MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 29 Eye Breaking Feihong

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Each of these people in black robes is tall and tall, with black robes covering the whole body and wrapping the head, so it is impossible to see the specific appearance inside.

However, the coldness in the eyes that occasionally appeared in the black robe made the scavengers and desperadoes who were watching from all around tremble.

The eyes of these men in black robes were indifferent to life, without the slightest hint of human nature, as if they were just machines for killing.

Even when they were standing there, the heat of June had been dissipated invisibly, leaving the grocery store in a gloomy and cold environment.

And their identities, Xu Qing had already known from the whispered discussions of the scavengers all around when they arrived.

"It's the law enforcement team of Lituojiao!"

"Litujiao... that's a bunch of lunatics. They rarely show up in the scavenger camp. How did they come here this time?"

"I heard that they are looking for someone, and they have searched all the cities and scavenger camps in this area."

The sounds from all around fell into Xu Qing's ears, his eyes slowly narrowed, iron signs appeared in his hand, and he looked coldly at the grocery store, and at the same time he looked, three people walked out of the grocery store.

The first two, one tall and one short.

The tall man was tall and straight, like a blood-stained sword unsheathed.

The clothes were the exact opposite of those of the Lituojiao law enforcement team outside. Their robes were blood-colored, and the sun pattern on them was black. At this moment, their head was uncovered, revealing a black hair and angular face.

It was a young man.

The moment he walked out, everyone in the black-clothed Litujiao Law Enforcement Team moved in unison, all bowed their heads and knelt down on one knee.

Seeing this scene, Xu Qing's eyes tightened, and the aura emanating from the other party made him feel like he was in the depths of the jungle, encountering a powerful beast.

As for this young man, the short one is the little girl.

At this moment, an unprecedented happy smile appeared on her face, and she grabbed the young man's hand.

Judging from the age, it seems that the other party is her brother, and the coldness of the young man also became extremely soft when he looked down at the little girl, but the sadness that could not be melted in his eyes was still obvious.

As if in memory of the deceased relatives under the catastrophe.

Behind them is the owner of the grocery store. With a flattering expression, he followed carefully and spoke in a low voice.

Looking at all this, Xu Qing silently put away the iron stick, and then touched the small stone in the leather bag, hesitant.

At the same time, the little girl who walked out of the shop also saw Xu Qing in the crowd.

She hurriedly said a few words to the young man beside her, and then when the young man's scrutiny eyes focused on Xu Qing, the little girl let go of her hand and ran towards Xu Qing.

The scavenger beside Xu Qing instinctively retreated, making the little girl run to Xu Qing smoothly and bid him farewell.

"My brother is here to pick me up, little brother, do you want to leave with me?"

In this farewell, the little girl looked at Xu Qing with some expectation.

Xu Qing shook his head.

The little girl who got the answer was a little disappointed. She glanced at Xu Qing and put a smile on her face again.

"It doesn't matter, when I grow up, we can meet again, little brother, I said that I would repay your life-saving grace, and I will definitely do it."

"I'm going with my brother. My brother is very good to me. He will give me anything I want. Do you have a brother too?"

The little girl talked a lot, and while she was talking, the young man outside the grocery store called out to her.

"I'm leaving, little brother."

The little girl looked at Xu Qing. She had been in the camp for more than two months, and the only person she knew was the person in front of her. At this moment, she felt a little reluctant.

Xu Qing glanced at the little girl, took out a small colorful stone from the leather bag, and handed it to her.

"This stone can remove scars and give it to you."

The little girl was stunned for a moment, holding the stone and looking at Xu Qing, she hesitated, but her brother called again, and finally the little girl gave Xu Qing a deep look, held the colorful stone in her hand, and returned to the youth's side , and went away surrounded by the group of people in black robes.

On the way, she turned her head and waved to Xu Qing.

Xu Qing waved his hand in the same way, and watched the little girl who seemed to always have a happy smile walk away. He felt that the other party was right to leave here.

"Wish, peace."

After speaking, Xu Qing turned around and walked towards the residence.

Life is the same as before, silently cooking, eating silently, cleaning up silently, meditating silently, and taking classes silently.

Time passed, this kind of life, seven days passed.

Xu Qing has also completely returned to the slum state, and he has also realized that Master Bai... should not stay in the camp for a long time.

This point, Xu Qing has already guessed since the last two or three days, when Master Bai's team began to organize.

Master Bai once told him that they come from purple soil, and purple soil... Xu Qing heard many people mention that it is the center of Nanhuang Continent.

Until this morning, when Xu Qing came to Master Bai's tent, he didn't see any guards here, neither Chen Feiyuan nor Tingyu.

In the tent, there was only Master Bai alone.

Xu Qing already had the answer in his heart.

In this class, Master Bai spoke very carefully, and Xu Qing listened very carefully, but time was still flowing quickly. Soon after the get out of class was over, looking at Xu Qing who was silent there, Master Bai sighed softly.

"I gotta go."

"Before I leave, I will teach you some knowledge that will really help you in your future life. Due to the limitation of the oath, I can't tell you directly. Whether you can master it depends on your good fortune." Master Bai deeply said. He glanced at Xu Qing.

Xu Qing narrowed her eyes and looked at Master Bai.

The moment their eyes met, Master Bai's weak words echoed in the tent.

"Child, you compare the herbs I explained to you on the third day, the seventh day, the eleventh day, the fifteenth day, the seventeenth day, and the nineteenth day, on a one-to-two basis. The ratio of four, combined with the same amount of horse chestnut, after continuous refining at high temperature, you can refine the white pills that countless people in this world need...the equivalent of spirit coins!"

As soon as the words came out, Xu Qing's eyes widened and her breathing became short.

At this moment, he is no longer the time when he didn't know about grass and trees before. After two months of listening to the class, he is very clear about the value of pill recipes in this world!

That is a very precious resource in the hands of the big family and the big forces!

Especially... Baidan, which belongs to the basic hard currency, the value of its pill recipe is indescribable, and it is impossible to leak it out easily.

And once he has mastered the method of making Bai Dan, he doesn't even need a high level of cultivation. With this pill recipe, he can live very well.

This is a great grace!

Xu Qing's body trembled slightly, looking at Master Bai in front of him, looking at the white hair on his temples, looking at his gentle eyes, the scenes of the past two months appeared in his mind.

From eavesdropping outside the tent to listening to the class inside the tent, the other party's earnest teachings made him feel a thousand words in his heart and turned into deep gratitude and reluctance.

In the end, he lowered his head and bowed deeply to the seemingly stern but kind-hearted old man in front of him.

"Thank you, teacher."

If Lei Team gave him the feeling of his relatives, then this Master Bai, like a master, gave him the same extremely important survival skills in this world.

Master Bai looked at Xu Qingxing's big gift with a smile on his face. He also noticed Xu Qing's emotions, so he smiled.

"Child, I am like this to you because you are eager to learn and have understanding. I hate those people in this world who stipulate that they must not disclose their pills."

"But sometimes, my identity makes me unable to help myself, but you are not the first person to teach medicine and pill recipes. The old man walked Nanhuang and taught many. and decline.”

"Finally, between must know that heaven and earth are the guest house of all living beings, and time is a passing visitor from the past to the present. As long as you don't die, we will meet eventually. I hope that the day I see you again, you have become a talent."

These words of Master Bai are very meaningful, especially the last paragraph, which is the most profound sentence that Xu Qing has heard over the years, and he firmly remembers it.

That day, Master Bai's motorcade left. Before leaving, Master Bai left a thick herbal pharmacopoeia for Xu Qing to teach him later.

Xu Qing has been sent to the outside of the camp, staring blankly at the passing convoy, and seeing Tingyu's figure in the convoy, she keeps looking back at herself.

In the twilight, walking away.

Under the sunset The boy's shadow was pulled for a long time. He stood there for a long time, turned around slowly, and returned to the camp.

The camp will not be any different because of the departure of a few people.

There was no change, it was still dirty, and there were all kinds of people from the three religions and nine classes. There were old people yelling, children crying, strong men laughing, and women panting.

In the setting sun, the various forms of life seem to be miniatures in the camp.

Xu Qing walked among them, did not go back to his residence immediately, but walked to the grocery store unknowingly, looking at the new guy who took over as the little girl, he bought a bottle of wine.

After returning to the residence with the wine, Xu Qing did not eat that night.

He looked at the empty room, sat there and looked down at the jug. After a while, he picked it up and put it to his mouth to take a sip.

The pungent meaning flowed down the throat into the stomach, and when it exploded and spread throughout the body, Xu Qing suddenly felt that this was not a very good wine at the time, but today, it seems to have some flavor.

So, he took another sip.

One bite, one bite.

In Wei Drunk's mind, the image of the slums for the past six years appeared, the figure of the Thunder Team walking into the city gate, the caravan of Master Bai leaving, and the scene of the little girl walking away.

The words the other party said before leaving also appeared.

"Do you have a brother too?"

"I also have an older brother, but I can't find it." Xu Qing leaned against the wall with a wine jug, looked up at Yue outside, and murmured in a low voice.

Outside his room, the purple-robed old man and his servants stood there, listening silently, until the young man's murmur could be heard in the room.

"Heaven and earth are the guest house of all living beings, and time is the guest of the past and the present."

"As long as we don't die, we will meet eventually."