MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 398 Righteous spirit

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As the voice echoed, a person walked up the sky.

This person is about twenty-four or five years old, not tall and big, but of medium build.

The appearance is not the delicate type, but thick eyebrows and big eyes.

In particular, his arms are slightly longer than ordinary people, and his eyes are brighter, as if they contain stars, which makes him exude a heroic spirit.

Amidst the laughter at this moment, he came from the sky with big strides, giving people the impression of walking like a dragon or a tiger.

He didn't intentionally disperse his cultivation base, but the coercion on his body seemed to be strong enough to suppress the eternity. What shocked Xu Qing even more was that the Golden Crow Totem on his body was emitting a strong burning sensation at this moment.

Facing Shanhezi and the other three before, although Jinwu also had scorching heat, it was far less intense than it is now.

And the young man who came also contained the emperor's skills. Under the traction at this moment, the nothingness behind him seemed to be torn apart, and a golden dragon roared out from inside, coiled between the sky and the earth, with a shocking aura.

Every dragon scale exudes brilliance, and every dragon beard contains divine splendor, especially the dragon's sharp eyes, which have the meaning of ruling the world.

Not only that, but the golden dragon had a sword in its mouth.

That is... the emperor sword of the human sword bearer!

This person is the one who realizes the success of the Emperor Sword.

If it's just that, it's fine, what made Xu Qing even more disturbed was that he felt the life lamp in the opponent's body.

Not one, but three!

In Xu Qing's perception, the brilliance of the three life lamps in the young man's body was suppressed by his body, making it difficult for outsiders to observe, and only those who also possessed the life lamps could sense it.

Strong, extremely strong!

This is Xu Qing's most intuitive feeling.

Like the three of Shanhezi, he just felt that they were in danger, but it wasn't that they couldn't fight. But at this moment, the young man who walked over gave Xu Qing the feeling that he was like an unshakable mountain.

The opponent's aura is thick and shocking, incomparable.

At the same time, following his arrival, the sword holders around respectfully cupped their fists, but most of them had smiles on their faces.

"Brother Kong!"

"I've met Brother Kong!"

"Brother Kong, long time no see, your cultivation has improved again."

The young man laughed, and when he returned the salute to everyone, the girl who wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth seemed to be Xiaojiabiyu, and ran to the young man, as if mustering up her courage, she was about to speak.

But the young man pinched his face with his hand.

"Little Yeling, I haven't seen you for more than a year. She has become taller."

During the conversation, Shanhezi and Wang Chen also came quickly and greeted the young man.

"Don't be gloomy all day, Xiaohe, it's not good for you to be like this, just smile."

"And you, sleep in the coffin every day, and come out to drink with me later." The young man's voice was hearty, and while reminiscing with these old friends, the captain was also sending a voice transmission to Xu Qing.

"See, the monster I'm talking about is this person, Kong Xianglong, the first person in the generation of the Wanzong Human Race in Fenghai County, the 24-year-old Ten Palace Golden Pill, who has never been seen in a thousand years!"

"In the information I bought, there is a lot of information about this person, and he has three life lights."

"At the same time, it has two kinds of imperial-level exercises, one is the emperor's sword, and the other is the Long Xuntianjing."

"In addition, the intelligence also mentioned that he has a piece of a taboo magic weapon that has been sacrificed five times."

"There is also this person who killed the Nascent Soul of the Shenglan clan with the strength of the nine heavenly palaces a year ago!"

The captain's voice was full of emotion, and Xu Qing was also moved when he heard this.

"In addition, this Kong Xianglong has a bold personality, is open and aboveboard, and has a wide range of friends. Compared with the cultivation of human races who are enemies, most of them will eventually become his friends. However, he is extremely cruel to foreign races. It is said that it is quite common to smash corpses into thousands of pieces!"

"But these are not the main points I want to tell you." The captain looked at Kong Xianglong who was talking with someone while transmitting the voice, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

"Little Ah Qing, some people seem to be nice, but in fact they are honest, but some people are really the same. After I saw his information before, I didn't believe that this person was really upright."

"So I used my method to investigate and research, and finally found that this person is rare and consistent!"

"His three life lamps were not given by the elders, but obtained by his strength. Although he is a new sword holder, it is said that he has lived in the sword holding palace since he was a child, and was born as a handyman."

"Later, he was allowed to practice martial arts because of fighting with his life and nine deaths. After that, he killed all the way and suppressed the foreigners all the way. He must be the vanguard in every battle. He was on the verge of death many times before he rose all the way."

"One of the three lamps of life, and the emperor-level kungfu, he exchanged for military merit, and he realized the second successful enlightenment of the emperor sword!"

"The second lamp of life was given to him in front of all the people after his best friend died, so that he could take the unfinished journey on behalf of the other party."

"The third lamp of life, he snatched it from the Shenglan clan!"

"Such a character, your elder brother also admires it." The captain's tone is extremely rare.

When Xu Qing heard this, his heart was agitated, so he looked at Kong Xianglong.

Almost at the same time as he looked, Kong Xianglong also finished greeting with his old friend, his eyes swept away, and he landed on Xu Qing, laughing and walking over.

"I guess the little brother is Xu Qing who welcomes the splendor of Huangzhou!"

"I've met Senior Brother Kong." Xu Qing cupped his fists and bowed.

"Xu Qing, I heard about you and Silu Gong. I have long disliked the girls of the Yao family. I know that they are gesturing behind their backs, holding the rules as swords, and doing things that are not good. It's a bastard's thing."

"You did a great job!"

"Let's go drink together later, I invite you!" Amidst Kong Xianglong's laughter, another person came from a distance, it was Zhang Siyun.

His face was gloomy. Hearing these words, he looked at Kong Xianglong coldly, with a cold light in his eyes.

But at this moment, Ye Ling's gaze became unfriendly, Shan Hezi narrowed his eyes, Wang Chen smiled, with killing intent in his eyes.

They all stared at Zhang Siyun.

Zhang Siyun was taken aback for a moment, then restrained himself, and walked silently to the edge of the crowd.

Kong Xianglong turned his head and looked, with a hint of displeasure in his eyes. He knew that Zhang Siyun's mother was Yao Yunhui from Silu Palace.

He also understands that the other party's mother is standing up for her son, but he can't understand this kind of thing. He grew up in the Sword Holding Palace and worked as a handyman.

So competition among sword bearers is fine, but that kind of bottomless infighting is what he dislikes the most, so Zhang Siyun's approach disgusts him a little.

But for Xu Qing, he admired him from the bottom of his heart.

But he knew that there was no friendship between them, and too many words would cause misunderstanding, so he smiled at Xu Qing, turned and left.

The whole time, he didn't look at the captain.

Yizhang Huaguang, he felt that nine out of ten he was not a good person.

After leaving at this moment, his little friends immediately got together. Qingqiu didn't like to contact too many strangers, so he declined Ye Ling's invitation and stood alone.

"Brother Kong, why are you so enthusiastic about that Xu Qing?"

After Qingqiu left, Shanhezi was a little puzzled, so he asked Kong Xianglong.

Beside him, Wang Chen and Ye Ling also looked over. In fact, they didn't have any bad feelings towards Xu Qing, but they didn't have any good feelings either.

Especially the emperor's hand-picked statement made them a little unconvinced in their hearts.

"Let me tell you, it's okay to be hostile to others, but don't be hostile to this Xu Qing." Kong Xianglong said with a smile.

"The one chosen by the emperor is just a false name, and it doesn't matter. What matters is that Xu Qing has a deep heart. This kind of person is the most trustworthy comrade in arms."

"Brother Kong, you are more than 8,700 feet tall, and you are still trustworthy!" Ye Ling spoke softly from the side, and his admiration was even more obvious.

"Because of this, I understand the inner quality represented by Wanzhang Huaguang better. You believe me, I don't think people missed it, not to mention the emperor's endorsement. This kind of person can become friends for a lifetime."

"But in the future, I will find an opportunity to remind Xu Qing to be careful of his brilliant elder brother. I glanced at him just now, and I don't think that guy is a good person."

When the four of Kong Xianglong were communicating here, the captain was also persuading Xu Qing.

"Little Ah Qing, I take back what I said earlier. I think Kong Xianglong is a good character, but you should not get too close." Xu Qing was surprised and looked at the captain.

The captain coughed.

"You have to remember, I am your senior brother!"

He had just felt that Kong Xianglong was very enthusiastic about Xu Qing. This kind of enthusiasm and the other party's character made it easy for people to regard him as a big brother, which made the captain a little wary.

Xu Qing smiled when he heard the words, took out an apple from the storage bag, and handed it to the captain.

"Eldest brother, eat an apple."

The captain was immediately happy, took a bite of the apple, and felt that the apple was so sweet, so he waved his hand.

"Forget it, the Lingshi you owe me is just... er, 30% off!"

The smile on Xu Qing's face was silently put away, and he looked up in the direction where Kong Xianglong was.

The captain sighed.

"30% off!"

Xu Qing was about to speak, but the next moment he looked solemn, and the captain immediately stood up straight, and all the sword-wielders around him looked up at the sword-wielding palace in front of them.

The huge palace building where the sword-holding palace is located seems to be only one, but in fact it contains a large group of palaces. At this moment, these new sword-holding masters are only on the periphery.

In front of them is the outer hall of the Sword Holding Palace.

The blue tiles and red pillars on the gilt roof of this hall are magnificent, and the eaves are upturned like flying, and the shape is extraordinary.

It also has another name called the Hall of Oath.

As the place became quiet, there were footsteps coming from the palace in front, and soon five figures walked out of the palace, and under the sunlight, they fell into everyone's eyes.

Of these five people, one is in front and four are behind.

The former is middle-aged, with a tall and straight figure, wearing an official uniform, not angry and pretentious.

The body is full of overlapping shadows, as if ten thousand ways are contained in one body, and it gives people a feeling that they are about to transform into billions.

The four people behind him are all old men, and each of them is like countless phantoms overlapping, as if they can cover the sky when they spread out, forming countless gods.

Although they are still far away from Huayi, the majesty exuded from standing there is still earth-shattering.

"I am Ling Chengzi, the deputy palace master of the Sword Holding Palace in Fenghai County."

"The four behind me are the four major deacons of the sword holding palace in Fenghai County. Today, the five of us will read the ceremony for you, admonish An Ze, choose positions and positions, and witness the oath."

"Now, read the ceremony." The deputy palace lord said lightly, and a deacon with a sword came out behind him, and his voice spread all over the place.

"The first rule for sword bearers..."

This time there were not too many complicated rituals, everything was very simple at UU Read Book, following the reading, the voice of the deacon fell into the hearts of every sword holder.

Xu Qing looked solemn, and so did the others. Kong Xianglong and the others all looked solemn and listened attentively.

After a long time, the reading of the ceremony ended.

"There are three rules, seven rules and sixty-nine rules for those who hold swords, and you need to keep them in mind."

"As sword bearers, you come from every state, and each state has its own rules of survival, and each has its own character and way of life."

"When you first came, there was a sense of majesty and arrogance. This is allowed, but it is only the initial stage for you to join the sword bearer. After that, you must keep one sentence in mind."

"Sword holders are comrades who can turn their backs on each other!"

"This is completely different from the sect you belong to."

"The interests of the sect are paramount, but the duties of the Sword-holding Palace are paramount, the human race is paramount, and the love of comrades-in-arms is paramount."

"This is the first concept you have to change after you become sword bearers!"

"After that, you will have a seven-day secret training. During these seven days, you will master all kinds of secret methods that only sword holders can possess. During this period, you will also inherit the history of the human race and explain the customs of all races."

"Seven days later, if you pass the assessment, you can arrange to join the job."

"However, one of you does not need to be assessed, and you can set a position now."

"Xu Qing, go out nine steps!"

Xu Qing took a deep breath, and walked out with a calm expression under the eyes of the sword bearers around him.


...I don't guess the ball anymore...

vomited blood for two hours