MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 333

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But what made him more desperate was that he was still Uchiha Shisui.

Even if he fell off the cliff and was washed away by the water, there might still be a Konoha ninja following the stream to find him...

Anyway, the situation is bad.

The most important thing now is that if no one saves him, it is estimated that there is only one death...

When I think of this night wind, I want to cry again.

But he couldn't cry anymore.

Because I just cried for a while, my eyes seemed to be stabbed by hundreds of steel needles.

If you want to cry again, it is no different from rubbing salt on the wound, or you will be hurt to death...

"It's miserable, it's so miserable, I can't even write a miserable word on the ground... How can this garbage start be broken, come out of the dog system, come out quickly to save your host, I'm dying!!!"

Ye Feng roared for a while.

Everyone was going crazy.

However, he was already extremely weak, and such an emotional approach would undoubtedly make his spirit even more sluggish.

So after shouting for a few times, I got tired of shouting.

My heart gradually calmed down.

Quietly staying awake, after silently counting 3,600 seconds in my heart.

A bit of a drowsy night wind that I can't count.

Although he was very annoyed because he vaguely guessed that the system should be gone, in addition to being annoyed, he still had an inexplicable fighting spirit.

Because the miserable start is an established fact, no matter how much he complains, he can't change it.

But it's hard to pass through, and I haven't had time to enjoy it, and I'll die if I can't live for a day. It's simply a joke among many passers-by!

So he can't die yet!

At least not to die so uselessly!

Because there is still a chance to live!

He also has chakra to use.

Although Chakra is ordinary, it is precisely because of it that the Naruto world becomes colorful.

As long as you can squeeze out chakra, there should be salvation!

Because Shishui had seen the healing art, he just wrote down the way of chakra and the way of seal.

Then it is also possible to imitate the ability to use healing!


After a breath of clenched teeth, Ye Feng finally sat up against the pain.

Although the arm was as heavy as lead, but fortunately, the fingers were still intact, and the seal could still be done barely.

As for whether it can be achieved in the end, it depends on the will of God and hard work!

I felt dazedly, and my fingers seemed to be swollen and sluggish several times like a steamed bun.

Ye Feng began to try to make a clumsy seal.

At the moment when the seal is formed, the condensed chakra also runs according to a specific route.

Soon the energy condensed into his hands. Although there are some minor differences, the possibility of failure is very high, but he can't care about that much!

If you can't cure it, you can only wait for death. If you can cure the ground well, with the sharp four senses, you may still be alive and well!

Under the huge desire to survive, Ye Feng's spirit was highly hit, and the thought of healing his body completely filled his brain!

At the moment when the blue chakra was condensed in both hands, one hand was attached to the arm and the other was attached to the leg.

Attempt to heal one hand and one leg first.

But I was stunned for a long time, except for a little warmth, my hands and feet didn't feel light at all...

It is said that the nature of chakra has a great relationship with people's concepts and thinking habits.

Maybe thinking about therapy, but maybe doing barbecue.

Just like in Boren Biography, when Sarana was treating the fish, she cooked the fish...

Therefore, he quickly changed his mind and tried hard to think about the treatment of various ideas.

Whether it’s at the cellular level or muscle tissue, try to imagine all the treatment ideas you’ve seen in past and present lives.

But after a long time of treatment, except for the hot arms and legs, there is no reaction...

So he doesn't have to expect that he will starve to death if he continues, he can burn himself to death? ?

Emotions such as sadness, loneliness, despair, anger, etc., flooded into my heart in an instant.

Although he didn't think he was a special person, even an ordinary ninja was better than a blind Shishui!

Time traveled and arranged for this kind of start.

God may be playing tricks on himself!


Driven by his unwilling emotions, Ye Feng screamed and squeezed his fists, and slapped his thighs with the hands that condensed Chakra.

"Horse, heal, heal, heal me, recover quickly!!!"

clap clap clap...

When the thigh was patted for the third time, Ye Feng was suddenly stunned.

Because his body suddenly stopped hurting, and the position of his eyeballs was unbearably itchy, as if countless insects and ants were crawling towards the center.

Chapter 478 The Research of Aizen

In the days that followed, Luo Yu could be said to be busier.

A large group of people in Jingling Court need his warmth, and there are many broken faces in the virtual circle who need him to provide sweets.

Especially Nilu, who served two for one, almost ran out of Luo Yu's stock.

The storage ring can hide so much candy, and she lost a lot of it alive.

It also made Luo Yu speechless.

Of course, this is also related to the longer time spent together.

The days passed by, and it was indeed quite comfortable.

When he has nothing to do, Luo Yu can only do some daily feeding work.

This vote is one month.

A month has passed, and Aizen can't hold back.

"What the **** is going on here? It's okay to lose a few irrelevant faces before. Why did you lose the third of the ten blades recently? Who the **** is targeting us from behind? Do you have any clues?"

Although Aizen looked very calm, it was this unusual calmness that left the nine blades around.

As well as Ichimaru Gin and Tosen Kagura, I feel very oppressive...

Ten Blades were carefully nurtured by Aizen and were constantly selected by the fittest.

He was suddenly taken away from the third of the broken face, as if he directly hit Aizen in the face.

Frightened for a moment, Sal Apollo Glanz, with pink hair and meticulously dressed, responded immediately.

"It may be related to the peculiar ant-type creature, but the strongest level of this ant is only ten of the ten blades, but the concealment ability is really powerful, so far we can only catch the weaker ones."

Aizen glanced at Sar Apollo a little.

"You should have started to study them, right? How about, have you come up with specific results? Where did these ants come from?"

Saar Apollo was embarrassed.

"Although there are many subordinates who can't be caught, but once they are caught, they will blow themselves up immediately, and they will not give their subordinates a chance to study."

"It always feels like they are filled with explosives, and the structure is really strange..."

When Lan Ran heard this, her brows were slightly wrinkled on her unfazed face.

"So, you didn't even study them, you just watched them from a distance and came up with a little guess?"

Although the tone is still very calm.

But Sal Apollo felt a little frightened inexplicably, and wriggled his dry lips.

"Yes... the subordinates are incompetent... they have to come out and observe the data..."

After Aizen nodded slightly, she slowly stood up.

"Tongxian, you go out with me."

"Yes, Aizen-sama!"

The two quickly walked out of the virtual palace.

Looking at the huge, barren desert, Aizen couldn't help but stop.

"East Immortal, do you feel that the ground seems to be lower than before?"

Lan Ran looked around in surprise, her brows furrowed again.

Dongxian's eyelids suddenly jumped and he nodded slowly.

"Although my subordinates can't see it, my subordinates can feel it, Aizen-sama, you have seen that the ground is lower than usual."

Aizen: ... why are you catering to this?

Aizen was very speechless in his heart, although he did forget that Dongxian was going to be blind, but Dongxian not only did not explain it directly, but instead made a wave of brainless touts.

Although it feels good to be touted often, but it can't stand such frequent praise at all?

Although his Aizen wouldn't be bristled with pride, it would undoubtedly make people feel that the subordinates he brought were a fool.

He still appreciates it, and can cultivate a subordinate who is quite resourceful.

But Dong Xian Yao, who is so obedient, doesn't seem to have such aptitude.

And Ichimaru Gin, who seems to be quite witty, has recently turned green light on his head a bit weird, not to mention, he always looks like a poisonous snake.

All in all it's useless.

"We have made a lot of broken faces before, but no ants have appeared. There must be something we don't know about it. It is necessary to catch a black ant and come back."

"Although I don't think the black ants will be able to break free from me, but to be on the safe side, you should follow along, and don't give them a chance to escape."

Dong Xian wanted to straighten up immediately.

"Understood, Aizen-sama, your subordinates will fully cooperate!"

Hearing Dong Xian Yao's response was strong and firm.

Aizen was both relieved and helpless.

Dongxian is fine with everything he wants, even if he can't see it with his eyes.

But it is too involuntary.

Always need him to pull and move.

In this regard, Aizen still hopes to have peace of mind or a little peace of mind.

He won't worry about any of his subordinates being too powerful and out of his control.

At first, he was very confident in himself, and now he has an extremely amazing strength.

Second, the invincible life, without some opponents, is really lonely.

So I kind of expect to have powerful subordinates and even opponents.

However, if everyone is a genius, it seems that there is no need for an extremely strong person like him to exist.

After a moment of self-deprecating thought, Aizen started to move quickly.

The two soon found traces of black ants in one place.