MTL - Peerless Martial God-Chapter 17 Bell and drum

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In Han Han’s room, Lin Feng and Jing Brow froze tightly, and his eyes became a line.

"The injury is very heavy." Lin Feng looked at the injury of Han Han, although the military's resilience is super strong, but Han is very hurt, the sternum is broken, I don't know how much, the internal organs are damaged, and it is almost impossible to rely on self-recovery. .

"Nothing, I have been hard since I was a child, and I can't die." Han Man was very optimistic and grinned.

"Where is your body repaired?" Lin Feng glanced at Han Man, Han Man blinked his eyes and did not dare to look at Lin Feng's eyes. Yes, even if he would not die, would it be a waste in the future, even ordinary people would be worse. ?

"Lin Feng, let's go to the Black Wind Ridge, kill the monsters and use the beast kernel to change some elixir to Zongmen." Jing Feng looked at Lin Feng, although Han Man is a disciple of Yunhai Zong, but the disciple of Zongmen, He Qizhi Many, do not enter the inner door, after all, can not get attention, Zongmen will only provide you with a platform, there are exercises and martial arts, there is a place to practice, let you grow, only when you step into the inner door, can you count in the true sense Yunhai Zongren, so they simply do not expect Zongmen to help Han Man without compensation.

"It's useless. Han is very hurt. Even if the general medicine can cure him, it will leave behind the sequelae." Lin Feng shook his head.

"What do we do then?"

Lin Feng suddenly stood up, then turned and walked out.

"I went to Tianzhu Cliff, waiting for me to come back." The voice of indifference came, and Lin Feng walked out of the room, quietly swaying and swaying, holding his clothes tightly in the palm of his hand.

Han Man’s face was smirked, but the smile on his eyes seemed to be moist. Tianzhu Cliff, only Lin Feng’s guy dared to think, and dared to do it.

Tianzhu Cliff, one of Yunhaizong's most mysterious and sacred places, his reputation will be even louder than the life and death of Fengyunxia.

Although there are very few people in the Shangyun Yunxia life and death stage, but every once in a while, but there are very few people who dare to set foot on Tianzhu Cliff. Even if someone dares to go, it is definitely the Wushu and genius who really pursue the martial arts. Zong, many disciples even only heard the name of Tianzhu Cliff, do not know what there is in Tianzhu Cliff.

However, everyone has heard rumors that as long as they pass the test of Tianzhu Cliff, they can really be valued by Zongmen and get the treasures you want, but the test fails and the consequences are very heavy.

Above the peak of Yunhaizong, there is a stone cave palace, here is the passage of Tianzhu Cliff.

At this time, Lin Feng came to the passage of the passage under the peak.

"Yun Feng, a disciple of Yunhai Zong, wants to go to Tianzhu Cliff." Standing at the entrance of the passage, Lin Feng shouted at the passage.

The sound entered the mountain wall along the passage, and the echo did not go out. After a while, an echo came.

"Come in."

"Yes." Lin Feng responded and immediately entered the passage.

The passage was slightly dim, and the stone walls on both sides were engraved with a pattern. Lin Feng walked toward the light in front, and soon came to a cave.

This stone cave has a stone bed, a desk, a candlestick, and it is a very simple room, and at the moment the stone bed is sitting in a black robe old man, with his eyes closed and motionless.

"Do you want to go to Tianzhu Cliff?" The old man's eyes are still closed and his voice is light.

"Yes." Lin Feng replied.

"For what?"

"My friend was injured, the sternum was broken a lot, the internal organs were also damaged. I needed a remedy that could treat his injury and had no side effects." Lin Feng said calmly.

The old man in black robes opened his eyes, and the deep gaze seemed to have the power to penetrate, and Lin Feng was to see through.

"Dan medicine has, but it is difficult to repair through the martial arts. It is very difficult to pass the test of Tianzhu Cliff. Your martial arts will be released to me."

Lin Feng nodded, and the snake appeared in the shadow, but he did not release the dark martial arts.

"Well?" The old man in the black robe was slightly wrinkled. His knowledge was not broad, but he never knew that there was such a martial art. It was like a snake flying snake, and it was too thin, and there was no wild smell of the beast.

"You go in that passage." The old man in black robe reached out and had a lot of passages in his room, leading to different places of test.

"Thank you predecessors." Lin Feng nodded, and then stepped into the channel pointed by the old man.

Seeing that Lin Feng entered the channel, the old man in the black robe shook his head slightly, and the martial arts were repaired eight times, and the Wuhun was too weak. It was almost impossible to pass the test of Tianzhu Cliff. The passage he pointed to Lin Feng was to lead a bell. The cliff, lethality may be the weakest test, Lin Feng can withdraw at any time, but its difficulty is the biggest.

The old man in black robe read Lin Feng as a friend and did not want him to be hurt too much because of the test. Therefore, he chose to let Lin Feng enter it, so that Lin Feng could not retreat.

The bells and drums, the sound of the bells and drums, have not been heard for a hundred years, which means that no one has been able to pass the test of that passage for a hundred years.

Lin Feng entered the passage. The dark and dark passageway had numerous steps. It reached the top and embarked on a thousand steps. Lin Feng came to a stone gate. When Lin Feng approached, the stone gate opened from both sides.

"It's amazing." Lin Feng whispered, and the scene in front of him suddenly became more cheerful.

The fresh air rushed out, Lin Feng stepped out of Shimen, this place was actually a cliff of the Jedi, the gas of the clouds filled the air, with a hint of coolness.

On top of this Jedi, there are bells and drums standing on eight sides, some resembling the drums beaten by Lin Feng before the ancient battlefield, and the eight-sided bells surround an open space.

"Bang!" The stone wall was automatically closed. Lin Feng turned and saw a line of clear characters on the stone wall.

"Just need to let the sound of the bells and drums on the side of the eight sides of the drums pass the test?" Lin Feng read the words in the heart, and came to the middle of the eight-sided bell and drum.

I don't know what the mysterious sound of the eight-faced bell is, even if I need to ring one of the bells and even pass.

"Drink." Lin Feng's footsteps, a random punch hit in one of the bells and drums.

"Hey..." A muffled sound came out, and a round of empty ripples was released from the bell and drum, and fell on Lin Feng's body, letting Lin Feng step back.

"Well?" Brow a pick, Lin Feng stepped out again, the strength of the fist increased to five kilograms.

"Hey, hey!" The strong humming sound came out, and the ripples spread by the bells were made into essence, and powerful forces ejected and returned.

"Boom!" A wave of extreme tyrants fell on Lin Feng, letting Lin Feng's body fly directly.

"Cough." Dropped to the ground, Lin Feng coughed twice, a trace of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth, his heart stunned.

This is... nine waves?

Lin Feng’s pupils shot a sharp edge. The power that fell on him was actually the strength of the nine-wave, and this force is far stronger than the power of his drumming. This eight-sided drum can rebound and attack, and when rebounding Can make the power increase in multiples.

Curious, how can this drum have a rebounding power.

Lin Feng sat there without rushing up, his thoughts in his eyes, both of which were just squeaky voices, and there was no bell and drum response, and the more powerful he used, the stronger his attack would be. It seems to be a dead knot.

"No, since it is a test that must be passed, I just didn't find it. Moreover, the old man in black robe knows that I am weak and the soul is not strong. I should pick the simplest test. If I even test this simple test. I can't pass, let's talk about martial arts."

Lin Feng’s eyes were firm and stood up from the ground. At this moment, he fully understood the intention of the old black robes. This is not the simplest test, but the most difficult test. The old man in black robes wants him to retreat, but Unexpectedly, it aroused the martial will of his attachment.

"Dark martial arts." Lin Feng thought of a move, the dark martial arts released, and his gaze became deep, and in the case of the use of dark martial arts, all abilities were improved, including savvy.

The long sword was scorned, the thunder was blown up, and the sword was bombarded on the other side of the bell.

"call out……"


The sound of Jianxiao and the thunder of the explosion mixed together, and the counterattack came, Lin Feng’s sword trembled, and a layer of swords appeared in front of him, blocking the sharp swordsman who bounced back.

"Hey!" The clothes were cut, and Lin Feng’s body had a blood oozing out. As he expected, the sword that bounced back was twice as strong as the sword he sent, even though he was still fully defended. hurt.

"Just be to practice the sword." Lin Feng did not retreat, but also a sword swing, stabbed on the other side of the bell.