a day passed.

The puppet patrol carried the last group of recruits out of the forest and sent them to the infirmary. A school official ran to Zefa and saluted him: "Report to the head instructor! All members are assembled!"

"Um." Zefa nodded, taking over the report from the school official.

The first page is the statistics of the battle. In this assessment, 75 recruits were seriously injured, regardless of minor injuries. Almost all of them were injured. Fortunately, no one lost their lives.

Takizawa looked at it for a moment and then paid no attention to it. He picked up the second one and observed it carefully. This is the result of the statistics. Through this, you can basically know the strength of the current recruit.

However, Zefa sighed for a while. He waved his hands and arranged: "After the final results are counted, they will be announced directly."

"Yes!" The school official took the report and trot away.

Takizawa was standing on the deck, his eyes locked on Roya, who was not standing upright, and his expression did not show emotion.

"Is the new Navy already weak to such an extent?"

Uh ...

After more than half an hour, the final review was completed.

There was a sound of footsteps in front of me, and the recruits quickly held their heads high, without squinting, ready to meet this important moment,

The Major-General-led instructor first saluted first to a lieutenant general, and then solemnly faced the recruits.

"Stop it! Li Zheng!"

下面 "Below! Your assessment results at this moment will be announced. All are there! The first four rows, squat!"

Hey lala ~

The neat footsteps sounded, and the first four rows of the square array immediately squatted down. Seeing this, the major general nodded with satisfaction, and the school officials behind him turned on the projector and put the image on the long curtain opened ~ ~ hum!

The phone bug hummed and started to work, and the images appeared on the curtain.

The recruits held their breath nervously, searching for their names on it. After seeing their achievements, some people were overjoyed, and some people bit their lips.

He was the same as them, but he was looking for the first place.

Soon, he found the target at the very top.

"Tony Mill, score 1795, ranking: first."

795 1795 points, this score is already inhuman terror for most recruits. You must know that the Stone Drum Cow that Luo Ya met with a musket that could not penetrate the skin was worth 50 points.

Ordinary recruits meet Shigu Niu, I'm afraid they can't even run, let alone turn it into their own points.

And this man named Tony Miller had to hunt more than thirty stone drum cows in three days to get this result.

This person, Luo Ya, was a bit impressed. He was the first of the third team. Before joining the Navy, he was the curator of the Kendo Museum on an island.

I am very belligerent. After I am unwilling to join, I have chosen the leader of the third team from the first day and become the new first. Since then I have stood firmly in that position and no one can shake it.

即便 But even so, Loya and Zefa shared the same view: it was too weak.

I want to know that the first recruits in the previous recruit camp were some real monsters. Tony is really strong among the recruits, but it is not a little bit worse than the previous one.

Luo Luoya had quietly asked Zefa, and Kuzan scored how many points he had in the assessment that year. The answer shocked him, and he kept lamenting that the fruits of the natural department are indeed the natural department, which has unique advantages.