MTL - One Piece’s Strongest Ice Dragon-Chapter 659 Arrive on the battlefield

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If Loya is here, he can recognize that this woman looks exactly like the cheap mother Ivy who gave him the surname "Christopher"!

And ... tall like a giant!

This is why Carlo could spot her at a glance and rush over to worship.

Turning her head to look at Carlo lying on the ground, she was expressionless, and even said that she lacked affection. The kind of freezing cold was not from some mysterious force, but her cold eyes.

After a long time, she seemed to confirm something. Her lips were light and her voice was as if from nine days above, and she was so thunderous: "Open the door!"

Linked by mysterious blood, Carlo's eyes stared into confusion. He climbed from the snow and bent down respectfully: "Observe your orders, Lord!"

Then, the giant Ivy waved her hand, turned into a huge ice-blue dragon, and smashed the village with one foot. The rubble hit Carlo's face walking forward, but he didn't feel like moving on normally.

Soon, one person and one dragon came to the position where Carlo had just appeared. The places where this world connects to the outside are changing at any time, each time coming in a different location. But within half an hour, those who came in could go back from the rune mark, and it was the only opportunity to go back.

The imprint of Carlo's hand glowed red, and there was a twist in the void in front of it, like a mist of water. Vaguely, something like a door appeared there.

Looking at the long-lost slate and wall, she seemed to have been able to smell the fragrance of the vegetation outside! No emotion, just relying on the body of instinct to move, a look of expectation also appeared on his face.

Carlo then took a pocket watch out of his arms and opened it.

A stream of Longwei emerged out of nowhere, and the snow and wind in midair stopped inexplicably in place. In the center of the pocket watch, a scale the size of a fingernail is exuding a glimmer of light. Seeing it, Carlo's eyes suddenly cleared.


I do n’t have "White Sword · Day" now!

I can't control her after going out!

"What are you waiting for? Hurry!"

Listening to the sound coming from behind, Carlo's hands and feet were cold, and his pupils suddenly tightened. Then he imitated the look after being deceived, and he slowly moved the dragon scales closer to the door ...


At this moment, the dragon found that the situation was wrong, and the huge forelimb stepped down suddenly. But when she raised her claws, she found that Carlo had disappeared into place, and the dragon scale had not been pasted to the illusive door from beginning to end.

"Do not!!!"

In the open snow, there was only one roar full of anger and tyranny, echoing for a long time.



Carlo burst out of the gate with blood spurting the family soldiers who were guarding him around. But at this time, they were not concerned about the redundant things. They stared angrily and blocked the five-star star who had stayed in place before.

When Carlo rushed out, Shilla realized that it was not right, and rushed up to hug Carlo.

The old man in the black robe appeared beside the two, and with a wave of his hand, the three disappeared into place.

After a long time, without hearing the order, the soldiers looked back hesitantly, and it happened that they had left. Then spread out in accordance with regulations, and continue arch guard around the tower.

The five stars stared at each other, and they saw the indelible fear in each other's eyes.

Carlo was hurt? !!

Did n’t Uranus take orders from the Antonio family?

Or ... what else is in it?


Faced with such variables, of course, the world government now has no time to ignore the affairs of the new world.

After a few days of peaceful progress, the Dragon Boat Fleet has arrived in the original Whitebeard Sea. The last time Loya just passed by, did not take a good look at the customs and customs here. This time, he came with a different purpose and naturally had to observe it.

But looking down all the way, Loya was surprised to find that the islands in the original White Beard Sea, people live and work in peace, everyone smiles, it looks like a peaceful world!

If these islands had previously been under the jurisdiction of Whitebeard, it would not be surprising that Loya had this situation. He is not protecting the islands, but rather protecting them!

But now, here is the site of the black beard? !! He doesn't care as much about the lives of ordinary people as White Beard!

Even if he had learned the white beard's rule, but he is now at war with Caddo. Once he fails, it is a **** purge. How can they laugh?

At this moment, Robin seemed to think of something, and gave Luo Ya a pointer: "You forgot, this is the new world?"

"Yeah, the new world!" Loya grimaced. "Isn't it just the new world?"

"Master Robin means, New World, but Lord Loya is your place now!" Simon with the ship silently glared at him, sometimes he could not even think of it, sometimes he was stupid like a little cute new.

"You talk about burning and slandering in your area, what will happen?"

"Um ... chased down by the undead army?" Luo Ya smiled Yao Ming, clasped his head in an awkward expression: "I seem to understand."

Do not look at the new world, pirates are still indispensable, but the four emperors are definitely not included!

Unlike the two guys who rushed in for the Kidd Pirates and Hawkins Pirates, the Four Royals had great achievements, and the base was located there.

After the ordinary pirates made a mess, the sea was vast and there was still a place to escape. As the four emperors, they couldn't hide from each other, facing the attack of the undead army ~ ~ and Loya, who only covered the sky behind them, would they give up their foundation and start from scratch?

It's impossible to think about it!

So, this led to an unprecedented peace in the new world now, under the shelter of the four emperors! Even if pirate plunder occurs, it is not the power of the four emperors.

It is no wonder that the people of these islands can live and work in peace and enjoy the prosperity of the peace.

When Caddo and Titch decide a winner, they will still be their ordinary people, and the winner will not do anything to them.

However, under such a peaceful situation, there is a fact that Loya is very upset ...

"That's ... Dragon Boat Fleet!"

"Run! The undead army is out!"

"Children and women took refuge in the mountains and stayed young and ready to fight!"

Some islands were sadly prepared to die generously, facing the army behind Loya. Some islands send messengers to present the most beautiful women and the most precious jewels. Ask Loya to open it.

Saying ten thousand and ten thousand, they are all afraid!

These guys who can laugh at the battle between Keddo and Titch, facing Loya, just like the mouse saw the cat, staged a nationwide trembling.jpg.

This situation made Loya very depressed, but also very comfortable.

Because the seeds he planted, they still took root!

Looking at their current appearance, I am afraid that a guy in the village like Luffy who is holding up to become One Piece will be **** by his own people and sent to Turtle Island for guilt ...

The Dragon Boat Fleet has a suffocating magic that is dumb everywhere. Just a few days after such a "calm" voyage, they finally reached the front of the battlefield where Kedo and Titch were at war.

Immediately, the two sides stopped tacitly, waiting for Loya to speak.