MTL - Overlord in Cultivation-Chapter 16 Su Yan wakes up!

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“I am awakened now? How strong is my physical potential?”

Su Yan is excited and doesn't know what to say. He can clearly feel that the potential of birth in the flesh is like tearing a lot of shackles and opening up one potential space!

Deep in his shell, he also awakened a heavy, powerful force that emerged enough to shatter the boulder!

While Zhu’s remnant energy is refining, the power of awakening begins to skyrocket at a horrible rate!

However, the strength of Zhu Guo is far from satisfying the awakening of Su Yan. Most of the energy of the three Zhu Guo is used to open the road to awakening. Now more energy is needed to support the awakening process.

"I need energy!"

"Awakening failed, the consequences are very serious, let me come back again, when can I get three Zhuguo."

Su Yanjiu is like an ant on a hot pot, because according to the manual of the cultivation manual, if the energy required in the process of awakening is not enough, then it will die!

Just as Su Yan got the source of the fine stone and supplemented the human blood, now the situation is different, but he is awakening!

The example of awakening to death has appeared, especially the body of Su Yan is too horrible. Once the road to awakening is opened, the energy required is horrible!

Su Yan immediately took out the Yuanye, swallowed all the yuan liquids!

The smoldering spirits flowed through his limbs, his blood and bones greedy to absorb the strength of the liquid, in the supplement of the strength of the liquid, Su Yan's flesh exudes a breath, like a few hundred horses in the gallop.

Still not waiting for Su Yan to be excited, the body potential has emerged to swallow, and began to absorb the energy of his internal organs!

"Not good, the trouble is big!"

"In this way, I will be absorbed by the energy needed by my body's potential. Three Zhuguo are not enough? How can I need so much energy?"

If someone else has such a strong awakening potential, it is too late to be happy, but the situation of Su Yan is different. If he runs to the college, this will definitely cause a great sensation, and it will definitely be noticed by the big guys. It is difficult to protect Zu Yan from paying attention to him.

Although Su Yan is now seventy-eight years old, there are some changes in the cultivation of these days. Can Zu Yan forget him?

"What should I do? Go to the underground business alliance? With my potential, I will definitely get the focus of the underground business alliance, they will not marry Zhu Guo!"

Su Yansi pays, this is the advantage of the big forces, do not worry about awakening is not enough, if Su Yan has a billion, buy a lot of Yuan liquid, you can certainly awaken success!

"You can only go to the underground alliance!"

When Su Yan gritted his teeth and quickly smashed out of the cave, his face was shocked. The purpose was that a dog rushed to the cave with a fierce breath, which was less than a hundred meters away.

"This is a sable dog, search for the type of beast!"

It is no secret that the beast can be tamed. However, the sly dog ​​is obviously directed at him. I don’t think Su Yan thinks of Tao Tianhua. Otherwise, who else has such a great energy to use the beast?

"Tao Tianhua, a poisonous person, he is going to kill me!"

Su Yan never imagined that Tao Tianhua would send someone to arrest him. Now that he is still awakening, the trouble is getting bigger and bigger.

"Ha ha ha, found it!"

He Zhi was excited and laughed. The slightly sly scorpion stared at Su Yan and sneered: "You can really hide, even my cousin dare to kill, Tao Tianhua adults dare to offend, and ten deaths are not enough!"

On the cold face of Ma Zhoushan, there was also a smile, and Su Yan lived to Tao Tianhua, which is a great achievement.


The puppies have already rushed over, and the fierce rushes to Su Yan.

"A beast wants to hurt me too?"

The more this time, the more calm Su Yan is, the brain crazy thinking about what to do next? He Zhi and the dog don't care, but Ma Zhoushan is a very strong person and should be the master of the life.

He Zhi also rushed over, for fear that the dog would bite Su Yan.

Just at the moment when the scorpion approached Su Yan, it felt the airflow emerging in Su Yan's body, and suddenly trembled on the ground, his eyes were full of fear, and seemed to violate the rule of life.

"what happened?"

Su Yan lived, how can the dog be scared into this virtue? Is it because of yourself?

"evil creature!"

He Zhi was furious and had no light on his face. He was shaking in front of a little guy? .

Su Yan stood at the gate of the cave, and the dog shivered at his feet. His black and white pupil stared at He Zhi, cold and calm, and made He Zhi more angry and raised his palm to his face.

"Want to kill me, I killed you!"

Su Yan’s eyes roared, his head was full of black hair dancing, his body was full of blood, his feet were on the ground, his arms were moving, and a burst of shocking power emerged, and he had to tear the dog!


Under the gaze of Ma Zhoushan, Su Yan’s arms were stretched at the moment, the left hand pinched the fist, the right hand pinched the gun, and the two punched out, the gas was like a bullfight!


He Zhiru was struck by lightning. All of this was too fast. During the electric fire, He Zhi’s chest collapsed. Then under the impact of the guns, the internal organs were shattered!


He Zhi spurted a spurt of blood, flew out, and fell to the ground and struggled for a few times. There was no trace of life, and there was still fear in his eyes.


Ma Zhoushan's eyes became red, and his anger rushed to the crown. One of his men was actually killed by Su Yan.

Su Yan flashed like a blast, because Ma Zhoushan was furious, the whole person was filled with a beam of light, and the body burst into a life of vitality, like a volcano erupting, pouring energy sources!


The cave behind Su Yan suddenly exploded, and a lot of rocks flew far away, showing the strength of the life of the master!

"Where to run!"

Ma Zhoushan was angry, and he was so shameful that he was so insulted that he was killed by Su Yan, and he was slaughtered by Su Yan.

Su Yan is as fast as the wind, he is very familiar with the terrain here, suddenly rushed to the kilometer, leaping to a mountain, rushing.

Su Yan’s heart is extremely anxious, and it’s impossible to compete with the heroes of the Springs!

The key is that he is awakening, and it will not last long. The important thing is that Ma Zhoushan just blocked the way to the underground business alliance base.

"Small beast, I see how far you can run?"

Ma Zhoushan's sole is full of energy beams. His body is very fast, and his speed is faster than that of Su Yan. The whole body exudes eye-catching light and pushes to Su Yan.


At the same time, Ma Zhoushan appeared a bronze knives in his hand, which is also the best alloy, but in the hands of Ma Zhoushan is completely different, the bronze knives in his body under the energy perfusion, suddenly broke out a knife that grows a few feet!


Ma Zhoushan picked up the bronze sword and screamed at Su Yan. This time, the next cut of the sky, visible to the naked eye, the large trees were shattered under the cutting of the knives, and came to Su Yanyan!


Su Yan's eyes are red, and a low-pitched, long-striped stick is used. His current power is very easy to turn the dragon-shaped stick, and decisively smashes the knife.


This stick smashed the knives, but the power of the knives was very strong, so that the dragon-shaped sticks were roaring and almost broke away from Su Yan's palm.

"The best alloy!"

Ma Zhoushan is discolored, but this thing needs millions of Chinese coins. How can this kid have so many wealth to buy weapons?

Moreover, the power of Su Yan exceeded his expectations, and his knife was not able to stop the power of two hundred horses.

"No loss is the source of fine stone, this kid must refine the source of refined stone, hateful, waiting for me to hold you, have you look good."

Ma Zhoushan pursued Su Yan, and he was very surprised that many beasts were on the way to stop the road, but these beasts seemed to be very afraid of Su Yan? Same as the sly dog.

Su Yan was also very surprised, but he had a decision in an instant. He was going to the wilderness area No. 024 and approached Shanbao.

Even if Ma Zhoushan can't catch up with Su Yan, there is no Tianmu treasure to support the awakening, he will live and die, and now there is no retreat!

The dragon totem can sense the position of the mountain treasure. Su Yan has already rushed to the wilderness area of ​​No. 024. On the way, he encountered the interception of Ma Zhoushan. There were some blood-red knife marks on his body, and the blood was spilled.


Su Yan is roaring in the heart, the speed of awakening is accelerating, and he feels that the human organs are weakening!

But because of this, Su Yan's power is stronger, like a tiger slamming down the mountain, passing beasts encounter Su Yan, shuddering, afraid of the awakening of his body!

This makes Ma Zhoushan feel that Su Yan has some kind of treasure in his body, which makes the beast fear. If he can get the benefits, he can't even think about it. If you use it when you kill the monster monster, it will be even more powerful!

"Kill him, take away the treasure, why should he play for Tao Tianhua?"

Ma Zhoushan’s eyes are full of greed, and he is staring at Su Yan. “He must have Yuanye in his body. Otherwise, he will not recover so fast. Hey, even Yuanye has mastered, there must be opportunities, I have to see Look, how do you escape my palm!"
