MTL - Peerless Martial God 2-v5 Chapter 1682 Heavenly ancestors!

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Just when Lin Feng was slightly surprised, the eight Ding had suddenly accelerated into Lin Feng’s body. Lin Feng felt that his seven-eight-eight-pulse and five internal organs had a while tearing, and they were actually born by these eight magic dragons. Tears out the subtle cracks!

Lin Fengqiang endured the great pain in his body, tried his best to control the vitality in his body, and did not want to be torn by the eight virtual dragons that invaded his body. But these eight trips are really powerful, and they will actually turn Lin Feng’s meridians. A little tearing!

"Dao a predecessor, what the **** is going on here, why do I have some strange things in my body!" Lin Feng found that there were a lot of cracks in his body that had never felt before, and These breaths are so turbulent!

The sound of the road stunned sounded: "Ah... Lin Feng, this is the sacred spirit of all the gods and gods! I didn't expect you to have the sacred spirit, it seems that you are not far from the breakthrough!"

Although Lin Feng’s heart is somewhat pleasantly surprised, this situation is quite dangerous now. If he can’t control this trend of further tearing, then he’s probably not broken through the celestial ancestors.

Tao Yi was also serious at this time, to Lin Fengdao: "Lin Feng, now guide these holy spirits, let them flow to your upper, middle and lower Dantian, and then use the fire of Jiayan to return to calcination!"

Lin Feng, according to the guidance of Daoyi, gradually controlled the pure element of this silk into the three Dantian gas seas, and then introduced the fire of Jiayan, a bang, the fire burned in Lin Feng's body!

Looking at Lin Feng’s painful look at the Buddha’s Buddha and the eight Ding Laos, I suddenly found that Lin Feng had a breath that made them feel dangerous, and Lin Feng’s eyes showed a red color!

"Ha ha ha ha, Lin Feng, you have not saved, these eight tripods will completely refine you, let you live for my son, the magic of the ages!" The witch Buddha is smirking, full of excitement!

Lin Feng was almost fainted by this burning heat. Suddenly, a sound sounded, but it was the ice spirit that has been in the world of Wuhun: "Lin Feng, I will help you!"

Now eight virtual tripods have been burned by this fire, such as eight lanterns. Under the tempering of the cold wind of the ice spirit, it instantly becomes smaller and solid, and it has become eight small as a ring. The size of the essence of the shape!

The coldness of the cold air filled, Lin Feng's body of ice and fire alternated between the two days, so that Lin Feng will become an ice layer, and then a blue smoke, the excited Buddha's holy Buddha screamed: " Not good! He has not been refining... my tripod..."

The eight Ding Laos were also horrified at this time: "Mother, how is our Ding not controlled by us, why is it like this!"

They have become a mess, but at this time they have exceeded their control. The face of the Buddha’s Buddha has suddenly spurred a killing gesture. He said: "What are you doing? Everyone started to kill him. !"

Originally they wanted to turn Lin Fenglian into a new soul, but now there is no hope. If Lin Feng is to abandon his own trip, then it will be abandoned!

Several people shot at the same time, the swords came out, and stabbed out to Lin Feng's vital place. Even if they fight for the last trace of life, they can't let Lin Feng win!

At this time, Lin Feng was in the midst of extreme pain. She was completely confused. Although she could see these people spurting themselves, she was completely incapable of counterattacking. My heart was screaming badly. I am afraid that I really want to hang this time. !

Sun is not far away, hate and fight cold and practice

However, when these swords penetrated into Lin Feng's body, a strange scene appeared. The sword penetrated into Lin Feng's body, as if it had penetrated into an illusory image. Without any wounds, it was then dialed out and the sword was already It is melted to leave only one handle!

Just as Lin Feng’s heart was anxious, the heat of Dantian’s gas was scattered, and a new tripod appeared!

This tripod is different from the eight tripods. It shows the color of red gold. There are countless and fringes floating around the body. It is like a neon light. It transmits a lot of light and shadow. The light and shadow directly penetrates the body of Lin Feng. In the body of the witch, the Buddha, etc.!


Not far from the end, I hate fighting alone or not.

A few voices screamed, and the place where the pattern was illuminated, immediately appeared a burnt-like imprint, and the flesh was black as charcoal!

One of the Ding Lao was directly photographed with one eye, and the Witch of the Witch was photographed by this pattern. The white skin was instantly very old, and it became like a bark that was dry and ugly. The Witch of the Witch was no longer in the heart. Love war, the pain screamed away from the volley!

The eight Ding Laos also fled in the wild. They didn't know what the light halo that Lin Feng had transmitted, but they have already learned it. It is not what they can compete against!

The road was so excited that I couldn’t say anything, and said: "I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it! In this world, there was a later person who gave birth to a sacred god. This is a self-evident Since the first precedent for God, Lin Feng, you have to succeed, and then persist for a while!"

A vendetta

On top of the earth at this time, the inexplicable sky is full of light, and the sky is full of colorful streamer patterns. This pattern conveys thousands of miles, straight through the heavens and the earth, wherever it goes, it is filthy and clear, a clear color!

Even the dried grasses that have dried up countless loads are also sprouting green!


A burst of sound, a beam of light from the foot of Lin Feng, the beam is a few hundred meters of giant, through the sky, straight to nine miles, like a huge streamer waterfall, flowing with turbulent ripples!

The monks led by Li Kechang saw this situation, and they had already stunned and fled, and fled out for a thousand meters!

"Li, President Lin Feng, what is going on here!" asked a monk in amazement.

"I don't know!" Li Kechang looked ugly. He had already said to these monks in advance that he deliberately let Lin Feng drop the bill when he was fighting. He wanted to remove Lin Feng through the hand of the witch, but now I don't know why, but the atmosphere of Lin Feng is even stronger!

However, they also felt the power of these patterns on their bodies at this time. They felt that the patterns made their own cultivations suddenly increase at the same time. The body actually broke through several levels and made bursts of bursts. The sound of the sound!

Li’s face is even more gloomy at this time. His own cultivation has improved, but his ambition is naturally greater. He can’t see Lin Feng’s strength, which is simply to raise the tiger!

Finally, Li’s selfishness has risen to the back of Lin Feng’s position, and suddenly he shot a black light!

"Lin Feng, this is no wonder that I have a long Li! To blame you, you are too fond of the limelight!"

Li Kechang played a thick nail with a thumb, coated with the most poisonous poison, as soon as the person touched it, the blood will stagnate and explode!

Sun far away from the ground

However, this black light hit the back of Lin Feng's heart, and suddenly rebounded back!

I haven't waited for Li to respond, and the smirk on his face has solidified, and the black light hits his palm!

Especially he is the exclusive refiner of this poison, but helpless, this poison is absolutely poisonous, there is no antidote at all, his palm bursts instantly, flesh and blood collapses!

It’s also that Li’s master is high and his heart is sorrowful. Seeing this situation is not good, and in the end, a knife is cut on his right arm, and his right arm is cut off...

The arm turned black in the air, the poison broke out and it exploded into countless pieces!

Lin Feng is so suspended above the sky, his eyes are relaxed, his consciousness is blurred, as if he is already dead!

Even Li’s sneak attack on himself was unaware of it, and even Li’s flying and fleeing did not do anything to stop it!

Lin Feng feels that he seems to be infinitely big now. He is looking down at everything in this world. The earth has become a real circle. It seems so small and quiet in Lin Feng’s dream!

The road calls for Lin Feng’s name: “Lin Feng, wake up quickly! You have already broken through the goddess of the Now it’s the time of the knowledge, don’t let this spirit Diffused between heaven and earth, you must take back yourself!"

Lin Feng was able to hear the voice of one, and it was in his own consciousness. Lin Feng couldn’t help but be shaken. The already confused consciousness returned to his body a little bit. After a long time, Lin Feng’s eyelids slowly Moved!

Slowly open your eyes and look at the sky above, you can't help but frown. In your own vision, there are countless filaments floating gently, but when you look again, it is stunned!

These filaments were actually born from Lin Feng’s own body, and extended in all directions with Lin Feng as the center!

Through these countless and light filaments, Lin Feng seems to have made an induction with all things in this world. Lin Feng heard the birds singing thousands of miles away, the insects in the ground, and heard the cheers and exclamations on the ground!

"What is above the sky, is there another sun?" There was a scream from the sky.


"Isn't the spacecraft exploding, or the meteor is going to fall!" Another voice came!

This kind of delicate and incomparably clear voice has been passed into Lin Feng’s ears from all directions. This feeling is really wonderful. It seems that he has become a god. All this has resonated with himself. !

After the vengeance of the enemy, hate is hate

"Lin Feng, you finally broke through!" Daoyi said with a meaningful meaning.

As Lin Feng slowly recovered consciousness, but on the earth, it has become a mess. The alarms of China and surrounding countries have been alarmed. Many air defense warnings have been activated. The Ministry of National Defense of the floating sang country has monitored Near the airspace of my own, I even monitored the nuclear explosion!