MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 22 temple

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Xu Qing is not very unfamiliar with the dark night in the restricted area.

Whether it is the ruins of the city or this jungle.

The former he lived for more than ten days, the latter he also experienced several nights.

At this moment, he was hiding in a crevice of a giant tree, half-squinting his eyes, silently breathing out the rich and heterogeneous psychic energy in the restricted area.

After these spiritual energies enter the body, they are separated by the sea mountain art, the pure part nourishes the whole body, and the heterogeneous part merges into the shadow.

Xu Qing is used to this kind of change.

He even had a faint feeling that cultivating in this restricted area might be due to the shadow, or it might be because of the danger here, and the reason why he was strongly vigilant anytime, anywhere.

With a high level of concentration, the speed of cultivation has also increased a lot.

Now it is not far from the fourth floor of the Sea Mountain Art.

"It's like sharpening a knife..." Xu Qing murmured.

He didn't understand the big truth, but he remembered that the blacksmith in the slum once said to people that a good knife needs a better grindstone to fully reveal its edge.

At this moment, the dangerous restricted area seems to have become Xu Qing's whetstone.

In this honed practice, Xu Qing, who had finished a week for a long time, silently opened his eyes.

He raised his head and stared at the darkness of the outside world along the cracks of the trees. At night in the restricted area, the roars of alien beasts rose and fell from afar, echoing through the jungle like the low voices of gods and demons.

The meaning of gloom and coldness is even more ubiquitous, and all living beings that invaded here also penetrated into the cracks in the tree where Xu Qing was hiding, and permeated his body.

Very cold.

This scene made him feel like he had returned to the ruined city, and slowly a sense of loneliness filled him.

But Xu Qing is already very familiar with loneliness. After a long while, he closed his eyes again and continued to practice.

Just like that, time passed.

Because the resting place he found was correct, the night was fairly safe. Only in the middle of the night, Xu Qing, who was cultivating, heard footsteps from the outside world.

It was very messy, as if many people were walking in a row.

Xu Qing's expression was slightly condensed, her eyes narrowed, and she looked at the outside world, but it was pitch black outside the cracks of the tree, and there was nothing.

But Xu Qing's heart sank suddenly, because at the moment when the footsteps came, the roar of the alien beasts in the nearby jungle disappeared instantly, which made Xu Qing's vigilance suddenly increase.

He remembered the singing and footsteps he met last time, but the feeling it gave him at the moment was a little different.

"It's not like the footsteps when the song was singing that day, and there was no singing."

Xu Qing quickly analyzed, not acting rashly, but forcibly calming herself down, holding her breath, and staring at the night outside.

Gradually, the sound of footsteps became clearer, and it seemed that a group of people were lining up to approach.

At the same time, bursts of cold beyond the scope of gloomy and cold, as if it could freeze the body, also attacked violently at this moment.

Xu Qing was no stranger to this kind of cold. Whether it was the singing of the day or the strange existences that haunted the ruins of the city at night, they all exuded this kind of temperature.

But the degree is different. The singing of that day can freeze his soul, but the cold now only makes him physically uncomfortable, not to the extent of losing his ability to move.

"It's the kind of existence that is similar to the strange ruins!" After Xu Qing made a judgment, he firmly grasped the iron sign, took a deep breath, restrained the fluctuations in his heart, forcibly closed his eyes and did not open them.

Do not look, do not touch, do not encounter.

After Xu Qing closed his eyes, the footsteps suddenly hurried, getting closer and closer, as if countless people were circling around the big tree where he was.

Xu Qing's heart was shaken, and she tried to restrain herself from the urge to open her eyes to see what the other party looked like.

Until a long time... When the sun rises in the sky, the chaotic footsteps finally stopped wandering and slowly faded away.

Its daybreak.

Xu Qing didn't open his eyes immediately. He waited for a while before slowly opening and closing his eyes. He saw the crevice of the tree where he was. There was a thick layer of ice there. Frozen inside.

Through the ice layer, the sunlight fell on Xu Qing's body. He exhaled, pressed his left hand on the ice surface, and pushed hard, the ice layer shattered and fell to the ground.

Xu Qing slowly got out. First, he looked around and saw that in the jungle, those wolf corpses that were there yesterday have all disappeared, and there are... a lot of footprints on the ground.

are human footprints.

It was densely packed, as if hundreds of people passed by.

And Xu Qing had never heard of hundreds of people entering the restricted area together.

Especially... these footprints are really footprints, not shoe prints.

Xu Qing was silent and looked back for a long time. He felt a little deeper about the strangeness of the restricted area. At this moment, when the danger in the restricted area was less than at night, Xu Qing did not give up exploring and left in a flash.

A few hours later, Xu Qing finally reached the farthest point where the group of them went last time, the small canyon where the Thunder Squad was picking clover.

In the canyon, just like when they left, the sun shone down on the ground along the top of the vine canopy above, and the fragrance of flowers filled the air, isolating the dangers of the outside world, like a paradise.

Arriving here, Xu Qing breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the other side of the canyon, the temple complex that existed farther away.

After staring for a moment, Xu Qing withdrew his gaze and briefly rested. He galloped and headed straight for the temple complex.

The jungle outside the canyon is more lush, and the sun is getting less and less here.

I wonder if this ancient temple complex still exudes the brilliance and coercion from their era, so there is very little danger when approaching from the canyon.

The lush jungle seems to be much gentler in its aura.

Even in the jungle closest to the temple complex, it was not much different from the trees that Xu Qing saw from the outside world, no longer ferocious, no longer dark.

And there are some conkers here, which were picked by Xu Qing.

Everything here makes Xu Qing a little surprised, but his vigilance has not diminished, and he is approaching cautiously.

Until another hour passed, when dusk was about to come, he walked out of the jungle and came to the front of this temple complex.

There are very few trees here, and the sun is shining in a wide area, making Xu Qing's eyes a little dazed.

What caught his eye was a huge dome building with a height of dozens of feet.

Even if it collapses, even if it is broken, even if it is filled with moss, the temple where the neat stones that are much larger than his body are piled up is full of a sense of vastness.

Walking inside, stepping on the broken giant bricks on the ground, it was as if Xu Qing had come to a giant's kingdom.

The ruins that can be seen everywhere, each piece exudes the meaning of ancient times, as if to tell Xu Qing their experiences.

Further ahead, there is a collapsed statue.

The lower body of this statue is gone, and it has turned into countless pieces that are difficult to piece together. The head is still intact, but the appearance is blurred.

Even so, it is more than 30 feet high, and it can be imagined that it is at least 200 feet high before it collapses.

Standing in front of it, Xu Qing's existence was very inconspicuous.

At this moment, there is wind blowing, like the sound of a flute, the desolate whirl, and the isolation of time and space, so that the glory of the past is left only for the gaze of future generations.

Xu Qing quietly looked at the statue and was silent for a long time.

He thought of the ruins of the city outside the slums. He wondered whether in a few years, people of that era would enter the restricted area as carefully as he does now, and see the city as if they were looking at history.

After a long while, Xu Qing withdrew his gaze and searched the temple complex, but did not find the kind of special stone that the Thunder Team mentioned.

When he came to the residence, he had already inquired that this special stone would emit a colorful light.

It seems to grow naturally, and the time of appearance is irregular.

After the search was unsuccessful, Xu Qing felt a little regretful, and his body jumped up and down a few times to the top of a temple, where he stood looking at all directions.

Behind him is the outer area of ​​the jungle in the restricted area. Although you can't see the end, you can still see part of it. If you count the time, today is the fourth day that the bone knife who bought insurance from here.

Yesterday Xu Qing was in the jungle and did not see the fog, and there is still no fog today, so he doesn't need to rescue him.

So he turned his head to look at another direction of the temple complex, where... it was the depths of the jungle in the forbidden area.

After pondering for a while, Xu Qing raised his head and noticed that it was getting late. He was going to explore in a small area in the depths and come back before dark. He will rest here tonight and return tomorrow morning.

After making a plan, Xu Qing immediately moved, jumped off the temple and headed for the depths.

The moment he stepped into the depths of the jungle, his nerves became intensely tense, and his vigilance and caution became heavier.

Because he knows that the level of danger here is much greater than the outside.

In fact, this is indeed the case, but after half an hour, Xu Qing's figure reappeared within the temple.

His face was gloomy, and there was lingering fear in his eyes.

But the leather bag swelled up, as if it was full.

He only walked less than a mile before, and he saw a lot of vintage conkers, which seemed to have not been picked for a long time, which surprised Xu Qing, because such vintage conkers are very valuable.

However, when he was picking, he clearly felt that the richness of the heterogeneity had doubled. If it wasn't for his shadow that could be absorbed, it would be impossible for other people to move.

And he also saw the strange jellyfish that he saw in the forbidden area last time...

And there are more than ten jellyfish like this here, but they are much smaller, but the gloomy aura on their bodies is still obvious.

Fortunately, most of these jellyfish were hanging on the trees and sleeping. After Xu Qing saw it, he carefully avoided it.

But as he moved forward, he had a very strong feeling. It seemed that in the depths of the jungle, there were countless gazes, just like reality, with greed and greed, falling on him from unknown directions.

All of this made Xu Qing's needle glow on her back.

And here, it's just the edge of the depths of this forbidden area. The scope is even larger, and it is impossible to imagine how much terror exists.

Xu Qing didn't dare to move forward, so she withdrew without any risk.

It wasn't until he retreated to the temple area that the feeling of needles on his back dissipated.

It seems that this temple is a boundary, preventing the malice from the depths of the forbidden area.

Xu Qing took a deep breath, and while the sun was about to fall, in the last afterglow, she found a temple that was barely complete and stepped inside.

I found a crack in the rock and drilled into it, preparing to spend the night.

The Thunder Team said that this place can temporarily avoid danger.

He also inspected the temple. It was very empty, with a strong sense of the passage of time. Whether it was a stone statue with a knife enshrined in the main seat, or the many figures carved on the surrounding walls, they were all in the quicksand of time. , becomes blurred.

At the same time, there are not too many alien feces and traces in the temple.

If there are none of them, or if there is a lot of them, Xu Qing will not choose.

Because this is not normal, it is relatively safe only if there are traces of this but not many in number.

After all, although the temple is in the jungle, there are very few trees here, so it is reasonable that the alien beasts who are used to living in the jungle do not come often.

Soon night will come.

As the roars from the outside emerged, Xu Qing breathed out silently.

The passage of time is consistent with his judgment. There are very few alien beasts in the temple group at night. Although the roar is there, most of them are coming from a distance.

But just like yesterday, when Xu Qing breathed into the middle of the night, the strange and messy footsteps appeared again!

This time the location is outside the temple.

"Come again?"

Xu Qing frowned. He didn't know why the footsteps appeared in his place twice, and he was a little uneasy. After thinking about it, he didn't open his eyes as he did yesterday.

It's just that the footsteps this time did not fade away like yesterday, but more and more.

Continuing to gather, bursts of gloomy meaning filled the air, as if countless strange people had gathered outside the temple at this moment, and were about to invade the temple.

Xu Qing's heart sank, holding her iron sign forcefully, her mind quickly framed the temple's environment and how to deal with it in the event of danger.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps outside suddenly disappeared, and it became extremely silent.

This kind of silence not only did not make Xu Qing relieved, on the contrary, it gave him a feeling before the arrival of the storm. The hairs on his whole body were about to explode. He faintly felt that the strange gathering outside the temple seemed to be hesitating whether to enter or not. .

The next moment, in this silence, the strange people outside finally chose to step into the temple, and Xu Qing heard the sound of footsteps entering the temple and stepping on the stone bricks.


This sound was like a boulder that fell into Xu Qing's mind, causing Xu Qing's heart to sink, but at this moment, bursts of murmurs suddenly reverberated in the temple, with an incomparable sacredness.

There were also strands of golden light that suddenly spread out from the walls of the temple, reflecting the entire temple and filling Xu Qing's place, causing the world under his eyelids to close his eyes, shining from the original darkness in an instant.

Under this golden light, Xu Qing's eyes stinged. For the first time, when he encountered this kind of strangeness, he opened his eyes.


The new book has been released for a week, with an update of nearly 90,000 words. This amount is not easy for Xiaomengxin... Would you like to encourage me?