MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 401 The emperor of the human race!

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The old man's words were cold, with a hint of chill.

There is also an instinctive dispersal of evil spirits, combined with a serious expression and hidden ferocity, it is extremely deterrent.

Xu Qing felt that this old man was also a Nascent Soul cultivator, but he seemed to have stronger breath than the sick ghost, so he nodded.

"Very good." The old man looked at Xu Qing, with a cold smile.

"Relying on the characteristic of co-existing with the poison of the Shenglan clan, the sick ghost always releases the poison, but he has only a half-knowledge of the way of poison. This year's sword holders are very good!"

"Your name is Xu Qing, right? You come here. As a reward for your poisonous and sick ghosts, I allow you to help me explain the ten thousand races."

Xu Qing stood up and walked forward until he reached the old man's side, standing there in awe.

The old man looked away from Xu Qing and looked at everyone in the hall.

"You can call me Ghost Hand. I am responsible for explaining to you the characteristics and fatalities of some common races."

Qingqiu instinctively glanced at Xu Qing.

Xu Qing concentrated, he felt a strong smell of blood from the old man, and at the same time, he also noticed that the reverence in Kong Xianglong's expression surpassed that of the ghost who went to see a doctor just now.

When Xu Qing was thinking, Kong Xianglong's voice transmission came to his ears.


Xu Qing's eyes froze, he knew the meaning of the pawn, which meant that the old man in front of him was from the prisoner.

At the same time, his interest in what the other party will explain next has greatly increased.

He had dealt with some foreign races in the Forbidden Sea when he was catching the murderer in Qixuetong before, and he knew that there are many races whose body structure is very different from that of the human race, which makes the fatality different.

For example, the Youyou Clan and the Starfish Clan are all like this.

"Yanmiao clan, this clan is born under the sun, and lives in the breath. It seems that there are no fatal injuries, but in fact, it is all over the body. You need to use the spell of wind to..."

"Xu Qing, take it."

The old man opened his mouth lightly, raised his right hand and waved it, and suddenly a piece of ice appeared in front of him, floating in front of Xu Qing.

Xu Qing immediately raised his hand to catch him.

So close, he can feel it more clearly than others.

The ice is transparent, and a smog is faintly visible inside.

"To deal with the Misty Clan, it can also be simpler, like me, to freeze them up."

After introducing the Yanmiao clan, the old man flicked his sleeves, put away the ice, and continued to introduce other clans.

"The Bufa tribe, the characteristic of this tribe is that the natural talent can turn the enemy into a puppet, and the fatal injury is their third finger, which is where the lifeblood lies."

The old man waved his hand again, and a thin corpse appeared in front of him, also floating in front of Xu Qing, who was manipulated by Xu Qing to rotate the corpse according to the old man's request. The corpse is green all over, with a single horn on the top of the head, and the whole body is naked and wrinkled.

"Xu Qing, find his third finger."

Hearing this, Xu Qing immediately raised the corpse's right hand, exposed its half-broken third finger, and faced all the sword holders.

"There is also the Double-Faced Clan, a close relative of the Holy Demon Clan."

"Because of the covenant, the Holy Demons can't kill randomly, but the Double-faced can. Like the Holy Demons, they are physically strong. The fatal wound is to find the moment when their two sides rotate into diagonals, and hit the double-faced eyebrows severely. "

The old man waved his hand again, and took out a two-faced corpse that was more than two feet high. You could see blood dripping from between his brows.

Xu Qing's perception was clearer. He saw that the wounds on the two faces were sword marks, and a sword pierced through the entire head and between the two eyebrows.

The sword wielders all around looked solemn, and each of them became more serious, without distracting the slightest attention, and listened intently.

In the following time, the old man talked about hundreds of foreign races, and every time he explained, he would take out the specimens of that race, and each specimen seemed to have died not long ago.

Some were actually alive, and were directly beheaded to death by the old man in front of everyone.

Gradually, the smell of blood in the hall became stronger.

In this process, Xu Qing gained a lot.

Not only can he see clearly, but he can perceive thoroughly, and he can sense many details.

"The last one is the Immortal Clan." The old man grinned as he said this, as if he was having fun killing it before, he took out a wine gourd and took a big gulp.

"The ones you have seen before are all the ones that I went outside to find and kill for this class in the past few months. Each of them has brutally killed my human monks many times, and even the sword holders were tortured and killed by them. There are also some of them, all of them are wanted by Sword Holding Palace."

"I'm very glad that there are no pedantic people in your group who feel sympathy for foreigners after seeing half of it. There were still such idiots occasionally in the early years."

"The Near Immortal Clan is not easy to deal with. This one was brought out by me from the Prison Division. Unfortunately, it cannot be killed like the Saint Demon Clan." The old man said, and with a wave of his hand, a monk of the Near Immortal Clan appeared in front of everyone.

This nearly immortal cultivator was in a coma, floating in the mid-air of the hall.

"Look clearly, the Immortals have similarities with the human race, but they have five hearts. This is their strength, and they have a strong regenerative ability, and there are few fatal injuries. Compared with the heart, I personally think their kidneys , is more deadly."

"Of course, I would suggest that if you encounter it in the future, you can try to dismember it, so that it will be safe."

"What I'm talking about is the lethality of the physical bodies of each race. As a monk, there are many differences due to different spells. You need to judge on the spot."

"For the Near Immortal Clan, there is one more thing I want to remind you. The Immortal Puppet of the Near Immortal Clan is stronger than their clansmen. They are killing evil creatures created entirely for fighting."

"Every fairy puppet is at least at the Nascent Soul level. I don't know the details of the production process, but I know that it is made by living people of the Immortal Clan. You can imagine how cruel the steps are. It is to stimulate their resentment and madness, so as to cooperate with some special heterogeneous integration to produce the ability similar to invading all things."

After finishing speaking, the old man put away the monks from the Immortal Clan, drank another big sip of wine, and then stood up.

"It's a pity that I can't dismember this Jinxian clan in front of you. The three clans have a covenant, and one of them stipulates that if criminals from the three parties are caught committing crimes in their clan, they can only be imprisoned for ten years at most, and then they must be transferred back to their own clan."

"It's like the Holy Demon Race, it's like the Near Immortal Race, and it's the same for my Human Race."

The old man shook his head, ignored everyone, and walked out.

Xu Qing also returned to the desk and sat down cross-legged.

It is already afternoon in the outside world at this moment, and it is approaching dusk, but the sunset glow comes ahead of schedule, reflecting in the sky one by one.

When the sunset was getting more and more, a figure walked into the Palace of Holding Swords.

This is an old man, wearing a cyan robe, with white hair and piercing eyes, a sense of elegance is evident on him.

As he came, all the sword bearers who saw him paid respectful respect.

"I have seen Mr. Juncheng."

The lords of the three major palaces in the county capital are the power holders second only to the county guards, and below this level is the county magistrate.

With a smile on his face, Jun Cheng walked all the way to the Hall of Knowledge. Looking at the surrounding palaces on the way, he smiled and spoke to the sword-wielder who was with him.

"Thinking about the last time I came here was ten years ago, yesterday I heard from the county guard that the new sword-wielders in the Sword-wielding Palace are very good this time. I just took the opportunity of class to come and see the heroes of my human race."

Accompanying Jun Cheng was the head of the four major deacons of Sword Holding Palace, he smiled when he heard this.

"These boys still need to hone their skills. Mr. Jun Cheng is very knowledgeable. If you can give them some advice, it will be their great fortune."

Jun Cheng nodded happily, and followed the deacon of the Palace of Holding Swords all the way to the Hall of Learning.

The moment they walked in, everyone in the hall saw the deacon approaching, and they all got up to pay respects, Xu Qing did the same, looking at the two people who were walking.

"This is Mr. Jun Cheng from Fenghai County. Next, Mr. Jun Cheng will explain to you about the history of the human race and how to save yourself through vegetation when you are in danger."

The deacon spoke solemnly.

"Your Majesty Jun Cheng is virtuous and virtuous, and he has immeasurably meritorious deeds. Six years ago, he improved the Bai Dan and developed the Sudan Dan. The common people have reduced too much heterogeneous torture."

When the deacon said this, he cupped his fists and bowed to Jun Cheng.

Jun Cheng returned the gift and spoke with emotion.

"It should not be said that the merits are immeasurable. Sudan's medicinal herbs take time to cultivate, and now they can only be provided to the people of the county capital. If they can be popularized in the thirteen prefectures of the county and even the entire human race, it will be considered a merit."

"Your Excellency is humble." The deacon said respectfully, and then he said goodbye and left until he walked out of the Hall of Learning. The Jun Cheng, who was being watched by Xu Qing and others, walked to the upper position with a smile, sat down and spoke in a warm voice.

"Sit down, you deacons are full of praise, the old man is just a scholar."

Everyone bowed respectfully, then sat down and looked up at the Jun Cheng in front of him.

Xu Qing looked at the other party, and felt the aura similar to that of Master Bai and the Great Elder of the Sword Court in this Jun Cheng, which made him instinctively like him.

Especially what the sultan said before, made him interested, and he was going to buy one for research later.

Jun Cheng's class was also very interesting. He explained the history of the human race to everyone, from the glory of the Xuanyou ancient emperor, to the worship of thousands of races in the ancient continent, to the arrival of the gods, and to the great calamity of the ancients.

Then the focus is on the successive human emperors of the human race in this era after the demise of the gods.

Some of them are stupid, some are wise, some are trying to revive the human race, and some are content with the status quo.

"In the year 37938 of the Dongsheng calendar, the Emperor Dongsheng was very happy. Regardless of dissuasion, he used the strength of the whole clan to fight against the Yanyuexuantian clan. This battle was defeated. The tens of thousands of years of our human race's accumulation were in vain. Erlang was buried in a foreign land, and since then the national power has been in a slump, which became a turning point in the sunset of our human race, known as the Xuantian Change in history."

"In the year 21435 of the Holy Heaven Calendar, a series of consequences of the Xuantian Change broke out cumulatively. Our human race lost thirty-nine domains for ten thousand years. Hundreds of millions of human race people were displaced and became slaves of foreign races. everywhere."

"These common people scattered in the alien area have not known their own clan for generations, and they do not know where their families are when they die. Some of them are a little better and can form a small country, but they are always facing slavery and extinction."

"Until the Jingyun calendar a few years later, our human race had a chance to take off. Jingyun's emperor was wise, and a small country rose against the sky in the Ziqing region, occupying a region."

"The name of this country is Ziqing, and its ruler is ordinary, but its prince is peerless and shocking. He is known as the number one leader of the human race after the face of the gods. Howling, there is blood flowing, spreading outside the forbidden areas."

"After research, it is believed that he was a self-rescue of the vast world of Wanggu Continent, gathering the power of the world, just to let him descend to the world, and he was given the mission of unifying Wanggu."

"This Prince Ziqing, who can suppress an era, faces the Emperor Jingyun from the north to the south. With the joint efforts of the two, we will finally stabilize our human race from the situation of continuous loss of territory."

"At this time, the human race still has three domains and twenty-seven counties, and the Ziqing domain inside is right under our feet, which is the current Shenglan domain!"

"Then, this peerless genius, he fell."

"Falling on the land of Ziqing Shang Kingdom, those who participated in the killing from all races were all amazing people. UU Reading even had the God of Sleeping Earth to make a move, and Emperor Jingyun didn't have time to reinforce it. So far... There is no more Ziqing in the world, and that peerless Tianjiao finally died in battle on an overseas continent far away from here."

"On the day of his death, Wanggu mountains trembled like shouts, and the billions of rivers flowed against the river like weeping, and the remnant face of the gods in the sky opened their eyes for this."

"Until a few years later, with the disappearance of Ziqing, and the appointment of Grand Duke Shenglan as the domain master, in the year 12578 of the Taoist calendar, even if the emperor of the Taoist world is wise and virtuous, everything will still be changed. The Heitian Clan Rise up and invade my human race!"

"The Daoist Emperor's personal conquest, the whole clan resisted, could have successfully repelled the Heitian clan, but at the critical moment, Grand Duke Shenglan rebelled and gave a domain to Heitian, and he even mixed his blood into the blood of Heitian, turning against the human race !"

"After this battle, the human race lost 20 counties in the Second Domain... It is known as the Shenglan Rebellion in history."

"From that moment on, Ziqing Dayu changed its name to Shenglan."

Jun Cheng's voice seemed to lead everyone into the long river of time, where they had witnessed the history of the human race for many years. The whole process was soul-stirring, both passionate and sad.

"In this way, the **** of my human race permeated the entire Wanggu, and in the end there were only one region and seven counties left. Now it is the year 2931 of the Xuanzhan calendar. I hope that I, Xuanzhan Renhuang, will reappear the holy light."

After finishing speaking, Jun Cheng sighed lightly.

"The future depends on you. I hope that you will inherit the ancient style and become sword bearers who can truly protect the human race, not your own selfish interests!"

There was silence in the hall, and everyone was silent.

Xu Qing lowered his head, and at some point, his hands were pinched tightly, until his hands turned white, and he lost consciousness.