MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 393 Get out of the way

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However, to characterize a matter, you can't just speculate and judge. If the sect didn't come to greet you, there may be other problems in it.

As for what is the reason, in fact, the verification is also very simple, just go and see.

Zixuan Shangxian raised his head and looked at the city of the county capital in the sky. Although the sect didn't show up, they couldn't be guided, and it was difficult for them to go up, but this kind of smallness was not difficult for Zixuan to solve, and Wuye Laoqi, who was on the side, also had a gloomy look in his eyes at this moment

, As for the others, most of them were thoughtful, and many of them secretly glanced at Xu Ken and the captain.

Chen Tinghao and his Taoist couple also noticed something was wrong, and after asking stingily, Chen Tingzhun spoke up immediately.

"Senior Jinxuan, Fellow Daoist Xu Xiao, Fellow Daoist Erniu, I will ask if there is something wrong with the branch sects of your Eight Sects Alliance, but if it is just for introduction into the city, we can help."

As he spoke, he immediately took out the jade slip to transmit the sound.

Upon hearing this, Xu Qing and the team leader bowed to Chen Tinghao to express their gratitude.

Shangxian Zixuan nodded slightly, and she didn't want to use her contacts in the county capital on the first day of her visit unless necessary, especially for such trivial matters as entering the city.

And most importantly, this is where the county is located, and there are many strong people here, so we can't be as carefree as in Yinghuangzhou.

Here, everything has to be more cautious.

Especially the moment that just arrived.

So she first needs to figure out what happened to the branch sects of the Eight Sect Alliance.

So with Chen Tingjia's help, three rays of light flew out from Shangfang County soon, turning into three people.

The three of them were wearing brown-black standard robes, surrounded by thunder, and they were obviously from the same clan of Chen Tingbo.

It doesn't look like a swordsman though.

After arriving, they exchanged pleasantries, and under Chen Tingci's introduction, Xu Qing knew that these three were disciples of Taigu Leimai, who were on duty in the county inspection.

The three of them were obviously more polite after hearing Chen Tinghao's introduction that Xu Qing and Captain Xin were Jin sword holders, with respectful expressions on their faces, and escorted the Eight Sect Alliance group into the sky and headed straight for the county capital.

This scene made Xu Qing, who was good at observing, once again have a clear understanding of the status of the sword bearer.

At the same time, he also instinctively looked at the city of the county capital that was getting closer and closer.

From a distance, the city looks like a circle, extremely vast, surrounded by high walls and countless rune imprints shining inside, forming waves of terrifying coercion.

Especially when approaching, the coercion is extremely astonishing, sweeping over them, it seems to be verifying the identity of entering the county.

With Chen Tinghao and the three county inspections as guarantees, Xu Qing and his party met no obstacles in the qualification certificate for entering the city, and they entered the county capital smoothly.

After stepping in, a majestic city clearly came into Xu Qing's eyes.

Although the county capital is large, it is in order. There are many buildings in the long streets on the ground, most of which are made of sapphire bricks and purple red roofs. It looks majestic and at the same time naturally has a solemn meaning.

And because there are trees of spiritual plants as decorations in the city, permeating many corners and long streets, so this solemnity also has a sense of elegance.

Even more intense aura emanates from every brick, tile, plant, and tree, covering all directions, making the entire county capital city filled with lightness.

There are a lot of vulgar people in it, and there are many monks. Looking around, the streets are bustling and lively.

In particular, the buildings here look magnificent from a distance, but they are not lacking in exquisiteness when viewed up close. There are many courtyards of large houses, and the houses of small houses are also exquisite.

Whether it is in terms of scale or shape, they are not comparable to the city groups of the Eight Sects Alliance, and there is a clear difference in background between the two sides.

What shocked Xu Qing the most in this county were two places.

First, because the city of the county capital is floating on the chest of the statue of the ancient emperor Xuanyou, so when he raised his head here, the first thing he saw was not the face of a god, nor the sun and the moon, but the statue of the head of the ancient emperor Xuanyou.

Its sacred meaning, the eyes looking down at the common people, and the sympathy for all living beings in that expression clearly reflected in the eyes of every county capital.

Second, after stepping into the city of the county capital, Xu Qing felt as if he was standing at the peak of Fenghai County. His body, his soul and everything seemed to be at the moment of entering the city. , faintly integrated with Fenghai County


This feeling is extremely strange, Xu Qing has never experienced a similar feeling in any city he has visited before.

And this place is obviously not the tallest building in Fenghai County.

"That's the power of luck." Shangxian Zixuan said softly.

"As the capital of a county, as the core of the entire Fenghai County, the luck of Fenghai County is gathered here. Although the luck of the county is illusory, it does exist."

"It's just that most of them are based on the orthodoxy of various ethnic groups, and it is difficult for sects and other forces to possess."

Xu Qing was thoughtful when he heard the words.

At this moment, while walking forward, Chen Tinghao also introduced the county capital.

"The entire county is divided into nine rings and seventy-seven districts. As for the details, you will know later, so I won't say more."

Because he wanted to rush to the branch sect as soon as possible, Chen Ting did not describe the details for Xu Qing and others on the way, but took them there as quickly as possible after knowing the branch sect's address.

The branch of the Eight Sects Alliance is located in the southwest of the county capital, in the fifty-ninth district.

The location can't be said to be remote, but it's not close to the core, but it looks like a nice courtyard from the outside, and you can faintly see the rockery and flowing water inside, with some elegance.

It's just that there is not a single disciple of the branch sect here, and the gate of Muyuan is also sealed with a black talisman paper seal.

Looking at the seal, all the disciples of the Eight Sect Alliance looked ugly. Zixuan glanced at the seal, took out the jade slip with a blank expression, and began to ask acquaintances in the county capital. "

This seal has already explained everything.

There is indeed something wrong with the division of sects.

"Zhang Siyun?" Xu Qing glanced past the seal and looked at the captain. The captain and Xu Qing looked at each other, eyes narrowed slowly.

Both he and Xu Qing were from the murder department. For things like seals, they have not only seen but even used similar things.

So they are very clear that generally speaking, sealing a house often means that the matter has not been thoroughly investigated, so outsiders are not allowed to step into the destruction, and they have to wait for the corresponding department to deal with it.

And they encountered this kind of thing when they came to the county for the first time, and they were very likely to be targeted. As for who did it...Xu Qing thought about it, Zhang Siyun had the motivation and the ability.

After all, Zhang Siyun is a special move, which is enough to explain his background in the county capital.

Chen Tingbo on the side also frowned after seeing the seal, and took out the jade slips to help inquire, as did his three fellow clansmen.

The county is too big, so unless it is a matter of one's own jurisdiction, it is impossible for everyone to know about the affairs of other areas.

However, as the local snake in the county capital, after their inquiries, they soon had an answer.

"Seven days ago, the branch sects here were all taken away by the Silu Palace on suspicion of usurpation, and they are now being interrogated." Chen Tinghao raised his eyebrows and looked at Xu Qing and the others.

At this moment, Shangxian Zixuan also got the answer from the netizen, but it was more detailed.

"The order issued by Si Yao Yunci, the third director of the Si Lv Palace, the crime of usurping can be big or small, and this matter is obviously done deliberately. Xu Qing, among the new sword wielders of the Sword Court, Tai Si Xianmen What's the last name of yours?"

"My surname is Zhang, Zhang Siyun!" Xu Qing said in a deep voice.

"Do you have any conflicts?" Zixuan asked.

"Yes." Xu Qing nodded.

"That should be this person. I found out from my friends that this Yao Yunma is from the Yao family. He married the Taisi Xianmen back then, which caused displeasure to the Yao family. His Taoist mate was surnamed Zhang and died young. I have a son." A cold light flashed in Zixuan Shangxian's eyes.

"From this point of view, the purpose of the crime of usurpation is not to divide the clan, but Xu Qing!" Wufeng old woman said hoarsely.

"The other party is a bit anxious at this time. Seven days is the time when the interrogation can't be improved. Xiao Qing, we were in the criminal arrest department back then. If we were going to do similar work, what would we do?"

The captain said softly beside him, Xu Qing raised his head and looked into the distance, and spoke lightly.

"Hidden layout, one-hit kill."

"That's right, if we are strong, we don't need to make such calculations, we just arrest people directly, unless we are afraid, but we won't be so eager, we will make more arrangements and cast more nets, and wait for an opportunity A fatal blow, without giving the opponent the possibility of counterattack, uprooting."

The captain licked his lips.

"If you are in such a hurry, there is only one purpose, to splash dirty water. So first arrest a group of people as a basis, then wait for the target to appear, and take them away directly on the grounds of cooperating with the investigation. At the same time, the words can be more arrogant. It is best to let The other party gets angry and arrests them, this kind of thing is not done much by the murderer because it is too rough."

"Why is it so troublesome?" Wu Jianwu didn't understand, and asked blankly. Ning Yan who was on the side heard him and glanced at him contemptuously.

"In order to get people into the shell, this is an opportunity for a small matter to become a big one. If you pack it up a bit, you can be directly wanted. Otherwise, you can only deal with it slowly." The captain's voice was cold, and he looked at Xu Qing.

"Little Ah Qing, how are you going to resolve this matter?"

"This matter is easy to resolve." Xu Qing said calmly.

"That's right, it's very simple to resolve, you have to think about how to fight back."

"The method of the water diversion department can be changed a little."

"Interesting, dare to come here to bully us two old murderers!" The captain laughed when he heard this.

The words of the two made everyone around them take a deep breath.

The same is true for Chen Tingbo, looking at Xu Qing and the captain with some deep meaning.

Zixuan showed appreciation in his eyes, and the old woman from Wufeng was also smiling.

"Zhang Siyun's mother should send someone here." Xu Qing looked into the distance, and after the words came out, two figures roared out of the street he was looking at.

Before the people arrived, the killing intent spread strongly and enveloped the place.

"Here we come." There was a glint in the captain's eyes, and the two figures approached from far and near, UU Reading came quickly.

In an instant, he appeared in front of everyone.

The two were wearing blue Taoist robes with black cloaks on their backs. They were similar to the Taoist hugs of the Sword Holding Palace, but they were more oriented towards rules. Their complexions were even more gloomy. It fell on Xu Qing.

"You are Xu Qing?"

"We, the disciples of Silu Palace, interrogated Xu Qing by the branch sects of the Eight Sects Alliance, and Xu Qing was suspected of the crime of sneaking over, so the Silv Palace summoned Xu Qing for investigation."

"If you resist, Si Lv Gong has the right to kill, if you refuse to investigate, Si Lv Gong's servant has the right to coerce."

"If outsiders interfere with the law enforcement of Silu Palace, Silu will suppress it."

The two men's cultivation bases were at the level of Jindan Sixth Palace. At this moment, they spoke lightly, and their voices spread all over the place deliberately, causing many passers-by to hear them.

Afterwards, the two of them did not immediately arrest them, but instead looked at the other disciples of the Eight Sect Alliance, especially at Zixuan, as if giving them time to react and respond.

But at this moment, Chen Tinghao and the disciples of the Eight Sects Alliance looked at Xu Qing and the captain. It was really... This scene was exactly the same as what they said before.

Xu Qing worked in the murder department for three years, from an ordinary member of the murder department to the director of the Seventh Peak murder department, he is very familiar with the twists and turns.

The age of the captain is even longer.

At this moment, seeing the other party coming and opening his mouth like this, Xu Qing cupped his fists at Zixuan Shangxian.

"Senior, this disciple can handle this matter, it doesn't matter."

Xu Qing clasped fists at Wufeng Laobu and Chen Tinghao again, finally took a look at the captain, and walked towards the two Silu Palace disciples.