MTL - Online Game: You Call Him A Newbie?-Chapter 186 [187] I wanted to keep a low profile, but my strength didn't allow it

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  Chapter 186 [187] I wanted to keep a low profile, but my strength does not allow it

  Lin Feng looked at the five armored gods around him, his face was calm.

  He knew that he was actually still in the same place, but the surrounding scene was a small space formed by the formation, and if a person died in the formation, the real him would also die.

   "The array constructs yin and yang, and forms its own space, which feels a bit like a small world."

  Lin Feng slowly raised his hand, ready to break the formation.

  He has almost looked at this formation, and it is time to break it.

  I saw him raise one hand, and a Tai Chi Bagua diagram appeared in his hand. All formations all start from Yin and Yang, this is the general outline of formations.

   "Yin and Yang give birth to the five elements, and the five elements give birth to the eight trigrams, reverse the eight trigrams to transform the five elements, and the five elements gather to return to Yin and Yang, go!"

  Lin Feng let out a low cry, and the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams diagram in his hand enveloped himself, and the five armored gods also rushed up in an instant.

  But when it reached the Bagua map under Lin Feng's feet, it disappeared instantly.

  Because they were absorbed by Lin Feng's gossip map, they were re-transformed back to yin and yang.

   Seeing this scene, Lin Feng murmured: "The way of the formation is to master the Yin-Yang Bagua, that is, to master all the cores of the formation. Nothing can escape Yin-Yang, and everything can return to the original from the Bagua diagram."

  After the five armored gods were absorbed, the surrounding scene seemed a little more illusory, but it didn't dissipate directly, but five armored gods condensed again.

  Five-element array, transforming the five elements with vitality, as long as the vitality is not exhausted, the formation will not be destroyed unless it is forcibly broken.

  Looking at the reunited five armored gods, Lin Feng smiled, stomped his feet lightly, and the added gossip map began to rotate, and at the same time began to expand and cover all directions.

  The five armored gods came up again, but when they hit the gossip map, they still dissipated directly.

   This time, Lin Feng didn't give them a chance to unite again. He snorted coldly, and the expansion speed of the Eight Diagrams under his feet accelerated in vain, instantly covering everything around him.


  With a sound like a shattering mirror, the surrounding scene instantly recovered. It was still on the banquet, but the five-element formation that originally covered Lin Feng's feet turned into a eight-diagram diagram at this time.

  The people watching around were taken aback for a moment, some of them didn't understand formations, but seeing this scene, they all understood that the formations were broken at that time.

   But how long is this?

  Lin Feng was shrouded in a formation, but only for a moment, right?

   Is this broken?

  Nie Zimou looked at the gossip map under Lin Feng's feet, a little unbelievable, "This, this is the gossip map? How is this possible? This is impossible!"

   And Nie Wanshan, Fang Zhenghao, An Cheng and the others looked at the gossip map under Lin Feng's feet in shock, and a turbulent sea arose in their hearts.

  Fang Lan looked at the gossip map, his eyes were a little dazed, and An Yu, who was beside him, didn't know the situation, so he asked softly, "Sister Lan, why are father and the others so shocked?"

Only then did Fang Lan come to his senses, glanced at An Yu, then stared at the calm Lin Feng and said, "You don't learn formations very much, you don't know, mastering the yin-yang gossip map is equivalent to mastering formations General outline, as long as you have the yin-yang gossip map, all the formations in the world can be broken in front of you."

  An Yu was a little surprised, "So powerful?"

Fang Lan nodded, "That's natural. One formation was originally created by the emperor Fuxi. All formations in the world are derived from the Yin-Yang Bagua Diagram. However, it is said that the Yin-Yang Bagua Diagram has never been used for countless years. Can grasp, how can this be?"

  An Yu was a little puzzled, "Didn't the Feng family be said to be the descendant of the Emperor Gate, a family of formations? Shouldn't it be normal for Mr. Feng to master the Eight Diagrams?"

  Fang Lan shook her head, "You don't understand. It is said that in today's world, even the Yellow Emperor of the Great Yellow Dynasty has never mastered the Eight Diagrams. How can this be normal?"

   "Because no one can master the Yin-Yang Bagua Diagram now, Emperor Yan created "Lianshanyi" and found another way, and Huangdi created "Guizangyi" in anticipation of reaching the peak of the formation."

  Fang Lan's words were not loud, so most people heard them.

  As he said, the yin and yang gossip map, in the records, no one can master it except the emperor Fuxi.

  As for the Qing Emperor, who is suspected to be the Emperor of the Earth, he has never seen him make a move, so no one knows whether he has mastered it.

   It can be said that throughout the ages, except Fuxi, no one has been able to master the Yin-Yang Bagua Diagram, but now, why did it appear?

  Lin Feng's heart tightened, he seemed to have created something extraordinary?

   He also heard Fang Lan's words. It seems that it is difficult to master the Yin-Yang Bagua Diagram?

  But after watching "Yi" once, I have mastered it?

   "No, when I read the "Yi" book, it was the avatar who practiced formations in the Longevity Realm, and that's why the Yin-Yang Eight Diagrams were drawn."

   "So, the distinction between yin and yang is really beyond the control of people?"

   Qian is Yang, Kun is Yin, Qian is the world, and Kun is space. If anyone can master time and space, then there will not be so few people who walk the way of time and space.

   So it turned out that I really made something incredible?

  Lin Feng thought it was bad. When he first came to this family, he made up his mind to keep a low profile first, but now it seems that he can't keep a low profile.

  Lin Feng hurriedly put away the Bagua map under his feet, and then praised, "Mr. Nie's five-element formation is really powerful, and Feng has really spent a lot of effort to come out."

   "Mr. Nie's accomplishments in formations are really admirable to Feng."

The people around didn't know the truth. After hearing Fang Lan's words just now, they only thought that Lin Feng was extremely powerful in formations. Now they heard Lin Feng praise Nie Zimou. Just break it and forget it.

   Did you see that even the genius of the Feng family who mastered the Bagua map praised the son of our city lord, how amazing is that?

  Only Nie Wanshan and the others lost their minds for a while. This Feng Lin has actually mastered the gossip map, so what the other party said about the Feng family's collateral is obviously not true.

   This is not the main line, unless the Feng family is crazy.

   As for whether Lin Feng would be that Fuxi or the Qing Emperor, they didn't even dare to think about it. How could such a big man come here and tease them.

  Seeing this situation, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. As for continuing to compete with Nie Zimou, he never mentioned it. It is best for these people to forget about these things quickly.

  In fact, he wanted to leave Danyang City, but there are still so many books that he has not read, and the matter of Luoxia Mountain is not over, so he can't leave now.

  At the same time, he was also speechless, why didn't he make it clear in the "Yi" book, and he exposed it at will.

   But thinking about it carefully, there are no pictures of Bagua diagrams in the book, only descriptions, obviously it is useless to leave pictures, the world is only controlled by Fuxi, why is it necessary to leave it for you to see?

  Nie Zimou was still in a daze, and when he heard the greeting from the people around him, he still didn't recover.

  I am really a genius of formations, the other party has mastered the gossip map and praises me, I should be right?

   Then Nie Zimou smiled at those vassals, and became a little more energetic.

  Nie Wanshan looked at this scene and shook his head slightly. This son is really useless.

  He exchanged a glance with Fang Zhenghao and An Cheng, and they all understood that Feng Lin obviously didn't want to make too much noise by doing this.

  So Nie Wanshan walked up to Lin Feng and whispered with a smile: "Mr. Feng is really a genius, he must not be the so-called offshoot of the Feng family, right?"

  Lin Feng had no choice but to smile and nodded, and then said in a low voice: "Feng doesn't want to make too much publicity, so I invite City Master Nie Haihan."

  Nie Wanshan nodded again and again, "Understand, understand."

  You are still low-key, broke a five-element formation, and even used the eight-diagram diagram, is this called low-key?

  Fang Zheng said with a slight smile: "Mr. Feng is so young, but he dismisses these false names. He is really an example for the younger generation."

   Then he looked at his daughter and said with a smile: "Lan'er, you should learn from Mr. Feng and keep in touch."

   An Cheng scolded the old fox inwardly, did he want to climb the top of Feng's family?

  They all understood at this time that this Feng Lin is by no means a collateral branch of the Feng family, and is even the main branch of the main line of the Feng family. If they can make friends with him, they might be able to develop in Zhongzhou in the future.

  So An Cheng also said to his daughter: "Xiao Yu, you too, you need to learn more from Mr. Feng and communicate well."

  Fang Lan and An Yu both blushed and nodded slightly.

  Nie Wanshan looked at this scene, took a deep breath, and then glanced at his son who was still complacent, and immediately cursed a waste, why he didn't give birth to a daughter.

   I used to want to annex the other two big families in Danyang City, but now compared with befriending Lin Feng and going to Zhongzhou to develop, Danyang City is nothing!

  Lin Feng smiled a little embarrassedly, is this going to push his daughter into him?

  He thought in his heart that he was troubled. It seemed that he had better leave as soon as he finished the matter of the Luoxia Mountain Range.

  Nie Wanshan asked again: "Master Feng came to Danyang City, I am afraid it is not a coincidence? Could it be for the experience of the Luoxia Mountains?"

  Fang Zhenghao and An Cheng were all moved. They were also waiting for the opportunity in the Luoxia Mountains.

  Lin Feng nodded along the way, "Yes, the elders in the family knew that there was a chance to be born here, so they let me travel all the way here, luckily I didn't miss it."

  Nie Wanshan nodded in understanding, and at the same time couldn't help but sigh in his heart, as expected of the Emperor's family, even the opportunities at the border of this world can be counted, it's really amazing.

  Lin Feng said: "Everyone doesn't know, the opportunity in the Luoxia Mountains is extraordinary."

   "Roar is an ancient orc. The world in its body has turned into a secret realm. I am afraid that once it appears, it will be the god-level secret realm. So if you want opportunities, you need to do what you can."

  Nie Wanshan and others were shocked when they heard this.

  They have naturally heard the legend of the Luoxia Mountains, but they only thought that the buried one was just an ordinary god.

  Born in a secret realm, at most it is a king-level secret realm, but I never thought that it would rise to the height of a god-level one.

  At this moment, several people are short of breath and their eyes are slightly narrowed.

  Why did Feng Lin tell them such things, just to remind them to be careful?

  He doesn't know, will this only arouse people's desire even more?

   Then Nie Wanshan suddenly thought of something, cupped his hands and said: "Thank you, Mr. Feng, for reminding me. I will tell the news and let others be more careful."

   "My son's heart is all about the world, so he is really a gentleman."

  Lin Feng smiled and nodded, and Fang Zhenghao and An Cheng also reacted at this time.

  The other party's purpose of telling such news is to let them spread the word and muddy the water!

  They glanced at Du Jinlong and the others behind Lin Feng. If the news is true, then these few are probably the god-level powerhouses. If not, they are at least epic-level!

  But they also know that if it is a god-level secret realm, only two or three god-level people may not be enough, so the other party wants to muddy the water.

  Originally, these news may only be in the hands of some big families, but if it gets out and more people come, they will also have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

  They don’t want to think about big chances, but for small chances, it is still possible to break through to the king level, so they are willing to publicize it.

  So Fang Zhenghao and An Cheng also nodded and smiled: "Don't worry, Mr. Feng, I will definitely tell others about this."

   "Young Master Feng is worthy of being the empress of the Emperor's Gate, but he still cares about those little people like us, what a kind hearted person."

  Lin Feng just smiled and said nothing. They are all old foxes who have lived for hundreds of years. Sure enough, when he mentioned it, they guessed a lot, which is very good.

   It's just that in this way, maybe it's not enough to just want to keep a low profile.

  Nie Wanshan and others will definitely not take the blame for spreading the news. In the end, it will definitely fall on me, Feng Lin, who is behind the Emperor Gate.

  But, that is Feng Lin, so why meet me, Lin Feng?

   As for whether it will attract the Feng family and expose my identity, that doesn't matter.

   After getting the benefits of the Luoxia Mountains, he left. The first-level world is so big, can the Feng family really search inch by inch to find themselves?

   "After finishing the matter of the Luoxia Mountains, I will know a lot about this world, and then I should go to Changqing and the others." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

   Afterwards, he greeted Nie Wanshan and the others for a while, and then returned to the Book Pavilion to continue reading.

  Du Jinlong and the others asked curiously: "Master Lin...Young Master, how did you master the Eight Diagrams? I heard from that little girl named Fang Lan that this thing is amazing."

  Others also looked over curiously, only Lin Qinglong, Xiao Hei and the others had long been familiar with the strange things. They had been with Lin Feng for a long time, and these things were nothing more than ordinary.

  Lin Feng smiled, "Read more books, and you will learn it naturally."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Feng returned to the bookshelf of Formation and continued reading.

  Du Jinlong stroked his chin, looking at those books you really learn? "

   He knew that the formation was very powerful. Nie Zimou of the dark gold level formed a five-element formation, which was so powerful that it could trap the diamond level.

  If he learned it, wouldn't he be able to deal with **** level?

  So Du Jinlong went to read a book in doubt.

  Only Xiao Hei sneered and said: "Oh, this fool really believes it. You think everyone is Lin Feng. If you want to trick me into reading, there is no way."

  So, everyone was reading, including Xiao Gu, who was also flipping through the books, as long as Xiao Hei found a corner, curled up comfortably and took a nap.

  Lin Feng ignored him, and noticed in his spiritual perception that the person from the Nie family who was secretly staring at them was no longer there. Obviously, what he revealed made them dare not follow him anymore.

   "That's good, then I can read some books at will." Lin Feng thought, and then walked to the books on the history part.

  What he wants to know most is the distribution of specific forces in this world and the situation of those powerful people, otherwise he will not know where he is going if his eyes are smeared.

   While Lin Feng was reading a book, a piece of news spread quickly, even spreading throughout the Great Xia and Great Yan dynasties in the southern part of the world.

  In the Luoxia Mountains, a god-level secret realm is about to be born, and the time is less than a month!

  As soon as the news came out, some powerful people gathered one after another, and those big families were angry at who spread the news.

  Originally, this news was only in their hands. When the secret realm was born, they took it away. Even if others realized it, it would be over. But now that the news has spread, there may be many strong people going to fight for it.

  But they had no choice but to quickly head towards the Luoxia Mountains.

  At the same time, there was another gossip that the nearest city outside the Luoxia Mountains was Danyang City, there was a son of the Feng family who was a heavenly genius with extremely high attainments in formations.

   It was Nie Zimou who spread the news.

  Because although he lost, everyone thought he was a genius, so the higher he praised Lin Feng, the more genius he would be.

   For this reason, he also thinks he is very smart.

  He didn't know that Nie Wanshan and the others saw all of this, and it was their help that the news could even spread.

  After all, if no one knows that the son of the Feng family is in Danyang City, who will bear the blame for spreading the news afterwards?

  However, they didn’t publicize the Taiji gossip map. Lin Feng wanted to keep a low profile, and they couldn’t expose everything about him, otherwise, they wouldn’t end well if they turned against each other.

  Thus, under the calculations of all parties, the situation finally converged in the Luoxia Mountains.

   And this is Lin Feng's first month in the first-level world.

  (end of this chapter)