MTL - Overturned Tower-Chapter 22 We touched each other's ears

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"Kitten or something..."

Russell pursed his lips and emphasized: "Actually, I'm already an adult. I've already graduated from graduate school."

Every time this sentence is repeated, it always brings to Russell an inexplicable sense of humor that "a child emphasizes that he is an adult".

The most painful thing is that he is really a very reliable adult... He is even several years older than the "minister" in front of him.

Speaking of which...

The delphinium has gentle eyes and slow and leisurely behavior. It seems that she has a good temper, and she doesn't seem to be very good at fighting... But she can be the minister in such a department full of ruthless people.

And the look of the inferior seems to respect her very much.

This made Russell feel a little more curious about her.

Because of politeness, staring at a lady's face when you meet for the first time is generally annoying. Although Russell himself has a good skin, this is not an excuse to make others always accommodate him.

Until Delphinium came around from behind the desk and walked up to him. It was only then that Russell really met her eyes.

With just one glance, Russell's gaze was sucked away by Delphinium's pupils.

Those were blue pupils the color of a delphinium flower.

Of course, it must be inferior to Xiao Liuli's light green colored glaze prosthetic eye, which is at the top of the craft and is almost a work of art. But just being watched by those light blue pupils made Russell feel inexplicably calm.

The uneasy mood when entering the special execution department also eased a lot.

- Blue can make people feel calm.

Yes, Russell remembers... it does seem to have been said.

In the next moment, Russell subconsciously looked at her small and cute white dog ears.

Just being watched by Russell, her ears couldn't help shaking.

"Want to touch it?"

She said so suddenly.


Russell was stunned for a moment, and then his heart moved: "Is it possible?"

When he saw the bad day on the airship before, he couldn't help but want to touch it - the shaking ears and wagging tail would become more attractive in Russell's eyes.

And the shape of the delphinium's ears reminded Russell of a bad day immediately.


Said, without waiting for Russell to tweak. The delphinium generously reached out and grabbed Russell's hand, and gently placed it on her head.

Although there is some kind of submissive action hidden in this way... it inexplicably gives Russell the feeling that he is the inferior.

— But the ear that came to your door, don't touch it for nothing.

Anyway, you let me touch it yourself.

Russell thought to himself, pinching the dog ears of his immediate boss.

But it was the first time meeting after all. Worried about leaving a bad impression on his boss, he still didn't dare to use force... He just squeezed it lightly, and then reluctantly withdrew his hand.

"excuse me."

Russell spoke softly and lowered his head.

However, inexplicably...he felt a sense of relaxation.

— Can petting a dog really make people feel better?

Can't cats? Can't I touch myself?

Russell, who had never been so close to anyone, suddenly had such a question in his heart.

"Don't be so nervous...we're all the same kind of people."

Delphinium suddenly stretched out her slender and white fingers, and touched Russell's ear naturally.

"Look, that's fair."

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing a sly smile: "Tell me, am I scheming? Because I want to touch your ears, I let you touch mine first... so you won't feel awkward."


Russell couldn't help but asked softly.

Delphinium didn't answer right away.

She just passed Russell and sat down on the huge, fluffy sofa next to her. He reached out and patted the position beside him, signaling Russell to sit down.

Seeing the delphinium sit down again, the inferior who was standing upright sat down on the sofa opposite.

But even when he sat down, he still looked serious. He didn't stare at Russell, but looked at the documents scattered on the table.

Seeing that the two officers sat down, Russell didn't dare to continue standing. He could only obey Delphinium's wishes and sat beside her.

"—I mean, obedience."

Delphinium half-opened her eyes, showing a lazy expression again, and said in a gentle voice: "Touching the characteristics of other people's spiritual relatives is an offense. And doing such behavior by virtue of identity, or even just making such a request , It will also make people feel that they are training a sense of obedience, or harassment with authority.

"I don't want you to think that I'm forcing you, or insulting can touch my ears again if you think you haven't touched enough before."

...that would not.

Russell thought to himself that he was not such a sensitive person.

But after all, this is respect for himself—thinking of this, Russell still couldn't help feeling a little more fond of Delphinium.

"We are now in the relationship of touching each other's ears."

With a curious expression on Delphinium's face, she said softly, "May I ask... what breed is your soul relative?"

"It's a dune cat."

Russell answered frankly.

People whose relatives are rodents or reptiles tend to view this inquiry as a form of discrimination.

But for Russell, there is nothing to be taboo about.

He asked back, "Minister, what about you?"

"It's Samoyed."

Delphinium smiled and said, "Also, don't call me Minister like that guy—just call me Delphinium.

"Speaking of which, Russell...what's your code name?"

"I'm not up yet."

Russell smiled a little embarrassedly: "I also know that generally speaking, you have to give yourself a code name when you enter the workplace. But this is my new contact with the workplace, and I haven't had time to decide on my code name."

"That's it..."

Delphinium nodded thoughtfully: "Then you have to seriously think about it—according to statistics, the number of cases where you change your code name again after working for one year does not exceed 5%. Because changing your code name will have a negative impact on your work. influences."

The essence of the code name is a "temporary authentication code".

It can be repeated, because each code will generate a unique authentication code when it is confirmed—roughly like the form of doctor #031915, except that the latter code has eighteen digits and contains letters .

Generally speaking, adding friends requires a face-to-face physical link offline.

And this kind of link is dangerous, because the other party can silently introduce viruses or Trojan horses, as well as positioning programs or plug-ins at this time. Even if the other party is not malicious, it is possible to infect him with some virus.

This kind of virus Trojan horse may directly transfer personal funds to a certain account, and may also steal secret personal information... Even the weakest offensive plug-in will keep popping up in front of your eyes, and it will take several seconds to Close the ad pop-up window. UU reading www.

If you want to get rid of this virus, you have to go to a specialized chip doctor for treatment, which is expensive.

Therefore, directly friending is a risky thing - if you are not a trustworthy person, you will generally not make a physical link.

But if you don't add friends, it will affect your work.

After all, many things still require close contact. If there is no contact information, it will be inconvenient to send money.

Therefore, there is an alternative friendship mechanism called "code name".

It's probably equivalent to Russell's previous life... I don't want to hand over my real name and mobile phone number, so I feel the same as a customer adding a WeChat.

The messages sent to the "code name" are not instant messaging, but in the form of "email" - you can ignore the mailbox reminders and check them when you are free, and the other party will not know your true identity. And emails that store data and may contain viruses can also be put aside; I learned the "code name" from a friend, so if I want to contact my customer, I can also send an email directly to ask whether to accept the order.

If you change your code name, it’s like changing your work WeChat suddenly... Many old customers will suddenly find no one, and the advertisements and people they posted before will only be added to the old WeChat, so it’s okay to change or not to change.

Conversely, changing the code name can also be used to hide people. Of course, since there are professions such as cyber detectives and psychic hackers, how long they can hide is a question.


Is it a Samoyed too?

—Is Samoyed such a common soul relative?

Russell stared at Delphinium in a daze.

Vaguely, Russell seemed to see the shadow of the bad day from the delphinium.