MTL - Peach Pit Landlord-Chapter 49 Network red man

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The driver also saw what happened behind him through the rearview mirror. Although he is also an old driver, it is the first time that someone has dared to do it in the train. Since most of the passengers indicated that they were going to the Public Security Bureau, the driver immediately yelled "all are holding on to the prison" and then stepped on the gas pedal and went straight to the nearest police station.

Li Yuan did not say anything from beginning to end, just silently holding the phone and taking all the passes. Until the young people surrounded Wu Hua and started to work, Li Yuan turned off the mobile phone and sighed in his heart: "Oh, revenge is cool, now the buddy feels much better!"

Thinking of Li Yuan carefully taking care of his own mobile phone, he thought: "Go back and put this video on the Internet to ensure that this kid will be able to get angry soon! Oh, what's the name, it's called' 25-way change-state-color-magic shape", or 'the birth of a change-state', go back and think about it!"

Just when Li Yuan considered the name of the video, the bus driver played at a super level and drove the huge bus out of the level of the F1 car. It actually exceeded a lot of cars along the way, and soon it was opened to the entrance of the Songmufang police station.

Wu Hua, who had already smashed a slap in the face, was dragged off by a few young people who were out of the sense of justice, followed by the two old aunts who were filled with indignation. As for the young girl who had been standing in front of Wu Hua, she also got off the bus as a victim. It seems that this girl is not too scared, and there are still a few teardrops on her face.

The police officers at the entrance of the police station saw such a scene, and they were somewhat overwhelmed. They quickly greeted them and asked them what they were. After understanding the general events, the people were allowed to enter the police station.

During this period, Wu Hua at the gate of the police station also caught the attention of many passers-by. Many people took out their mobile phones and sent them to a circle of friends. It seems that they don’t have to wait for Li Yuan to upload the video, this guy can already get fire.

Holding the purpose of "doing good things without leaving a name", Li Yuan did not get off to be a witness. Anyway, I am willing to have so many passengers, and I don’t need him to go any further.

As for how the police will determine this matter, Li Yuan did not think much. Even if he can finally prove that Wu Hua was doing this because he was stung by a bee, the face of this guy has already been lost.

What's more, after the tossing in the car, the little bees have long since disappeared. Wu Hua wants to prove this, it is still very difficult. On the other hand, the word of the mouth accused Wu Hua of rogue passengers, this guy's end is definitely not optimistic.

After Wu Hua and others were sent to the police station, the driver’s uncle quickly drove the bus away. However, he felt that he had done a good job, so he was full of spring breeze on the way, and he looked very good.

Li Yuan was sitting in the last row of the bus and dialed Song Yuxin’s phone call: "Song police officer, I am Li Yuan."

"Li Yuan, how did you call me?" Song Yuxin at the end of the phone was a glimpse, then immediately realized: "Is it the owner of the phone number?"

Li Yuan’s mood is very good, so he smiled and said: “It’s a good policeman. The first thing that comes to mind is to solve the case, admire and admire!”

If Li Yuan said that Song Yuxin is beautiful or good, she may be very disgusted. However, Li Yuan now praises her as a good policeman, but also makes Song Yuxin quite content.

Of course, Song Yuxin will never show his grievance in front of Li Yuan, but he can't wait to urge: "Don't give me a sloppy eye, hurry up and focus."

"The point is that I know who the owner of that number is." Li Yuan also said: "He is the son of my landlord Wu Jinlong, named Wu Hua, you should be able to find this person easily."

I didn't expect to have troubled my own problems for many days. It was really solved by Li Yuan so quickly. Song Yuxin also said with some surprises: "Can you be sure?"

"This is only a try to know, I have no reason to lie to you in this matter!" Li Yuan said faintly: "By the way, Wu Hua is now at the Pine Square police station in Yangping District, you just have to check his mobile phone. Everything is clear."

“Yangping District Songmuchang Police Station?” Song Yuxin asked suspiciously: “How come you know so clearly?”

Li Yuan impatiently said: "You are not very old, how can you be so arrogant. Anyway, I said what I said, what should I do? Look at it yourself! The telephone bill is very expensive, don't say it, bye!"

"Hey, hello!" Song Yuxin at the other end of the phone called a few times, but only heard the busy tone of Dudu, and could not help but wrinkle her eyebrows: "I dare to say that I am arrogant, hey, wait for you, sooner or later, I want you to look good." !"

Although this is the case, in fact, Song Yuxin still attaches great importance to this matter. After reporting the situation to the leaders in the office, she quickly rushed to the local investigation that Li Yuan said.

And Li Yuan found a black Internet cafe, sent the video on the car to the local forum in Wuxi City, and then went back to it with satisfaction. For Li Yuan, this matter is over. . Anyway, he has personally retaliated against Wu Hua. As for how the police will punish this guy, it is not something Li Yuan can control.

However, although the police will punish Wu Hua for not having a letter, but this guy is already on the Internet. Whether it was a photo of other passers-by in a circle of friends, or a video of Li Yuan’s posting to the Internet, it immediately caught the attention of many people.

In particular, young people in this city of Wuxi City have begun to pay attention to this guy with acne and dare to take off his pants on the bus. Among them, Wu Hua’s classmates naturally recognized the new net red “Breakout Pants Demon”, which was originally his classmate Wu Hua.

So whether in the campus forum or the circle of students' friends, Wu Hua immediately became the most mentioned name. And many of the things that this guy used to do were also put out on the Internet. What classmates sneaked away in advance to avoid paying the bills, showing love to the school sister was rejected, and deceiving the school girl to open the house was beaten by the boyfriend of the family, in short, it was a scandal that could not get on the table.

So the people came to a very consistent conclusion. From the consistent performance of Wu Hua, this is what he expected to do on the bus today. There is nothing strange about it.

This information is uploaded to the network through various channels, and the result is Wu Huahong, and it is the kind of red and purple that the reputation is completely stinky. This guy will be very upset for a long time in the next.

And slightly disciplining the bad behavior of Wu Hua before, it is only a small matter for Li Yuan, the past has passed, and now he has more important things to do welcome friends to visit, the latest The fastest, hottest serials are available at Mobile users please read.