MTL - Otherworldly Evil Monarch-v6 Chapter 447 Return blood to blood! Tooth for a tooth!

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The 447th chapter of blood and blood! Tooth for a tooth!

Xia Changtian Pu was caught in a battle, and he was trapped in the hard support. Although the footwork of the method was not chaotic, but he could only passively see the move, even without any help!

Xia Shengjun’s face has now turned into pig liver color!

Such a strong humiliation, filled with his whole heart! He couldn't think of dreaming, and the strength of Jun Moxie could be so sharp to the point! From the very beginning, I have been parry, parry, parry... I have never attacked once!

The so-called arrogance, then decline, and exhausted, this is the battle for the sake of reason, but the attack of Jun Moxie is always unrelenting, and

More and more fierce, more and more violent!

Why did things evolve to this point, not to mention the cold people outside the field, even the party Xia Changtian himself is also confused. He is a strong man of the Holy King. Although the strength of Jun Moxie is not weak, it is clear that he has only a level of sacredness, and he is obviously weaker than himself. But how can the situation be like this...

At this moment, Xia Changtian, the only feeling is that he seems to be trapped in a huge swamp, and the more he struggles, the faster he will fall... Now, it is almost a disaster!

I only remember that at the beginning, Jun Moxie stabbed himself, and he wanted to take back the counterattack. He took the arrogant boy as soon as possible to save the brothers, but the other seemed to be a simple sword, but in reality it covered a few squares. If you retire yourself, you can naturally save nothing, but in the face of a later generation, you will retreat when you fight, what is the name of the Holy King?

Therefore, Xia Changtian decided not to retreat, but he was unable to fight back. The other side's move, swallowing the dark swordsman, obviously not their own flesh can withstand, so they shunned.

The action of this flash is not over yet, and the next sword has come to the throat. Xia Changtian was shocked, a big body, turned sideways; another sword, to the front of the heart position. Xia Changtian regained his abdomen and stood up. The puppet jumped up quite straight and was about to shoot. Jianguang had already arrived at Dantian!


In this way, a move of dodge, step by step, back to the present, but now a total of two breaths of short-term effort, Jun Moxie has attacked 365 swords! Every sword has a fierce sword! Xia Changtian also avoided 365 times!

It’s more difficult than once, and it’s more wolf than once!

But did not spare no time to fight back a trick!

Once and for all, the Xia Changtian’s tragic discovery, even if you want to desperately, it seems that there is no chance!

If you want to cause harm to the other party, the only way is to have a self-destruction.

Xia Changtian, who has been through the battlefield, suddenly feels sad in his heart! How is the result? How can oneself, who has never been able to speak, be forced to be such a teenager by such a teenager? Is it actually in a nightmare?

But even if it is really a nightmare, it seems that there are no such ridiculous things!

Jun Moxie looks like iron, his eyes are ice, ruthless and indifferent. The sword of a sword and a sword, no trace of mercy!

After the integration with the Hongjun Tower, Jun Moxie, the power of the moment, has been promoted to the amazing level of the half-sage of the war cycle! To deal with Xia Changtian in front of you, this person with only the third level of the Holy King is full of control!

Because of this, I can force Xia Changtian to an absolute downwind as soon as I come up! Did not leave him a bit of a breather!

The more the Xia Changtian war is, the more mad, the more the war is depressed, the more the war, the more I feel that I am sweeping my face!

Just a wrong decision, I will push myself and my brothers into the abyss! First, he was humiliated under the public, and then he was blamed in public. Then, he watched the old brothers who had been with them for countless years and fell into danger at any time. They were helpless and helpless. Then, I was forced into this kind of danger to the extreme!

Looking at Jun Mo Xie's indifferent face, the eyes full of hatred and pleasure, Xia Changtian finally understood the real revenge of Jun Moxie! First, let yourself taste the helplessness of the brothers who are in desperate but unable to help, and then they are played by the opponent's humiliating insults, just like the old cat playing with mice!

"Hello!" Xia Changtian fled to avoid, screaming, blood in his eyes, his face as a ghost. The golden crown on the top of the head was cut off, and a thick black hair spread out, and some blood flowed from the head to the face and splashed on the ground!

"Xia Changtian, because of your sake, I have lost many good brothers, then I naturally want you to watch your own brothers die in front of you! This wonderful taste, you are destined to die before death." Taste carefully! Even if you don't want to taste it!" Jun Moxie did not relax at all, and once again deceived himself, the secluded blade is like a black cloud, such as a black waterfall, and even the sky falls, the voice is like an ice bead, and it is cold!

"Xia Changtian, do you feel very guilty? Do you feel that you are useless? Do you feel painful and regretful?!" Jun Mo evil shouted, and the hurricane hurricane generally took out ninety-nine swords. Countless counts of black swordsmanship, mixed with lacquered black mist, criss-crossing the entire site!

At the same time, the left hand slammed down and shouted: "Chaos fire! Give me pressure!"

The chaotic fire that has fallen by most of the distance in the crater of several dozen feet has suddenly fallen to the point of sudden acceleration! Facing those desperate and dead eyes, burning them ruthlessly!

The shocking screams are so loud and screaming! The fierce screams, even the people in the camps outside the hundreds of feet, heard the feeling of heartfelt creeps!

Yes, Jun Moxie has always had control! Do not let the Chaos fire complete the mission so fast! Because the revenge he wants has not been completed yet!

Blunt knives cut meat, it is the real most afflicting thing!

The chaos of the chaotic fire brush, everything turned into fly ash; a knife goes down, Xia Changtian is in the same place! Everything happens between the moments... soon! But... is it cool?

Is there a feeling of revenge?

accurate! Death is not terrible. It is terrible to know that death is inevitable in front of us, but it is not falling. The kind of waiting for death is the most frightening!

Just as some Tiehan are not afraid of anything, death is even less fearful, but they are most afraid of others afflicting his family, his friends in front of him.

What Xia Changtian cares most is not his own life! Destroy the things that the enemy most cares about, and then destroy his life, it is really destroyed!

Jun Moxie made up his mind by intending to retaliate! Killed my brother, want to die quickly? Think too beautiful!

Otherwise, the drift speed of the chaotic fire is very slow, but it is not so slow to this point!

Death is not necessarily terrible, only the torment before waiting for death is the real biggest torture! Like Xia Changtian, watching the eyes of a brother who is seeing death approaching, looking forward to his own salvation, but he is powerless, all this is caused by his sake...

Xia Changtian is the most painful and tormented person!

And Jun Moxie is to let him taste this great pain!

Listening to the screams is not like the sound of human voices, Xia Changtian's heart is like a knife, his heart is burning, his eyes are red! Suddenly, the crazy counterattack, in the face of Jun Moxie's sharp response, no longer dodge, sternly swearing: "There is a head, the debt has the Lord, this thing is my main force! Jun Moxie, what means do you have? , Da Ke is coming to me! Don't torture my brother! Don't continue!"

"Are you very painful? Xia Changtian, all this is because of you!" Jun Moxie's cruel swords are like the wind, nine chills and slashes of continuous attack, Xia Changtian's body, suddenly red The fog lingers, the next moment, countless fine blood fountains, from all parts of him, spurt out!

"Even if this is because of me, but my brothers are all innocent!" Xia Changtian was bloody, suddenly looked at Jun Moxie, and said: "Jun Moxie! As long as you are willing to let go They! I will give up resistance and let you deal with it!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." Jun Moxie laughed happily: "If it is before the war, you are willing to say this, I will be afraid to admire you, and care for the brothers, is a man, only kill you one person finished this But at the moment, you still have to say this sentence, but it will only make me see you can't afford it! You didn't think it is now, do you still have bargaining chips? Don't you dispose of it, I can't handle you. ?"

Xia Changtian heard the words and finally became completely crazy. At this moment, his only self-esteem is also ruthlessly thrown away by the other side! trample!

"Jun Moxie, since you are so aggressive, let's go on the road with me! Even if my brother and I will die, I will pull you back! Go to hell!"

His whole body is condensed, and the whole space seems to be solidified at this moment! Then, suddenly there was a violent storm between heaven and earth! Countless heaven and earth, at this moment, crazy into the body from all sides in all directions!

After the war here, countless masters have exposed themselves. This piece of heaven and earth aura is in an unbalanced violent state. Generally, the masters should be careful when adjusting their interest here. I am afraid that these messy atmospheres will enter the body and make them feel disorganized.

But Xia Changtian turned out to be desperate and wandering at the moment! Whether it is useful or harmful aura, all brains absorb into their bodies, their own meridians!

From this moment on, everything is irreparable!

The ancient cold eye sees such a change, the situation that may have appeared after the moment has suddenly disappeared, and immediately shouted: "All people retire!"

With his order, everyone in the three holy places flew at the same time, and in a blink of an eye they had already withdrawn from the distance of hundreds of feet. Everyone was as heavy as a face.

And everyone in the punishment of the day, although worried about Jun Moxie, but under the strict rules of Mei Xueyan, quickly hid to hundreds of feet, everyone is staring at all changes in the field, the eyes are not as soon as possible However, there are still more things to worry about. The other party is always the master of the sacred level. If you are willing to fight and show the same means, even if you are arrogant, even if you have amazing power and superb power, you may not be able to Retreat.

Only Mei Xueyan is not worried about the safety of Jun Moxie. Jun Moxie has a scorpion tower, even if the world explodes, he can be safe. Heavenly punishment Wang Xiong Kaishan and others saw Mei Xueyan not worried at all, naturally guessed that this supernatural brother-in-law must have self-protection coup, and they are all relieved.

In the field, Xia Changtian sneered, his eyes staring at Jun Moxie, his body's mysterious breath, but continued to improve without interruption! Breaking through the third level of the Holy Jun, and then gradually advancing to the peak of the third level of the Holy King, and even continue to break through...

When I reached the peak of the fourth level, I finally stopped!

The wind in the sky, under such strong absorption, seems to stop blowing!

Xia Changtian was brutally wounded by Jun Moxie. At this moment, he suddenly stopped bleeding. The thin body slowly expanded slowly!

Become a ball shape! Floating in the air!

"Xia Erge! Don't!" On the other side, Ji Bowen, in the blood of Yanhuang, has nothing to do with the rules, but there is a subtle attack of the subtle. This is already in a hurry, only the merits of parry, no return Power.

The **** battle of Yanhuang can be completely restrained, and it is naturally more important to deal with a quarterly blog post with only two second princes!

However, Ji Bowen has always been a strong man of the Holy King. Although the form is inferior, he has always been able to stand up. It is impossible to defeat the blood of Yanhuang, but the blood of Yanhuang really wants to make him, but it is also difficult. A stalemate that is not uniform.

But at this moment, Xia Changtian is irreparable because of the situation. He intends to make a fight. He wants to pull the sinister and sinister. The momentum is extremely great. How can he not be touched by Ji Bowen? When he saw this situation, he immediately smashed the ground. Big up! In spite of the forcible impact of his own safety, he hopes to break through the interception of the blood of Yanhuang and prevent Xia Changtian from exerting extreme means.

It is a pity that no matter how anxious he is, what kind of strong impact, but he can never overwhelm the interception of the blood of Yanhuang. If he repeatedly tries many times, he will be completely subtly resolved by the blood of Yanhuang, but he will be forced to step by step. Step back.

After a few more interest rates, Xia Changtian’s breath is finally slowly rising to the apex. At this moment, he is completely crazy, and he has ignored everything. The screams of the brothers in the ear have already made him lose all reason!

At this moment, the screams of the screams in the big pits have become less and less, and they are getting weaker and weaker. But every scream, every scream, even if the volume is small, how low, but it is equal In the heart of Xia Changtian's heart, I took a knife and a knife!

Xia Changtian is now completely unwilling to steal life!

Such a shame, such a great hatred, if it is incapable of washing the snow, and the face is alive?

Only death!

Xia Changtian’s crazy laughter, almost hysterical smirk, but the eyes unconsciously splashed tears, this is the only one of the sacred monarchs for more than three thousand years, the only tears. There is remorse, tyranny, hatred, yes, disheartened, heart is gray...

"Jun Moxie, go with me!"

Jun Moxie’s eyes stared at him, staring at all his changes, and gritted his teeth: “Xia Changtian, your end, that’s it! It’s because of your failure to rescue me, my brother died in countless days. Today I am going to kill your brother! You let my brother blew himself up, then I will force you to blew yourself!"

Return blood to blood, and return your teeth!

This is the means that Jun Moxie has always been!

The revenge of Jun Moxie has always been so naked, so direct!

Xia Changtian finally understood!

It turned out that the original ultimate Jedi counterattack means - self-destruction, actually in the planning of the other side! The purpose of the other party is actually to force themselves to blew!

This kind of grievance feeling like a puppet, letting people play with, makes Xia Changtian want to die immediately!

The sorrows in the big pit have now disappeared in full!

Xia Changtian’s heart is only empty and empty. He clearly realizes that his own brothers have completely evaporated in this world. Maybe... there is really no trace left.

Xia Changtian finally lost the last point of hope!

At this moment, as the Eagle King died, Xiong Kaishan’s reaction was the same: life is better than death!

But this meaning is very different, with a near-essential difference!

The brothers of Xiong Wang are fighting for the death of their own brothers, and they are dying!

On the other hand, Xia Changtian’s brother is equal to the death of Xia Changtian! Destined to stink forever!

There is no difference between the two!

At this moment, Xiong Kaishan unexpectedly remembered his brother, but in addition to guilt, but there is pride! Still miss!

But Xia Changtian is different. In addition to guilt, or guilt, he is only guilty! Even when it was under Jiuquan, Xia Changtian felt that he had no face to see the old brothers!

Xia Changtian completely collapsed!

"Jun Moxie, the old man regrets! The old man regrets why the wild beast brothers who did not kill you personally! The old man... the old man hates..." Xia Changtian screamed.

"Kill my brother by hand? You are not worthy! Xia Changtian, at least my brother is really fighting for the death of the world, and your death, what is it? You died 10,000 times, not as good as me. One brother! You are the shame of Xuan Xuan's mainland! The source of fratricidalism, the sinner of mankind, the traitor of the mainland! A thorough jerk! A chop! A pile of garbage!"

"Ah~~~~" Xia Changtian screamed: "Thousands of sins are all in my body! But Huangquan Road, there is always you with you! Jun Moxie! Let's die together!"

There was a loud bang, and the white light bursting in the field!

With this screaming scream, the generation of the holy monarch, Xia Changtian, finally launched the last counter-attack method of self-destruction!

The violent explosion of the sound, the thick clouds formed by the volcanic eruption of the sky, also broke through a large hole, this moment, actually saw the blue sky!

Then there was another huge mushroom cloud rising up, and this piece of blue that just flashed was once again hidden behind the dark clouds!

Then, on the ground, there was another big pit with a radius of two hundred feet! Deep bottom!

The soldiers in the distance and the lower part of the three holy places were actually stunned by the earthquake!

As many as a few thousand tents flew away, and the sky was like a white cloud, and there was no trace in the blink of an eye!

The earth shook tremble!