MTL - Painting of the Nine Immortals-Chapter 19 Ling Hu's Sadness

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Ling Xian is not a fool. Although he is only a fourteen-year-old boy, those bumpy experiences have sharpened his mind and become more mature. Therefore, he probably knows that the Miss Ling in front of him seems to have a crush on him.

This is also normal. First of all, Ling Xian's appearance is not bad, and she looks stable and mature. She is a lot more mature than her actual age, and at the time of Ling Tianxiang's most critical and helpless, Dafa God rescued her. In addition, Ling Tianxiang did not know him at the time, nor did they know that the two were nominally aunts and nephews, so Ling Tianxiang, who had begun to fall in love, naturally had a secret affection for him.

However, the identity of the two, after all, was nominally an aunt and nephew, which was against moral ethics, so he could not accept it.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in family competition." Ling Xian smiled slightly.

There was a bit of disappointment in Ling Tianxiang's eyes. In fact, she could not tell the complicated feeling of Ling Xian herself, just wanted to see him, want to talk to him, and want to be with him.

Therefore, as soon as she heard the news of Lingxian, she hurriedly rushed in and invited him to participate in the competition to win the secret token. One was for the sake of Lingxian, and the other was because of her selfishness and she wanted to have a peace with her. Lingxian's chance to be alone.

However, now she has been declined by Ling Xian, which makes her feel the first sprouting heart hurting while she is upset and lost.

"That being the case, then I'm not too reluctant. You came forward the day before yesterday when I was in distress. I ca n’t help but report this kindness. In Songhelou at night, I invite you to dinner and talk about thank you. How about Ling Tianxiang? Pressed the pain in the heart, and asked impassively.

"No need, if you count by generations, I will call you aunt, and my nephew rescued the aunt. This is justified, how can it be kind?" Ling Xian sighed secretly, and bit the word aunt very seriously.

"Then ... okay." Ling Tianxiang's heart trembled, how could she not know that the two were nieces? She has been evading and was unwilling to think about this problem. At the moment, Ling Xian pointed out that she had to face the problem squarely.

Sighing softly, her pretty face was full of grief, and she was silent for a while, and whispered, "Three days later, the family competition will begin. If you change your mind, remember not to miss the time. It is really good for you. . "

Ling Xian nodded and motioned to note down.

"Well, then I'll go first." Ling Tianxiang smiled reluctantly, turned and walked towards the door.

He was full of joy when he came, and sad when he went.

Ling Xian looked at her lonely back, shook her head, and sighed softly: "Family competition, should you go?"

The family competition is an annual activity of the Ling family. The top ten prizes are very generous. The younger generations of the whole family can participate. Some talented and off-line children are in order to win the rich ranking. The reward is also to get the value of the family, and the children of the legendary family are to enjoy the admiration of others and show their limelight.

And this year just happened to catch up with the Qingcheng Mystery to open, presumably more people will participate, and the competition will be more intense.

After thinking about it, Ling Xian still decided not to participate. He already has the secret token, and is not going to show the limelight, not to mention that his current practice is not necessarily able to win the first place. After all, he does n’t have the cultivation method. No spell, unless he is willing to expose the world to the eyes.


A thunderous voice disrupted Ling Xian's thoughts. Hearing this voice, the corner of his mouth could not help but raise a bright smile.

The entire Ling family is only willing to call his brother kindly. There is only one who grew up with him since he was a child. He has not alienated him in the slightest because he cannot cultivate. Although they are not related, they are better than relatives. Brothers have to kiss.

Pushing the door open, she saw a dark-skinned boy standing outside the gate.

He has a strong face and a strong body. He looks like he is eighteen or nine years old, but in fact, he is the same age as Ling Xian, just because his body is tall and strong, so he looks a lot bigger than Ling Xian.

"Come in, what are you polite to my house?" Ling Xian smiled at the only brother in front of her.

"Hey." Ling Hu scratched his head and smiled thickly: "I just saw Miss Ling crying and ran out of your house, brother, is that rumor true?"

"When did your kid gossip like this?" Ling Xian smirked and told: "Fake, don't tell others that she's been to me, remember?"

Ling Hu grinned, and his dark face clearly stated the words "I don't believe it," but when he saw Ling Xian glared at him, he immediately said, "Remember brother, hey, I won't say it in a mess."

Ling Xian nodded and said, "Come in, just sit."

"Brother, I heard that you can cultivate? And also defeated Ling Bai's arrogant guy and broke the family's highest secret Canglang Jianjue?" As soon as he entered the room, Linghu casually found a chair to sit down and couldn't wait. Asked

"Well, how are you, my brother is amazing, right?" Ling Xian smiled.

"Great! I know that the dragons and phoenixes in the brothers are going to fly into the sky sooner or later!" After hearing Ling Xian's reply, Ling Hu's thick face showed a sincere smile, and he was happy for Ling Xian's blockbuster.

Ling Xian's heart warmed up. Thinking of these years, Ling Hu and his mother took care of themselves, their eyes were slightly moist, patted his shoulder, and said seriously: "Huzi, thank you, thank you and your mother for so many years Take care, starting today, I will definitely repay you! "

"Brother, what are you talking about? If you hadn't given my family's pension to my mother for treatment, I wouldn't have been my mother for a long time, so I should say thank you, you're kind to our family. Germany, I haven't finished my whole life! "Ling Hu's eyes turned red and his words were loud.

"Okay, our brothers don't talk about this. How is Auntie's condition recently?" Ling Xian asked.

Hearing that, Ling Hu's expression suddenly became dark, and he held his head and said nothing.

"What's the matter, tell me!" Ling Xian sank, and had a bad hunch.

Ling Hu was silent for a moment, and whispered, "My mother didn't let me tell you, I was afraid you were worried, but my heart was uncomfortable. My mother's condition ... not so good, she was just a mortal, her body was weak Coupled with the prolonged delay, the doctor saw it two days ago and said that he had fallen ill and the medicine had no effect. "

"Did the medicine stone work ..." Ling Xian's brows frowned, and his parents died when he was young. Ling Hu's mother has been taking care of him, giving him a touch of family warmth. It was just that Ling Hu Niang's health was not good. When he was seven years old, he suffered from a kind of chronic illness. Because there was no spirit stone in the family to see a doctor, he has been dragged on until now.

"Yeah, at first I didn't know what it meant. Later, my mother told me that it meant nothing." Ling Hu lowered his head, shed two lines of tears, and the whole person was full of sadness.

The man did not cry easily, but he did not reach the sad spot.

With a long sigh, Ling Xian was also full of sorrow. She patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Tiger, don't you feel bad first, the damned lady has her own sky, and she will definitely get through this difficult time."

"What else can I do?" Although Ling Hu was only fourteen years old, he was always strong and a man with a strong iron. But now he couldn't help crying. His huge fists were clenched, and he was unable to release them. Murmured: "Three years ago, the doctor said that if there was a rejuvenator, it would cure my mother's ills. In recent years, I have worked hard to work for others and earn spiritual stones. I just want to buy one. Huichundan cured my mother ’s illness, but until now, I have n’t saved enough spiritual stones, but my mother has become ill and Huichundan has no effect. ”

"Elixir ..." A flash of aura flashed, Ling Xian rejoiced: "Tiger, I think, maybe I have a way."

"Do you have a way?" As if the falling water grabbed the life-saving straw, Ling Hu raised his head violently, a flash of hope flashed in his tearful eyes.

Ling Xian nodded strongly, Shen said: "Yes, since three years ago, the doctor said that Huichundan is useful, then now, as long as there is a better effect than Huichundan, it will definitely save the mother."

"Yeah, brother, you're still smart. My head is just a display. It's too stupid." Ling Hu patted his head and stood up with a vacant smile, laughing. But the next moment, he sat down on the ground with a disappointed butt, and said sadly, "What about a miracle that can cure my mother? A chundan, I ca n’t afford a psychic stone that I have saved for three years, more Don't say it is a better panacea. "

His resolute face was full of helplessness, and the strongness of the past was turned into weakness. His healthy body seemed to be under heavy pressure, and he was clumped together weakly, holding his head with both hands, and repeatedly saying, "No spirit stone" in his mouth, "evil" This kind of words.

This is the sorrow of the poor.

In this world that once could be achieved by eternal life, what kind of mortal stubborn disease is calculated? It is a pity that Linghu has no spiritual stone and cannot afford a life-saving miracle.

His talent is actually very good, but because of the illness of his mother-in-law, he has to go to work to earn spiritual stones, which has delayed a lot of time, otherwise his current practice is not to have only three layers of gas refining.

"Stand up for me! See how you look decadent now, or the iron man I know? You have survived for so many years, and now there is hope, how can you persuade?" Ling Xian frowned, Hate iron is not steel.

"Brother! That's not hope! Then the **** is desperate! A rejuvenant needs 3,000 spirit stones. How many spirit stones are better than it? I have been greedy for three years, and I only saved one. Thousands of spirit stones, where do you let me go ... "Ling Hu hissed and yelled exhaustedly, but finally turned into a sad groan.

"Who says there is no spirit stone? You don't, I have it!" Ling Xian smiled lightly.

"What ?!" Ling Hu raised his head fiercely, staring at Ling Xian with his eyes dead, and anxiously said, "Brother, do you really have it? Don't lie to me."

"When did I lie to you? What do you think this is?" Ling Xian waved her hand, and 20,000 spirit stones laid on the ground, flickering with a halo.

Ling Hu was stunned looking at the hill where the spiritual stones were piled up, with shock, joy, and unbelief in his eyes.


He slaps himself fiercely, Ling Hu weeping with joy, as if in evil, murmured dullly: "It is not a dream, this is true, a lot of spiritual stones ... the mother has been saved, she has been saved."

"Full 20,000 spirit stones, how about, brother did not lie to you." Ling Xian looked at his dark face full of joy, there was a complex mood breeding in his heart, there is joy, and there is also pride. The joy is with these Lingshi, Auntie will no longer be tortured by illness, Linghu will no longer have to get up early and work hard to earn Lingshi, so you can settle down and practice well.

Pride is that he finally has the ability to help those he cares for, let those he wants to protect live a good life, and have the capital to settle down in this cruel world.

That feeling is really wonderful.