MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 280

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Luo Yu felt a little moved when she thought of the self-description of Camilla just now, if she wasn't really worried that her physique was too weak.

It won't end so early.

It is also a very wonderful thing to witness the girl gradually become cheerful.

"Hehe, you call that performance bang, do you have any misunderstanding about bang? Isn't that the same thing? Her time is less than half of mine!"

Hearing Echidona suddenly murmur in a cold voice.

Luo Yu suddenly felt a little funny.

"So you don't think she's good enough, you think you're great? So do you want me to praise you? But are you a **** witch, or a jealous witch with a **** skin?"

Chapter 393 Sloth Witch

Echidona suddenly turned her face away and snorted coldly.

"I won't do stupid things like being jealous. I just think it's really boring. It's a shame that you are still a little addicted to it and can't extricate yourself."

Luo Yu put Camilla on the chair and came to Echidona's side in an instant, wrapping her arms around her waist immediately.

"So I didn't take care of you properly, or did you just witness the whole process and feel a little more?"

"Don't... don't touch me, I'm not the kind of person you said, don't use your brain full of waste to figure out my great pursuit. It's just ordinary sports, I won't..."

At the end, Echidona's voice stopped abruptly, her mouth grew so big, as if she was taken aback.

The moment he reacted, Luo Yu was pushed away immediately.

"You guy, can you stop for a while, you said don't touch me!"

Echidona's face was full of anger, but there was also an indistinct blush.

In the end is really angry, or is really duplicity, it is unknown.

Luo Yu licked his fingers and smiled.

"I'm just thirsty. Didn't you treat me warmly just now? Why is there no enthusiasm now? What's the reason?"

"And since it has disappeared, why does it suddenly appear now? Just to complain about the two of us? Or is there another plan?"

"As for the taste of Donna tea, it doesn't seem to have changed, shouldn't you explain it?"

Echidona choked for a moment, then faltered.

"Why do I have to explain to you that there is a witch at the end, do you want to meet?"

"Yes, of course, you have peeped, why don't you stay together."

Luo Yu sent the invitation very calmly.

Ajidona glanced at Luo Yu, and she became angry.

"Boring, whoever likes to peek and who peeks, I won't watch such boring things!"

Aigina's voice fell, and the whole person disappeared immediately.

Instead, the ground suddenly glowed brightly.

A long red-purple hair covered his body, and he had sickly bluish-white lips and skin.

She exuded a lazy aura, and even felt that breathing was a big worry, but a woman with an incomparably beautiful and elegant face appeared in front of Luo Yu.

The woman is the Sloth Witch, Sekhmet.

A woman who has been miserable all her life.

Of course, as for her now, I'm afraid she doesn't care about those sorrows at all, because she's too lazy to pay attention to them.

This lazy air permeated his body.

When he saw Luo Yu, although he didn't want to speak, he still spoke softly.

"I already know the purpose of your looking for me. Come here directly. You can take whatever you want. As long as you don't dislike it, anything is fine."

Sekhmet rested his chin in one hand, and after speaking slowly, he let out a light breath.

It was as if he had never thought about what would happen next.

It was as if Luo Yu would not give her the slightest feeling.

As a man, Luo Yu naturally would not allow such a thing to happen.

So majestic and arrogant, when he walked up to Sekhmet, he also began to carefully observe her weaknesses with the view of the Daluo Cave.

After completing the thorough information collection, Luo Yu had a lot of thoughts in his heart, and squatted in front of Sekhmet, pulling up her long hair.

"If you say disgust, you may be referring to the past. I don't care about everything in the past, because you will usher in an unimaginable new life."

"In the future, not only will you not be too lazy to do anything, but you will start doing things on your own initiative, and you will change greatly because of me!"

Sekhmet remained calm.

"I've heard a lot of people say this, but in fact they all failed. I don't think you can do something like that, so hurry up and prove it. I haven't experienced it for a long time. The state of the soul is also a first."

Luo Yu smiled mysteriously.

"What you will experience is not to be too surprised. After all, you met me."

Sekhmet smiled.

"Okay, then I'll wait, let me see how unusual you are~"


The battle went on for a long time.

At the end of the fierce battle, Sekhmet, who was originally passive and beaten, shrank back into Luo Yu's arms, like a cat that found a stove in winter.

Not only showed a happy smile, but also rubbed the heater from time to time.

It can be said to be very reluctant.

And compared to the previous state of being lazy and unwilling to move, there is more initiative.

Of course, this is only the quiet time now.

In fact, when she was just fighting, she was forced to take the initiative.

It made Luo Yu feel that she could no longer be a lazy witch, and should change her title to a diligent witch.

It was as if it had been suppressed for hundreds of years. In the battle just now, the diligence of hundreds of years broke out all at once, and Luo Yu was about to have nothing to do.

At this moment, Sekhmet rubbed against Luo Yu's chest.

Luo Yu was constantly stroking her long hair, and she was also a little complacent.

"How about, what I just said, has it been fully verified to be correct?"

Sekhmet seemed to have really reacted, his pretty face turned crimson, and he smacked Luo Yu's chest like he turned his face and said angrily.

"I hate it, who can stand the test with your method? It's just an instinctive reaction, and it's not too much change..."

Luo Yu smiled and stroked her long hair.

"Hehe, I won't be happy if you're more stubborn. Although it's just a joke, you still have to follow through with your words, right?"

"I've always said what I said, so you got everything you wanted. If you don't talk about it, you may not get what you want in the future. Can you bear such a result?"

I heard what Luo Yu said.

Sekhmet's pretty face blushed, and after biting the blue purple lip, he was angry.

"Okay, okay, I'll admit it. After all, without your special means, I might not be able to live."

"I really don't know how many times you've had experience before you hit my vitals again and again... It's so unbelievable, it's like a god, it's completely impossible to defeat..."

Hear Sekhmet's tireless compliments.

Luo Yu nodded with satisfaction, put a purple robe over her and stood up.

"Speaking of which, it's time for me to get down to business. In fact, I came here just to say hello to you. I think you should all be very happy."

"Now that the purpose has been achieved, it's time to get down to business. It won't be long before we meet, and your new life will truly begin."

Chapter 394 Resurrection of the Six Witches

After Luo Yu finished speaking, the figure disappeared immediately, as if he had never been to the spiritual world of Echidona.

However, after he left, several witches who had appeared before appeared one after another by appointment.

"You also said that you will never feel anything, and you are a little bit reluctant to bear him in the end?"

Echidona glanced at Sekhmet with some disdain, as if she had expected such a thing to happen.

Sekhmet seemed to not care at all, and continued to lie back on the ground, as if Luo Yu was gone, the world would have no reason to be diligent.

"If you want to say who fell earlier, I don't think someone should be qualified to say something about others, right? He speaks disgust and the like, and his voice is louder than anyone else."

"Yeah, is Sekhmet talking about Echidona? Echidona is indeed not very honest, always saying things that are not in line with her will, making Typhon feel that deception is her power~ "

Regardless of the occasion, Typhon stared at Echidona with a smile on his face.

Although Echidona didn't say anything, the hand hidden under her sleeve was already clenched into a fist.

"What are you all arguing about? Speaking of which, have you all tasted Luo Yu's drink? It's much better than Donna tea. Don't **** it from me in the future~"

Daphne smiled and kept smacking her mouth, as if she was still reminiscing about something delicious.

As for Minerva, whose anger could no longer hold back.

The long golden ponytail suddenly shot straight into the sky, and the whole person's momentum exploded, just like the awakening power of a Super Saiyan.

"You guys are really spineless. It's not that you agreed to teach which guy a lesson, but now you have compromised one by one."

"It's unforgivable. Even if such a world is destroyed, I no longer want to see a world with you and that man!"

Seeing that Minerva was completely unable to control himself, the powerful energy even made the void begin to distort, and the surrounding environment began to become turbulent.

Echidona suddenly turned cold.

"Hey, are you sure you want to destroy this place? Your strength is indeed quite strong, but this place is my place. In my world, it is impossible for you to defeat me. You should consider your ability before talking. Bar."

"I do not believe!"

Minerva gritted his teeth and denied it directly, and his fist distorted the space immediately.

"My fist can make everything return to its original state, and your spiritual space can also return to nothingness, as long as I..."

When Minerva spoke confidently, she suddenly felt that her body was out of control, and all the power in her body dissipated on its own.

"What...what's going on...could it be..."

"It's not me, I haven't fully controlled the abilities of you who have power... Maybe something went wrong outside, and I can't even move myself..."

Echidona also showed an unbelievable look, and with her arrogance, she naturally wouldn't pretend to do so.

In fact, looking at other people, you can also find that others are in the same situation, as if all of them have been controlled by inexplicable forces.

The sunny prairie completely disintegrated in an instant.

And the five witches who made the world tremble all flew out uncontrollably.

Then on a huge white blanket full of a woman's white body.

Luo Yu, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his dark eyes, and immediately summoned the souls of the five witches.

When the souls of the five witches got closer and closer, they saw that Luo Yu had caused all this, and they also saw their own body, which was below.

A look of surprise appeared on their faces.

"It turned out to be what he did... Is this what he called a freshman? It looks like it's not bad~"

After Sekhmet was surprised, he couldn't help showing a very happy smile.

Although her soul may still be the same as the previous one, the body seems to be a new one, so the new life can be considered passable.

But what she is looking forward to most is her first experience after getting a new life.

It was really wonderful to experience in the spiritual world before, so she also began to look forward to the first experience in the future.

Rao is still in a state of soul, and he still shows a smile of incomparable happiness and longing.

On her side, Echidona looked even more shocked as she saw a monster.