MTL - Peerless Martial God-Chapter 20 The trend of the sword

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The sound of the sound of the bells and drums brought unprecedented shock to Yun Haizong. Just when they thought that the sound of the bells and drums was the last sound, the next sound of the drums would be passed on.

When the sound of the seventh bell and the drum sounded, Yunhaizong was quiet, only the holy voice lasted for a long time.

The people of Yunhaizong even gave birth to a wonderful feeling, as if there was only the sound of the bells and drums that shocked the soul in this heaven and earth. This sound is like the power of heaven and earth, covering the entire Yunhaizong.

Nangong Ling held his hand and looked at Tianzhuya. The robe swayed in the breeze, and around him, Mo Zhen, Mo Xie, Yun Haizong disciple, and even Chu Zhanpeng and Lin Biao also looked in that direction. Give people a dreamy feeling, it seems to be, pilgrimage!

Tianzhu Cliff, in the Lonely Peak Stone Cave, the old man in the black robe stood there, looking up at the top, with a bit of solemnity and solemnity in his eyes.

The old man in black robes guards this day, and in Yunhaizong, even few people know that there is his existence. However, even if the lord Nangongling sees him, he must politely scream.

He saw that Lin Feng was only a martial art, and the Wuhun seemed to be very weak. So he entered the most difficult test, and he hoped that Lin Feng could retreat, but the empty old never thought of it. Yes, Lin Feng only relied on the weak repair, but it sounded the sound of the bells and drums.

What shocked the old man is that the sound of the bell and the drum screamed, and it was long and long, and the world of Yunhaizong was shrouded. At this moment, the seventh sound has already been sounded.

In the millennium history of Yun Haizong, no one has ever created such a miracle.

Steps move, empty and step into the passage to the bell and drum, follow the steps of the passage, step by step, the solemn look seems to be waiting for the sound of the eighth drum.

At this moment, above the cliff, the sword is still vertical and horizontal, but the sword at this moment is no longer arbitrarily raging, but with the long sword in the hands of Lin Feng, the sword pointed out that the sword is invincible.

"The potential, the sword is in the direction of the enemy, and everything is gone." Lin Feng’s face is smiling, and the eight-faced bell is extremely wonderful. It seems that only its potential is broken, to overwhelm the powerful force of the bell and drum. The power attack can only ring the bell, just like Lin Feng, the trend of the sword, using the more powerful sword than the rebound to attack it, only to play it.

"Now I have already sounded the seventh drum and drum, and with this last side, it is the eight sides, it should be regarded as the perfect test of the bell and the drum." Lin Feng’s heart screamed, so he still thinks this It is the simplest test of Tianzhu Cliff.

The long sword is spurred, and the smoldering sword is merged into one, and the cold sword is swallowed on the long sword.

"Give me a ring." With a big bang, the sword gasified into a stream of sly, banging to the last side of the drum.

"Hey!" The sound of the eighth bell and drum trembled over Yunhaizong. After a long period of time, the martial arts behind Lin Feng disappeared and sat down directly, then lay on the ground.

"This should be able to get the medicinal herbs, to treat Han Man's injury." Lin Feng, who used all his strength, showed a bright smile.

The sound of the rumble came, and I saw the stone wall open, and a figure from the inside, it was the old man in the black robe.

Seeing the old man in the black robe, Lin Feng climbed up again and asked the old man: "Predecessors, have I passed the test? Can I get the medicine I need?"

The old man saw that Lin Feng’s clean smile was first smashed, and then there was a strange emotion in the heart that had not fluctuated for a long time. Perhaps Lin Feng himself did not realize what he had done. What he wanted was not the honor of this unprecedented person. It is just a remedy to treat a friend's injury.

"Of course." The old man in black robe nodded and took a bottle of medicinal medicine from his body and threw it to Lin Feng. "There are some healing Dans here, one is enough to treat your friend's injury. As for the other, you Keep it yourself, maybe you can use it later."

"Thank you predecessors." Lin Feng had some accidents. According to the old man's words, a medicinal medicine is enough to treat Han Man's injury. The preciousness of this medicinal medicine is obvious. The other party gave him a bottle. Lin Feng did not. Do you suspect that the black robe old man, by virtue of the identity of the other party, need to deceive him by this means?

"This is what you deserve to pass the test, but what you need to remember is that you should not mention it with anyone through the test of the bells and drums." The old man snorted, and Lin Feng sang with a martial arts. Eight-faced bells and drums, no matter how Lin Feng did it, the Lin Feng talent that broke the history of Yunhaizong is undoubtedly empty, but the old man does not want Lin Feng to be stared.

In Xueyueguo, there seems to be a lot of sinister murders of other outstanding disciples who are outstanding in Zongmen’s talents but have not grown up. Today’s Lin Feng’s ringing of the rising bells of Yunhaizong will undoubtedly make him Be the object of some sects who want to hunt first.

"Good." Although Lin Feng did not know what the black robe old man had to do, he still nodded.

The old man in black robe looked up and said to the distant side: "Northern old man, you take him back."

Lin Feng stunned, here is a cliff cliff, only the mountain cliffs are left in sight, but the old man in black robes obviously does not speak with the air.

"Well, old ghost, you go back." There was a voice coming out of the mountain cliff. Lin Feng looked up and saw a black spot leaping down. This black spot has a pair of huge wings and snowy dream wings. It was actually the wings of the crane.

"The strong martial arts can vacate the sky, and the air is empty. I didn't expect to have such a strong person in Yunhaizong." Lin Feng was so eager to feel the hurricane, and he almost could not stand still.

Flying sand and gravel, the figure of the crane descended on the cliff, let Lin Feng's pupil condense slightly, it is him!

The appearance of this figure, Lin Feng, is actually the old man of the Guard House in the Star Court. At this moment, there is still a little bit of dejection and laziness in the old man of the squad, and the brilliance in the eyelids is faintly suffocating.

"The people who guard the Star Court are really unusual." Lin Feng made his guess more.

"Boy, let me introduce you to you. This old ghost is one of the guardians of Yunhaizong. You can call him empty. As for me, he is the guardian of Zongmen. You can call me Bei Lao." The old man’s mood seems to be Extraordinarily good, the guardian of the sect, the status in the sect is extraordinary, even if the sect sees them to be polite.

The loyalty to Zongmen who can become a guardian is far from being comparable to that of others. In their minds, only Zongmen, Lin Feng knocked on the wall and the eight-sided bell and drum, where the old man can be unhappy.

"North old, empty old." Lin Feng smiled at the two people, the two sects guardians, should be regarded as the top of the sect.

The empty old man nodded silently, then turned and walked toward the stone wall. After a while, the stone wall opened, and the empty figure disappeared into the darkness.

"This old ghost stays in the hole every day. It’s hard to say a few words in a few days. It’s already indifferent." North old shook his head and pulled Lin Feng. "Let's go."

The murderous shadow of the martial arts of the crane reappeared, and the space crossed a hurricane. Lin Feng only felt that his body was vacated. Looking at the emptiness under his feet, Lin Feng had a dreamy feeling. In the past, who dared to imagine that he could fly without Things soar in the sky.

However, in the nine continents, the powerful forces can make the military arrogant.