MTL - Path of Medicine With a System-v2 Chapter 1869 philosophy of life

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  In July of Chasu, the weather is obviously hotter. The high temperature is more than 30 degrees, and people who are hot are a little lazy, but Chasu Street is obviously different from before in the past two years.

  In the past, there were many young men and few young women in such frontier towns. After all, it was easier for women than men to stay in big cities. However, because of the emergence of the tea hospital, the enterprises in the high-tech zone appeared one by one like mushrooms after the rain. This also created a lot of jobs.

   This is not a particularly obvious change, Zhang Fan found it on the street. Zhang Fan has been here in the past few years, and he has never seen a girl wearing a backless dress on the street. This weekend, when he accompanied Shao Hua and brought Zhibo to the street to buy something, he saw several young modern girls with a backless and ultra-short .

  Under the sun, the skin is slightly wheat-colored, the thighs are full of muscles and full of power, and the chest is raised, and the pink or white buttocks are sometimes hidden. Walking on the street, it really looks like a little leopard.

   Originally accompanied Shao Hua to take Zhibo to the street, but just stopped the car and walked a few steps, he ran into Jia Suyue, not only Jia Suyue but also her parents.

  It's summer, Shao Hua wants to buy some clothes for Zhang Fan, otherwise Zhang Fan won't be shopping today.

   "Ah, ah, ah, my little fat man!" After Jia Suyue saw Zhang Zhibo on the street, he exaggeratedly made Zhibo crawl into Shao Hua's arms desperately. That is to say, he can't speak. If he could speak, he would definitely dance and curse: Are you crazy!

   "Hello, Auntie and Uncle!" Shao Hua and Zhang Fan greeted with a smile.

  Zhang Fan met Princess Jia’s wife once when he was doing appendectomy for Jia Suyue’s relatives. Jia Suyue’s father often saw him, such as during meetings.

   "Zhang Yuan, what a coincidence today, we met here, why don't we have dinner together later?"

  Jia Suyue's father also greeted Zhang Fan with a smile, and invited Zhang Fan to dinner while smiling. In fact, he knew that Zhang Fan would definitely not agree.

   "Another day, I will treat my uncle and aunt to dinner, and I will go to the farm this afternoon. The child's grandpa insists on preparing local eggs for the child."

  Old lady, go shopping with daddy, I will go shopping with my fat son! "Jia Su said carelessly to her old mother.

  Mother Jia Suyue opened her mouth, but she still didn't say anything. Seeing Jia Suyue walking away with Shao Hua and the others, her mother let out a long sigh, "I'm still dead! Back then, I shouldn't have asked the head nurse to introduce me, and now the girls I've got don't even go on blind dates.

"Okay, don't sigh, it's a good thing if you don't like it, it's not like our girl can't get married, let's go, don't look at it." In fact, Jia Suyue's father still didn't say a word, "That spoiled girl of my own Personality may not be suitable for Zhang Fan!"

  But Jia Suyue's old lady is quite uncomfortable.

  Zhibo was a little fussy in Jia Suyue's arms, and Zhang Fan understood at a glance that Princess Jia's perfume smelled too strong. Zhibo was not used to it, so Zhang Fan pushed Shao Hua, "Don't pee all over you, tell him to go to the bathroom earlier."

  Shao Hua took Zhibo with a smile and handed it to Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan could feel his son's muscles relax while holding his son.

  After Zhang Fan found an excuse to leave with his son, Jia Suyue and Shao Hua were also happy to go shopping. "What to buy?"...

   "It's summer, buy some summer clothes for his grandpa."

"What about you, don't you buy it? I said that you are too good at living. Look at you. You are wearing aunt's clothes now. Zhang Fan must earn at least one million a year. What are you saving? If that day You were abducted by a younger little fox, you did not lose! Besides, you gave birth to him a big fat boy.

  You are the hero now...」

    Boo, boo, boo, Jia Suyue kept feeding her ideas. With a slight smile on her face, she seemed to be listening again, but in fact, she was thinking that she needed to add something to the family.

  To be honest, only Shao Hua can influence Jia Suyue, and Jia Suyue can't influence Shao Hua at all.

   "The last time I saw Wang Yanan was with a policeman, Yanan looked like a lawsuit, and the policeman felt that Yanan was intimidated."

   "Really?" Said that Shao Hua became more energetic, "Call Yanan quickly and ask her to come out."


  Yue is also a good person. He wanted to make a call at first, but when he heard it, he quickly took out his bad fruit phone and called Wang Yanan. "Oh my god, it's almost noon, are you still sleeping?"

   "I had an operation last night, what's the matter?" Wang Yanan replied in a daze on the phone.

  In the department, after Wang Yanan became Uncle Wang, some people stared at refilling water at any time while drinking tea, and some rushed to get food when eating. Even Wang Yanan hadn’t written a medical record for a long time now.

  There may be good things, but there are bad things, such as surgery in the department, when daily surgery encounters difficulties, Wang Yanan needs to help deal with it or even replace the surgeon to perform the operation.

  Emergency department is the same. When encountering an operation that the doctor on duty cannot perform, Wang Yanan needs to go to the department to deal with it no matter whether he is still asleep or bubbling in his sleep.

  Because these orthopedics departments in the hospital were established later, there were only two orthopedics departments in the past, but now there are seven or eight orthopedics departments, and young people have taken the position of department leaders. For example, Wang Yanan's department is no longer in the third department of orthopedics, but bone and joint surgery!

  At the beginning, many old orthopedic surgeons wanted to develop their department into a department that mainly focused on joint replacement. This was definitely not a dispute between the business direction or the academic direction, and it was completely out of money. After all, for a joint replacement operation, the instrument can pack an envelope full to the doctor.

And Wang Yanan resisted all opinions. Of course, she also borrowed Zhang Fan's name, and she was a little pretentious. She wanted to develop arthroscopic treatments for various types of bone and joint diseases, including meniscus injuries, cruciate ligament injuries, shoulder injuries, etc. cuff injury, joint loose body, patellar subluxation, and various synovial inflammatory lesions, etc.

  Even when this department was first established, many old orthopedic surgeons offered to apply for another department. If others, such as Lu Shuyan, would definitely complain to Zhang Fan.

  Wang Yanan no, gritted her teeth and worked hard in the department day and night. If there was no patient number, she mobilized equipment manufacturers and drug dealers to advertise in other hospitals, and even said that the doctor would sign and recommend a patient number, and she would give the signatory doctor 100 yuan.

   Just stumbled like this, I stumbled into the third department of orthopedics, that is, the department of joint orthopedics. After the department got a little better, they brought Old Zhao from Shuitanzi and a large group of doctors related to her to give lectures, give reports, and observe operations. …

  After working for a few days, the third department of Chasu Orthopedics has become the leader in frontier joint orthopedics. Some local tyrants even paid special fees for Wang Yanan to perform the surgery.

  Sometimes, Zhang Fan has to sigh with emotion that Wang Yanan is a born orthopedic surgeon. Of course, after showing a saint in front of people, he would urinate blood.

  In the past few years, in the words of Wang Yanan's mother, her daughter is as tired as a plague chicken, and she doesn't even have the strength to raise her head when she goes home.

   "Get up quickly, don't sleep, invite Shao Hua and I to have hot pot.

  Wang Yanan stared at the dark circles under his eyes and woke up, not because he was not sleepy, but because Jia Suyue was too noisy.

  Zhang Fan and Zhang Zhibo lived together peacefully for about half an hour, and the fart child was like a cigarette addict, crying and making trouble, even pulling Zhang Fan's shirt to make a fuss.

  Zhang Fan was so hurtful that he couldn’t help it. He tried to divert the kid’s attention in various ways, but it didn’t work at all. What was written in the book used a toy with sound, a toy he hadn’t seen before, it didn’t work.

  Even if you haven’t seen it before, you can still play with it for ten seconds if you hold it in your hand. After you think it’s boring, you immediately throw it away and start making trouble.

  Zhang Fan had no choice but to find Shao Hua.

  「I have to buy some tableware for my family. Sometimes there are too many people coming to the house, and there are not enough people.」

  「I am good at buying tableware, I am a professional in this.」

  'You don't cook, you know this? "Shao Hua asked curiously.

  Jia Suyue took Shao Hua into a tableware store that just opened in Vientiane, and Shao Hua didn't really want to go in when he saw the door. A store that sells tableware looks like a few big fortunes that sell gold and jewelry. Not to mention the tall appearance, and the beautiful welcome guests standing at the door can be used as car models.

   Shao Hua, who was pulled in, was reluctant, but it was normal once he entered the door. If he pushed and pulled, people would look down on him.

  「Oh my God, how much does it cost more than three thousand for a broken glass?」

  「Be good, a broken

   There are tens of thousands of plates, not a set, what kind of dishes can be put on this plate alone! "

  Shao Hua looked at the price of the product in surprise. Although there was no expression on his face, he took a quick look and wanted to drag Jia Suyue out.

  Although he didn't encounter the contempt of the salesperson, Shao Hua always felt that this thing really sells tableware?

   "Listen, listen, does the sound of this cup sound like the Honglu bell?"

"Well, yes, really!" Shao Hua nodded perfunctorily, if it wasn't for the beautiful salesman standing beside him who smiled and said nothing, Shao Hua would definitely clean up Jia Suyue with grinning teeth. Did the chime strike?

  When Jia Suyue put down the cup and was about to pick up the plate and say something about pinching enamel, Shao Hua acted like "Zhibo's meal time is up, and he's chasing a thief. Hurry up, hurry up, or you'll cry again!"

  Shao Hua turned around and left, "What a wonderful thing, you..."

   "Okay, just spare me, I think Zhang Fan will go crazy after buying this thing!" Shao Hua excused Zhang Fan to silence Jia Suyue's chatter.

   In fact, the couple is like this, covering each other, this covering, couples with low emotional intelligence can quarrel. Shao Hua and Zhang Fan can't!

  Actually, it's not that Shao Hua can't afford these things, but that they are really unnecessary.

  Shao Hua would rather buy a glass-grown jade worth 800 yuan than this thing.

   After all, if you buy 800 jade, you can only say that you don’t know the goods, but if you buy this tableware, you are out of your mind.

   Shao Hua, who was far away, wanted to laugh when he saw Zhang Fan.

  From the time I met Zhang Fan, I have almost never seen Zhang Fan in such a mess.

  In the crowd, Zhang Fan hugged the crying child, while trying to coax him, he fumbled for his phone.

After seeing Shao Hua, Zhibo stopped crying, and came out a little bit of small teeth, babbling to tell Zhang Fan what was wrong, Zhang Fan gritted his teeth and gently pinched his little buttocks, "You are unreasonable!" !"

  When Wang Yanan arrived, Zhang Fan and Jia Suyue sat on the bench boredly, and they looked at each other, as if they had enmity.

   "Why did you come here? If you don't come, I will starve to death!" Jia Suyue sent Wang Yanan angrily.

   "Okay, okay. Let's eat now!" Wang Yanan is like an elder comforting a younger generation.

  But to Zhang Fan, Wang Yanan asked sharply: "Zhang Yuan, come to go shopping in person today!"