MTL - Otherworldly Evil Monarch-v6 Chapter 445 Rushing and angering the holy king!

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The 445th chapter is rushing to anger and sacred!

"I didn't want to tell you so much nonsense, but... I don't say that I am not happy! I said that I am cool, watching your unhappy, that is the real cool! Only in this way can you let Jiuquan The brothers are safe on the road, go all the way!" Jun Moxie laughed, laughed, and screamed: "Or, this is the so-called heavenly cycle, retribution is not good!"

Xia Changtian’s face was completely smashed.

No hope!

Everything is forgotten!

This evil monarch is absolutely unwilling to compromise!

The good words have been said absolutely, this evil monarch is still indifferent!

No, he is not indifferent at all.

He simply has the thrill of revenge to reach the limit, watching himself uncomfortable, watching his heart hurt, to enjoy his own pain!

Although the pit is deep, the chaotic fire has already fallen. Even though the castration is slow, it will arrive at a moment.

The death of those brothers has become a foregone conclusion.

"Jun Moxie, have you ever thought about it, if these brothers are really dead; what kind of price will you pay?" Xia Changtian’s face is muscled and his eyes are brutally colored, which is almost out of control. .

"The cost? I really didn't think about it!" Jun Moxie's pupils slowly contracted: "Do you think that with a few of you, what kind of price can I pay?"

"If my brothers are dead, then, these days, the soldiers will be punished, the old man promises!..." In the voice of Xia Changtian, there is a murder of Sen Han: "I will not live one!"

Jun Moxie's pupil slammed up sharply. He fixedly looked at Xia Changtian. Slowly, he said in a word: "As long as you dare to scatter the wild, I will accompany you to the end!"

He slowly lifted his eyelids, his sharp eyes swayed, and could not be seen in the world: "Xia Changtian, today you dare to kill me, I will kill you 100 people! You kill me three, I will let the three holy places Completely extinct roots! I am waiting for you, Xia Changtian... As long as you have a kind of dare to do it, I will never be vegetarian!"

The two looked at each other and looked at each other. In the air, they seemed to have aroused the fierce sparks!

Xia Changtian's eyes, grief, despair, and even more exhaustive!

The eyes of Jun Moxie, stimulated by Xia Changtian’s words, are completely outrageous!

However, Xia Changtian’s eyes always carry a scruples. Yes, he is still scrambling for the battle of heaven! Scruples the whole world!

If he only fights with Jun Moxie, it can be said that it is a matter of arrogance. Do not involve the overall situation. This is also the biggest reason why Jun Moxie always insists on facing them forty-seven people!

Because, once Mei Xueyan and other people take shots, it is the three holy places and the punishment of the heavens and the evil tyrants completely broke!

Such responsibility, Jun Moxie can not afford. Jun Moxie has a thought: If you and your brother can't avoid dying, then you would rather die in the aggression against the aliens, and not let them die in the hands of the three holy places! Because it is not worth it!

Xia Changtian’s concerns are much more complicated than Jun Moxie. If today, he really fights with Jun Moxie and even involves the three holy places and the heavenly forest. Then, with the aliens, you don’t have to fight directly! Lost!

Then, he is a long sinner, the sinner of the whole human race!

Xia Changtian has guarded the mainland for three thousand years and has already infiltrated this responsibility into the depths of the soul! This glory has already passed through his blood! He values ​​the reputation of honor and is more important than everything. How can he carry the reputation of a mainland sinner out of thin air?

Xia Changtian has scruples, but Jun Moxie does not!

The mainland is destroyed? Destruction destroys you, anyway, the contradictions that arise in the three holy places of yours, do my bird! Even if the mainland is going to be destroyed because of you and me, I can't wait for you under your hands!

Destroy at most together, the dead birds are facing up, is there a big deal? If you can kill me, you will be able to get it! Everyone has only one head, no one has more than one egg!

Scaring me? threaten me? Your grandmother drops...

"Xia Changtian, are you not guaranteed? How can you not do it? I am waiting for you to do it!" Jun Moxie looked at him indifferently: "It will not be you and will only guarantee it! You dare not send it." Under the oath? Well? Kill me more than 10,000 brothers? Who do you think you are, do you have this skill!? Where do you come from this guts?"

Xia Changtian finally became completely frantic, shouting, desperately saying: "Jun Moxie! This is what you forced me!" His eyes turned and looked at the Meixue Bear, who was watching the other side. Kaishan and others, fierce!

Obviously, you may be shot at any time!

Jun Mo Xie shouted, his body suddenly disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, it reappeared!

But just between this flash, his breath has changed dramatically! Magnificent, Wei Ling world! In the eyes of everyone, this moment of the Mon Mo evil, the top of the sky, the foot on the ground, this body, is the world!

Jun Moxie stepped forward.

Just one step!

Just one step!


The space between the whole world seems to have suddenly appeared a ripple. At this moment, everyone sees it, even the mountains are instantly distorted! It became an unusually strange shape.

The space is inexplicably vibrating, the airflow is unstable, and the whole world is instantly distorted. This will make people's eyes produce such an illusion!

Even in the center of the masters such as Gu Han, Xia Changtian and Ji Bowen, there is no exception. The whole world is also trembled!

The ancient cold is eclipsed! The horror raised his head and looked at Jun Moxie, who was approaching Xia Changtian step by step. His eyes were full of incredulity!

Xia Changtian and Ji Bowen, the two holy monarchs, also changed their faces at the same time. The two only felt the infinitely great pressure of the heavens and the earth. With the step of Jun Moxie, they rushed toward themselves!

The power of the whole world is gathered here in this moment, crazy pressure!

The two were actually involuntarily taking a step back.

In order to resist this sudden terrorist pressure, the two have already mobilized all the mysterious powers of the whole body. This step of unconscious exit, even a "bang", will step on the ground to create a deep hollow!

Jun Mo Xie Lengsen smiled and said: "Xia Changtian, tell you the truth, even without the threat you just had, today you are doomed to live! You are the biggest culprit of my brother's death! The reason why I am with you There is so much nonsense, but it is to let you carefully taste the taste of your brother’s death in front of you! Right, don’t say that these sons killed your brothers, the real murderer who killed them, you! It is because of your decision that it has led to the end of today! Now, believe that you have enough taste for this taste? Come and let the son give you a ride! You must remember the next spring. Don't make me unhappy!"

After the integration with Hongjun Tower, the counter-attack is too serious! Especially after this has just merged with the Hongjun Tower to spit out the chaotic fire, and then merge again, the result is that Jun Moxie is completely unpredictable!

But at least one thing, even if the body is seriously injured with the soul, it is a matter of nailing.

Now that the aliens are about to attack, Jun Moxie has no intention to make such a decision. Not for myself, but for fear of protecting themselves from the brothers they sent.

They are all coming because of their own orders! Jun Mo evil can not worry, can you not be responsible? Can you not worry about it?

But the threat of Xia Changtian, let Jun Moxie break out instantly! Actually dare to take my brother to threaten me! ? I don't care about this, I am sorry, I am sorry, humanity, sorry, brothers, sorry for their conscience!

Then kill it!

In his eyes, there was a huge madness, and suddenly he screamed: "That would destroy the world together!"

"Sword!" Jun Moxie screamed.

The blood of Yanhuang slammed into a sword and disappeared instantly!

The next appearance has already come in front of Ji Bowen!

Jianfeng Sensen, cold light people, swordsmanship, can not be a lifetime!

A sword, even the entire offensive direction of Ji Bowen, the holy prince, is completely blocked!

One person and one sword, the two strongest people are blocked in front by the strongest posture! People are like swords, swords are like people; the same cold, generally proud, no difference in peerless peerless!

Xia Changtian sneered aloud: "Jun Moxie, for your ghost tricks, this is really helpless, but you actually want to use one person's power to face us both? I should laugh at your arrogance, or not self-reliance? ?君莫邪, you can't help yourself too much? Ghost tricks can only be applied to sneak attacks, but the positive confrontation is their own real skills!"

"Idiot!" Jun Moxie did not answer the meaning of the roots, between the thoughts of a movement, a sleek cold blade suddenly appeared in the hands, in an instant, this all-out dark nine secluded blade, abruptly bright! Transmitted to the brilliance of the shooting! It is an extreme color that is darker than the darkness!

Just like in the air, it has burned a pure black flame!

The darkness is brilliant!

"Xia Changtian, I said it earlier, the main culprit of the death of many of my brothers is you, where I am so so expensive that you can taste the pain of losing your brother. Now the foreplay has been exhausted. You can go to death now, and Huang Quan will sin to my brothers!"

Jun Moxie is a word, and the secluded blade in his hand leads from the moment, and the instantaneous black light is empty! The whole person is like a savage sword that can smash the sky, facing the sacred monarch in front of him, the first to launch a savage attack!

On the other side, the blood of the peerless Shenfeng Yanhuang also issued a screaming sword, and the light shines, such as the purple electricity, the cold and the world, the thorns of the season!

As far as the real situation is concerned, this is actually a fight against the children. The blood of Jun Moxie and Yanhuang is two independent individuals. They are fighting each other and have no more connections. However, this situation is seen in the eyes of others, but it is clear that one person controls two swords, one hand, one virtual control, and at the same time engage in a fierce battle with the two great saints!

The people watching the battle all took a breath! Even if it is a day of punishment, there is no exception!

This monarch is really daring!