MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1182 From Doomsday to Another World (Part 1)

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Komuro, who was in an anxiety, accidentally caught Le's girlfriend Li Li's chest. Hirano Kenta hit directly on the admired goddess Takagi Saya, and the stupid blonde **** health teacher Ju Chuan Jing Xiang also touched the car key for a long time. Little Lily, Alice, and Alice tinkered under the chair for a long time without touching the high-power flashlight.

Listening to the sounds of chaos around, as the leader of the battle force No1, Zifa Royal Sister Dudao Shimao finally could not help but scold: "What kind of system do you have, be quiet!"

With the majesty of the purple hair Yujie, the crowd finally quieted down, Hirano Fatty opened the door and Komuro Takahisa carefully got out of the car, and Little Lolita Alice finally got the puppy 'zero battle' With help, I touched the flashlight. As for the only adult in the team, Juchuan Jingxiang still couldn't find where the car key was.

"Find a flashlight, hey ~"

Turned on the flashlight beam to finally dissipate the surrounding darkness. However, after viewing the material, all the people suddenly found that not far away was a huge rock wall in the darkness. When the light of the Alice River flashlight illuminated in the sky, it was faint. It can be seen that stalactites are still dripping from the top. Obviously, everyone is in a huge black cave.

"Hey, what's going on?" Komuro Takayoshi watched the surrounding changes with inexplicable eyes.

"Cave-how can we be in the cave, just now we were not in the residential area of ​​the city."

Miyamoto and everyone were also surprised by the sudden changes. They were still fighting in the city to escape the entanglement of the dead. A tadpole appeared in an unknown cave instantly. The caves and hard rock walls gave a strong sense of depression in the dark, and the sudden changes made even the stubborn poisonous island sister-in-law who couldn't help secretly tighten the knife in his hands and tense.

"Ahhh ~ finally there is light."

After turning on the torch by Little Rosy Hilly Alice, and then the light source was always stupid, natural and **** female health teacher Ju Chuanxiang finally found the car key, twisted the car lock to start the engine, and when the Hummer was bright, the front When the light was on, the darkness finally dispersed a corner, and everyone saw a very familiar thing along the light. A bus was parked a short distance away from him, and this car was exactly what Xiao Muruo had before. Rei Miyamoto was dismissed from the school bus.


Along the light, Miyamoto saw a fainting figure at the bus driver's position. She was revenge and humiliated for revenge on her father. She also gave herself and filial piety to the hypocrites who got off the bus at the time of crisis.

The new hatred and the old hate seemed to come to mind, and a pistol in the car suddenly ignited Miyamoto's vengeance like a catalyst, and grabbed the pistol Miyamoto showed off as a member of the gun department After training her agility, Miyamoto Li, holding a pistol, ran over to the bus and ran towards the bus.

Seeing Miyamoto's unusual behavior, she also noticed the figure of Wisteria in the bus. Takajo Saya, who was sitting in the car, tried to stop Miyamoto, but found Miyamoto, who had just got off the other side, stood still. On the spot, the expression of astonishment on his face was even more exaggerated than it was just now, and it could even be described in astonishment and incredible.

"Don't impulsive Rei." Xiaomu Xiao, who also noticed Miyamoto's move, hurried over.

However, Komuro Takayuki stopped suddenly when she ran to Rei, almost staring at something exaggerated than Rei Miyamoto.

"Yongji is eternal, why is eternal here?"

Miyamoto and Komuro looked foolishly at the teenager wearing a Fujimi college student uniform lying on the ground. The other person's familiar appearance would never admit wrong. It was Jing Haoyong, who once had Komori and Miyamoto's. Buddy, and just after the death of the dead, at the College Haoyong, he was bitten by the dead in order to cover himself. In the end, Komuro had to end his life at his request, preventing him from becoming one of the walking dead. .

Jing Haoyong was dead. He was killed by himself. It was his first killing. Until now, the screen still haunts himself like a nightmare, but why Yong appears here now.

Just as Komuro was thinking wildly, Miyamoto had noticed that Jing Hao on the ground was not only not injured, but his slightly undulating chest showed that he was still alive.

The flames of revenge extinguished for a short time, and Miyamoto reluctantly bent down and put her ears on Jing Haoyong's chest and finally shouted excitedly: "Heartbeat, never live."

Miyamoto's shout finally awakened Komuro Takahashi, and Saya and Hirano, who came afterwards, also recognized that they were close to Rei on weekdays, or it should be Jing Haoyong, Miyamoto's ex-boyfriend. Seeing the acquaintances, everyone helped me hoist Yonghao to the Hummer.

On the way, Jing Haoyong seemed to be awakened by stimulation. Originally, Komori, who knew that Jing Hao had been bitten by a dead body, wanted to let go of his hands, but it seemed that Li had no intention of letting go. My mood was a little complicated and I didn't let go.

"Li ~ Xiao, are you dead?" Jing Haoyong woke up and asked weakly.

However, this weekday's absolutely unlucky questioning has made Miyamoto and Komori happy. The dead body is unconscious. Being able to speak means that Jing Haoyong is not a living dead without self-consciousness. He is still alive and Everyone is a normal living person.

After taking Haoyong to a Hummer for a short rest, Miyamoto Rika and Komuro Takasai slowly explained the situation to everyone, explaining that it was more strange than suddenly crossing the city into a cave. As a matter of fact, Xiao Xiao, who had been killed by Komuro Xiao personally, was resurrected, and there were no signs of being bitten by the dead body.

"Brother was resurrected. So ~ so can Alice's father be resurrected?" Asked Hilary, who was full of puppies in the back of the Hummer.

"Perhaps, Alice's poke," Hirano said comfortingly little Rory.

After everyone drank some water for Jing Haoyong, they talked in a rush, and Miyamoto Rei and Komuro Takahiro asked Jing Haoyong many questions, which were all three little secrets, and the resurrected well Hao Yong is also in the flow of answers. In memory and cognition Hao Yong clearly has no problems, and the tone of speech and some habitual small movements also allow Miyamoto Rei and Komori Takashi who are most familiar with Jing Hao Yong to conclude. Jing Hao Yong is definitely the Jing Hao Yong I knew before.

┉A former boyfriend and a former good friend!

I took a sip of vitamin beverage and wiped my mouth. Jing Haoyong also said in an incredible tone: "It turned out to be this way, and I came back to life again."

"Yong ~ Do you remember what your last memory was?" Komori asked.

"I remember ┉ I remember the whole body became hot and my brain was in a mess, and the scene in front of me was a bit fuzzy, and you seemed to be holding something to my head and sending it ┉"

"Sorry ~ Yong, I was so unhappy"

"Don't blame yourself for filial piety. I originally asked you to do so." Jinghao Yong said with a bitter smile but said in doubt: "That ~ filial piety! We are there now, why does it look like it is in a cave."

This little Komori Taka wants to tell a friend that the situation of his party is really only known to the gods. The proud lady Miss Gao Chengsha explained to Jing Haoyong, and Juchuan Jingxiang was lying idle. The steering wheel fell asleep, while the poisonous island sister-in-law was thinking aside.

Click ~

At this moment, a brighter light came from the side, and everyone turned around and found that it was the headlight of the bus. Apparently, Wisteria Hao on the bus, together with a dozen students, also woke up.

The students of the Fujimi Academy awakened on the bus looked at the surrounding in amazement. They were very surprised by the sudden changes in the environment. Before the Ming, everyone was still hiding on the street from the dead body, but the next moment it was dark. After God came, he suddenly found that he had come to an unknown area.

"┉┉┉┉" Wisteria Hiro reached out and pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose.

The change in front of me was beyond my expectation. I was still driving in the school bus to find a safe place to stop. I continued to brainwash the students and let them rely on and support themselves, but in the blink of an eye, an unknown came. In the area, it seems that the surrounding environment is a cave, and the temperature around it is obviously very low, it is like walking into a cold storage, and the most inexplicable are the two students who were driven away by themselves Komuro Takamiya and Miyamoto Rei were still alive, but were driven out of the car in a city full of living dead, but they did not die as quickly as they wished, and they did not know where they got a Hummer, even Juchuan Shizuka The teachers are with them.

What the **** is going on?

"Where are we? It's so dark here!"

"It's so cold, where is this?"

"Ms. Wisteria ~ ~ Ms. Wisteria, what is going on?"

The fear of unknownness, made up of darkness and cold, made the student door riot. However, the students who experienced too much fear along the way turned their attention to the adult Wisteria Koji.

At this moment, Wisteria Hiroshi turned around and pretended to be a sense of righteousness and said, "Please be quiet, don't panic. Something unexpected has happened, and the teacher will investigate. Please calm down first. Don't panic and change things. "

In eloquence, Wisteria Hao is quite confident in himself. With a three-inch tongue that is not bad, it not only soothes the students but also shapes the image of a responsible people teacher.

"There seem to be people who came here with me. They seem to know some information here. I need two brave volunteers to get out of the car with me and ask for some information. I do n’t know if that classmate is willing to go with me. . "And after the speech, Wisteria Hiroshi continued to pretend to be serious.

After hearing about the volunteers, more than a dozen students looked at me again and I saw you for a long time. In this environment, anyone would feel scared. At this time, Wisteria Hidoshi secretly sneered.