MTL - Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself-Chapter 1672 Killing land

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The speed of the water was also extremely fast. Ning Tao felt like a flood sluice, and it flew for several kilometers in an instant. There was nothing in his blank field of vision. He hugged Bi Mingzhu tightly, for fear that if he let go, he would never see her again.

He could also feel the tension and fear of Bi Mingzhu, her body shivering in his arms. But in this environment he couldn't speak to comfort her, the only thing he could do was hug her tightly.

For a few seconds, the impulse of the water flow suddenly decayed.


A stream of water rushed Ning Tao and Bi Mingzhu to a piece of ground. The ground ditch was uneven, and the water left after the flood flow slowly flowed in the ditch. When he stood up holding Bi Mingzhu, his head was popping out of the nearby trench.

"Old send, let's ... where is this rushed to?" Bi Mingzhu's heart was still agitated, her voice trembling slightly.

Ning Tao shook his head: "I don't know."

He also feels a bit unconscious, what happened just now is weird, and until now he is still a little hesitant.

"Old!" A voice came suddenly.

Ning Tao looked at the sound, and at a glance he saw a green man rising from a trench.

The green-skinned man is Alu Luo, and there are many individuals beside him who are climbing up from the trench.

Further afield, more and more people got up from the trenches, densely packed, I don't know how many people were.

This scene surprised and confused Ning Tao. Why did so many people rush into the spherical space? If it were just the few who had escaped before, he was not surprised. But I don't know how many people I saw in this time, so where did these people come from?

But when he thought of it, another torrent rushed in front of him.

"Get down!" Ning Tao withdrew and dropped Bi Mingzhu on the gully.

Before Bi Mingzhu reacted, he was crushed by the sturdy, bumped and changed shape.


Through the torrent, ditches were filled, and heads emerged from the torrent.

Alu Luo, who had just climbed up, could not escape, and just saw him standing on a ditch, and the torrents could not see him.

The torrent did not impact here, and Ning Tao pulled Bi Mingzhu up. Just when he was looking for the figure of Alu Luo, he discovered that he and Bi Mingzhu were at the highest position. Behind him and Bi Mingzhu was a blood-colored slope, leaning forward, without seeing the end. Trenches are also dense in that direction, and it is unclear how many trenches there are.

Although he still couldn't figure out what this place was, Ning Tao seemed to understand how those people came. He activated the spherical space, the spherical space kept flooding, and then sent the people on the Scarlet Plain to Come here.

Perhaps there is more than one spherical space on the blood-stained plain. There are many spherical spaces. After his activation, the water floods and everyone on the plain is sent over.

This also explains why so many people are looking for the holy palace, but no one can tell where the holy palace is, and no one can enter the holy palace. No one can activate the string of digital keys, how can you find the holy palace?

"Holy Palace ..." Thinking of this, Ning Tao suddenly understood something and said excitedly: "Pearl, follow me, I know where the holy palace is!"

"Where is the holy palace?" Bi Mingzhu looked around, but she could not see any palace at all, not even a suspected existence.

Ning Tao raised his finger in the direction behind him: "Unexpectedly, the end of the **** is the Holy Palace."

Bi Mingzhu followed and shifted her sight to that direction. She had the ability of farsightedness and perspective. She felt that Ning Tao pointed him in the direction, and she could probably see the Holy Palace. But this time, she still didn't see any palace.

"Old send!" A green Luo's voice came again.

Ning Tao handed his eyes and saw Alu Luo standing on a gully again, waving at him. Alu Luo's body was soggy, and she had apparently just got up from the trench.

Suddenly, a human head emerged from the trench. The man looked at each other and was approaching Alu Luo quietly.

"Alu Luo is careful behind you!" Ning Tao roared loudly.

Before his voice settled, the man suddenly reached out and grabbed Alu Luo's ankle, then pulled it into the water.

Alu Luo's body suddenly lost balance, leaned back, and fell into the trench.

"I'll save him!" Ning Tao pulled away.

Bi Mingzhu suddenly had one arm and hugged Ning Tao's waist, not letting him go.

"Pearl, what are you doing?" Ning Tao was anxious.

Bi Mingzhu said: "There are so many people out there, but there is only one chance for new life. When you save him, you are giving yourself a powerful enemy! Those people kill him, you kill him, which one do you choose?

Ning Tao froze immediately.

Bi Mingzhu's words seemed selfish, but her words made sense. If he risked his life to save Alu Luo, in the end Alu Luo would still compete with him for the opportunity of the freshman, and he would indeed create a powerful enemy. In the end, did he kill Alu Luo, or did Alu Luo kill him?

However, watching his comrade-in-arms in danger and failing to save him, his heart was very unpleasant.

At this time, a water column rose in the trench, a green figure leapt from the trench, and a person's body was carried on both shoulders.

It's Alu Luo, he's not dead!

Ning Tao's gaze locked on Alu Luo, and it was clear that the person on Alu Luo's shoulder was the guy who attacked Alu Luo.

Alu Luo's feet landed on the sulcus, and the guy on his shoulder clicked into a two-segmentation by his lively sting, his internal organs flew horizontally, and his blood shed.

Ariro's beastly hair was so big that he took out the heart of the man who attacked him, and that heart was still alive in his hands. He opened his mouth wide, biting the heart frantically, and then yelled to the sky, "Who else? Who else? Come on, I'm going to kill you, the chance for that new life is mine!"

Ning Tao felt relieved to see A Luluo kill the man who attacked him, but when he heard Aluluo screaming, his mood became heavy again.

The holy palace is behind that, but there is only one chance for new life. These countless seeds will go for that opportunity. Who has the confidence and pride to defeat all the opponents and hold that unique opportunity?

"Old send, don't watch, while those people have not come, let's go!" Bi Mingzhu urged.

Ning Tao nodded.

At this time, a large group of people suddenly rushed to Alu Luo.

"Kill him, and then we split that freshman opportunity!" Someone yelled.

More people rushed to Alu Luo.

Alu Luo calmed down, but was dumbfounded. He never dreamed that he was just a pretending to be a wild animal, but he did not expect to attract a large group of enemies for himself.

As the saying goes, a man is not pretending to be forced, pretending to be thundered.

"Old me, save me!" Alu Luo shouted for help, but in his sight, Ning Tao and Bi Mingzhu were running up the **** together.

The two short skirts flew up and down, left and right, and the two dumplings were as white.

"I ... Day ... a pair of unsavory bitches!" Alu Luo could not help but curse.

His words had just fallen, and a few who were not afraid of death had rushed to him.

"Let's die!" A green Luo roared, waved Fanda's fist, and a guy who wanted to stand out suddenly screamed, then flew out along his fist.

However, more people rushed up.

Ning Tao glanced back. Ariro was already submerged. Occasionally he could see him, but he was drowned again.

Even the unparalleled overlord of the world, it can't hold back Liu Bang's soldiers.

Although those who rushed up were not Liu Bang's soldiers, they were God's seed soldiers.

"Hey, sorry for my brother, even in your situation, I ca n’t save you even if I turn it back, at most it is the result of accompany you to die, you definitely don't want me to die?" A word, then his guilt was much smaller.

This is indeed the case. Even if he rushes back, he cannot save Alu Luo, and he will die under the attack of the seed soldiers.

Fortunately, Bi Mingzhu hugged him in time and pulled him away, otherwise he might be in danger of being besieged at the moment.

"Pearl, you can actually go up by yourself, don't you want the chance for that freshman?" Ning Tao asked while running.

Bi Mingzhu smiled: "Without you, what do I want that chance?"

Ning Tao also laughed. With this confidante, even if this adventure failed, what regrets?

He glanced back, he could not see Alu Luo. But the melee did not end, but wanted to expand in a wider area. The seeds of slaughter can be seen everywhere, the powerful kills the weak, and the heart is eaten to drink meat and blood, and become stronger. The weaker ones besieged the powerful ones. The pack of wolves killed the tiger, ate tiger meat and drank tiger blood, and then continued to fight.

The whole world is crazy, blood is reddish into ditches, the air is filled with a thick smell of blood, and there is a little mysterious smell that is unclear.

Ning Tao didn't notice this smell originally, but after running, he noticed the mysterious smell in the space, and felt something wrong.

"Heh ... heh ..." Ning Tao panted, "Ming Zhu, did you smell an odor?"

"Suck ... Huh ..." Bi Mingzhu stopped ~ ~ Holding her hands on her knees, panting with a big mouthful, and after a little smoothness, she said, "I ... smelled ... I'm so hot ... ... "

Her face and neck were flushed, and her pearly skin was slightly reddish, and even the unique pearly light on his body appeared a faint blood.

"Pearl, what's wrong with you?" Ning Tao said with concern.

Bi Mingzhu breathed and said, "I, I ... I'm so hot ... I'm so uncomfortable ..."

It's okay if she didn't say this. She said that Ning Tao also felt hot, and her skin was hot. There seemed to be a charcoal fire in the smiling and proud rivers, burning his internal organs and nerves all the time.

Ning Tao glanced back again. Behind him had become a battlefield. There was slaughter everywhere. The crazy roar and screams were mixed together. The internal organs flowed in blood, like purgatory!

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

Is the animal nature of those seeds related to that mysterious smell?