MTL - Open the Simple Mode After Wearing the Book-Chapter 40 guess

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The General's Mansion is closer to the outside of the city, so Wu You first brought Mo Ziyi back to the General's Mansion, and at the same time sent a message to Jiang Hong to prevent them from worrying.

Zhao Qingzi also did not return to Yongding Hou's mansion. First, she did not want Wu You and Mo Ziyi to be in the same room, and she also wanted to find out what happened to Mo Ziyi.

After a while, Mo Ziyi made a small voice and then gradually opened his eyes, Wu You was overjoyed: "You are awake, but what else is uncomfortable?"

Mo Ziyi was still a little confused, she sat up with support, her voice sounded weak: "Miss Wu, where am I?"

"Don't worry, this is the General's Mansion, how could you fall into the water?"

Speaking of falling into the water, Mo Ziyi seemed to have just reacted. She rubbed her head and tried to recall, remembering that she was playing by the river, and then when she stood up, it seemed that someone pushed her.

She replied somewhat uncertainly: "I was standing by the river as if someone pushed me, and I'm not too sure."

Zhao Qingzi felt a little heavy when he heard the words. In the past, it was the enemy who was in the dark, but now this situation is probably the other way around. At the same time, he is a little excited.

Just now, Mo Ziyi was more awake. She suddenly found that she was only wearing a middle coat, and the hair crown on her head was also removed. Don't think about this situation, Wu You and the others will decide It is already understood.

Wu You saw that Mo Ziyi's face was a little pale, and then she reached out and touched the top of her head, and understood what she was thinking.

In order to reassure her, Wu You promised her: "Miss Mo, don't worry, Azi and I will not tell anyone about this."

Before Mo Ziyi could agree, Zhao Qingzi asked her, "Miss Mo, can you tell me how you fell into the water? This incident is bad, and the murderer must be brought to justice."

Zhao Qingzi's voice was serious, Mo Ziyi forgot his identity exposure for a while and followed Zhao Qingzi's train of thought.

She carefully recalled the whole process after separating from Wu You, and then sorted out the language and told Wu You the detailed process.

Wu You couldn't help guessing whether it was a competitor of the Mo family. After all, Mr. Mo is already old, and now there is only one child left.

Zhao Qingzi thought for a while: "Miss Mo is saying that after you fell into the water, someone on the shore saw you but turned around and left, can you see the appearance of that person?"

"Never, it was too far away at that time, and it vaguely looked like a girl."

Wu You couldn't help but interject: "Is it possible that it is a commercial competitor?"

Mo Ziyi shook his head, "There are competitors in business, but they won't kill me."

Wu You felt that this girl was too simple, and the malice in this world was so great that she had not yet felt it.

But this is also good, it can reduce a lot of worries.

Mo Ziyi looked at Wu You and both of them caring so much about him, and was a little moved, and felt that it was causing trouble for them both, "Thank you two ladies for today's matter, if you two need help in the future I will definitely not refuse.”

Wu You felt that Mo Ziyi had already helped her a lot, "Don't worry, after all, Miss Mo, you have also helped me a lot."

Mo Ziyi knew exactly what she was talking about to help. She felt that this matter was not worth mentioning compared to the life-saving grace, but because Zhao Qingzi was not able to explain clearly, Mo Ziyi just laughed laugh.

Zhao Qingzi watched from the side, only felt that the two must be hiding something from her, and remembered what Wu You said last time after she got the gold, she said that if she was saved, she wanted to save who?

Zhao Qingzi looked at Wu You's back and felt that she could not understand what Wu You wanted to do.

Zhao Qingzi couldn't help interrupting the conversation between them: "Since Miss Mo is a woman, who is the one buried in the Mo family?"

"It's my brother."

Mo Ziyi's voice was a little low, and now he has nothing to hide, "I thought he could leave as his own, but I didn't expect my father to make the decision to let me replace him."

Zhao Qingzi has another consideration, because she thinks that the mountain bandit outside Jinzhou city and Mr. Mo should have a great relationship, then he let Mo Ziyi pretend that there should be other things intention.

Now that Mo Ziyi's identity has been revealed, it is more convenient to ask about some things: "Miss Mo, what abnormal behavior did my brother have before leaving?"

Wu You looked at Zhao Qingzi and felt that she was paying too much attention to the affairs of the Mo Mansion. Wu You knew that she was very smart and never did useless things. Could it be that there is something in this Mo Mansion? Goofy?

Having this suspicion in his heart, and then contacting the ending of the original book, Wu You's heart tightened, and he suddenly suspected that Mr. Mo might be a spy sent by Yu Chao, but this is just a guess, there is no real evidence yet .

But if this is the case, the Mo family must be connected with the mountain bandit, but Mo Ziyi was killed by the mountain bandit.

Then this Mr. Mo is too cruel, and his own son can also say no, and Wu You is a little unwilling to believe it.

Wu You felt a little heavy in her heart. She felt that this guess was probably correct, but how to let Azi know and not suspect her, she has not found a way yet.

And looking at Mo Ziyi's appearance, she should be completely ignorant. If it is as Wu You guessed, how will she handle herself after that.

Mo Ziyi heard Zhao Qingzi's question, and said the long-standing doubt in his heart: "It is indeed abnormal, usually this errand in Beijing is done by my father, but the heavy snow was replaced by elder brother."

After thinking about it, he added: "And the day before my brother left, he seemed to have some thoughts, and he didn't even eat."

Zhao Qingzi is even more certain that there should be a problem with Mo Mansion. Mo Ziyi may know something, but now that the others are gone, this clue is also broken.

Zhao Qingzi had a rough guess in his heart that Mo House became the richest man in Jinzhou so quickly was the result of cooperation with the mountain bandits. Judging from the information from the subordinates, the caravans robbed and killed by the mountain bandits over the years Zhongmo House did not suffer much loss.

The original richest man in Jinzhou was killed by mountain bandits on the way to Beijing last year, so the Mo family really became the richest man in Jinzhou.

Mo Ziyi's death may be a cover-up by Mr. Mo. After all, the process of his rise is very abnormal, and every time the government has carried out encirclement and suppression of the mountain bandits in these years, the news will be leaked in advance, obviously someone Do introspection.

Mo Ziyi's death seems to be saying to those who doubt him: "The mountain bandit killed my child, so it should not be me."

In doing so, one is to clear his suspicions, and the other is to take the opportunity to send food to the bandits who have been cut off from rations on the mountain.

But why did he let Mo Ziyi replace her brother?

Then the person who attacked Mo Ziyi this time was also a person he sent?

Zhao Qingzi was a little confused again, not to mention their father and daughter identities, Mo Ziyi obviously didn't know anything, why would such a non-threatening person attack her so cruelly?

Could it be that her brother said something to her that made Mr. Mo a little uneasy, so he wanted to create an illusion of drowning, but why did you want her to come to the capital, it is obviously much more convenient in Jinzhou.

And if Mo Ziyi already knew something, why would he obediently die?

The more Zhao Qingzi thought about it, the more she felt a headache, she couldn't help rubbing her forehead, and chose to put down the doubts in her heart first, at least this Master Mo must have something to do with that mountain bandit.

"What's wrong with Miss Zhao? Are you feeling unwell?"

Mo Ziyi looked at Zhao Qingzi rubbing her forehead, looking like she was having a headache and couldn't help but be a little worried.

Zhao Qingzi looked at the girl lying on the bed, the girl's eyes were clear, and her emotions were reflected unreservedly in these eyes.

Actually, Zhao Qingzi is jealous. After getting along these days, she has to admit that this person has a very good personality, but even so, Zhao Qingzi can't see her and Wu You getting too close.

Sighed in her heart, then smiled: "It's okay, Miss Mo should take care of herself first."

Mo Ziyi is now a little weak and her lips are a little white, she raised a smile: "Miss Zhao, in fact, sometimes I envy you."

This sentence is a bit inexplicable, Zhao Qingzi doesn't know what she is envious of.

I couldn't help thinking in my heart: "Could it be that the person she envied Wu Youai was me? Then this kind of envy can be a little more."

Thinking of this, the heaviness in Zhao Qingzi's heart suddenly eased, and she was a little overjoyed: "Miss Mo's words are serious, what is there to envy for people with disabled legs."

These words made Wu You feel a little sad, she couldn't help interrupting: "Azi don't think so, you will be fine."

I just feel that this sentence is a little different from the usual comforting words, it seems to have a strong determination, but Zhao Qingzi is very clear about her physical condition, although she often fantasizes that one day she can stand up, but she more realistic.

But in order not to worry Wu You, she still replied with a smile: "Well, it will be fine."

Mo Ziyi looked at the two of them and felt very warm, but then she seemed to be the embarrassing backdrop again.

So she tried her best to reduce her sense of existence, and at the same time sighed in the bottom of her heart, this is what she envies, Zhao Qingzi has a person who treats her wholeheartedly.

Mo Ziyi thought that when she was in good health, she would personally deal with the things Wu You gave her, and gentle people should be treated gently.

This is Mo Ziyi's obsession.

Let Mo Ziyi lie down for a while, Wu You originally wanted to keep her in the General's Mansion, but Mo Ziyi said that she had a lot of things to do.

Zhao Qingzi heard that Wu You wanted to keep Mo Ziyi in the General's Mansion, and couldn't help being a little unhappy. She thought that Wu You never invited her to stay in the General's Mansion.

Listening to Mo Ziyi's rejection of Wu You, Zhao Qingzi couldn't help but feel more favorable towards her, thinking that this little fox is quite knowledgeable about current affairs.

In fact, Wu You didn't mean anything else, she was just afraid of Mo Ziyi's accident.

"You, don't worry, she will be fine."

Wu You stood at the gate of the General's Mansion and watched Mo Ziyi's figure gradually disappear, and Zhao Qingzi's words came from her ears.

I felt a little relieved, now that Mo Ziyi is safe, Ah Zi should send someone to protect her.

It was already dusk after such a tossing day. Although Zhao Qingzi was followed by a maid, Wu You still wanted to stay with her for a longer time. She pushed Zhao Qingzi's wheelchair and slowly walked towards Yongding Hou's mansion .

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Wu You was a little worried about how to change the predetermined ending here.

The author has something to say:The day of losing the vest is not far away. It has been forty chapters if you don’t pay attention. Thank you for your support all the way. Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-11-19 21:36:35~2020-11-2019:35:53~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 462704251;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 4627042510 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!