MTL - Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself-Chapter 1679 New opportunities?

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The last digit flowed from Li Zi'an's arm into his brain, no more digits flowed into his body, but the moment the last digit of gold entered his body, his body suddenly couldn't move. . Lord of the Three Realms, he couldn't even raise his hands.

It wasn't that he had no strength, but that the metal ball didn't know when it mutated, from metal to sugar mud, his palms got stuck, and he couldn't pull it up. Moreover, there was a force in the metal sphere pulling him, as if trying to drag him into the golden sphere.

"Old, what's the matter with you?" Bi Mingzhu said nervously.

Ning Tao wanted to speak, but he found that he couldn't even open his mouth. At the same time, he found that energy roots like tree roots had to be pierced into the golden sphere above his arms.

That is……

The root of that tree!

It came out!

Every time an energy root was pierced, a strange light spot appeared before his eyes. So much that his eyes are always shining with billions of light dots, and he can't see anything except the light spots.

At this moment, Ning Tao suddenly understood.

He is indeed the seed chosen by God. All he has experienced is to make the seed mature. Now is the time for this seed to take root!

"Old send!" Bi Mingzhu noticed that Ning Tao's arms were falling into the metal ball, she panicked suddenly, and rushed up with an exclamation.

Ning Tao wanted to stop her, but couldn't open her mouth and couldn't make a sound.

Bi Mingzhu flew to Ning Tao's side in a blink of an eye, hugged Ning Tao's waist, pulled back hard, and wanted to pull out Ning Tao's hands that had been trapped in.

But Bi Mingzhu didn't think about a problem, that is, how could Ning Tao herself pull out her hands?

Suddenly, Ning Tao also shot countless energy roots, not only plunging into the golden sphere, but the part on the back also entangled Bi Mingzhu.

Bi Mingzhu also froze, her hands and feet could not move, her mouth could not be opened, and she could not speak.

In such a situation, neither Ning Tao nor Bi Mingzhu might even have dreamed of it.

The sucking power in the golden ball was getting stronger and stronger, and Ning Tao's forearms all fell into it, but he couldn't stop at all, and his arms continued to sink inward.

Is this the end of everything?

Is this the so-called ultimate answer?

Suddenly, Ning Tao felt that all this was not important. There were flashes of faces in his mind, Qing Zhui, Bai Jing, Jiang Hao, Lin Qingyi, Soft Tianyin, Zhao Wushuang, Undead Phoenix, Xier Tang Zixian ...

And his children, children's children ...

There are so many faces that they flutter in my head like snowflakes.

Old delivery is also ashamed, some sons and grandsons forgot their names.

In the memories of this return of light, Ming Tao's arms were completely immersed in golden spheres, followed by his face, his head, his whole body.

After he was completely immersed in the golden sphere, Bi Mingzhu also entered. From beginning to end, she was tied with countless energy roots, and she looked like a mummy.

After Bi Mingzhu completely entered, the golden ball returned to normal, stuck in the middle of the two stone pillars, quietly emitting golden light.

The space was extremely quiet and there was no sound.

Time doesn't seem to exist here, everything is still, without any energy exchange.

I don't know how long it has been, maybe a day, maybe a year, maybe a hundred years ...

At some point in time, the two stone pillars collapsed without warning, and the golden sphere fell.

This space shook the mountains, and a stone pillar collapsed for no reason. The earth flooded, flooded the remains of a stone pillar, and flooded the golden sphere.

The golden sphere grew up in the water, getting bigger and bigger ...

All that happened here was Ning Tao without any consciousness. In fact, when he was completely trapped in the golden sphere, his consciousness fell into darkness. He could feel nothing, including himself.

At some point, light appeared in his world of consciousness, and he wanted to open his eyes, but he couldn't open them. He felt like he was immersed in water, the water was warm and slippery, but he didn't feel suffocated at all.

Consciousness returned quickly, and Ning Tao's thinking became clearer and clearer. He remembered a lot of things and also a lot of people.

A frontal hole appeared in his mind again, A Shibo, Shimu Runhua, Hemia ... Biming Pearl.

When Bi Mingzhu's face came to mind, his thoughts stopped for a moment. Just after that time point, many things emerged in his mind.

He met the beauty goddess Bi Mingzhu in the blood grass plain, and then accompanied her ...

He and she climbed to the top of the sacred mountain, entered the inside of the sacred mountain, and then found a secret passage, from which secret passage entered a spherical space. It was there that he killed Shenlong Boiler, then activated the circular secret door in the spherical space, and then the water rose flat in the spherical space, sending him, the green pearl, and thousands of seeds into a mysterious In space ...

He and Bi Mingzhu fought all the way, eventually killing the last super elite seed with ingenuity, and found a huge golden ball. Bi Mingzhu proposed to him that he try to unlock the digital code in the metal ball, and also said that he was the seed chosen by heaven. He was proud, so he tried it, and he was all caught in the golden ball ... ...

These memories gave him the feeling that it happened just now, every detail is so clear.

Then a lot of questions came to his mind.

where is this place?

Is this the inside of the metal ball?

Where is Bi Mingzhu?

Is Bi Mingzhu alive?

Is that metal ball the so-called opportunity for new life?

If that metal ball is the so-called opportunity for new life, then why am I like this now?

What did I get?

Is this the ultimate mystery?

Questions are piled up one after another, but none can be solved.

Maybe there are too many questions to think about. Ning Tao feels a little sleepy and has a slight headache. His consciousness is slowly falling into chaos again.

He didn't want to sleep at all. He wanted to open his eyes to see what the place was, but he couldn't open his eyes until he fell asleep.

A little bit of time passes.

I don't know how long, Ning Tao's consciousness has returned, and that familiar and strange feeling has returned. He felt he was immersed in water, the water was warm and slippery. And this time he heard some voices, which were cooing, and the sound of flowing water.

The sensations felt by the body, and these sounds, made him even suspect that he was packed in a warm water bag, and this warm water bag floated in a river, flowing with the waves, not knowing when it would stop .

Faces appeared in Ning Tao's mind again, Yin Molan, Jiang Xiaodong, Chen Pingdao, Xiaotian Dog ...

When he thought of Xiaotian Dog, his mind paused again.

In the year 985, the Xiaotian dog became immortal. In order to repay his kindness, he volunteered to be a watchdog for his temple and became a good friend with Zong Er.

"If I didn't leave the universe I dominated, it would be great. I can live for hundreds of millions of years like nothing, and talk about the seeds of civilization spread to every corner of the universe. I can also talk about a few new relationships Marry many, many wives, have many, many children ... "He regretted the decision he had made.

What could not satisfy the Lord of the Three Realms in that universe world? Why did you open your eyes to the so-called real-world adventure? Now, I don't even know where I am, let alone what a chance for a freshman.

He suddenly felt that his life was like a dream. He loved many people in that dream, and many loved him. In that dream, he lived extremely wonderfully, and obtained the greatest success in the universe. But after all, it was a dream. The dream awakened and nothing was left.


Am I in a dream now?

Everything that I have experienced before, everything that happened just in dreams, but I am now in the moment of dreaming?


If I am in a dream, why is my thinking so agile?

Why do I remember those things so clearly?

Questions after question came up again, and there was no answer.

Tiredness struck, and his consciousness was blurred again.

He wanted to open his eyes and take a look, but he still couldn't open his eyes.

He wanted to open his mouth and roar, but he still couldn't open his mouth.

Then go to sleep, anyway.

Repeated again and again like this, consciousness awoke, consciousness chaos. He couldn't open his eyes and felt the light, but he couldn't see anything. He also kept his mouth open and couldn't make any sound.

However, each time he woke up and slept a little longer, at first his brain only moved for a few minutes before he wanted to sleep. As he went on, his brain moved for more than ten minutes, and he remained awake even longer.

It's time to wake up again.

Ning Tao's meaning returned, and there was a bright light in front of him ~ ~ But he still couldn't open his eyes, so he couldn't see anything.

Faces came out of his mind. Uncle Wu, who sells pancakes in front of Sancheng Medical University, remembers that his daughter is very beautiful. At that time, as long as his daughter came to sell pancakes, classmates would scramble. Go and buy.

In private, he also gave Uncle Wu's daughter a nickname of Shichiaki ...

It doesn't matter who the Shih Shih Pancake is. The important thing is that Ning Tao has been bored to think about all the people he knows, but this **** state has never ended.

How long will it take to soak in a warm water bag?

No way to know.

But when he was bored and depressed, Ming Tao's mind suddenly came up with a thought that made him feel terrified.


Did I become a baby?