MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 7 please eat

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When Xu Qing was observing the environment of the fighting area, with the clamor from the surrounding audience, in the Colosseum, at the gate where Xu Qing and his party had just walked, a huge wooden door fell with a bang.

It hit the ground heavily, sending up dust.

This sound, like the sound of a horn, made the scavengers around him even more excited.

Xu Qing even noticed that on the top platform directly in front, there was a middle-aged man in a brocade robe, who was accompanied by a group of people and sat at the top.

Because of the distance, the appearance is a little blurry.

But obviously this person's identity is not ordinary.

With such a long distance, Xu Qing could feel the psychic energy fluctuations in the opponent's body are extremely strong, exceeding everything he has ever seen.

While this made Xu Qing vigilant, he also had speculation in his heart that this person was most likely the owner of this camp.

Because by the other's side, Xu Qing saw yesterday's three-legged Hu Zheng squatting, as if he was reporting carefully.

And as the camp owner took his seat, the San Kuihu stood on the high platform and made a gesture towards the bottom.

Soon, on the edge of the Colosseum, another wooden door opened, and the roars of fierce beasts were heard more clearly without the obstruction of the wooden door.

Along with the voice came a group of scavengers.

They were divided into four teams of three, each carrying a huge iron cage, and walked out slowly.

Inside the iron cage, the vicious beast roared and jumped around, as if to tear apart the cage.

Xu Qing looked quickly and swept over the four iron cages.

I saw two giant wolves inside, one big and one small, but they all had sharp teeth, their bodies were pitch black, and their eyes were bloodshot.

There was a lot of saliva from under the corner of his mouth, when he looked at Xu Qing and the others, they all showed a ferocious meaning.

There is also a red bear with red hair, with thick arms that exceed the thighs of adults, his expression is full of irritability, and he constantly shakes the iron cage.

The three scavengers who carried it were all struggling.

As for the beast in the last iron cage, it was obviously a lot weaker.

It was a gibbon.

The whole body was covered with pustules, and it seemed that it would burst open when touched, especially it seemed to be very painful.

Their appearance made the surrounding audience boil again.

The faces of the two teenagers beside Xu Qing were instantly pale, and the little girl was also very frightened. Even the young man who was a scavenger was obviously nervous at the moment.

"Why are there four?" Xu Qing was surprised and looked at the open wooden door passage.

Just as he looked, the four roaring and struggling beasts suddenly quieted down, as if they were shocked.

At the same time, a huge iron cage nearly twice the size of the cage they were in was slowly carried out from the wooden door by six scavengers.

With the appearance of the iron cage, people around the audience suddenly exclaimed.

"Giant Horned Python!!"

"This time, the camp owner actually got a giant horned python, but it's also, in the eyes of the camp owner, this thing is not very valuable."

"For these little brats, whoever gets this thing will die. Even if we encounter it in the wild, it will take two people to kill it hard."

The vicious beast that existed in the iron cage was a huge python.

The thickness of his body is comparable to that of an adult's waist. His whole body is gray and black with dark lines. If you look closely, the dark lines seem to depict horn-like peaks.

It was coiled motionless in the cage, its huge head was slightly raised, and its yellow vertical pupils were cold and looked towards the outside world.

Under its gaze, both the giant wolf and the gibbon were trembling.

Only the red bear let out a low growl when it was stimulated. It looked like a confrontation, but in fact its body was slowly retreating until it retreated to the edge of the cage.

"Don't take it, don't take it..."

Behind Xu Qing, the two teenagers were trembling at the moment, and while they were praying in low voices, there was a glint in Xu Qing's eyes.

He knew this giant horned python. When he was in the slum, he saw the python corpse brought back by someone hunting this python in the city.

At that time, I also heard from people with rich experience around me that this python is very powerful. Once it is entangled by it, the giant tree will be broken by it, and the skin of the python is very thick.

But the body is clumsy and the speed is relatively slow.

And its gallbladder has good medicinal properties, which can resolve the pollution of the body to a certain extent, and the snake meat is also very nourishing.

Thinking of this, Xu Qing came to mind that Lei Dui once said that he likes to eat snakes.

As for snakes, he caught quite a few when he was a child, so he licked his lips.

In addition, the alienation point on his body became darker and darker as he practiced, and he felt a faint tingling sensation when he practiced yesterday.

Xu Qing pondered that if he could eat the guts of this python, he would be able to resolve a lot.

As he stared at the giant horned python, the lottery began.

As the scavengers arranged by Sanbihu came over with five bamboo sticks, each bamboo stick was marked with the name of the beast to fight with.

The young man stepped forward to draw first. After seeing what he was drawing, he was obviously relieved.

Then came the two boys and the little girl.

After the first two took out the bamboo sticks in their prayers, their expressions were a little bitter, but the little girl looked at the bamboo sticks in her hands, but her eyes showed despair.

It was the giant horned python that she drew, and the last bamboo stick left was the little wolf, which was obviously the weakest among the five beasts.

Xu Qing held the bamboo stick, frowned slightly, and pondered.

Soon, after the scavengers retreated, the trialists were also arranged in the corner to simply stop them. Amid the cheers of the surrounding spectators, the first trial began.

The one who arranged to appear was one of the two teenagers.

He shivered and walked out. The fierce beast that fought against him was the stout red bear.

The process of fighting was very fast. The boy was no match for the red bear at all. After struggling to fight a few times, he was knocked down by the red bear. In desperation, his body was directly torn apart.

Blood splattered everywhere, ushered in the boiling around, accompanied by remorseful abuse.

This scene made the other boy's body tremble, and he, who was supposed to be the second player, suddenly shouted that he wanted to give up the trial.

So in the boos, Xu Qing watched the young man being taken away by the scavengers, but he didn't know what happened.

The third is the young man who was a scavenger.

He drew the bigger black wolf. His experience as a scavenger made him more ruthless than ordinary people.

After a thrilling life-and-death struggle, he beheaded the wolf with his injuries and breathless, becoming the first successful person in this trial.

The door opened, he clutched his chest and left freely.

The fourth... is a little girl.

When the iron prison that locked the giant horned python was opened, the little girl gritted her teeth tremblingly, and in despair she was about to walk past Xu Qing to fight.

But at this moment, Xu Qing suddenly spoke.

"Let's change it."

The little girl was stunned for a moment. Before she could react, Xu Qing had already replaced her bamboo stick with her.

After taking away the bamboo stick engraved with the giant horned python, he ignored the grateful gaze of the little girl and walked towards the giant horned python.

As they entered, the scavengers who were watching around, obviously saw the order before, and now they all started booing.

But apart from the people who bet on him and the little girl, others won't care about this kind of thing. They won't, and neither will the camp owner. Everything is self-inflicted.

Inside the Colosseum, Xu Qing walked calmly towards the iron cage, and the giant horned python inside looked at Xu Qing gloomily and slowly climbed out.

When the stout body protruded out of the iron cage, the scales slid across the iron rod of the cage, making bursts of harsh rubbing noises.

The animal's instinct made it aware that the young man in front of him was a little different from the prey it usually encountered.

So after climbing out, the giant horned python did not attack immediately, but coiled up outside the iron cage, with its head held high, and with vigilance, it stared at Xu Qing who was constantly approaching.

This scene aroused the interest of the surrounding audience, and the roar was less.

Xu Qing looked as usual, approaching step by step, maybe he entered the attack range of the giant horned python, or maybe he was stimulated by his breath, the coldness in the yellow pupils of the giant horned python was instantly strong, and the tail slammed on the ground. As soon as the ground was knocked, there was a roaring sound.

In this sound, his body rushed out violently, his mouth opened wide in mid-air, sharp teeth were exposed, and an unpleasant stench was exuded, and he roared towards Xu Qing, wanting to devour him.

Xu Qing narrowed his eyes and looked coldly at the giant horned python that was approaching rapidly. The moment the other party approached, he flicked his body to avoid him, he did not choose to take advantage of the opportunity, let alone the giant python head that was passing by. With sharp awns in his eyes, like a hunter, he closely observed the belly of this python.

Under his observation, the giant horned python flew into the air and let out a low roar, twisting its body, and suddenly its tail slammed behind it, making a harsh whistling sound, and fiercely drawing towards Xu Qing.

The hunting instinct made the giant horned python's head turn forcibly at this moment, and the tail was one after the other, like a circle to be connected, and it went straight to Xu Qing, as if to entangle him.

Xu Qing was silent, his eyes still watching the belly of the giant horned python, until the tail of the snake approached, his right hand suddenly clenched a fist, and the moment the tail drew, he punched it.


Although the practice of Haishan Jue is only one layer, it can bring Xu Qing's physical blessing, which is still not small. At this moment, the tail of the snake is bombarded, and it is directly rolled back, so that the head and tail cannot be connected, and the giant horned python is obviously painful, but it is not fatal. The pain of the wound made it fierce, with red eyes, the head slammed hard, and it bit towards Xu Qing.

But Xu Qing's eyes narrowed, and there was a gleam of light. He finally found the place he was looking for. At this moment, his body moved forward, not retreating, but advancing, directly approaching the upper middle area of ​​the giant horned python's body.

The right hand clenched a fist and punched it hard, one punch, two punches, three punches...

Boxing bombardment.

The impact from Xu Qing made the giant horned python keep retreating, its roar became stronger, trying to wrap Xu Qing around, but the power contained in Xu Qing's fist made it difficult to touch its head and tail.

As for the bombarded abdomen, due to the relatively weak scales, after a few punches, Xu Qing was beaten to some extent by Xu Qing, blood oozing out, and its toughness was damaged.

Seeing this, before the giant horned python could change its shape, Xu Qing's eyes flashed coldly.

With his left hand, he immediately pulled out the dagger tied to his calf, and in the cold glow of the dagger, it pierced directly into the flesh and blood of the giant horned python with incomparable speed.

He broke in in an instant, and slammed into it fiercely.

Blood splattered everywhere, and in the shrill hissing sound of the giant horned python, a shocking wound was opened in its abdomen, revealing the snake gall in its cavity.

This snake is very big, but it is obviously mutated. The snake's guts are small, like an egg.

Without any hesitation, Xu Qing raised his right hand to go deep into the cavity, grabbed the gallbladder and tugged it hard, and with the shrill roar of the giant horned python, he took out its gallbladder.

The blood was sprayed, and the sand was sprinkled.

Ignoring these bloodstains, Xu Qing held the snake gallbladder, and with a strange look in his eyes, in front of the surrounding scavengers with different expressions, he put it in his mouth and swallowed it in one bite.

While swallowing peacefully, the giant horned python, which was taken from its guts, struggled frantically in pain, roared mournfully, and slapped the ground hard with its body to kick up dust, as if it wanted to vent its severe pain.

The head slammed into Xu Qing even more violently. The red eyes showed madness, and the mouth opened to the extreme, as if to completely swallow Xu Qing.

Xu Qing looked at him coldly, and at the moment when the opponent approached, his body suddenly jumped up, and after avoiding the head that hit him again, he waved his right hand in mid-air, and a black iron sign appeared immediately.

As he lowered his head, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and his body sank heavily downwards. With the help of his strength, speed, and weight, the impact of the iron stick reached the extreme, and he stabbed it along the snake's heart area.

Broken the scales of the snake, like a broken bamboo, pierced with one blow.

With a bang, the giant horned python trembled violently throughout its body, as if it had no strength to support its body.

After a while... As the dust dissipated, the scavengers who were watching the battle were all surprised.

Many people stood up and looked solemnly at the young man in the Colosseum who was pulling the iron stick from the snake corpse at the moment.

If adults were beheading giant horned pythons like this, they wouldn't let them look like this.

But a small and thin child who seemed to be thin, could swallow the guts of a living snake so neatly and beheaded with another blow, and his expression was indifferent, and there was no change from the beginning to the end.

This is extremely rare in the camp.

The little wolf and the red bear in the cage on the side were obviously frightened, and they were shivering there at the This seems to be not a trial, but a hunt.

Under the gazes of everyone around him, the young man put the iron stick in place, clasped the wound of the giant horned python with one hand, and walked towards the gate of the Colosseum.

Behind him, the blood from the giant horned python was dragged out by a red line, shocking.

Next to the gate, the giant gate hadn't opened yet, Xu Qing looked back at the high platform.

After a while, the three-legged Hu on the high platform reacted, and with some lingering fears, he immediately made a gesture, and soon... the door opened with a roar.

Leaning out the door, leaning against the wall with his arms folded, the long-awaited Thunder Team.

He smiled and looked at Xu Qing.

"Can I live with you?" Xu Qing dragged the snake corpse and looked up at the Thunder Team.

"Yes." Lei Dui laughed.

Xu Qing nodded and threw the snake corpse in his hand.

"You like to eat snakes, please eat this."

Team Lei was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, took the corpse of the giant horned python, and in this laughter, with Xu Qing, gradually walked away.

It wasn't until they were far away that there was a boiling uproar in the Colosseum.

In the midst of this uproar, in the corner of the crowd, there was an old man in a purple robe, and beside him was a middle-aged man with an expressionless face like a servant. The middle-aged man's eyebrows had a five-pointed star totem.

They were sitting there, obviously no matter their clothes or bearing, they were out of tune with the surrounding environment, but no one seemed to be able to see their existence.

Even the camp owner didn't see them in his eyes.

The old man's face was ruddy, and there was thunder in his eyes, as if it could destroy everything if it were scattered outside.

"This boy, interesting."

Read Bamboo Forest Manager