MTL - Ostentatious Zhao Yao-Chapter 48

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Is it that Mo Qing let Sima Rong arrange the wood man of the organ?

I thought about it and thought it was wonderful.

The body of the weaving is strange, the breath of the technique is very fast in her body, and it is the technique that others have applied to her. It disappears when it is not working, unless it encounters the ink or the former me. The degree of the demon or the immortal, the breath is strong enough to cause a great deal of damage to her. Otherwise, ordinary people, such as those present here, who have not looked at the skills of the house when they are killed by each other, basically have no threat to her.

The spell is useless for the weaving, and the same effect for the weaving is that she is also extremely difficult to practice spells, and it is difficult to run in the body. It takes a lot of effort to learn the sword.

She won't be in the blink of an eye now, so she will be full of shackles.

To let her move with other Dark Robes, the magic is overflowing, and the goal is too big to say, but she drags down the actions of the Dark. And this wood is different, they have to fly like the weaving. The devices in their bodies do not need too much magic to drive, and it is not easy to attract the attention of the people of Xianmen and facilitate the raid.

Sure enough, the woven woven squad screamed at the venue, and the wood man came quietly, killing the Xianmen people by surprise.

The wood man was on top of the disputes among the factions. For a time, the people of Qianchen Pavilion and Xuanyutang were under a lot of pressure. Shen Qianjin also ordered the girls in the rain building to protect the piano strings.

Nanyue taught to repair the organs before, and now they have been destroyed. The only thing that has been trained in this institution is that they have been deprived of the right to walk. Let them participate in the meeting of the Ten Confucius in this way. I have a touch of it. This is also a cause and effect.

In such a chaos, the disciples of Guan Yulou, who had a mirror, had to be busy running around. The picture in the mirror became blurred and trembling, and the angle dangled, making people unable to see clearly.

However, in such a chaos, I saw the faintly blurred sky, and there were several black shadows hanging high. Looking down, Qin Qianxian’s other disciples who attacked him were merciless. A bodhi print on their foreheads puts them in a coma, but this way of fighting is a waste of time.

I asked the floc to weave: "Let the floccoli take the piano and leave it."

But my voice just fell, but I still haven’t had a chance to open it. The dark shadows in the sky are moving, and the timely weaving is in the same battle with the Tianmenmen’s head, and the Tianzhumen are both inside and outside, except for the opening method. The force is probably one of the top ten people in the top ten fairy tales. The woven and woven with him, I did not leave the body for a while, I looked at the piano string, I can’t see the piano in the shaking mirror. The expression of the string, but see his body shape, escaped the few female swords descending from the sky.

There is still another sword that unexpectedly kills the piano string, and it is inevitable. Only one chapter will crush the female sword, and the piano string is as good as I expected to shatter the female sword.

At this time!

Liu Qiling’s body, which had been fainted on the ground, was suddenly manipulated by people, and it was a move! Blocked between the piano and the female sword! He was shocked and shouted: "Jingling brother!"

Qin Qianxier’s hand was closed, and a palm of his hand was taken back from Liu Yuling’s body. He slammed into the body and his body shook slightly. But this is not finished...

Liu Suruo actually manipulated the female sword and penetrated from the back of Liu Yuling. He did not care to wear it out of Liu’s body, and took the neck of the piano string! This sword is unimaginable!

However, Qin Qianxian only did not hurt Liu Yuling, but he had a hard life and was hurt by his own breath. This sword came so unexpectedly that he could hide in the future, but he saw that the female sword was nailed into the piano. Neck item.

When the tip of the sword did not enter, he took his blood and made the whole body red. When the female sword would penetrate the neck of the piano string, the hilt was suddenly grasped. The female sword stopped and stopped.

The floc weaving feet fell on the ground, dragging the female sword back, and the force was like pulling the mountain, and the female sword was smashed to the ground. The blade was broken into two pieces, and the piano has been sucked. The blood spilled over the ground.

"Who dares to move him!" A glimpse of a glimpse, a shock around, actually seems to have a breath of shock.

I raised my eyebrows and wanted to come to these years. I have learned a lot of things in the overseas islands of Xiandao. I still learned a lot of things, and I was able to control the breath for a short time.

The people around him were shaken open, and the looms turned to look at the piano. I don’t know why, she suddenly frowned, and her expression was a little unhappy. She took two steps to Qinqin and stood in front of him. Guanqin Qianxiu would like to, holding a hand on his neck, a toe on his toes, his mouth slammed around his neck and licked the blood he had flowed out.

I can see that she is very hard.

Qin Qianxian is wrong.

Everyone who has seen this scene is wrong.

Only I am more indifferent.

I know that when I came back, I had a habit of being scratched by a sword. She liked to squat, like a small animal, to make the wound better. Sometimes I go outside to do things, come back with a small wound, and I will help you to lick it. I am all this when the little animals are spoiled.

After receiving Gu Shuguang, the wounds on the body were dealt with in time, and the bandages were tied. She couldn’t stop it.

What is tricky is that the concept of “gender” is very vague. She is a big breeder. I don't care about the festival. When I have a certain age, I realize that she doesn't have the consciousness of "men and women are different", but it has not changed.

But anyway, she is Dongshan, and no one thinks that she is cheaper, and I followed her.

So she now licks the neck of the piano, and she may not feel that something is wrong.

Because, I let her protect the piano string, she has to protect all aspects, not protect, it is her fault. It is also her fault that Qin Qianxian is injured. But he was already hurt, so she only helped him.

Shen Qianjin touched his chin and said, "I didn't expect to have a day when the piano was so thin."

Yes, I just grabbed this bodhisattva before, and spent the night, under the solemn face of this treasure, it will not be arrogant and frivolous. This girl is good, and she will move her mouth.

"Now is not the time to say this!" He was very anxious. "I have to find a way to save my brother..."

I was stunned: "Let the woven fabrics and the strings go..." I just opened the door, and the person who was controlled by Sima Rong said: "Seventeen, you take the piano and go first, I am broken."

After all, the woven weaving is half-hearted, holding the waist of the piano, leaping, jumping on the sky, smashing the sword and going to the sword.

When the piano is chorded and woven, it is undoubtedly caught in a bigger crisis. The mirror swayed, the last scene, but saw a wood man squatting on Liu Yuling ready to leave.

Then, like a mirror falling on the ground, the chaotic picture inside no longer exists.

Shen Qianjin’s heart is worried: “The sisters and others left behind...”

Shen Qianjin said: "This is no problem. When the piano is gone, they each fight with anger. The people who are vying for it are no longer there. These few fairy doors will not really belong to the same people." The only one who bears this anger is the Wanshaomen, but they are sending a pile of wood..." Shen Qianjin smiled. "Wan Wanmen is a tall man, not a soldier, not a child, he split the top ten door."

I took a look at Shen Qianjin and it was not the fault of the ink.

As long as they want to resurrect Luo Mingxuan with the blood of the Qin Qianxian, the top ten Xianmen will split because of different opinions. The only thing that can tear them apart from the inside is the heart.

However, Mo Qing did a very good job... Even in this dispute, he did not come out, but it was the mark of his cloth everywhere...

Demon Lord, I saved a terrible child in the end.

In the evening, the wood man had brought Liu Qiling back and directly carried it to Gu Shuguang. The first one rushed out and saw the appearance of Liu Yuling. Her tears could not stop falling down: "How can Liu Suruo be like this." She whispered, "You are her loved one, how can she Use you like this..."

Liu Yuling was carried to the bed. When Gu Shuguang gave him a wound, he turned his head and said: "In case."

I didn't get angry. I went back to the house and let me go to her body. Then she became a soul and looked at it. I went to the courtyard wearing her body, but I saw that the wood man who sent Liu Yanling had disappeared. I thought about it and went straight to the evil hall.

Some days have not come, but the guards without the evil hall met me or bowed down to meet me with half respect.

I went straight into the sleeping hall of Mo Qing, but I saw that the wooden man was standing in front of Mo Qing, and said to him: "I don’t know where to go with the piano. I can’t find it now, but look at her today. The appearance should be a lot of experience in the overseas island of Xiandao, more powerful than before, it is reasonable to not have any accidents."

"Yeah." Mo Qing should have a voice. The hand of his approval of the document was paused, but he was not salty or rude: "The ability is long, but there is no cover, and some lessons are owed."

Hey, listen to this, is he planning to teach me a small seventeen?

This can't be done. I went into the house.

Sima Rong’s wood man whispered for a while and said: “When she brought the piano string back, what are you going to arrange for her to do? Now the inside of the magic road has basically been settled, no longer like the previous resistance. The top ten fairy gates have also been split, and it has not become a climate. The only Xinshan Jiangwu is a bit tricky. He has heard that he has recently contacted many magical repairs. Many of them have been previously swindled and exiled, and they have deep resentment against Wanhaomen... ...these people get together, afraid that it is not right, let the seventeens deal with them?"

"Do not."

“Oh?” Sima Rong seemed to be quite interesting. “Then you will leave the seventeen in the door of Wan Wan... Wait for her to kill you?”

"Xinshan Jiangwu will solve it myself. Seventeen have more important things." Mo Qing said as he paused his pen, and looked up at me. The lights swayed, and it seemed to have gentle water. "I It’s enough for her to try to protect one person."

I stepped in my footsteps, and my heart was a burst of warmth. When I just wanted to ask Mo Qing, it was so easy to forget all the cleanliness.