MTL - Part-Time Taoist Priest-Chapter 65 To finish

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The two Taoist priests carried the Fangxu Mountain, which had just been rushed to change clothes, and went downstairs with the flow of people. Because the alarm of the emergency evacuation sounded loud, the hotel guests went downstairs.

It was only at dusk at this time, and the guests were not too many. The thunder was heard by people on several floors, but it was not really cut across the wall. It was impossible to say that it was fried and they believed the kettle. .

Xie Lingya, who is still very fond of using the kettle as a head, temporarily let go of the idea of ​​breaking the kettle to help him back the pot, and discuss with others that he will die and not recognize himself.

Anyway, there is no trace in their room.

The hotel official was scared to death, heard the loud noise inside, afraid of an accident, started emergency evacuation and reported the police.

When Xie Lingya went downstairs, she even reported the police. She felt a little guilty. This is not a sneak peek. Going to the top to check, I can't find anything.

Fortunately, at this time, Fangxu Mountain woke up and found that he was still on the back of the person and asked weakly: "What happened to me?"

Xie Lingya said things in a few words and said: "The abbot, you see if you can contact the police through local friends, blur this thing?"

The hotel and the police could not find out, but many people heard the thunder, and the surrounding guests were discussing it. If everyone thinks like a buzz, will you think that there are monsters in the hotel to rob?

Xie Lingya remembered that the former abbot had shown ability, and the bones of the Hongyang Road stronghold were also handled by the police.

Fang Xuanshan was somewhat imaginary after being attached to the body, but still took out the mobile phone: "Help me to a quiet place, I will call a few calls."

At this time, someone asked them if they were residents of a certain room, and then said that according to the judgment, the sound seemed to be from the room of their room. The few were packed by Taoist priests, and there were no residents in the next few rooms.

Xie Lingya knows that Fangxu Mountain is trusting people. He listens to him saying that there are no other guests around. He doesn’t think how it is. Other Taoists have some thin faces. He is unscrupulous. The waiter who has looked down and asked is not right. Said: "We are also very strange, how can there be such a big movement, and quickly went downstairs, not dare to check."

In fact, the people in the hotel want to ask, is this movement related to you? All said so clearly, Xie Lingya still has nothing to say, can only ask more straightly: "This... what did several people do in the room?"

"Several leaders are reading books, and the Taoist can do anything." Xie Lingya casually said, "Do you think our alchemy furnace is blown up."

Everyone: "..."

Not to mention, when they changed clothes for Fang Xuanshan, how much cinnabar was on the body, it was really suspicious!

The people next to him will hear a few words, what room, alchemy and the like.

However, the police arrived at this time and went upstairs to check it out, but it took a long time to come down and say nothing, a misunderstanding.

The guests returned to the room in twos and threes, and at this time, the monks returned to the hotel. The Buddhist temple they went to was far away in the mountains, so they missed the whole game and did not even catch up.

The guests asked the reason carefully, but also a bit vague, it is said that a few sounds together with sound effects, mischief, false alarms do not care. Who can do this kind of prank in the hotel? Can't you catch it? Which room is it?

After a while, the police were greeted and greeted, and they all responded vaguely. Until later, Xie Lingya listened to the local counterparts. I don’t know how, there are rumors that the nameless loud noise is not a mischief, but a few Taoist priests. In the hotel alchemy bombed...

Compared with pranks, this statement is more popular and has become an urban anecdote that everyone talks about.

What else is there to prove that the hotel did live in the Taoist priests and was on the first floor of the loud noise, except that they had no other guests at all, not that they were alchemy and they were playing the sound.


Back to the present, Xie Lingya is ready to depart for Yang.

At this time, there were two stops in the group, but Xie Lingya’s left hand could not be lifted, or he would return to Yang. As for the follow-up matters of Qiwu and Tianzhu, they will naturally host the Lotus talks and Fangxu Mountain.

However, this time, Xie Lingya also knows some of the same people, and even more than a gentleman, everyone fought together, the feelings are unusual, and I will contact you after the appointment.

It is these same fellows, because I saw Xie Lingya’s on-the-spot paintings and helped him to spread the reputation of the human-printed printer more farther.

This time, I went out for more than half a month. When I came back, the weather in Yang was changed, and I entered the hot summer.

Xie Lingya has a soft hand, and Shi Changhang does not ask him to take his luggage. He is taking care of himself along the way. The luggage of two people is also taken by himself.

Going back to Baoyang Temple, I saw a tea drinker in the courtyard. Zhang Daoyu was watering the flowers. A group of people around him took a camera and a mobile phone to shoot him. He sat in the sun to read a book, and the rest of the road, volunteers and customers.

This familiar scene made Xie Lingya feel very special. After leaving for a while, I really wanted to see it.

There was a familiar good faith to see him say hello, and Zhang Daoxuan and others also seemed to have to take over the luggage. In particular, Xie Lingya’s hand is not hanging like a bone. They are not too afraid to touch Lingya, fearing that he will be broken.

When I arrived at the backyard, I was rushing from the clinic in a while. "I heard that Xie always made a contribution outside. How many wounds did you make?"

“No,” Xie Lingya said proudly. “It’s just a force.”

The sea watched the tide and checked it seriously. "Fortunately, this is your left hand. If you are right hand, how to write, eat, what?"

Everyone: "..."

Xie Lingya: "...What??"

The sea view is still a doctor with a straight face: "What is that, take a shower."

The presenters are all male, and Xie Lingya is not the first day to know the sea view, how can he be fooled by his sneak, and said: "I can wash with one hand."

Liu Bohe joked: "That's still a little thank you for washing? How much better to take care of Shi Daochang."

Before Xie Lingya was injured, everyone knows that Shi Daochang took care of him carefully, so he made an exaggerated joke, as if he could help him bathe.

Shi Chang sued a little dull. At that time, his mood was not the same as that of the present. At that time, he was embarrassed to enter the bathroom. He only occasionally took the hand to help. Now he is also embarrassed, but the meaning is different.

Xie Lingya did not notice that he left for a while, and went down to see the construction progress with one hand.

These days, he gave him a stare, and there was no problem at all, so he let go of his heart.


After a few days, the news was reported. The official cracked down on the resurgence of the folk martyrdom, distributed brochures to the villagers, etc., and they talked about them all, and the eroded Taoist temples and temples were thoroughly investigated.

According to the results of interrogating some Hongyang Taoists, the gods first came out from the Yuanjun Temple. The abbot did not think so much at first, thinking that it was hidden by the predecessors. It is not surprising that the statue is still a statue of Buddha.

In ancient times, some temples were not only one religion. In particular, during the turmoil, a priest may have been taken. When a group of monks came, they moved the statue to the back and changed the cards into temples. The monks left, the Taoist came back and got back. Taoist temple.

According to the records of the scriptures and the gods, a generation of ancestors of Hongyang Road were hidden in the temple at the time, and they were hidden in the temple. It was originally made for the people in the temple at that time. In Cao Yingxin’s Taoist priest in Han,

This is a very common thing. With such help, it is possible to let some of the scriptures remain in the temple for a hundred years without being destroyed by the government. But these things were passed on, and I didn't know that the Taoist priests had gone out of their way and forgot it.

After so many years, I only saw the day in He Miaotian's hand. She just looked at the scriptures and had not studied anything. She was fascinated because she did not lose two statues in time.

The two statues are not simple. They are the ancient objects that the Red Sun Road enshrines for three or four generations and hundreds of years. They have had some small energy resistance under the evil law. This time, returning to the world and attracting new believers, they will be asked to add more to them, and they will have to add some souls to increase their strength.

The ancestors of the mixed yuan and the unborn mothers are the gods made by the people of Hongyang. These two gods are made up of ideas, and they really regard themselves as the ancestors of the mixed yuan and the innocent mothers. In fact, they are only seniors of the five gods. .

There are some other details, most of which are not much different from Xie Lingya's previous speculation. The role of the baby spirit is now called the monk's organization.

In a few days, Xie Lingya ran to the city hospital himself. His hands did not recover, but he did not trust Haiguan tide to run elsewhere. Instead, Song Jing was pregnant in October, and the expected date of delivery came to the listed hospital. produce.

Because the Baoyang view is now crowded, and for the sake of convenience, Xie Fu is in the hospital to accompany the bed.

When Xie’s father first came, Xie Lingya used to take a look at it. When the child was finished, he went to visit. His relationship with Song Jing was faint. On the contrary, after Song Jing’s pregnancy, he had more exchanges, but he was not close.

Song Jing gave birth to a girl. Xie’s father got a daughter at this age and was very fond of it. When Xie Lingya came to see it, the child’s eyes had not been opened, just like a kitten, just eating full milk.

Xie Fu named his daughter Xie Lingsi, also called Xie Lingya.

Xie Lingya saw that her sister was still a favorite, but it was inconvenient to push her hand.

"There is nothing to hold, you try." Xie Fu had the heart to let him and his sister get closer and teach him to hold.

Xie Lingya held her sister with one hand and looked down at her pink mouth. He squatted a few times, his face was round and very cute.

Xie Fu took a picture of Zhang Zhao and took it back. After all, it was the second time to be a father. Although it was a long time, he quickly found it and he was very skilled.

The hospital bed in the city was tight, Song Jing did not live in the single room, and there were two maternity women in the ward, which had been produced for a few days. There are also maternity women living next door who are familiar with these days. There are maternity walks coming here. Her mother-in-law also holds the children. Everyone chats and praises the children. They love to cry on the day of their birth. It is foreseeable how to toss the parents in the future.

The people in the ward said that it was too clever. There were three newborns in their ward, one who didn't cry, and they were very embarrassed. They didn't toss their mothers very much. The three families were relaxed.

Xie Fu’s heart has a lingering fear. “Speaking, Xie Lingya also loves to cry when he is a child, and he is crying day and night, then you will give it to you... then what is good.”

Xie Lingya also knows that he has no memory, but listened to the adults said that when the child was young, the spirits were not covered, and the spirituality still existed. Moreover, Xie Lingya was strong and easy to be shocked. It was Wang Yuji who gave him a curse.

"How is it?" the family asked curiously.

"It is the nightingale." Xie Fu said, he did not know whether people would believe this.

However, they really don't mind how to ask if there is any channel for Xie. The spells of the nightingale have always been very popular. Until the time of Xie Lingya, I can see the most common way to cure the children’s nightingale. It is the red paper wall on the outside, which reads “The Emperor of the Emperor, the Emperor of the Earth, my family has a Night Cry Lang. Passing the gentleman to read it three times, and sleep until dawn."

However, this is actually not very effective. It is just a simple and well-known person.

Xie Fu looked at Xie Lingya, he couldn't, Wang Yuji went, and I don't know Xie Lingya learned this festival.

This is a small matter, and I will help you. Xie Lingya said: "Is it sure that it is pathological, and the child may feel uncomfortable or crying."

They didn't have children crying in this ward. It was a child's health, and he sent a talisman to Song Jing.

"The body is not good, just lived in the incubator for two days, and also took the medicine." The parents said.

"That may be that the body is uncomfortable and crying. It is not the same as when I was a child." Xie Lingya said, seeing what they look like, and saying, "If you are still sick and still crying, use this method: take liquor Open a piece of cinnabar, then use such a large yellow paper, write a field with a brush and cinnabar, while writing and reading, children are no night, Zhu Shutian is in the navel... After reading, yellow paper is attached to the child's navel."

Xie Lingya did not know which kind of nightingale character Wang Yuji used when he was a child, but this trick was learned from "Lefa", so it was also especially effective for the unscientific nightingale.

The family turned this happy, remember it carefully, thank him.

There is no secret in the heap. After two days, the family was not used, but it was passed to other wards. A few days later, several maternal family members came here to thank the father, because they could not find Xie Lingya. They all said that his son’s method was used, and the children’s nightingales have not only improved a lot.

The mother had to breastfeed every two or three hours, and the rest had been bad at night. The child was very troubled by the troubles. This is really a blessing to everyone, and it is much more powerful than the mantra of the Emperor. As for this is not superstition, who is in charge of him.

As for Xie Lingya, after he went back, he received a photo from Xie Fu, and when he was in a whim, he sent it to a circle of friends.

In the photo, he was hanging with one hand, his sleeves were slightly wide, his fingers were covered, and the children were all with one hand. Everyone couldn’t help but comment on the skin: Yang Guo, what happened to your hand?

Some people turned over the photos of Xie Lingya’s cranes before and said, “It’s really a contemporary Yang, but your family is a crane brother!”

"It makes sense, Quanzhen teach = Baoyang view."


It’s no problem to talk about in the circle of friends, but also to the school.

It didn't take long for Xie Lingya to start school and formally become a student of Yandong College. He did not apply for a postgraduate dormitory, but he still lived in Baoyang Temple. Sometimes he could go to school with Shi Changhang.

Because his undergraduate degree is graduated from Jidong College, some students, seniors, younger siblings are still in school, and they are the legendary candidates for postgraduate examinations. Although there are many rumors, but a few teachers and students still know.

When I reported that I was wandering around, there was a person who participated in the circle of friends and smiled and continued to tease him, making other people laugh and haha ​​said that it really meant a little.

The main reason is that there are very few people living in Taoist Temple, and the information of Xie Lingya is blurred.

"Go to yours." Xie Lingya smiled.

Xie Lingya was also interesting when he went to see the mentor. His teacher, Professor Zhu, knew that Xie Lingya was the legendary candidate who vomited blood in the examination room. After reading the photos, I saw that I was very well recognized. I saw that one hand was soft, Yang had nothing to do, he did not expect that the light was Scared: "If you have a broken hand, go to the hospital soon! The exam is once a year, and the registration is not impossible. After that, don't be reluctant to go to class. Please take time off for leave!"

Xie Lingya was shocked by his movements, crying and laughing: "Professor, my hand was injured some time ago, no strength, but not broken, I will recover."

"I can hear that when you went to the examination room, you said that the injury was the one you used to be brave in the past. It doesn't matter." In Professor Zhu's heart, Xie Lingya is a student who does not pay the price for going to school. This kind of thing will be considered by others. He really Do it!

Usually, the old students are advised to be diligent. When seeing such a diligent student, Professor Zhu still trembles.

Xie Lingya quickly picked up his sleeves and tried to move his left hand to show him. Professor Zhu believed that it was really okay.

However, after this, the relationship between teachers and students has narrowed.

“I heard that you are starting your own business outside the school now?” Professor Zhu asked in a serious manner.

Xie Lingya: "..."

Xie Lingya: "No, not entrepreneurship, that is what I left behind...not an industry in the ordinary sense, it is a Taoist!"

"I know it is Taoist, but I don't know if it was not your own contract. It seems that my information is wrong." Professor Zhu smiled. "Whatever you open, I don't care, I don't break the law, I just want to remind you, balance well later." Work and study, don't be too tired."

Later, I said a few words to persuade Lingya to pay attention to rest.

Xie Lingya was dizzy. His vomiting blood scared the teachers into what they had. He had to take a few breaks to make him rest. He was embarrassed.

But the things here are hard to explain. Xie Lingya simply agreed to let down, and asked the teacher to go to Taoist tea.

"People are now calling me Yang!" Xie Lingya stood on the edge of the bed and said.

Shi Changhang is helping him to wear clothes together. He is inconvenient with one hand. He put his hand in his sleeve and looked at Xie Lingya. "Not like."

"I don't think it's like it. I haven't handed over a girlfriend!" Xie Lingya is quite proud. He still has someone to laugh at him.

Shi Chang hangs over and does not know what it is.

Xie Lingya, like a ghost, said: "But you are a bit like a little dragon girl."

Shi Changhang: "..."

Xie Lingya said that he was wrong. He was not malicious, but it was difficult to ensure that people would not feel disrespectful. He quickly added two sentences: "It is a temperament, no other meaning. Brother, I am wrong."

For the first time, he was called Shi Chang’s brother, so he sold his words in the past. Shi Changhang is a disciple of Wang Yuji. It is no problem to call it.

Shi Changhang gave the button, and heard the words "Senior Brother". Xie Lingya still had a pure face, but his heart was hot, and the urge to move up, step forward.

The two were very close, and Shi Changhang went one step further. One foot was accompanied by Xie Lingya's foot, and the body was very close. Xie Lingya was shocked. Shi Changhang was a little taller than him. Looking down slightly, his eyes were a little scary.

No, it can't be said to be terrible. Xie Lingya is only being seen as panic, but knows that Shi Changhang does not hurt him. He wanted to retire, but behind him was a bed, and he held a hand and grabbed it on his clothes.

Xie Lingya: "...not at all, not at all like it!"

Can be extended or not let go, Xie Lingya thought of the first two different, what is in the mind.

Shi Changhanged closer and placed one hand on Xie Lingya's chin.

Xie Lingya can still spend a lot of words, and then he was a little embarrassed to see it. The thoughts screamed in confusion: "Brothers..."

Shi Changhang is weighing, he will not shout, or other names of shouting also have room for turning, but these two words seem to fall on the long mind.

Shi Changhang couldn't help himself, and he couldn't help but bow his head and kissed him on his lips.

Xie Lingya watched the long hanging movement, and the long hanging motion was not fast, but as a steel straight man, until the long hanging lips and his only one centimeter distance, he still thought, maybe the long hanging is to Do other things. Do not hide, I am determined not to hide.

When the two people licked their noses and the touch on their lips was clear, Xie Lingya was only black. It turns out that the two words in the brain that are coming out are writing: to be finished.