MTL - One Useless Rebirth-Chapter 38 Apprentice

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In the murderous sight of He Bai, Di Qiuhe honestly blew his hair and climbed into the bed.

"Hurry to sleep." He Bai pulled the curtains and the room immediately darkened.

After spending the night and tossing for another day, Di Qiuhe had already relaxed a lot of brain nerves when he took a bath. Immediately after he had just touched the soft and comfortable bed, he immediately released the signal that he needed sleep.

"Little white." The eyes were a little worried, and they wanted to close. He looked at the white horse standing by the bed. Some of them were reluctant to sleep in the short gathering time. They insisted on the spirit. "It is still early. Would you like me to accompany you to watch a horror movie? Just watch dinner."

"Don't look, honestly sleep!" He whiteboard looked at him, his brow wrinkled, very dissatisfied. "You mess up again, I will send you back directly!"

Di Qiuhe was amused by his fierce appearance, no longer provoked him, smiled and moved to the side, patted the pillow next to him and invited him. "You are not sleepy, do you want to sleep for a while?"

He Bai did not answer, and pulled up the quilt to cover his face, then took two shots on him like a child, threatening, "Let me close my eyes and mouth, don't force me to play." I am dizzy."

The eyes were completely dark, and the chest was gently patted a few times across the quilt... a very novel experience.

Di Qiuhe slowly tilted his mouth, turned over, pulled the quilt down slightly, suddenly stretched his arms and hugged He Bai's waist, curled up his body and buried his face to his waist, closing his eyes.

"Hey!" He Bai was held up in a sigh of relief, and he was so angry that he wanted to smash a man who was unwilling to sleep asleep. As a result, he just lifted up and found that the other person’s arm was relaxed. On his lap, one fell on the bed.

Is this... asleep?

He Bai pumped the mouth of the mouth, put down the handkerchief and pulled the big head buried in the waist side... Then a face that completely relaxed and completely slept came out.

This sleep speed... He raised his hand and wiped his face, completely convinced, did not take the arm of Di Qiuhe down, got up and walked to the backpack and took out an album, hesitated, and put the album down, walked back The bedside helped Di Qiuhe to cover the quilt.

A high quality, even a dream did not make a good sleep.

Di Qiuhe's consciousness blurred the soft pillow, the eyelids moved and slowly opened his eyes.

In the clearer line of sight, a familiar figure is sitting down on the single sofa by the window and reading a book, next to a light that goes to the lowest position.

When he woke up, he slowly relaxed his body, and looked at the people who concentrated on reading under the lamp. His eyes were gentle and his mouth was smiling.

... the puppy is still there, and there is no running.

He blinked and his eyes moved slowly.

Under the light, it looks like furry hair, full forehead, round eyes, straight nose, nose with a little flesh, lip line is full, people want to squat, face with some meat, if Laughing, the eyes will bend, and the dimples will come out... I haven’t found out before, the facial features of the puppies look so good.

The thin fingers turned the book over a page and made some shreds of rustling.

The arm movements drive the shoulder lines, and the cotton plaid shirt pulls out a soft curvature. The pure white T-shirt inside leaks slightly, the neckline is obliquely inclined, revealing a little clavicle line, and then the neck line is also very nice. Even the throat is much more lovely than others.

The room was very quiet, the curtains were pulled tightly, and I couldn't see what was going on outside. The position where the puppy is sitting is the only place in the room that has light. It looks warm and makes people want to be close.

He moved his body, put his arm under his face and put his eyes high, and the other hand lifted up, imagining the outline of the other person, and only wished that time could go slower, so that he and this person could be safe. Quiet and quiet for a while.

Maybe now is dreaming, he thought, wake up and have a favorite person waiting for companionship, there is no better dream in this world.

The page turned over again and finally reached the bottom. The person sitting on the sofa suddenly raised his hand and pressed the neck that was always low.

Like awakening from a dream, Di Qiuhe put down the arm that had already been numb, and retracted it back into the quilt, closed his eyes and counted three numbers, then stretched out and opened the quilt and sat up. The person who came to see the movement smiled and said, "Early, the puppy is a child."

The man sitting on the sofa groaned and then turned his eyes without hesitation, and said, "I’m going to get up early, eat up, starve to death.”

So the dream was completely awakened, and Di Qiuhe slid out of bed, rushing to hook the person who was holding up the book, obeying the desire of the heart and burying his head at the shoulder of the other side, hanging like a koala on the other side. Vague, "I am still sleepy."

"I am also sleepy! After eating and then going to sleep, it is almost midnight, I don't know if the hotel has eaten yet." He Bai struggled and complained.

Di Qiuhe, a sigh of relief, followed his struggle to loosen his arm and asked, frowning. "Now it's midnight? Why don't you call me up at dinner time?"

He Bai looked at him with no expression, and stuffed the album back into the backpack without speaking.

Di Qiuhe looked at his unconscious lips, and his heart was filled with joy. He raised his eyebrows and smiled and rushed over again. He hooked his neck. "Puppy, are you distressed, I am reluctant to wake me up." ?"

"Distressed pigs don't feel bad about you, go to brush your teeth and wash your face, don't want to lick your eyes!" He Bai was furious and yelled at his arm. "Hurry up! Don't grind, I don't want to starve." ""

Di Qiuhe smiled and squeezed his face, finally let him go into the bathroom, swearing, "Puppy, you don't need to cover my favorite worship, I won't laugh at you, I am a Very tolerant... Well, what do you want to eat for a while?"

"Eat your flesh and drink your blood." He Bai said indignantly, thinking that for such a naive guy who didn't stay at night, he was also mentally retarded and saved. He only hoped that there would be no teacher tonight.

After filling the stomach, the two returned to the room again, and He Bai went directly to the bath. Di Qiuhe took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Jiang Xiuwen.

Di Qiuhe: The puppy is going to take a shower!

Jiang Xiuwen: What? !

Di Qiuhe: I want to take off and wait for him in bed?

Jiang Xiuwen: lying trough! Are you chasing him? !

Di Qiuhe: No, I haven't confessed yet.

Jiang Xiuwen: ...there you only get a result when you are stripped, and you are blacked out again.

Di Qiuhe: You are what you are!

Jiang Xiuhe: Hehe.

Euphemistically showing off a room with my sweetheart, Di Qiuhe turned off the text message and looked forward to seeing the door to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, He Bai, who was wiping his hair, came out wearing a hotel bathrobe and said, "I will wash it, wash it, and get up early tomorrow."

Di Qiuhe: "...oh." The puppy didn't wear the pajamas he deliberately placed in the bathroom... disappointed.

Couple pajamas plan, failed.

The result of the more disappointing thing is still behind. When he carefully finished the washing, He Bai actually fell asleep. His brain-filled drama of "sitting a bed with each other" has already ended. .

He looked at the quilt bag on the bed, silently turned off the light, carefully opened the quilt and lay it beside the sweetheart, secretly reaching out.

He Bai, who had just fallen asleep, was disturbed by the movement of his bed, and he stumbled over and just rolled to the arm he had stretched over.

Di Qiuhe's body was stiff, he noticed the warm touch in his arms, and carefully relaxed his body, turned his head out and breathed a sigh of relief, then squatted forward more carefully, his arms fell down on the other side of his waist, bowed his head and kissed each other. The head on the pillow, adjust the lower breath, and close your eyes.

I thought it was another difficult night, but I didn't want to fall asleep quickly, but I also dreamed of a warm white light.

"Autumn and autumn, good morning, what?"

The first second of the bell rang, Di Qiuhe opened his eyes. He quickly got up and picked up the phone on the bedside table to turn off the alarm. When he saw the person next to him, he still slept sweetly, slightly relieved, and opened the quilt carefully. bed.

Afraid of the noise, he did not turn on the lights when he packed his bags and washed, and he was like a thief.

After all packed up, he put the luggage at the door, then walked back to the bed with his socks. He looked at the bed and watched him sleep. He carefully walked over and kissed him gently in the seat of his left face. .

Good dreams, little white.

He said silently, and carefully took care of the soft hair of He Bai, and got up and left.

Hey, the sound of the door closing came.

He Bai frowned and looked like he was awake, but he was still defeated by sleep, and consciousness once again fell into darkness.

I felt sleepy in the big day, and He Bai looked at the safe text message sent by Di Qiuhe on the mobile phone half an hour ago, and frowned and pressed his forehead.

Actually, I was completely unaware of the movement of Di Qiuhe getting up. He usually didn't die so much.

He let go and called back a phone call, but only heard the shutdown prompt.

At this point, the other party probably started filming... He put down his mobile phone, exhaled, and got out of bed.

Hey, a small box on the bedside table was swept by the quilt and fell to the ground.

He got out of bed and bent over to pick up the box.

I am familiar with the national wind box and I want to know who left it.

"This guy..." He was helpless, but he did not consciously bring a smile, and gently opened the lid.

A sly golden dog squats in the middle of the box, screaming at his tongue and smirking at him. A sticky note is stuck on the dog's neck. The paper is painted with an ugly camera. The overall combination is a dog. The camera is hanging around the neck.


The smile on the face of He Bai was replaced by murderousness, and the sinister molars, "Di is three years old, you, find, die."

The new week's photography assignments were handed in, and Xu Yurong was very satisfied with the good results of 90.

"Not bad." Closing the roster, he took off the reading glasses, looked at the white paper that was obviously relieved from the opposite side, and shook his head with a funny smile. "The progress is great. I can see that you work very hard. The next two weeks of homework. You don't have to do it."

He smiled on the face of He Bai’s face and asked, “Don’t do it? Then my usual time...”

"You can make up your homework later." Xu Rongrong put the roster on the flower and explained, "You have recently taken a new job and should be very busy. I will not squeeze your spare time. Work is the best for you." operation."

He Baiwen’s words touched the star eyes, immediately got up and poured tea, and then sent the cups to the old man in both hands. Sincerely, “Thank you, teacher, wait for the work, I must use all the fastest speeds. Make up!" The little mermaid official blog only sent a cooperation plan with Junchen last night. The teacher knows it today, and specially suspends his homework for this. It is obvious that the teacher has been paying attention to his career development. It is too diligent. Now!

Xu Yurong was stunned by his action of tea. He looked up at him and took a sip of his tea. He then took a red bag from the drawer and put it in his hand. He took his hand and said seriously, "Let's study hard in the future."

He Bai took a look at the red envelope in his hand and stunned. "Teacher, you are..."

"Hold it, this is the apprenticeship." Xu Yurong looked at his stupid look, the seriousness on his face was replaced by a smile, and he waved his hand and said, "Go to class, wait until you have time." I introduce your two brothers to you to know each other. If I am not there, if you have problems, you can ask them directly."

He Bai listened to his words, his heartbeat gradually accelerated, his eyes were full of unbelievable surprises, and he took a deep breath and asked carefully. "Teacher, you, your meaning means...receive, accept me to be official Apprentice?" As far as he knows, Xu Rongrong said that he did not accept apprentices a few years ago! Yes, but now...

Xu Rongrong smiled and smiled, frowning at him, deliberately saying, "Why, I have sent the rituals, but you think I am joking? Or do you want to worship me, this old man who has not lived for a few years? Teacher? That's OK, you still have the red envelope -"

“No!” He Bai quickly stuffed the red envelope into the bag, bent over and squatted at Xu Rongrong, then poured a cup of tea again, slammed the crisp and squat, and lifted the cup over his head. Xu Rongrong said with respect, "Master, please drink tea."

The teacher and the master changed their name, and the relationship was completely different.

Xu Yurong was satisfied with the smile. He took his tea and finished drinking it. Then he bent down to help him up and patted him on the shoulder. He said, "I am older, I am not going to accept the apprentice, but you are really a Good seedlings, I am reluctant to let you let other people... You learn well, I can teach you a small number of years, and the requirements for you may be stricter, you don't blame me."

He Bai looked at his white hair and frown on his face, his heart was sour, his face was more brilliant, and he nodded hard. "Master is relieved, I must study hard, and then accompany you for a long life!"

"The mouth is slippery." Xu Yurong was teased by him. He took a business card from the drawer and stuffed him in his hand. He said, "Just your new job has something to do with your second brother. If you have no idea for your new job, You can contact him first, take the scripture, I will say hello to him, he will take good care of you."

A little bit connected to his new job? Is this second brother a man who is a studio of Junchen?

He Bai was puzzled and looked at the business card in his hand with curiosity. Then after seeing the name above, he was shocked and widened his eyes. He was scared and almost thrown the business card in his hand. "Xu, Xu Ying? It is the special shot." ……Uh……"

"Well, that is Xu Ying, who is mainly engaged in body art photography." When he mentioned this apprentice, Xu Rongrong’s expression was a bit difficult to say. He shook his head and sighed. "He has talents and willing to work hard. In the portrait, this is very aura. ... Forget it, fortunately, he is still on the right path, and now he is doing serious work. Don't be afraid, although his temper has jumped off, but the bad heart is definitely not, it is a good boy."

"Oh, um, I, I am not afraid, I am not afraid..." He Bai squeezed the business card, squeezed out a dry smile, and shed tears in the blood of the dog.

This Xu Ying... He knows it in his life! Also avoid each other like a snake!

From the perspective of professionalism and appreciation, Xu Ying’s body is very beautiful and not erotic, but...but this guy has fallen in love with his body at first sight in a photo exhibition. He also said that he is the model he has been searching for, and he is stalking to take a photo of him, and he can’t get rid of the cowhide sugar!

In order to avoid Xu Ying, he used to carry luggage to the glacier cruise ship for several months! Now, in this life, this guy has become his brother? It’s too bad, there’s nothing worse than this.

The spirit returned to the bedroom, he looked at the business card on the table, and there was no love.

If he knew this, he must die and not accept the work of the monarch!

Xu Ying, who used to look for a beautiful body in the world and then went crazy to do a photography exhibition, is a photographer of Junchen in this life! How did this change happen! Why is this happening!

Wait, there seems to be a rumor in the last life that before Xu, there were two white moonlight bodies that were fancy but not photographed. It is said that the two people are both male and are also entertainment people, so In order to protect the privacy of the other party, Xu Ying never revealed the identity of the two white moonlight bodies.

Now Xu Ying is a photographer who is a monarch, so one of the two moonlight bodies...

He was shocked and turned on the computer to search for a photo of Junchen.

Two minutes later, he turned off the page with a deep expression, and in the heart he gave a candle to the monarch.

Xu Yingxuan has some hobbies in the flesh, that is, he likes the long legs, the long-sleeved, white-skinned, looks and temperamental contradictions, and the monarch, the white-legged model skeleton, looks with a hint of coldness. Gorgeous, perfectly poked all the G points of Xu Ying.

... to die, this work is not to pick up!

But no matter how unwilling, the work has been picked up, the small mermaid and the Junchen contract have been signed, so it is still coming.

The threshold of the conference room opened, and the white body was stiff, and he tried to look up at the door with a calm expression.

"Little teacher?" With a serious face, his voice is low and sound, but the tall man who is not the same thing is pushing the door, his eyes fall on He Bai, pause for three seconds, then decisively turn and close the door. I dragged the chair and sat next to He Bai, frowning at him and asked with a subwoofer-like voice. "Photo, little brother."

"……no, thank you."

History is always strikingly similar. He Baiguo smashed and smashed the material on the table and said quickly, "These are all the costume maps that the mermaid can provide in this cooperation. If you are not satisfied, we will try our best to cooperate with the change. In addition, when will Mr. Jun come? I want to communicate with him about the cover shooting."

"These you communicate with me just fine. I understand all the requirements of Junchen." Xu Ying took the material down and didn't look at it. He insisted, "Let's take a photo of the younger brother, don't need to take off, give you a pair of underwear." ""

The same lines as the last generation, except for the place and time, this expression and tone is really damn!

He Bai gritted his teeth, took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and slammed it on the table. He threatened, "Two brothers, you have the ability to say this in the face of Master."

Xu Ying’s expression is stiff and stammered. He said, “Little Master, Master may have instilled some wrong things before you came, but I must clarify it seriously. I am shooting art. His old man is slightly to me. There is a mistake --"

"No, Master has no misunderstanding for you, and I agree with your art." He Bai interrupted his words, his expression was more serious than him. "But I don't want to be part of your art."

Xu Ying was silent for three seconds, dying and struggling. "The human mind will change."

"Only this point, I will not change when I die." He Bai blocked him.

Xu Ying looked at him sadly.

He Bai gathered his clothes and said with sincerity, "Senior brother, I know the conditions for you to pick a model. I can't change the shape. So I want to ask, where is the contradiction in my body, so that you are so persistent. I want to shoot, can I change it?"

"No, temperament, you can't change this." Xu Ying sighed, his face vicissitudes, "Young body, mature soul, you think this kind of thing, can you change it?"

He Bai’s heart trembled, then the bell was overwhelming, and then slowly calmed down.

No, Xu Ying can't see anything. After all, when this guy is entangled in his life, he hasn't reborn yet, so the other party's meaning...

"You are sarcastic, I am young, but is it a bad old man?" He Bai looked at him blankly, holding the phone, "Two brothers, don't force me to be a bad guy to make a small report."

Xu Ying looked at him deeply, and then regretted sighing, "The third one, hehe..."

He Bai pumped his mouth and asked, "Who are the first two?"

"Jun Chen and Di - wait! Little brother..." Xu Ying got up in spirit, looked at him with bright eyes, and pleased, "I heard that you have a good relationship with that Di Qiuhe?"

He Bai’s unbelievable face, “The second person you didn’t take will not be...”

Xu Ying nodded and looked forward. "You have a good relationship with him. Can you help me to talk about it? Look at our teacher's share of the door. If anything happens, I can show you my possession." !"

A photographer who likes to shoot the human body, He Bai said that he is not too want to see.

"I am not familiar with Di Qiuhe, really, nodding nod." He Bai squinted and said something, then looked at him with a heavy heart and sighed, "Two brothers, this world is a beautiful body, thousands of you." Why not be alone, oh no, hang on three trees."

"But these three trees are the most irritating..." Xu Ying mourned and looked back, and he wiped his tears. "It was originally two, why do you want to appear, you must know that you are a younger brother, I was ,so I……"

"What?" The door was pushed away again, and the monarch wearing a casual suit leaned against the door and asked coldly.

"Treasure of the teacher!" Xu Ying waved his arm, and then after reacting to ask the words of the monarch, he turned his head more sadly and looked at the past. He asked innumerable times, "Jun Chen, take a photo?"

Junchen sneered, "Do not shoot, you will give me an instant after the contract expires."

Xu Yingwei’s wrist watch, “I shouldn’t bring the album of my private collection to me that day!”

"I am very grateful to the fate, let me see the **** album on that day!" Junchen raised his hand and pressed the blue veins on his forehead, sneered, looked at He Bai, stood straight and walked over, took the initiative to reach out, polite Tao, "Hello photographer, I am Junchen, I am very happy to work with you."

He Bai took a look at Xu Ying, who had been dismissed by the employer but still deplored the "three trees". He took a slap in the mouth, collected the information and got up, and took his hand back. He politely replied, "Thank you Mr. Jun. Invitation, I am also very happy to work with you."

The two men chilled, and the tacit understanding of Xu Ying as one side of the air.

Xu Ying sadly looked at his favorite two trees, his eyes turned, noticed the white mobile phone on the table, and the thief, together, glanced at the two people who had sat down to discuss the work and secretly touched the mobile phone. Pressed and found that there is no phone lock, eyes lit up, poke open the contact list, find Di Qiuhe's phone, quickly sent a text message in the past, and then delete the sent text message from the record, put the phone Back to the original position, smiled with satisfaction.

On the studio, the shooting gap, Wang Boyi handed the phone to the resting Ti Qiuhe, whispered, "Die Shao, the team called over and said that the Qin family had another action, it seems to be Liu prepared to play the disc. Family marriage."

"Disc tour?" Di Qiuhe raised his eyebrows and passed Liu's network in his mind. He laughed. "The Qin family really thinks, actually put on Liu. Qin Mingqiang, the old fox is preparing and Liu family." Marriage, marriage or jealousy?"

"Married." Wang Boyi replied, seeing the staff passing by, busy changing the topic, raising the voice and saying, "An assistant is just a little cold, I will take her to take medicine for a while, don't worry too much."

The staff heard a glimpse of their side and sighed in their hearts.

Di Qiuhe is a good person, acting seriously, good character, and considerate to his subordinates. The emperor and such a promising cash cow have solved the covenant. There is also the owner and boss of the emperor... Hey, this is really ten bad in the world.

The staff shook his head and sighed away. Di Qiuhe took a look at Wang Boyi and hooked his lips. He said, "I know what you said, let them not be nervous. The marriage between Qin and Liu will never happen. I’m going to give you more guidance, so let her not be too sensitive.”

"Thank you Di Di considerate, I will talk to her well." Wang Boyi nodded and handed over the private mobile phone and said, "This phone shocked once when you filmed, it should be a text message."

Di Qiuhe's eyes lit up, took the phone and waved his hand to signal him to leave, and then blocked the phone screen slightly sideways. After waiting for no one, he opened the phone and opened the message.

He Bai: I want to take a photo of you without clothes. Would you like it?

Di Qiuhe took a breath, busy pressing the phone on his chest, picking up the water bottle next to him, snoring and drinking the lower half of the bottle, then getting up and red-faced, hurriedly greeted Jiang Guanshan and ran to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water. .

How can a puppy suddenly make such a request? No, isn't it just that I didn't let him sneak shots, actually... naked, nude, or something, can it be taken casually, Wan Wan went out... But if the puppy really thinks, it doesn't seem to be... ...

He looked at the mirror with his own drops of water, but it was difficult to cover his blushing face. Some of the wolverines turned to lean on the washstand, carefully glanced around, and wretchedly pushed the doors of each cubicle to make sure that no one was there. After that, I took out my mobile phone again like a thief and looked at the text message.

He Bai: I want to take a photo of you without clothes. Would you like it?

His eyes flashed, his fingers slammed on the screen of his mobile phone, his heart twitched, and various versions of the reply flashed in his head.

If you agree directly, will the puppy feel that he is too casual? But if you refuse directly, the puppy will definitely be sad... so, you should still tease the puppy first, hold it, and then slightly agree to the benefits and then reluctantly agree to it...

The water on the finger slammed onto the screen, and he rubbed it, then slid it, and the text message that thought it had ended was slipping up, revealing the following content.

He Bai: I want to take a photo of you without clothes. Would you like it? - If you like, please contact this number 13XXXX, the second brother of He Bai, Xu Yingliu. PS: He Bai Xiaoshi also promised to let me take pictures of him, so you don't have to worry, I am not a rogue or a liar, it is a real body art photographer!

Hey, the drops of water on the tip of the hair drip down, and he was lying on his eyelids, letting him passively close his eyes.

He slowly raised his hand to wipe off the water on his face, clenched his mobile phone, opened his eyes after taking a deep breath, and fiercely pulled the text message back and forth several times, then he did not hesitate to pull out the number of Jiang Xiuwen and dial it. After puncturing the teeth, "Help me find a person named Xu Ying! Kill him! You must kill him! Dig his eyeballs and get rid of his hands before killing him! Dare to be white, I want Remove him from the top!"